The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 6Lucknow Sent nee, Wednesday, September 34, 1998 Paee 5. Presbyteriai holds fall rally UCW gather for general meeting • About 9.0 WMS mem- bers sat down to a salad supper in. the Melville Presbyterian:: • Church, - Brussels, on Sept; 21 to begin the Fall Rally of the Maitland Presbyterial.. Vice-president, Marilyn Macintyre ot, South Kinloss opened the Meet:- log eet-ing with a reading and • prayer: Theminister, Rev,,, Catherine. Campbell wet - corned' everyone to • Brussels, • The worship service was led by the Molesworth evening aux- iliary with, Betty Mitchell reading, the scripture. frciin Matt 4;. 18: - 24 of Jesus -caning His disciples to follow I im: 'In -her •medi-• tation Ethel Baker stressed the need for us to share • our faith- in many ways.: She7concluded by suggest- ing "leach eee did one thing for. someone else for MAIM s 10th year . Dear ediior; On Sunday, Oct: '25;:, MADD Waterloo Region .voile, be holding a special candelight''vigil 'tie coal- .memorate- • their ' Wth anniversary;.: The.,service will take plae.e at St. 'George's...' .Forest ' Hill Anglican Ch'urch,'" A321 Fischer. Hallman. Road, Kitchener,'• at 7;30 pen. Candles will be lit by family members: in memory of loved ones `' . who: have ":been kilied 'or '. injured .due to ,impaired driving:..: Candles for unknown.vieti.itis` wilt' be: lit by. guests. The 'servree; will be: attended .by :various police officers ln, the regions .of Waterloo, Wellington; Huron and ,Bruce as well .' as wardens of some areas. Each, participating fam- ily has.been.asked to bring a S" by,7" framed photo of their loved 60(s}..: MADD.HuronYBruc.e' has been asked to extend an 'invitation to anyone_ in -= .-- thi,s area who is a victim Of drunk, driving. Please' calt.$harm .Lee Wideman` at 519-844-p.8.5 for more tnfoxrnaiion 'an'd 'to 'be a part of this.' special eyefing. , each day what a difference that could make. Mary Joan Fisher closed with prayer: Daring .the, gathering of the offering'Janna Speers- Dodds of Brussels sang a delightful solo. Margaret de Boer of South Kinloss introduced the guest speaker, Diane . Petrie,; Director of Nursing with the Huron County Health Unit. She had been a nurse in Taiwan in 1965 where: she discovered. the whole person was' served. in body, mind,; and spirit .whereas in Canada it was divided: among different professions. Her theme of "Missions, Partners -Parish Ntirsing" told how the churches are -discovering Lynne • Magee President slid n t MADD Huron/Bruce Chapter, they need to be.'more involved in a health min- istry for ioneliness'and isolation and to reach- out to others.. Janna Speers- Dodds also told of some of the ways she is helping as a Parish. Nurse in the Brussels area. Special music was sup- plied by Janna and Aline Lee of Brussels which was enjoyed by everyone.. . - Area • - >fdueati.onal Consultant Fren Crisfield introduced • the studies for ' the new year. Following the courtesy remarks by -..Marion • Mundell of Gerrie, and the closing hymn, Agnes Bregman of •Teeswater led in the closing prayer..{sub- mitted by Mildred Loree) During , refreshment . gime, members, shared things they are thankful for and a favorite "thanks" Bible verse when mem- bers of the Lucknow UCW •gatheted:°•for their general meeting. The Citizenship end Social Action Committee, Margaret Black, .Edna Alton and Carol Atkinson led the program theme, . Communication.. • The meditation on 'listening' . was 'react by Lois Walden, There was Scripture from Psalm 30, a litany and a skit, "P,im Talking, A •• You Listening?" Susa Laurie and Becky nue sang Lord of the D. accompanied by Maq,arct • Hamilton. • President Marlene Struthers opened the busi- ness With a poem about Grandma, The UCW has purchased a refrigerator for the manse and other renovations will be looked after by the board., Beverly 'Thompson reported on the reunion open house at the church and manse. Church mugs will be sold at coffee time each month and are available at Thompson Investments. Glenda Morrison gave information on new activi- ties. planned for younger members of the congrega- tion, the first being an adult autumn.walk on Oct, 17. There will be babysit- ting available and crafts for the children, . Jessica Steiner and Lee Morrison .shared their Camp' Council .expel*, epees, They are -"now ,teen leaders in the CGIT;group. • Barb Helm 'and Laura. Lee Cayley reported from the 1JCW • Retreat ' • at Wildwood Lodge in June. • Mary Lou Irwin and Glenda Morrison attended the September Presbyterial executive Meeting. They shared the day's program. A video of the Reunion. , Sunday, service is avail- able for viewing. The • committee reports fol- lowed and the meeting closed with the UCW Benediction. (sub`mitted . by Laura Lee Cayley:) '98 Ford Contour SE/Mercury Mystique LS Sport Includes Air, Automatic & Sport Package HURRY IN...THIS LEASE PAYMENT WILL END SEPT. 30TH {ANA0JAN e"Al2 CANCta,QUne,01ON folly WISE 9UYE115 LAD log LEGAS. COPY, 30 sioch Pow '91E, ontour 5E/M ti ue 15,'monthly lease 9. 9.000 of 6 46 basad on 30 .t.nth'19aie from Ford Credit to qualified setoff lesfees, on approved credit', SOtOo conditiOnsand a'mllea eresfri.fidn:off6000'kmover30mo4 lap .5l;813/S2,99S down 9o9me93oroquIvalonttraderequired. First month's payment and security depositrequired,Freight 11740),licence, inturance and all applicable teats are'add(dona1 36%:fitt4nting on ail-in•etock next 1,999 9.,d twin (Sedan endWagor.(. 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