The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-16, Page 44Liteitnew Seatth c , Wednesday, Septernta 6, 1998 - . Chomp of address, orders for subscriptions, anti undeliverable aldaopits ( {urn panto t;nacaztteedl' to lee scut � 1i* Luo1ow Sent el at thearldooss indicated here Advertising iaacccpt tt an the oontiition that in rho event of a typographical error, the m- 0114010 ,flanofthe advcrusing space oe.xrepiefi tiny rise orroueous aantt together• with a. reasonable allowance fors si jaLw a tyilt not an ct pt forr, but OW txalaitec of thr adveraseiooxie *litho patriot tho apiiticablu rates 4.6cou s Pitlishorm Comwntirlity Ncw:caper 619 Campbell at., Laaek QW. Ontazio IRO; Hoa 400. Lu l nttawr Ootarictli0Q 2H0 phew: MS) 7 . 48 f 8 a ((191 -a M Establish • l W • Tam Thompson —44brertialatte Pat 1,4vIngstoo Genova figtotagOr? or Phyllis Matthews lien -Offiee AdnatiniotratOr Jean Courtney — Typesetter Subscription Rates advance; ar x .ee find. postage mg g,S.T ) . Sri* 4=42 (t neL pastagx and -04.T.) Irorrigra U A -$98.00. plications mailRegistr<attan No. 07666 Mei at Garaexieb. Qntatio, Published 62 *nes a year. -ntatt:14ty kstaatvibure ttaterueai fire tp;//aw kowesxtet.coot/ elan / a parade? Everyone roves ac parade? Right? That's a very broad statement, and in my experience isnot. true, Asa reporter and photographer, t've attend„ . ed: al. latenumber of parades. And there's one •thine that really bugs men the lack of appreciation shown to those who have taken the dine to entera: float in a parade. Hoy many times: have you watched' a parade go .by and shown your appre- ciation by- putting, .the palms of your hands together to brake a noise i.e, clapping? . Lf you're one of these who does show that. appreciation; have: _ you • ever,watchecl the people around ycftt Da they clap? Del they wave Or d4 they stand there with a look on" them face' that • indicates they woaild like to he else- • where' • > heard many good comments. about the publics. response to Our refttaion parade. ono; genucompare ,d the; response in Lucknow .to the response they received in a; etty. We wom .However, I think,as a community'w:e Fran Still do better, We have the opportunity this wet kernel when the' fall fair,parade takes place on Saturday. ,Let.'srcally show our appreciation to those who7are entertaining, us. clap,. wave, whistle, greet .them by Mune, but def so nething:, There's nothing worse than bong on a float or in a car Sipttlin or waving, to grant -faced people on; the side- lanes, That's not what,.a, parade is all aborta Be..•an exa1,11p1e ref your young-"chlldaren - show your'apprecia- `front, andthey y too will clothe same. Everyone loves a Parade? Will,1et`s show itt • LQt years ago Sept. l.40 t9$8 ower power pro- e< t, The $2.$5 million power line project currently under e.onstriic;tion in the area. is ahead: of schedule and is expected to: be in full service . by August 1990. The project will .move ine?tpensive nuclear power from the Bruce Nuclear Plower Plant .to areassouth of tete City. of London. It involves. 1 S kms and 700 towers. No advertising in parade - The Lucknow Agricultural Society passed a. motion to. restriot any ;fronts in the Fail Fair parade frgm "political or religious - advertising." Themotion was made;follawing. request from the Huron - 1 ruce NDP Association to include a float in the parade. The Move was made to stop political. advertis.- ing. from being handed out during the parade, but would 'not restrict local politic;ai digni- taries 'from riding; in the proses- slop., Willoughby - "Street, turned:the. corner onto H tvelock and accelerateed ztt. a high rate of speed. . The driver lost control, went arrest; a lawn., hit a parked, ear• and. veered off the c;ar.into the verandah,. Dam.ag,ta • toa house was• a-1 o $8,000.. • 20 years ago Sept, tat 1978 ar Awns into,. house A car sial unec ,into the 'verandah on. tete front of Mtn, . and Mrs; Walter, Alton's knotted, on Havesloelt Street an; Saturday night. The ,car had stopped: at lionor - . The con- gregation of Ashfield Rretsbyterian Church' gathered to honor M. Lillian Simpson .for 25, years as the faithful dedi- cated organist and choir leader until her retire- ment in December 1977.. crown queen. - Sherri .le;rome; 17,, was chosen Miss Lucknow Fall. Pair. Queen at a dance sport-•• sored. by the f'tgric:ultulral • Society on Sept.,9-.. onl:nences &.est year at. cobbler's bench - S,C;, Rathwell of town Goin-. rrtenees his. 6.1st year in the Shoe busittess► And is still actively engaged every day at.the bench:,, . He is one of the very few, - praetising shoe repair • mere who learned.. the ' trade in the days,. when shoes .were.. al:l lt:andT • ttiacle. He; has never . lest' the • ;art. in, fact, Mr. Rathweti flits arr +once r t'or making„.a special •pair a>fi bootsAnticipating this. • new experience is Lorne /teed, • who .is ,Mr. Rathweli's•assistant. . To. open:. fair The' Hein;. Russell. T; ,KeiIy,: • minister. of healt.h.',• was to officially;,` .open the Luuknow Fall Fair. • • .bear extor: , • • How .:Much is the Tory '41.g Lien"' campalgn 4oSt- irag. nre? A full" pager ad in the' weekly paper,, an 11 inch by 35 Mull tour-4ulor brochure in rny;.niailbox: th's stuff is not cheap. • also, not•• public informs- tion This.poli:tical prof„ paganda of the; big; lee.. • variety:' 'I'he. reason• k .know ` is some trienth-s agorafter: tiring of the ad campaign telling, us how • much money we •were: going 60 . save in our taxes; 1 phoned the-nuinber given out :for inore inforni•ati n;. "rho unswcrcit was a general information `operator for Lyne' of the ministries that didn't evert know their. nu,tnber wets. being. given. Out. i'e,did.agree with inc.. that when goven-Imcrit out- backs and downloading 'Were figured in I'd be pay lug more and getting less No net savingsfel' trio, As, a parent, with ;two children;: in our: schools, 1 have.. been watching the 'sante shell :onto being played .with their cduea- tinn..Wo used to joke about politicians trying to buy us with our :own, money but the, Tories have taken this,; to new ,e.\tretrie . •It really galls Inc' to.,be' lied to. with my own inoncy,, to have them turn: to page Pictorial memoir - When? September 1974, Whet? Miss L�t know Fair Contest. Who? Linda Ver•,ner, Movita•Bradiey, Marilyn Stewart, Brenda; Arnoid, Huth Alton, Kendra,Elphick,..Sharon Gook,, tori Thompson, .serond,•runnerup; kerne Boyle, first runnerupi Brenda Taylor, 1977 Queen, Sherri Jerome; miss: Lucknow Fall Fair, 1970.. Dear e d for . On Sept. 24.- people across Grey and Bruce counties can maketheir caffeine ccliant ,b by partici, pating in oneof the more than 12,000coffee: break events across. the country. Proceeds from thisnation,' wide fund-raising event help fund local progi'artls and services for rhos e cop- ing with op-ing'with the debilitating • and; fatal effects; of Alzhei,aicr: disease as. well a:4 ther,caregivers.. In 1 997; SI coffee Breaks;; were held; across the two counties. and this:. year' we hope to increase that numberto140., To be involved simply,invite friends or colleagues, post flyers. we ,provide, put oat tete.. donation box, 'and thank participants After the event is taver,'.eontact our office to make email ,e:tfeaits • to return, tltk,; donations. Brendan. Shanahan, +• tar NHL player with tete: Detroit Red Wings, is the: national spokesperson, fila; fatItet suffered.:. .from Alzheimer disease and; Brendan has been a. Stt'ong. supporter., of this event., If you'd ' like to be a riff, feu break, host, contact . myself at 1-800.2651,9013, Deborah Barker, Alzheimer Sttcciety ' of Grey -Brume.