The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 7Busy tinteg ah0.d foto L00034 'fundraising - efforts .continue °Busy times are ahead for the members of Branch 309 with Legion week approaching Sept, 2Q -.26 A veteran's dinner, memo- rabilia open'house and shoot party are some of the events being held. Watch the paper for more details on all of these events. The fund raising com- mittee is still busy coming up with ideas to raise money for the flew reno- vation fund. A day full of activities is planned for Oct. 3 psychic readings, poker rally, a liver and onion dinner (chicken alternative) and karaoke night. An- evening of. entertainment is planned for November 21. This is also the night that the lucky tickets will be drawn for the final renova- tion draw, 'rickets are still available at the Legion or from members. With nine more weekly draws and the final draw still to come you have lots of chances. to, win! Activities around the branch *are still. going Greexi ideas' for going back to school 1. Take the garbage -free school year lunch challenge: All you need is a re -usable bag, re -Usable containers and a cloth napkin and you're on yotir way. Challenge your friends! Can you go a year without creating any. lunch garbage? ' 2. Recycle! When people can't quite meet the garbage - free challenge, the next best thing is to recycle. Start a recycling program in your ,cafeteria for glass, tin and styrofoam. 3,. Be paper positive: Use paper which has as flinch recycled content as possible (the ideal recycled paper is made from 100% post -consumer waste which means that ,the paper is. Made from paper which other people have used before you). Remember to use bath sides,cif 4. Be water wise: Work l'ivith others to save water in the washrooms. Ask if your school will 'install "aera- tors" on the faucets and "water dams" in the toilets so that less water will be .used and nobody Will even notice the difference! . • 5. Green the achOol yard: COuld your school yarcluse a little "life"? If your school yard has more concrete than greenery, why not start a group to look into naturaliz- ing the yard?. . • '• If you would like a free copy Of uStepping.Lightly on the Earth, Recipes. for Responsibility,”witk'nlore environmentally friendly ideas write! Greenpeace Information Office; 250 Dundas St. West, &lite 605B, Toronto, Ontario MST 2Z5, Alio, seeour World Wide Web site at wyvw.greenpeacecanadaerg . News Canada • • • , . • ra IC • Huron, County sla • " n • C.141,° . ; • a RENTAL 11) g Headqua#eirs E °Small & Mid-sized Cars, E OPassefiger &Cargo II ill Vans PielnniTnicks 1.3 °Daily, Weekly, Moot* iu 3 le El t7 Insurance Rento4-44 More - • i-'%, , • • .10 , '•• • •- ,c,AR ItOtAl•S DAitsion d§Oncoaat Ford E 660: flui,on Itcrt, Goderkh • . . 1888,3444406.. 524-8347..© • 11 _2. • . • • 1;!1e113;e1P1Mitil7e30M1•11141141, „ • - i SeliAbA0c • Tim w,edding'of r . yinciane Schadskaje , Sadlevia LoiyrY will thi 1264 Septeiriber,. take pinee on SOnydaY0, 1998 at three o'elocit. • in:the Pala River X ' United. Chard). ": 1 They, along iththeir • ISM:eats:kW and ChantatSchadskaje of Oshawa and Perrin and. Clark,. iriyite. PutOiairt. IVIarien Lowry of Point the happy couple at a, , reCeptten intheRipley Huron CMitplex from. 9p;m. to 1 am •..' • strong: women's fun sport nights on Wednesday, cards on Mondays and Thursdays, the pipe band practices in the hall on Monday nights and the general meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month. Darts will be start- ing in September for beth the adult and the youth leagues. All committees Are gearing up for the year with meetings and semi- nars, Membership is a eorn- mince that is going through sorne"big changes this year. Anyone inter- ested in joining the Legion • can c ontact the branch or the membership chairman Mae Ilow.ald for more details. Legion Seniors is one of our committees that is working all the tune plan- ning dinners and day trips for people in our commu- nity,- Anyone interested in these can call June Pyette. Youth arts will be starting soon. This is open to.any youth in our area who is interested in play- ing. Experience is not required, Just a desire to play. Contact the canteen 528-2745 for more infor- mation on the upeoming: events or for any other information, Maritime themebegins 411 series at Wingham „Heritage Theatre .• A show full of talented performers will celebrate 'maritime music in the opening of the Wingliam TOWn Hall heritage Theatre's fall series on Sunday, Sept. 13. •Tom Leadbeater will be headlining, with his unique blend of contemporary and traditional eastern songs. His cape Breton charm has pleased many audiences, young and old 0• .Cathy Fitzgerald will be joining him with a voice povverful enough to win malty singing contests, in the peat, Their solos and duets' will win your hearts. , Piddling and stepdancing are in integral part of any maritime party and this show is no exeption.Stormrn , Norman irving-frorn Milton will be setting the stage on fire with his championship'stepdincing: Shane and Kyle Coqk of Dorchester have, been taking •the fiddling scene by storm the past couple, of years:and O will show everyone just why theyare winning so many championships , 4• All this, along with the Heritage Theatre houSeband; Connection and MC Gary Ballagh,prornises,to get. y Our toes tapping. , • Two 'shows take place On Sept. 13, at 2 and 8 p.m. . Upcoming event at the theatre include. buano Stseet On Sept. 24; Tracey Brown on Oct'. 21: Lawrence O GoWarriThe Essentials on Oct, 30; Barra McNeils, Nev. 20 and the Christmas SpeCial,ort Nov. 29 and Dec. 3, . For tiCket info call the box office at 37-4082. . • • - Happy 45th Anniversary Mom 8z. Dad, .Jean & Don. :Ross Septmeber 12th Love From'all the farniV :iter llnr Sickle of-Kinlos; 'Township ond' ,..Susan Ulu 'Sickle of. 1. Huron Thionship , like.lo announce the Ihelfrlesukhker Christine Marie DionneSon o 0f . :fs ' Tim 'wedding iollt:take :it) ' plkee1 on Saturday,, • September. 19, 1998 (a .1 SI.,..rivdrew's 1Inited ' : Churrh :in Ripley 4,3:30. The rerephOnwill be 1 held at ,Rildey Community Cesilre,. phyise'art:ipi • this as. your Personal' jails /14 )41' kt ; ,the celebration, ft' tiftl 14.etti 4.0.1mi(t fp+ r -ti di *pit If " a 1. .t -c Locknow Sentio,e1, Wednesday, September 9, J998 - Page 7 WINDOWS! WINDOWS! WINDOWS! clearance prices on aver 200 1i1713tOOR Windows *Replacement windows *Vinyl Si Aluminum 'fifty .& Bows SRO SNOW 44111111=11 PULL • GRASS DRAGS SP14""i W TBAILILMRS SNOWMOBILE MB 17..4 SEPTEMBER 12 & 13 1998 SEAFORTH FAIRGROUNDS(Imo* tn.* simorth Ann.) 4 -WHEELER pRAS ()RAGS, SAT., SEPT. 12 SUN., SEPT.13 ONLY • Registration before 11:30 41i11. * ReOstrEltion 8 a.m. "1838 a.m' *Rugs sten 0112:30 'Drags starts at 12 noon Own Day: SiSdRy, S.onwrk.r211 Admission: 0 " SNIP SHOW HOURS Free on Sat. SAT,, SEPT! 12,11de a,m, to 9:00P" $7 on Sun SIJN.,'SEPT. 13, me4s.m. *6;00 p.m. On Display: 3nowsnobilos & ATVs, 'trailers & Clothing and Atter Market Parts & Accessories For further mb please contactab LaimIng. 510-501248 aat fpots, 510-62741 04 sotit TOGUilig <101, mut gvetyn r ;)ligtire • Ctite Panay and gvelyn Phlfiips 4etvite • you to attend 4 teztption to cdit674te theit pimento . golden TOid4iny yeinnionsaTy to 6e Ite14 At' t4e .etick0fro 400toii on Stptem6e2 12, 1998 itool 9:09 lo•Pn. to .t:ora "*u"7'?,itee1tge is the.17 41K ivetgatIt A *OM" ONSTER scRgNsi mar Nay viowsi PRIZES! LIVE BAND DETOVRI LINE DANCING Saturday, September 19,, 1998 9:00p.m. 1:OOarfl..' . Lucknow.& District Sports cOmploc:. Tickets $8.440:',Advance$1O.00 Atthe 000r• CIFT28-3528 or 519-395-2806 • .0 TICKET! AVAILABLE AT toi t,pcs " • crystal's Studio tyl 99.0 t olyroed General Store. COtrA • SAAWAIII LucknoW: Co-op 4,11%e • MacNay's General Store, Amberley • Mary's Restaurant, • 'Shaw Foods - Knechtel, Wingharn JOINTI-IE tponsored, by the LUCKNOW AORICULTIMAt SOCIETY IN 'CONJUNCTION WITH ThE LOCkNOW FALL FAIR UatirriSO Under