The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 61? R .WWkpo Seiginet. Wednesday, $eptenaber 9, 1998 That's why we're doing so much to help them reach their full potential. A' challenging new cuniculum wilt ' better prepare tem for the future. New fair funding will guarantee: that wherever,they,live,'they'l1 get , fair access to a high quality education. There'll be caps on,naximum average class sizes. ▪ Teachers will spend more time `teaching. • ✓" There'll be; new funding for textbooks, lab. supplies and tutors in the classroom . , ✓' New Parent Cnunclls will give their • parents ttiore say In haw their sciioots • .-are.run, '.. Province -wide testing will asslst ' , schools worleing •to meet rigc00 neo.quallty standards,' i/ Report cards will lie,easy°far parents to understand, i Amessage tromcthe•t3ovemme nt of Ontario. September is' always a tit sy time of year - ,for ./dds; parents and teachers aitke . .les an excitfW:tieime, • too, a time when Ontario's kIs have great. expectations car the tornh gYe"*el teachers and goverment, we need to' meet' these e pecttations Thaf'syw�hy wv�e`re doing so mach to help them achieve their . +li�^ u' 4u�Ir �Iamen -thL t best [ yet. Mike Harris Qu ter education. 's+ about pu kids first. •