The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 1VOL 12$ '40 uron-. ' class elector Two in race for mayor by pat Livingston and Bruce Tanner, all cur- . . As of Monday after- .. rent .Huron Township noon, several ,people had .councillors, • declared, their intentions to seek a position on council for the new municipality of the Township of Huron - Kinloss. Stuart Reavie, Lucknow's current reeve, and -Murray Thompson, Huron Township's reeve:. 'have filed papers for the position of mayor, onlY one_iainie. so ,far for the deputy -reeve" and - that's Keith Vanderlioek who is the current deputy' reeve of Huron Township. Five councillors are 'to be elected for thenew ntuniicigality.''ib date,.foulr have -entered their names- Lillian .Abbott, current Lucknow urret.tLucknow councillor; Bert Elliott, Wilfred' Gamble Two people, one • from the former village .of Lucknow and one from the Former Ripley PVC, are needed to sit on the Lucknow-Ripley PVC.' John D MacKay has filed to represent the former Ripley PUC, A, Lucknow rep is still needed. The deadline for filing, papers is Oct, 9 at;. p.m. However,_ anyone who. files 'has the opJti:on of withdrawing ,up to Oct.. 13 - at 5 p.m, 1, • Voting day is, Nov. 9, with advance poll on Oct: 31. The preliminary lists of voters have now been posted .at. the municipal offices: Check them out to make sure .you , are ,regis- tered. x And Burgess had•. no fear in having:` his:. face' painted by Jessica"'Gilchr.ist on Saturday. He knew the paint'mould wash otf his face taster than. his hair grew back after he was shaved bald earlier'this year -for the Cops fpr. Cancer fund-raiser. Jessica was helping raise .money tor' the Guides and Pathfinders Mosaic trip, while Andy, was on, ditty' at; the. Chil- dren's car seat, safety check On Saturday. (ileum photo) • ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1998 reakfast progr by Pat Livingston "It takes a village to raise a child." That's the motto of staff at Lucknow Central Public School -who are. involved in the daily ;morning breakfastsbeing offered to students who, for any reason,. didn't have the most important meal of the day. The program is an initiative of LCPS with moral and Monetary support ($2,000) from the 131uewater District . School Board. Teacher .• Deb Marion has had a keen interest in getting, this program going at LCPS, but it• wasn't' until ,this year that it came about: An .application has' 'been made to: Canadian . Living Breakfast for Learning. for monetary, support too. The Canadian, Living Foi#ndatioe 65f INC1 lDES G *Ts start to the dayand all the.advantages we can to opti- rnize the learning process," says Marion. " Students who access the breakfast program, can choose from healthy cereal, toast and jam (or honey), , and juice. Campbell hopes to. have one hot breakfast per week on the menu. Children have the responsibility of washing up their dishes. ' The teachers aim to have a Core gi uup of volunteers . in place to supervise and prepare ,the break- fasts. Theyare reaching into the comrnunity for these volunteers, If they can recruit 20 to 25 vol. unteers, each would , have only one Morning per month, In the 'first three days of the programan aver age.of .12 students came. (CLF) provides 44 pia>4 iri for tai 97''CL �° ; in,4.1'9'97° �L'l�' surdey; form'for the devet'op,.. �, of'2,000•Canariians".'it rnent and. sponsorship of v was ,, found`,. that. programs designed to °` `Canadians strongly assist. and proniete the ,Anne Mann (left) is one of the volunteers for the agree with the state- w+ellbeiiig of',Canadian breakfast prcgram'•at t,CPS. The program, co-ordinat , ment: "Child hunger in familieswith the,.focus ed by Marlene Campbell (centre), and Deb' Marione,; the early " years. of: on children," received Some Monetary" support from••the Bluevvater school: increases the Teacher, Marlene school board. (Livingston photo), likelihood Of. poor ' Campbell` explained 'that school perfortnanee,, 'the school did a survey last spring on the eating habits of behavioral probletns, school' drop-out and criminal LCPS students. The results showed that .there were activity If not addressed? child hunger will have a nega- number of student* who didn't eat breakfast beeause.•of, tive.impact on:.Canada's economic competitiveness'in various reasons -- they got up too late, they didn't feel the future." like-eating'that early or there Was not enough food in the:,. .... "It takes a village to raise a Child," Can you help a"s a house, volunteer?- Call Deb Marion or Marlene Campbell: at• • really important that we give our children.a good LCPS• 528-3022. !.urance pasts decrease' :Ashfield Township approved its; renewalof insurance coverage when it met on Sept. 22, Jeff -Coleman, of Prank" Cowan. insurance:- Co: and Wayne McDonagh of McDonagh Insurance , Brokers attended the' meeting to;; present, the: 98199 program. The total Cost is $26,033 plus taxes,: which is a decrease of $3,0010 from 'last year's premium. Sanies Rieck discussed his assessment to the Cowan. Drain; for ,work, recently completed.He:explained that part of his land has been severed to create lots prior to his • purchase` of the land and that, he was assessedfor the total acreage including the severed lots now owned.by others. Council advised' that either a new- engineer's ewengineer's report would have to bedrawn up: or the current owners 'of the severed lots would: have to sign" a document agreeing to assume part of the drainage: assessment on their lands, "Ater discussion,, a resolution from ,the Township of Qravenhurst received "eoun- eil'.s support. The resolution .asks the ,. Constable province to make amendments: to, the Ontario Municipal Board appeal process and/or the Panning Act because of the potential for abuse of the process., Council denied: a 'request' 'from Colborne Township "to share in thecosts related to a stray dog pickedup by the: Colborne animal control: officer in the boundary area of Colborne "and_Ashfield It. was noted that the same sn uation had recently occurred on the ,Ashfield-; Huron*Township boundary with:: Ashfield assuming all costs associatedwith the capture,and disposal of the dog, The clerk will investigate options for the care of the park lot in Dungannon as the 10E Foresters, Court Beniniller #7901, -advised, eouncil `they will no longer provide niainte±nance. Council will be advising the minister' of -environment that it strongly apposes the draft regulation; designating dust sup- pressants' as a waste product and the con- ditions that would be imposed as a result. of this designation, • Question asin, ubu la rr West ' Wawanosh Township: council has been approached by Huron County Library Board to support the dos- ing of the 'Auburn branch, library. Before council makes a decision, asurvey will be posted in the branch; and the post office for four" weeks requesting public comments. Council decided at its ,Sept, 22 meeting to retain the services of 13. Culbert 1.td., 0ntaria Land. Survey, of Goderich, to continue with the; pro posed Boundaries Act application for thetoWn-" ship landfill site on Part of • Lot 21, Cone, 8,