The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-08-12, Page 1V
• by ,lkun t'er Vandermeer
'I'ht chair of tho $ru .t County. tostruw-
in% ctniinitttt;ti thinks Bruce Township
will lose its QaM against the county Rhin,
Lucknow l sieve Sivatt Reavis, said both.
titter Wednesday'sappeal hearing uta: Op
luatttir, tht: dein will ,gu in the soap-
ty't favor,
A panel of three j.ttdpes rosoxve 1 its
," ruling in the 1311.4e
'Township appo'II rat'
the' country restruc-
turing -plan when the
Ontario. Court of
Appeal heard the
ease in Toronto, No indication was given
as to whets a dec'tsk n will be mads,•
:Ick ; hoping to "ear sornethin
within 1ic)40ys. •
*nee bwns.hip is appealing the dist•
ini; .al of its, laws it, against the, resumer
taring plan by a i ourt in January. The
law ttit claiuied •tho plan was tbt;iriulated
wittioiit following the ruleso rieiziczGtacy,
Orrice'1'omnship: Reeve !Howard Ribey
said he didn't ki}ow when the ruling made, but wet+ told by the tewnr.
►hip. lawyer that it wot ltl; bc, US Satin" as.
p+assibio; •
1'hc Itiwyct• asked the court IOU .tn
•eXpedient decision because of the 011ie-
91, restructuring. activities iai the rut
of the chanty. Seven of eight.areas have
transitivrt4boards in p1 .x and arra snaking
plans for a fall el ctiun of new councils to
btu iii place for January I
(•Devil s4lti thy c=ase Inas slowed LI e
county's restructur-
ing.. punas, [1 the
(decision:: is, intho
coutity's..fa.vo£, th
process will cortin.- .•
tlo a • plaiincd. if the
decision goes in the township's savor,
Rotivie said tho county: will likely appeal.
"It wouldjust be 11i+e2; to get this over:
wiit auci;:Set on *it,.the whole. pt *s4,:'
lea+ib fid.
Port, gig).* L&e ve L)ave bo ,tylia>ls
also n: iiidiitberet the restructuring cont.,
zii xtcs, said the county c;an't do
this point, The" ininistt. i- s. order approving
the restructuring plan still -stands slid only
the minister can. change it..He doesn't . ,,. r. The.
• ._ ask Kt3ttntry 1�i����++�ae the����!�f NS year � Duingianncarr parade„ parade .�
,think the county will risk .flee iho ardor to 'upas
changed; One of the:many, activities being held at the Dungannon fair over :they *.
weekends Orgaenlz rs es.Oixrate,0, a:041,99Q p091 win%tett the tw9.40.y
event. (Neltantds photo) •
a Aioy N+ it ds,, Rodeo Steri
'he 1 ucknow. Soppy tO rodeos
es,"a series, of sons fron 3ctrodocOttxb it
being he1'd part of tine circuit, •
Staiiapedt was. officially throughout Ontario this
annaunccdi last neck" and year through the Ontario
is ,pe ted to scc aver' RodeoAsseelation.
•2,t?XX}, people visit -trio fits( `The , stantpede Will,
ever' ctairipede hosted by, begin on Saturday, Aug,
the village..: 29 404 ran until Sunday-,
",fit is, with grc,,at lea- Aug, 30: All starnpetle.
sure that• we announce `th events.. will be held at Ah .
first - ev,et' Lucknow Mu,irays, ,fust east of the
Stainpotic.,,,` said. Klass village .
Millar.. of the Rode ".Lueknow is one of 111 '
..1!riiragcrneia,t (Group, at a_ hosts. On the circuit and we
press conference on. -are'ex,citcd and proud to"
Wednesday, The staid)cde he corning .here," acid
will be, part of the" Dodge Millar, Lucknow was, chra-
'Zhe sta.inpede .will fear
tune over 250 competitors
froia Ontario, Qttebc . and
even the eastern United
State. They hitt be com-
peting for abput;,$250,tl00
throughout the sunkther oh
the • Ontario Rodeo
Assuciatioia circuit. Sonne
cif, the highlighted crib►-
petltor•s, include Trevor
Dunk, two -tunic ORA Ally
Round Cowboy; C'arolin
ltdf reinap, i995.'1,,(/orld
,Champion; Lusa Serada,
1996 and i 90 Ladies
carrel. Racing Champion;
Prince, 1997 Cantel
Series Bull Riding
C,hanipion; and lac.
Ale„xandier, live :trine ORA
Calf -Roping, Champion.
• "We have; :a let of
charn.piens. e;u,t:nine i:nLO
1..:ucknow," said Ivf4illar.
"This. will be a great event
acrd will set ihe,fouiidation
fine'. years tg coins.
Some oil ` the major:
events featured; over the
weckcnd,incluile"hu11 encs-.
log, Which has been :vot
the world's toir hest,, sport
by Alcan: Writers; 'sad,
cite •bronc, bare back r#cl•
Ing, lades. breakaway:, rtip
ing/ ladies barrel racing,
Wain roping,: calf roping,
junior steer riding, mutton
busting, and, steer
wrestling "
"This• is going to be a;
real faini#y evens.," said,
Millar, 'toting thatthere
will also, be many, acttviµ
ries for children to, partici-,
pate in as well. "There will;
be something, for every-
Teresa H:nist, the
..uckito"rye coordinator of
this event; was, ,uescribed
by,ll+illar'as. the "driving.
force behind; bringing the
stampede to the village.
After -looking '• at other
rodeos, that were held in "
the area, such as the
rodeos, in. Milverton and
Exeter, shu tossed around
tht idea, of haying one in:;
Lucknvw iiri,d•saio she
received iiiu;ity culls in
support of the ideri,;
Tern: to page 2
100.05 ..013A11),5
iii CltgySL.ER iNTREPin
{ * pODGECARAVAtN f pOpc1 GRANt7.
RUCKS (Excluding 1,4$: & C,eser ,odeis)