The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-02, Page 15Luckrio S.ctatidttc4, Wednosday,. S:,^ptembcr 2, .199$.•:- P2,;o 15 Q1. Articles for Saler 02, • Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04, Arts 84 Crafts, 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale SPCPS.s 7a., • For sale General 7b.' 7e, 7e, 7f, 79, 7k. Wanted'tta Buy Wanted to hent 100(0m/cies • Snowmobiles • Req. Vehicles $:oats, Iyotors-ctc. 'SAwitnming l c cls os,.., '-computers, IQ, . Pets, 1014 . 'Horses • 'FARMRM.M____,�_�_ARit' ET 1 •la. General • . 1lb, Wanted to Buy Ile. Wanted to Hire 11d. .13inpl:.Wanted' .l le. Livestock lif, . Farm Produce 11g; Equipotent 11h. Services' W. • Ellin Land: 11k, ,Rol Estate 111: Wanted to Rent 1.1n), • 1~4'1. Rent , • ' • 12, Real. Estate 13,, Mobile Homes. 14...', Vacation$ • 16 . " For. lent • 17. ' Apartments 1.5, • Houses for Rent 19a, Bed 84, Breakfast 20: Room i Boa#d 23, Cotnttiercial ' 24: • Wanted to Rent 2S: ' Wanttd to Buy 26. .Help. Wanted Wanted General:;. 2$: Business Opp • 29. Tenders 30:, • : HMO, Wanted' 3'1, • Service Directory, 32. • Babysitting.. . 33. Miscellaneous: 34; , Personal 35, Legal Notices 36; • Announcements,, Mortgages • • 38. Auctions 39. Educational 40 Lost 84 Rft nd 41, Te Give Away 42. Obituaries , 43, •Births' :44. 'Engagements 45 . Manages 46. In Memoriam 47, Card of Thanks 48; Corning Events RATES AND DATA CR<:g,•; •v%.•,`) 1 Week. - $4,25 2 weeks -$7.43 3 weer or mom- $3,27 each week extra word's. at .16 each Cards of Thanks - $4,25 for 25 words extra words at .05 each' in Men'Iariam . $4:25•+ .35 for each line of verse Birth Announcement -$10.00 flat fee 3 4- 3 ads - $10,50 pre -Paid for 25 words extra Words at .16 each Thursday Special - $325 for 25 words Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a• $4.00. billing eharga by pre -paying G,S,T„, not included In above prices • a1: 528482g. ,.Far Sale i ETTEERS - RESUMES E.TQ. The Lucknow Sentinel does .confidential oustotn•typing for customers; resumes, let- ters,etch-We.can..offery01.1let- ters a number of.; different print types and- sizes on high 'qu'ality,,;paper.. Calf our office ordrop in for more details; --5311 STAINLESS .STEEL, insulat ed chimney, 6 inch. by 20 7 feet long.. Air tight stove with- fancy 'glass door,, trimmed' With gold, Aluminum door with frame, ' right hanct hinged.; Phone 519,7357- 0269: --35x BARBECUES,' NATURAL,. 'gas and propane, no Ori. •quettes And life time war- ranty. the Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlour, and Gallery Inc.. 368.5274.: 19tfcc AIRRCONDITIONER, central 1 1/2 ton'. Clare, furnace. Clare; 80,000 btu mid,, both new in box with full ,war- . rarities. $985, each: 1.519 742=8330.-35m KRANENBIJRGS BUTCHER SHOP 61g Campbeli;St LUCKN.QW 528.2242 Lean Sliced 1 Q 9, Bacon_ ,.;i... A LB, Smoked (Loin Plain or Geriio 10 1518 90. Sausage..:::. Far Salo 1 0,04TOMFAIMIgi.. Need to send or receive a, fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing, for customers, • Oro* in Or. call 528.2822 for details:-=4ltflix' ' FOR. SALE -' 1.0" combina- tion, planner and joiner,. 2 hp., 220 volts. $500 o.b.o. Phone 528-3:132., --3436x LAWN GLiDER,swings, built from Western led Cedar: Contact Aaron Miller, R.R;2. 'Lucknow. 3/4 mile west of St, Helen's. .• -31.37x$ CATCH UP ON THE. NEWS.. The Sentinei is available at the following; locations; Helyrood. General Store Ripley Superior Market;, Dawson's:. Stere.,,, Dungannon; MacNay's Store, Amberley', Tria'ngte. Discount, Goderich; .Brian's Valu -Mart," Winghain •McPhee IDA, Winghain, Hart Food Mart, Teeswater,. MacAdarrt;Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and ,Keith's'Repair Service; Whitechurch;--9tfnx LUCKNQ'W 23-2446 1. For Sale FOR SALE - Fresh vegeta- Wes, egetatiles, cucumbers and toms- toes at Daniel, D. Stutzman farm, 1 block south of St. Helen's and 1/4 mile east .- 31.37xc FRIDGE, STOVE, . antique bureau, beds and dressers., Phone 395-5142. --35x OVEN READY chickons for sale. Calf Sara 395.2206. • 33-35nxe • PLACE. SETTING for 8 of good silverware, pattern "Reflection" by Oneida. Place setting for 8 ofgood dishes "Carolyn" by Noritake with 'salt/pepper, • cream/sugar, vegetable, bowl and meat platter':. Three' sets of 8' each. of crystal glasses, water, wine an(1. champagne/liquor, gait Cathy at 528-3034: ,83.35: GEy TSN NOW, Canadian 1'0. x 18 FLORIDA ROOK1 mini -dish systerr'• Free .,year.,.old...Phone 395.0600 deliver. ; lnstalt�ecl by Casal. dower. $6.00, poi week 1. 6001489-0031 ;-.35b0 1. For Sale AEG. COUNTR'YSiDE APPLIANCES Lucknow - 526-2445.. We new. have Wood's freezers in stack. Come see, our ,new, European style dishwasher. --34-35xc ANNUAL FALL Fabric sale - Sept, 14. to 30th,.' Mon., -MULTI FAMILY yard sale Wed., and Fri;, Sart„ -by • . starting Friday. Sept,. 4, 6 'chaince, Retail dry goods p.m. - ? Corne see us any - from Kinloss. S milos,north, time over this weekend, 3 miles south of Glammis.-, starting time 7 a.m. each 3Scc • morning. RAIN OR SHINE. Pick up your copy of THE Watchfor signs. Being held' LUCKNOW, SENTINEL at on thecorner of St. Helens anyr of. "the following sde road and County Reed Lucknow businesses: 20 (9th con.e, of West': Beckers Milk, Bell's Wawanosh) across from' Discount, Luc know Village Shetler's Sawmill: High back Market, Rx Genual, wicker chair, wicker bas- Lucknow, ..HJ: Used Cars kets, brief cases, bedding,. acid•Annie?s Gas Bair, and , • po. ws, curtains. Lots of Hamilton Fuels.---•52tt great sniff for overytrne: Sic 2.• Yard Sala iT'S COMING - ROSE Street, bankrupt yard sales, Saturday; Sept. 5, 8 a.rri, Everything must go. Prices lower than the toonie. Coffee 10 cents. German. ' style • hot dogs available 10 EWE. --35x or 395.0278, --34;35 QUALITY MATTRESSES at warehouse prices open Thurs„ Fri., Sat, Highway; 21, , south Godericii. G & 'E , Furniture:52447231,--23ifcc - SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING: . • AHOUND•THE AREA: The Sentinel* has the ;Cal= towing •papers. available in our office on Wednesday .$oderich , Signal "Star; Kincardine News_, ,Clinton News .Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor: ' 16tfnx UTILITY TRAILER:tor sate, 5' x 8' with. tilt bed and .3'. racks. $350. Call 52414167. --34,35nxe MATCHING COUCH and chair, brown Niles $75.. tains purple winter coat with ',hood,. size 6x, $15. Judy Sanderson 528.3331 34 36xc DOHERTY-JPRIGHT play- er piano asking $300 Call: 519:=5234491$.--35cc SCHUETT'S "BACK T.Q•, SCHOOL”. furniture includes double pedestal desks $169; twin size mattresses $99 and' up, .chest: of drraw- ers. $149, $349. Doubly .size dresser with mirror. $199.. Schuett's :deliver;' free in ~a wide area: 519.367 2308 35ar EIGHT 1-i0I1$E •power, 34" out Lawnflite, riding lawn mower.. Gond condition, $400: Please call 395.4726, leave message. --35.37x0 0 DOWN, -'4,1001..$6.25 PER WEEK! Televisioons,,. Stereos, 'Camcorders, Lawn Tractors, Canoes, Corn 'titers Appliances Express u Sat. , es, 00 Tables, 'Musical: GIANT YARD sALE 7 a,ni, Sal. Sept. 5 behind .9edew. Genre{ Slore on Cfy, Rd, 25.. MUIti Vender, Treasures for everyone, new T -Shirts, collectibles, ieweliery: & household Items. 4 km, E, off HWY. 21„'North of.Godetich,' 5. Cars . Instruments. Much MoreFre.:a 800 267'=9466: e 1991 CHEVY LUMINA. 'New ,, Delivery;. --35t0 brakes, ball joints, .struts, ,- SAWMILL $4895 SAW •muffter..Dark •bilge, great LOGS. 'INTO .BOARDS, cat. '66,250 certified, Call planks, ` beams. Large • 887-2600., --33-38nxe capacity. Best sawmill value OAREINDER LOCAL used . anywhere: Free information ,car .directory: Searchab.. ,. 1.800.566.6899. Norwood database of over 600 usedle Sawmills,; R,R 2 Kilworthy, cars .at Ibcal' .deelerS, .•Ontario'.P.0E 1GQ: -35bc www.opengate.com/carfind- STEEL. BUILQINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILD.- iN;$$ All-purpose strut tures providing proteo:tion for . your: investments. industrial, Recreational, 1985 TAURUS 33 complete Agricultural specializations. with, d:eok, shed, many. U,tastom-built to suit your extras on nice lot. $6;;000 needs, .Factory -Direct o.b.o. Ca11519L745-0155'or, ``. Savings, Financing Sc.weekend 51.9-.572 9014 Leasing :Options, Cali 1- View at lot 42, MaCKe,azte 800-668-5111 ext 53'6.-- Park, Kintail this'weekend , 35bc °: '' •35cc 7g. Rea.: Vehiclfes STEEL BUILDINGS; STEEL BUILDINGS...Ends included.; Go Direct. 16 x 24 $.2;988.00. . 21 . x 30 $3,760.00 2 .. x 40 $5,624.00. 32 x 44 6,835, 00. ' 34 x' 56 . $8,360.00.• 40 x 60 $9,9.88.00. 46 x 70' $13,044.00.. 56 x, 90 $22,88$.00. Others. Pioneer 1-8.00.668-5422.--35bc' Rets' FOUR MONTH OLD pup-. pies to,.give away: Males, 'Shepherd mix, good, with children, Phone. 529.7052 .-. 35