The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 10Thieves tar The• village of Currie eras targeted by thieves on Sept. 22 and 23. The Huron OPP investigated 12 reports. - Thetts took place in homes, 'garages, and vehi- cles. On Sept. 27, the village of P'ordwich was the target with Live incidents report* ed. On Sept 26, police received a; .report sof uX break in art art Ashfield Township cottage.- An unlocked' bunkhouse was entered. A N'intendo•gatne control, CDs and in-line. skates were stolen. `ilaluue of the property was 5450. ' Perlice arrested; a 24 - year -old Qoderieh man. on Sept. 27 after ,a report. from a concerned citizen. about a suspicious person on the' area. of E'Idon Street, Ooderich. • The orale fled: en toot bit Was apprehended a short, distance away, et Gorrie The man has been. charged with breaching his probation. and failing to comply with officers undertaking. Re was remanded into custody. The man was. found .with a large amount of property that is believed to have ben obtained by chime. The police are request- ing equesting anyone who had their:, vehicles entered and items stotenaduuring the weekend to call them at 52440 l With farmers on the roads with equipment dur- ing harvesting days. the polite: are asking motorists to be mere: aware - drive at safe 'speeds and he observant for large equip- ment. Because of the kora corning off, a: lot Of deer are being spooked'and several vehicle deer culli- esions have taken place during the last week. Money. stolen: from shonie On Sept. 1,, about 7 wtirnedto watch out for ' p.txt. Huron QPP.ot'x c.er . this man and to contact.. were advised of a theft of potiee with any, inform*. ' money from. a. reside nee tial that wilt help solve sxti• CtOneession Sof. East'• this case or contact WawanvshTownship, Crimestoppers. A 75 -year-old lady was aplaroaehed that Morning around 11 3Q' 4:41. ray 4 sniuQQth talki•h# ware Ike • c;:e;zne to tiro door asking . about tools •that had been, for sale at the house'earli- . erin 41 's.ummer. The Until- ' brought an.'brought up'the subject of vehicles and she took him ' to the garage. to'show him a 1975. Dodge charger. ` . While in the" garagethe nares, vehicle horn honked several times. This man then told the .lady his, coir tula.r phone was rin.gtng and he hold ton leave, The man ran to his.; vehicle and left the residence., A short that@ :tater the 'lady EQurnd that soinetlrte had entered the •h4p.se going. 449 ,her bedroom and stole 'money, Wren flex Purse. . 'taken was:$I430 Ns,. 50s, .aac' loll dollar ;hilts. The, male& in this casu0' is dQ cribed• at ritediunt height and build with thick d rk_ kte It430! side aEnd rias (dean Shaven., The. vetticlt 1e ving :this loGati:oh Ny,'4 , tight 'burse ' two toi c pick up !tack. Pt opl.e. are being, Close c 1 for c d on ferris heel South Bruce detach- ment of the OPP feport an. incident involving a ferris wheelat the Ripley Fall Fair. ' At about a:30 on Friday night, the operator of the ferris wheel was unloading site people frvrnone of the "cradles," 'ma p`wwer went out and the ferris wheel began mov- ing until t•ht, anit became halanted. As the ferris wheel moved forward, the:. victim Nicole ilunter, tl, went up and over the safety bar: .john 1 e(..aig,, the ferriswheeloperator, was able tri reacitup aiid. pull Nicole to safety; It is unclear as to why the safety bar did nut keep the child in place: , Ska e board park pQsbie I.ureknow.Sentinel, Wednesday, September 3Q; l99S by Pat .1.4viogistott The k.ucknow.o zd� dis- trictjoint =mat= board is. investigating the possi- bility of 1taVing at skate* b aro. park at Caledonian ge Park. 0etneral ideas were tossed oat for discussion when: the board: met last week. If the project flies, it wont be until sprung. Bring in your Puppy or an empty bag oftbe puppy food and receive a. 8. lb. Bag of r 4, Pro -Per Puppy Lamb. Meal G Rice • We want you W. try our product so you Can see the difference Pro -Pet can make. Pro -Pet Premium pet foods are formulated with high quality treat proteins for a taste your pet vt4idt love it's complete and balanced. pra'iding optiiadal nutrition.. Pro -Pet makes a diet that's fust right for your special pet. wad it's guaranteed - 100%. satisfaction or you taaoneey back, • o Visit our LucknQw at. Riplsy iocations and trade up•to Pro- et:,..,,Tadayt LUCKNQW CQ -OP' Deutan Cclrinty Rct, t .ucknow.- 52979 77 Huron $treat 1.3i1;110Y 395ra6. r� lftur I cart '. 'tile vef n ant 1,4Zit at fell ttit Ode 1 ex i in 2;14t, fanlike* 1 to!k ort -t>t ito ll idying. or tri ent Wim: h lit Apptwoovv: ft* Vont' i* Qntarist suppten ent4; >pqmplete your Welltifdeci:aPPIkatk0 trifk and retro, it. t "9tctt( Qtr t K*1 of Fi to order.to receive your payment*, intwnoliQnJ t tr 1 7770);;..