The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-02, Page 4Page 4 — Lunww Seii. Wednesday, September2.199K ChaAgea addtt41. (totem for subscriptions. and wdbp tedt arpta Irma t4nxixi*pow• sentinel at thoaddiess Indicated here. Adverttaingis ampteeton the condition that in the mut ofatYPogr4PhiPaotror. OW Pot* Um a Ole advertfolog space taupied by the aroma iteni together ;nth a reasootable allowance for signature; will nofbe charged tor, tnitthe. balance cil the altreetisentail wilt he puid at the applicable filtrio A !i:1m* Pubil3tiors <,:ottinnunity Newspaper 619 aniptiall $t.. LLzzow. Qt4e P.O. Eke; 400, Ltteknavv, Oritail9 NOG 2H0 hone (19) (519) 520-2822 fax: 019152B-3529 —1Stablishgti1873 To.m.lbouyson — Pat Liv-i-opton — Gamma Mittthews, Heim —Qlflce Adatithstratur . Lloati Courtney — Typenet±em •Subscription Rates advance: Regular $25,60(=1. postage and 0,5-.T.1. Senior $2A (Ina postage and O.S.T.) • Foreign & SWAM Publication* Mail Ftfglaratitin No. 07656 held at Ociderieli, Ontario. Published 5 times 4.Year. equ'utt liselosentioartirontel.ou,ca. tritcruct4d4114; Win/ iwww.batveiniCt.COntibntaltsv, results are humorous • •Sornetimes dle most inconsequential thoughts go •• through my head, the most recent being• why 1 always' put ray rightpant leg or right coat sleeve on, first. SQ, 1 Paid attention to this trivial matter for a few Mornings. Anti every time it wastay righr side Vdressed first. As 44 9xparirnont, 1 tried putting pantyhose on lay lea leg first. 1 was so inept at it, 1 felt like tt Wa$ my. first time to wile into these things, 1 deduced that being a right. handed Pet sin) was why 1 dressed right side first. Next 1 went to the sumo with a quick survey for 1$ men and 15 women, ln the female category, 1 found tbat that 13 women were right handed,. ette.wa.a. lefty,'. and was anibidex- i toN.As• Qf the 13 right handed, nine dressed right and four dressed left1, as did the one lefty and the ambidex- „ in the. males, 1 found rit.bt handed and two tett handed,,only five of the . 13 right handed dressed right, with the : ether eight putting on: their loft pant leg first. Both left banded mon pre-- ' ferred dressing their /eft leg first. NOW, What 490S- this 411 • '• 04944.) And who really thaw formed my own, sonclusions-,. you -may dr) . the Same. •••; 4.0f 4'40 ttoing a right 1)444c person, 1. tbirik 1ant tit* • 4)41 by *4aq my tight,sido "first, and tor those who • are. left..and. dress left first, would say the same thing. .Those who dress the. opposite. side first, could .be alled peoplewho iiko .Lo live dangerously, While we hwinak•Ohea 99010 he called cautious. or boring. fine, thole, bashing, 1 inight say that, it wasn't surprising that the larger percentage Of right handed ' • :4)414s.OrOsAq4:thOir:.19 ff•sirk flrat. My survey raid 419w. eYebrowSand brought a int ' of laughs.. It. was interesting to watch people.rnentallY "dreSs' thernseles• so they could answer which side they diessed,first,,Twognys: thought it mighthe ogees- lsary to remove their.pants. and actually. show me, but I gragiOnslY OeClin00, The 494 umeyou get.dress4 Cheek out which way • YQ4 dres.• ' , • And, ladies, which leg do YOU: shave or WAX fit -4? Whiell,eY,e do you apply Makeup to first? • And -guys,' Which side Of yetir face do you shave; first? Here's a .few, neniptider.e,44clix i'.‘t,hick shoe' or sot*, do you pot on tall'47-• %kit of those ,49 yO4 reriapve ftrst? Vi‘hich,foOt., yO4 Ip4d off when You. start to ' After: you have your atiSWcr? try doing the cippoOte;- :;Y90"re like149, )(QUI' find it; just: doesn't feet P& LADLES: ***,,s* • • • an you rernoinbr *119,1408,4 you how to put on your pantyhose? 1 Canl, and thore appears. to be no nood, for anyone to teach neWCOtiaers, the art hegausothe mosi recent Pair 1, purchased came with; pi4ori41:insh-neti9hk on how, to. PKCr1X 4et..ihte, Owe Lhings. • ! • . • reunion was To the citizens of Lucknow: • Since ,attending :the Reunion in July; I have been looking for adjeeter- les to describe what it meant to those of us who eall Lucknow "Home". 1 Frances. Hewat (Thompson} know express the thoughts. and thanks for all of us. It wasn't until today when 1 picked tip the Souvenir Book &tan the Centennial Anniversary to read it again and the Sentinel from Aug. 6; 19511 .that 1 found" the WQr4 1 needed; - written. by my dear brother Campbell. That book, the research aticl work (gem% Mara and Don is a trea sure 1 have kept and will • keep forever. • To quote Cam's write - tip: "The Centennial. is over hut the. memories of those days will linger long" (as will the 4 ie homecoming throat •partings. Underlying, it . was a spirit, a sentiment, something Within the hearts and minds of people that wOrds. cannot - reunion of ')10r 'longer than the • almost unbelievable. throngs- that crowded the •Sept/ Town for long 'and happy hours. But while memory lasts and nothing 1.01 crase the deep and abiding joy and pleasure • of this homeeorning and bringing 'together old friends and some of who • will never pasi this away • again, it was more than a, celebration, too soon it ended and with it came the express. The handclasns, the, smiles, • the • retni-, ni set ng, the felito.v.ship ;041 the lingering partings and the nostalgia of it all are • something no journalist ean relate. Nene there were but:felt it had. beep 1.4tieknow's Finest Words penneti..froni the loving. heart. of my dear brother; •.. ; But,: here We• are in '910 and•it was a repeat of all' • Cant had described; • • • My daughter Nutley, and 1 drove in our van from B.C. (in our van so we might have bed aod breakfast on• wheels). From the motrient we entered:by waY of those • beautiful new signs,- it was; a true festive spirit. The beautiful colored swags hanging from bai Wings •and even on mail bexes reminding us that every- one is this town is proud to call Lucknow "Home! The wonderful pianning of the United' Church and Pregbytetian Church where we could fellow• - ship. • Ooti bless:you all. l'n12 grateful to have been •raised in LucknOw., hart tugs anti tun* in the - • • Fran Hewat, TrAiPttcxv Time to stop Dear oditor: • • ,• On Aug...31, 1997, the • world stood sti,11 at the news of Princess Diana's death. Bach year we will • mark the anniversary of her death with the knowl- • edge that 'her life was cut short by the' senseless act we ahoy these senseless • er*Wes IQ eontinue? • Our law makers are fully aware of. these statis- • tics, yet they continue to make it easy for drunk drivers to :get awayNith' their Criminal 'behavior, in Canada, during the month • Of October 1997, there was a Parliamentary debate on impaired dri-. ving,•Since then our politicians .have been„ and'have riot acted. of drunk driving: •Since s ess her death over 1500 . • , Canadians. have been dt: r killed in aleoliol-related • • S' • crashes --an average of 4.5 deaths per day; HoW can • How many deaths 'will it take to re,nlind ourMPs of their duty ,to make -more •e Ifecti ve laws to safe- guard us en our streets? • It has been:over 10 'years Since there has been • a review of the Criminal Code as it relates to impaired driving. Until changes are Made to the Crirnirnd Code and stiffer 'penalties forcriminals are „itriplentented„ we will *. ipia to POge 5 ' • 10;years ago Aug. 31, 190 --DP Alpo* offiee The Huron -Bruce :NDP officially opened an offiee• for blisinesS, in Dungannon, 13th kc, Rae,' leader of. the provincial NDP Party Was on liana:to: offer his. support: .tans: 4114 piaids - The Skirl of bagpipes ; and'. the colorful 'array of tap, tang. were the:Setting -f9r- 'The 9' the Tartan" 'Seri/ice in the 11,Q know. Pioshyteri an. Church. Pec Pee Wees 04040,4g. -. The.tenokliqw. Pec Wcc' inNalleed' to the. WOAA semi-finals :last Week by kfotio4 the team frpnv., chostqw, in. two 0084 . • ZO'Years 9S0 Aug. 30, 1978 ew, sign.; - The. Lucknow • and District Medical .Centre. gOt.a new sign Courtesy of the West Huron.Jurtior '• Parmers, A. small sign was also. .posted ••• at the • corner of Havelock and Highway S6 to ftdicate tho.. ClifeCCti°4' tfk,..theeentre, : • .' • Oitness, response g0.04, - The. ?Tittles,* Ontario," staff, tested 28 ' pooplo when the,Physic41. Fitnessvan carne to Lucknow. The .Tho response here Wa,-;111.0eh' areat0:: thgn,.in• several' of the.' 1;4r. centrs throughout Western Qritariii. MOseutianbik. visits - A musetimobile which takes, you back 500 years when Ontario: W as a sparkling tropical sea bordered, by'th bare, • barren. rocks :of the : Canadian 'Shield • cattle to: the : Lucknow Library. h e L''• tray el;.: i ng x h i bi contained fest- vvritten and pro- jo-te4 41f01inatiOn. and aquariiiins..t0'help record'- , the $040..o.f.:150 million Years. • ,Served his`..appreniiees•hiP with •McKiall.s Drug 'Stinre, leaves. r Toronto next. week where he will be emPloyed in it city drug Store, while await- ing his turn to enter Phar- • • (/144. • With the departure' of the -eldest mernber of the famed Chin he, this': hockey .threesertie appears. to be 'definitely, broken, but for years•to erne the puck -Chasing: • perfoonalices of these • bothers, : Bill, Albert and Qeoxg,i11 long, be. 11*er:;'''tehr.ed -Thtotight interim- • ti,31101 pitbljeity to. the Soppy town and to them - ' selves a inest creditable ,.• op, • : -14utatioti both -inability i4+ 9,1 'and sportsmanship. .111,.:1)00)(e64. for '•• 9,1"ititt.ft • -;• BiH W40, kaS,..