The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 4Page 4 — Lucltiiow Sentinel, do sday, October 7, I 99 :Changes of address, ordus'far subscriptions, andufidelivetable Cagle$ Ireton postage guatat4eed1. are to bcsent babe k ueltnaw Sentinel at the address ated here. Adventalegls•acceptaf on the condrtiap that inthe event of a Typographical error; the par - tion oi.tle 00054 space occtipked by the errone+nus item together with a reasonable allowance far mature, will not be charged for', butte balance of tbe.advertisement will be pall at the applicable rates• Q wes Pushera Community Newspaper 619 Cau pbe8C St., I.uvktnow, Ontario P.O. Box 400. Lucknow, Qntario N0e.r 280: phone:.( I91528-2822 fax; -(519)528-3529 i skibl sh l 1873 — ... , Tong Thompson .44verti0hIgr 1 Pat Livingston — Genert Deter i ` for 'PhyllisMatthew MUD, Ofile0 ArindulltratOr Joan Courtney Typeelettter Subscription Bates advance; Regular 625.00 (tncl. postage' and fins T) .:senior 6233 521incl. postage and Gr.S,T.) Foietgn 4 USA - 098.O0. Publications Mail:7Eregistratton No, 076.x55 • heldat Ooderich. Oritat'to. T'ublinhed a9 throes a year, C..11 mait:luclasentOhurontcl.on.ca Internet address lhttp:fKswvw.bowesnet.;com/luelettow/ Interfacing wi1 the touch tone on your phone Being able to interface With 'the touch tone on a telephone will. soon' be one of the prerequisites employers will be demanding! Arid hand in hand with that will be the ability to store fast -paced verbal instructions in your grey matter, and subsequently recall which part of the instruction you need to avail. Will the ability to communicate with human beings fall lower on the totem pole. of skills? I doubt it, but if youuse the phone very much you will have to agree my first two sentences are food for thought. Years ago, new technology meant going from the old phone on; the wall with the crank handle that. required the assistance of a real person to connect your call, to the traditional. black phone that still required an operator's assistance, to the rotary dial, `and: then to the touch tone. • In today's business environment, it is not unusual to have your call answered by a ",voice not, a person! The voice prompts you to. touch 1 on Our touch tone pad if you know the ,extension num- her of the person you.wish: to speak to. ,Then you are .told to enter the exten- *sion.` In some instances the extension is „followed by the # sign. If you're lucky you might get the live human , being you , wish to'speak to: If you're 'unlucky, you.,.get voice mail: , "Hi, this is John Smith'. I'm in the office today, but I'm either away from my office or on the phone. Please leave. a message and 111 get right .back to you. Por' immediate assistance press 0." 1 really don't mind the new, technology. If you have a , , handsfree mitten button Don your phone, you can always :continue working using both hands whileyou listen to the ''spiel", interrupt your; work to play with the touch tone pad and,then talkwhile you continue using both hands for some other project. 'We've come a tong away since Alexander:;Graham Bell invented. the phone. Phone features have become an intregal way of doing business. People now carry eell phones and pagers, During a recent phone call,_my grey 'matter was a :li'itle thick The person's answering machine ,came on. He talked for a bit and Hien proceeded to. give instructionsif. l 'wanted to fax, followed by his pager number. and more instruction. This gent. talks rapidly.ended up with: ' part of the pagernumber and had to callbacklisten to the message again. and get the rest of the pager nam .ber. , Answering machines can be found in most homes. these days. Some of: the'messages'Simply.d(, the job, and some are rather funny like the older man' who says at the end of his message ..."if you want money, "Call the bank!" Guess who that, was alined at. Do you get bugged when your answering machine is flickering but no Message Was left? Ever' use the *69 feature to find dist who called last?. I got into that a couple of tiines, but for 50 cents each, time I figure if it was important the caller would.leave a message.- so Make sure you cici�! • A golden oldie- This picture of studenti,and teacher at S.S. # 10 Ashfield: was taken on Sept. 1894. Do you recognize anyone? (courtesy of Eileen Ashton) 2, • October is child abuse prevention month Too many children in Grey and Bruce counties. are experiencing physical;. emotional, ,or sexual abuse. This is not a prob- lem that just 'happen's in big cities It's happening right here in our commu- naies. It is also happening, on our .computer through ' the Internet. Sydney Misener, execu- quickly CaII Crime cal neglect = failure to pro- Live director of .• The Stoppers, The Children's vide food, shelter,- cloth- ' Children's Aid Society of Aid Society or the polio; • ing, hygiene and medical dwen Sound and the Child Abuse could be attention; emotional•abuse County of Grey said, sexual abuse where the - rejection, belittling,' "Everyone in, the comoiu- ; child is used for sexual blaming, accusing and nity, has an obligation' to' gratific'ation; physical Shouting can cause emo- act when a child is at risk. abuse- all .fours of physi ,tional damage: Children's When :someone, is con- cal discipline or force that ' • tuon'to page 10 corned about a child's' can cause a childphysical safety they should act : or erotionalharm; physi, uash courts are s ol: 10, yeara'ago, Oct. 5;1988 : • Anyone%$topping by the .Ltucknow Sports Complex can easily seethe advancements being carried' out at the facility but, according to Recreation Director Bill Hunter, there area number of plans•on.'the gO which the public may not yet be aware of: =y -The new recreation room, complete with • squash court, is complete ,;and 'the court has already been tested. 'Residents, the area are now welcome to' use. the enclosed court. A 'nominal introduc- tory fee will be, charged: at this time until a squash court ,executive is formed. As of this week; Chisholm Fuels of Lucknow has been Warming the hearts and homes of their Customers for 50 years.' It was ear ; October, 1938 8. that Ben Chisholm' wasPPorate a 'agent for iag , Irmiperial Oil with a territory which includ L• ucknow proper and an area as far notth'as l,,Kinloug 20 years ago; Oct. 4, 1978. he 1-luron County edition of the' International Plowing Match set attendance records for the 65 year history' ofthe rnatch despite downpours Wednesday and Saturday that turned much, of ,the Wingham.site into a quagmire,: A spokesman for the, Ontario Plowman's Association(OPA) said between 2f5;000and 220,000 people attended the match during its five day span. Congratulations to Mrs.; Morley Bushell (Doris 'Bari of Wingham-who swon won first prize for her beauti- ful quilt in the quilt competition at the Plowing Match at Wingham 50 years'ago,. Oct. 7, 1948 envy.road equipment of the Huron County Highways a .,1Commission is in, operation ',. at present, at Glenn's Hill, cutting back the high einbanknicnts, which have been a'factor •in heavy snow drifting at this point each winter. There was a big crowd at Dungannon Fair on Friday, featured by a dozen different specd and thrill events. The pony classes this year were a new attrac- tion with 27 animals exhibited.'` Secretary T. M.'.Durnin summed up this year's fair as the;biggest and best since the fair was inaugurated away back in the '80,s.