The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-16, Page 10Page 10- L,ut✓knoW entitlel, Wednes'ay,Septcmber 16,1998 'Beginnings is Celebrate students return theme for meeting to school with corniest. 'llBc Smurfs Jenna King 96, Rachel Van Diepen 94, Tyler Page 110. Bantams: Curtis Dyk 125, 134;. Simi Berry 138, 131, Grace Finnigan 125. Juniors: Samantha Dyk 162, Richard Elliott 189, 202, 183, 'I jrler Nicholson. • 201, Anson Ritchie 152, Amber Ritchie 160, Whitney Taylor 180, 174, 173. Seniors: D.J. Haldenby 253, 188, Marlene Johnston 198, Paula Taylor 180, 184. by Erbna ktaldenby The holiday weekend was celebrated in many ways as students got ready oto go back to school. The seventh. annual corniest washeld in the village at the home of Lea -Anne Haldenby and Brad Engel. Friends and neighbors gathered to visit, swim and eat.. The barbecued chicken was scrumptious! The Murray and Forster families travelled to Niagara Falls for, the wed- ding of Steven Murray and Cathy Biasin. The bride, and groom are honeymooning in Ireland and Scotland. and then on to Italy to visit Cathy's . grandparents, Steven is the son of Nancy., and Gerald Murray on the tenth (Stoners Lake Ave.). Congratulations from all of its. Unit 1 Unit 1 of the Lucknow United Church Women met in the , church parlour on Sept. 1. with 10 mem- bers present. The .theme of the ,meeting was "Beginnings." . • Aliene Bradley gave the call to Worship and opening prayer. Noma Campbell read the scrip- tures. Elsie Houston accompanied the hymns, Lois Walden gave the meditation. A new year in Puddleducks Friday, September 25th, 9:OQ• a, m. M 11:0Q a. m... For kids and parents . . Drop in for a visit . & a play,,. ...perhaps you might Want to stay . FORM'9 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC AUCTION The Corporation of the County of Huron Take Notice that. the; fanil(s) desc. ribed below will be offeredfor sale by public auction .a1.10:00 o'clock. in the forenoon 'on the 6th day o, f. Octoher,1998 ai b'uron .County:Court House; , 1 Courthouse Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2` Descdpilon of Lpnd(s)• Minhnum, Olds iota 09, the iat4 dladoh piic as of the neat day of ,Jveah hgl', I, Lot 4, Plan.133 • As pet Instrument Humber 497348 As per instndnent N4mber 311231 . Township of Tuckersmith, bounty of'.Huron Province 00100 • 2. Lw 5,.PIad. t33 . AS',per Instrument Number 197347• As pet 10nitrent Nunil>er 370192 Township of•Tuckersmith, County of Huron $18;720,82 • Province of (rntaiio 3 North.Pari Lot 29i Plan 133 As per Insintnent Number 138948 Township of Tuckersmiih, County' of Huron . $15,90542 Province of Ontario 4. Part of the South ?art of. Lot 19: Concession 10 ' ' .As per instn+rnentNumber 18697$; Township of West•Wawanosh, Countyof Huron . $2A81;8$' Province of Ontario° All amounts payableby the successful purchaser shall be payable:in Tull. • at the time ofthe sale by`cash,or money order or: a bunk 'draft' or cheque certified bya batik, trust corporation -or Province of.Ontario Savings Office. ,519,456,66. The,mdnicipality or board makes no representation regarding the lith 10 or any other:matters relating to the land to bu.sold.:Responsibility for 'ascertaining these matters rests withtlie potential purchasers., This sale is govemed by the Murtrctpa(1ax Saes Act,and thg Municipal .'tax -Sales :,Rues: Thein ss ffliurchaser will be required 'to, paY tine • amount bid .plus'accumulaied taxes.and the relevant land'lransfer tax. Pofurther information regardingthis sale, contact:: Treasurer, Corporaiiori of the county of Huron I Courthouse Square, Gdderich, (5nt5rio, WA 1 M2 Personal infotniatton•coutained on this form, collected pursuant to the Municipdf-1"az.Sates Act will oe used for the purposes of. that Act, Questions. should -be ditected to tiie Preedotn`of Information and Privacy , Coordinator al the instift tion responsible for the procedures under that Act... • the life of our church begins this month, The end of summer means pos- sibilities for new begin- nings.. Teachers find it par- ticularly hard as they face a new class at this time of year. A greek sage declared, "He has half the dee. d done who has made a new beginning." New beginnings make new life. Edna 'Alton gave a reading "A Tree." Mrs, Walden gave an article from the. Mandate or "The Classroom." A lady from the Brampton area is • teaching in a Multiculture Environment which brings challenges• and benefits to educators and students a like. She. has taken a world's reli- gion course and finds it challenging. The . rolicall • was answered by naming • something interesting you did during the holidays, and donating a dish towel and cloth to the kitchen. Lois read an article on the "Blacks • in Nova Scotia.", Lois and Edna served freshmeiats..(sab mitted:by Allow Bradley). Huron County HIV/.AI/D, Su Network H.C.H.A.iN. WALK FOR AIDS :Sunday, September 27 12G On, Registration. Robertson Public School ' Goderich Phone for pledge sht ate 402.1141 Person collecting the moat pledge dollars, will receive a Peter EMI Snyder terebration of lite" .$10181T Ride Print veined at approximately $250.00: Birthday Club Alex ender Van °Sch September 16 1989 9 Years OId Keidet J1111008 September 16,1.989 • • 9 Years Old' • ufon: Atkinson ;' 5epternber'17, 1999' 5 Years Old ' `Graeme McNaughton • September 18, 1988 10 Years, Old: KeVikl;Hansen: September 20, 1992 6 Years Old Amber'Hackett, September 22,' 1987 1 i Years Old Rochelle Lordry September 22,1989 '9 Years OId ` Nicole geyersbergen September 22,1992 G Years Old Christiin• ' The Lucknow ' sbyterian WMS started the fail term with a bounti- ful pot luck dinner in the church an Sept. 9. Norma Raynard wet corned everyone and opened the needing with a reading "Have You Had a Kindness Shown, Pass It On." • • • Audrey MacDonald led the ,devotions reading the: scripture from Luke 14: 25 33. Her topic was on the family and she said human • umo� New experiences in learning are happening to some of our young people. Brad Wilson is off to his first year in high school, at Walkerton District. Lucas. Thacker and Jason Wall are off to. Guelph University for .their first year. Tara Thacker,Kara Wall and Sara Haldenby utiough are all returning to Guelph to continue their learning. Brad Murray is going to Lombard, Illinois to continue -lis studies, Friends and neighbors helped Don Wall celebrat-. • ed a special birthday this past weekend. Happy birthday 'Don! Jack and Joan Barr joined family members at the annual Barr pienie in Woodstock on Sunday, Ladies from the com- munity attended a clothing party at thehome of Joanne Van Dana on Wednesday. ., Our sympathy is .extended to Sherry and Mike Taylor of Whitechurch and their families in the sudden death of their son, Justin William. Sherry' is the daughter of Bob and Dianne Wall of Salem who formerly lived 'in Westford on the 10th Concession of Cuirass. A private funeral was held on Saturday. : families important families are important but Christian families are even more important. Everyone 'answered the. rollcall with a summer highlight, Phemie Cameron had two readings for the,yari- ety number, "Grandma Says", and "You're • Only Dead Once." Shirley Hawthorne con-' ducted the business. It was decided to give a donation to help , the Explorer Group with sup- 'plies for thecoming sea-. son. Rev.. Peggy Kinsman. showed two • excellent ' videos, "Presbyterians Sharing" and "Let's Go To • the Lord's Corn .field," :• They gave us an excellent ., idea of where'. our offer ings go and how they are' used. Norma Raynardclosed the meeting with prayer. (submitted by Mildred Loree). . Skp�y.W .' lustituti During ` the last' few Women's Institute, wnh a' branch Would :provide::a months, ;the Lucknow view to eventual amalga- speaker,"and some enter.• ' JuniorWomen's Institute ' oration. taintnent. (submitted by .,. has participated. in saltire To this end, .a' Joint •`CecrliaMiltenburg) interesting •programs, and meeting was held on the undergone a:'•. ' major . evening • of ,Sept. •8, begin- change. • Hing with a pot luck sup In June,• members. tray- per; Two guests froth the ... oiled out to the country to executive of the Bruce. see the gardens of Cecilia County District Women's 1VIiltenburg, Theresa 'institute'were'present; to Ritgen, Attie Reitkerk, install the officers of the 0 and Sharon INlivins. The new Institute branch. Lois tt:7` Y `• enjoyed. seeing many dif Prieberrger, - District. ferent kinds•af flowers, President, and Doreen and left with many new McAdam,,: *Secretary. ' ideas to try,: Later the same. Treasurer, advised on The'Lucknow Women's month, a Lions Club meal ' questions" which 'cattle up, .Institute congratulated' the was catered: . and: the following officers newly.. formed Sepoy. There . was a break until were installed: president - Women's; Institute, foriner- August, when members ' Anne, Guay; vice president ' ly the Lucknow ,Junior. WI travelled to the Fireside - Pot, Porter; secreetary - when they, met last, Cafe,: south of Wingham,' Sharon' Nivins,. treasurer Tuesday : night: ' In the for a delicious meal, a' Nancy' Aitchtsoti; public future,.the Lttckrtow..WI short meeting, and then on 'relations LC.ec-"t-lia=-aniet-•t re-Sepoy WI will to Blyth`-tri--see=thery • M ltcn urg;_program co,. Amalgamate, humorous. play • 'Jobs, ordinator: - •, Deana After a delicious pot lobs, Jobs" ' • Reavie; Tweedsmuir histta:- luck'meal, a jciint meeting ' Because the provincial ry Jane, Hasty •, district was'held`and proved to be orgattization.has decided' director - Anne'.Guay,` interesting and'enjoyable.' to disband` the Lucknow (Nqaticy'Brown - alternate): We thank''the Sepoy WI branch as Junior Women's A !notion was made, ' for the invite, Together •a• Institute and become. a and passedweal' the new program to celebrate aur , branch ,of : the Federated , group;' the Sepoy Women's 90th birthday was Worked • Women's.. Institutes of ', Institute, • out: Ontario', A -couple meet- It was decided to have - We look•'forward to .the Ings per Year will be held another joint meeting.;on next•jointMeeting. . .in conjunction with. the Get: 13, at 7:30 (creole- (submitted by ' Mattel . existing Luckiiow: orate, and the. Sepoy : Whitby) • joiu;