The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 10Page O -- Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday. September 9. 1998 �itzs• safety vrottt: eget:Mae tli eptem 1 -Artini dsa> cunt#.p • Silo gas wa The , Fat= Safety in siicix i+i.media4elyc atter Association has issued at tray bge or cow silage, is warning that silo gas may pct in and can last fix up be a FOWL nr this fall as a a tip we .s after filling moult of surmmer weather is. -completed. Sealea sib s cans itiolns across the have, an oxygen .deficiency prov ,ee. The drought in • due w build-up of carbon Parts of Qntario set the. dioxide and other toxic stage for the. fUruiation of gases. Huth. of these areas silo uses. since plants should not be entered have been under Stress, unless the rules f' con. The Association wartis rined..space entry am fczl':- ,that any silci should be lowed including= tbe•wt ir- consideroed -a confined ing o apg rpt•iate self- space and appropriate contained breathing appaG sat'ety. measures should. be rakes. taken. Situ gases can form Basic entry procedures for dinFcfed space: t, Test. the- atmosphere for • oxygen, toxic 'griefs and explesiVeness. • Z. If .a dangerous amps, pherre exists;,: y:ouk must wear a solffcuntaxned breathing. apparatus. Ventilates the area if possx- bier. 3. : All uzesohauh l and Otani* egnipim is nnist •ber hoed out. 4.. Use the "buddy system"' and wear a life'ine. Sufficient equipment and manpower rnust .be avail. able The extra, person is Dr. Leanne Thorn$On lel. t . CCFP is pleased to announce. the opening of her practice in Family Medicine on. Septen her ,. 1998 at the KINHUR N MEDICAL CENTRE and the RIPLEY CLINIC Please Call., fir an appQintrment tamond Fright Centre rvimiptiotot alrt" SEPreAtKIti nk? 29thtsetse 8.72 WO** eat pan ut381'99, toommoopos 4404 attlftitt openttAiiport • g issued therm to sum ,i,+:on ass.is- tauce if neinietl. 5. Estbinsli SP= form of communication: verbal; bared si; lure signals. 6. Never re -ester a coir* flied spm without retest- tug etesttug or mune the.at,a•. Gases may he, a signifi- cant problem in area:i. where crops were da.r aged dam to hail or whew exel Ssivtt S%'i have con- tributed to weed groviith. Weeds and sued: pia n Duct tea harm• tomer ciznr- CentratiOn3 of free Tratrutes which are converted intoe, sitlo gases .oar.nitrcx eat dioxide wtteo put into the silo. EI+Fps_ . . unetdaa:ae' g :r.s 41 their a;vnatents decor puce, comzibagtiag to green- hoease gases.- in the atMosphere and climate. change:. Throwing away Iess, and composting and zecyclung more -- heips mince tins threat . to the environment. ada's natianaT anthems Woad you please rise tbr the singiti4, cif C'snada's: 'National Anthem. To Canadians of the Fite 18003 this re guest ptobabiy ted to some hesitation.. but only until tbWmasic started. You see at that time there were two unofficial/official national rmtt exits sung across the country. Which one you sang depended mostly on whet you were from andwhat language you spoke. The Maple Leg 'Forever• Inspired by a falling maple leaf, Alexander Muir, as teacher in ' carborough% Ontario, wrote Ott) words to • this song in • I Sb?, the year of the Coufedexation,•arad set it to music for his students to sung,. Although he never recovexed'the c,ust of pxrioatiug it privateey, it became popular in sh- spealt.0 ; Canada over ttte.next twenty. years; as an unofficial: national anthem.klex a it is: In days a yore,, frost Hritain's s1x xe;, . Wolfer, the dauntless item, came,. Aad planted heart Britinnia's Flag on Canada's fair domai ; Here may. it ;nave% outfit boast," our prig,..• #u+ ,ioi it love together ' Tho Thistle, Shamrock, Rose entwine 'Tlttet MapleLeaf forever. ':. . The Maple Leaf, our emtz eft•de r,. TireMaplezLeaf forever.: c3c?d save out;Qae % and heaven bless The, Maple Leaf forever- At oreverAt Qt eenstoa Heights and Lundy's Larne . Ow brave fathers,, side by side.. For freedom. homes, and loved ones - dear inti r stood and nobly died:. • . Anti: those dear rights which they rnaintaid• We swear to yield them never! ° Quin WatettWord ever, MOM shafft be The Maple Leaf forever! Ck'Ca Q• C was, cQrtapose i by Calixta tatvadee,, Wick wards by AAaouthier7 fw.r the St -,Tea Baptiste, Day festival in Quebec City, in t8$ . t1t was not. heard in: English Cauada.for over twenty years English; speaking Canadiapa had adarpted. that Maple Leaf Forever as their . national anthem. However! new English words.. to O Canada. were cowposed by IC Shy Weir in .t9013...,It, is' now Caua,'s official national anthem This Canadian historical fact isjust one of a, selection. of fats and trivia about ext the twos put together by Seag�ruw's . ebia t"s 114th! Aw,.iversary 8 o, �wlleiisky blendi inig: inti!- tion. Seagram's S3. part, of mu Canadian herrtage since 1883. • (Source; Cautada;'s Story in, Song} • • . -News Canada sizes ' • (N.C)M-=eArltvirfzi itr,utnil Ox.ctie4ts.e Y*4#te ge• look* fax torsi gwups` to take Oka. ars to ln.aiie• c.9irnzt$t i ies.heattl�,er and tct prOtee.tJhe. environ- >aeiik; coAction 2000` is an I$'0VirOnment Canada . pro- granCthat proXides traria r� cal• help to • giroups, taking Qft p.rojects that have •a. measurabte.benefit for the environi eni. The •p9851 bi iaQs . are- broad, earzg�ittg from. restoring wildlife 'habitat in n wettan4•to g t - tin p+ op'le to- tie the l us rathgr M their• cars -to workk. At•l ash 5Q pc rc;ent of. the project'fuirdin; has to be provided by siioriRsor5:: other ti an..the. fe terai.gov'• Promo/H. This landing can be in i-U,Oe y:4 heaters&$' . l tz l:sue:.: a; 'about,' . Applications : ciea;cltines; a e :[ bnuaxy tube t• . • • • ;NW:led infer ation..t.? available by ,:ruing t- • St} 6tr1:71 - c r 4 !,6,71739,4. 4734ix brontcz . ,