The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-22, Page 8Page - Lavkanow Sen .cdnesd ay, .dell; 22, 1998. SEt W. A1•tirles. for Salt* 02. Yard: SS11e , 0;3." . Garage $ato (14- Antiques 0:44, Arts 84 Crafts o ` cess for Sale 0 . '!'rucks for sato: Vit* MATIctl- 7a, 7b. 7c. 7f. 7p. 7 7k, For sale, Qt:nergl .Wa. nteit to Buy Wanted R can • Motsir444e Sttowtoobiles, Rpt . Vehi.+Ktes. 13otkts, Moturs• k4w.. , Swirntnnp;•1?rou1s. Q$. eQmputet 10, • 1?ets: l%a. limos Ha . Q6orat:: l.tli. ,. VVante4 tit Buy flc. Wanted q Hina 114. Bmpt. Wattled' 11n,: L iv4Sto0y; . 1.11', lxttrm,Procloco 11g:. 134uipin nt 111), SOivices • #ern: anti 11k, g.e.41 Ostate • ill. . Wonteii�,to :thtt 1 tro:: • For 1Zota 12..' cat Estate • 13. lVMbilc Homies LI ,4. Vat;utions t6. for Runt Houscs:fox Rent.. 4:94x' Bi d & Ste. kfask . Room.84 Bourd. 23; • Catnmrcisai '. 41, Wanted to Rent 25 ; Wantr d ttf: $uy 2ta. t-telp•Wanlefi.; 27; Wanted Geret'u1 ausirless"Opp, • 2$, '; Tenders,, 30, Empl.,Wanted • y3 is Service Directory; 3't4. . t}uSysitati 33.• :: 'Miscellaneous. 34, . Personal: 35.... Legal Nott4es;. 34,, Announ4orT nt 37 ICMongages- 3S . ^ Auctions 39. Educational . 40. Lost s4, Found 411. "fo Cres Away 42.. Qhituaric,, 43, Births 44: 4)4;40pe11t i • �1 1Y1ai rias 4e, . 46. ., .in'Merrt¢ti4111 _. 47Card of'i hanks 404 .. ' Coining Events. RATES AND DATA 3 wt tks qr. more-- $3.27.each week • . extra words at .16 each .• garde et Thad $4.21 for 25. words extra wordsat .06eacch :. • •It;'1lMtnto'ri. Irlt x$4.25 •35' for each Weal verse " Ott Anh.RO t, ' tfo.galflat tee 3 3; ; : $10,50'pretptaid tor 24 wards . eXtre: wgMieatt .1 h ThtirAtilly$P0i6101*$3,2410r 25 word r MusMOst.0014149444 arl4 paid on Thurseay Swot a $ BOO k sH1ng; 04 .00 by brosaYi . n> t: lneluded IrtabeIre Wont- „ k1 . ale ,SAWMILL' $4344:: SAW. 1TR0$ .,114 t70' QARDS,.: planks, beams,. L#rQ,e capacity Sell sawrnilf value: `anywhere: Free information 1--8QQ,568-689:9: Norwood awmUts. R l 2, KtIWOrihy, Ontario Poe 1Gf -g9b QV1RR -250 HARDWOQD tree tops. for sate. Rhonri 528.7714 --27-29K' QilSTQM= RAKING,.. ._ 'Need to send , or receitie :a' lex?: The .,Sentinel -does: cue- tom faxing: for custOimers:. Drop in Of call 528%2822 for,: details; FOR..SALE tender, '.Casty tow fat beef; Available. bolted 114 or 1/2.4 Qat{ 519 395. ^59ttc CAA.TCK UP QN. THE. the • Sentinel: is available .at, 'the, following. locations; I-iotyrooti rGeneral Store; Ripley- Superlor'Markot;` Daw0ri's: Stora,.: I)urtgarinotl, MacNay's:, Store, Ambertey; Triangle, Discount, Qodleiich; Brian:s,. Valu -Mart, Wingham McPhee IDDA,,'Wingham,. hlert Food Matt; Teeswateer., MaoAdgm i, M -Minart, f�iptery,: Port Atiloert Uerieral. Store, and Keith's,'lepair Service; `Whitechurch. = 9tfn)c . t, 4Ra74 ptiltSrtltkf S : . The.-Lucknow Semi er does. conn enttlai custom`typing for customers; reshot+ .• let” ters,'etc. V.ile can, offer you a number of different print,•; types: anis sizes,' on high duality paper;.. Call, our office or' crop in : for more details. N N:: POTAT:OE. at Leer. Voder's, 1' corner south of: Luckilt>.W: 4, cdtrnera Oast on: Zion Road. - ,27'-32xc BARBECUES, NA I URAL gas and. propane, no: bd- . quettes- and life tirne w'ar rarity, The. • Chimney, Sweep'* Stove Parlour. and• Gallery trio. 368-5 t 9tfct3; PiG1s up your copy at THE LtQlc�NWVfl, SENTINEL at any; 01 the; yfollo,win4 Luc:kncivW-businesses.: Beakers, Ntllt, Best's Discount," Luekitow,, Village Market; Rx . • Oerntraf-; Lecknow, HJ: Used Cars: and',Annie'a Caws. Bar, arid' Hamilton Foster eft oiA owns* woolow, roma Polish. Pork . areaded+,� SOW LECTRIC ()ROAN with /WO independent. Keyboards, 13:note foot pedal board and•many more'. •sounds.. and • features. Asking $1,000 a fr o: Phone 5g4x4849;' or 5x2,44873. 3lrixe Slwl SC2l A fo:r sale; Excellent. condition. Large ellagic pattern in; tette, amt.. rust. $200. Phone 528. 5244, -29x TV11Q RIEGi taWeS.suit, tetttf&is, side 144 Suitable. for: Mettler ofthe bride of cj(flQrXt, WOlft Qfl % Jean, Sum oblksolos STI gt,. BLIII.,DINOS,grfc4 trat<ltaded:. et Direct.':1fi x 24 $2,933.00, • al x 30 $3..760.00. 25: ; x .40 .524.09; , 32; •x .. 4r`. $6%:836.0Q, ° $$,a6Q Q0 4.0x 60 sok e QQ', . 46, x 70 3,d4'4,Q0. 55 .x: -90 $22888 QQ. Qt1 re, -Pionee;. 1}800,,Q0 x422.--29be ,S'regt.0.044.t?INGS' FUTURE; STEEL' WILD - twee ILD -tares. featuring, 1000% use able 'space Many models, sides,. Easy eeff.4aseembly,;: Oal 141007888.0654 ext: 536:.: fer. Factory-Di:reot Sa rings', Financing' . &, Creasing; QtFti4ns+.--29t 10 tt t8 FLQFRIOA ROOM for sale includes carpetand deck. One year old; A.rrtust to see. Phone 39S-4748 of 395.3a3929.30x _ _ TAPPER F€ f SMA1,t, short box pick up. $200. or heat offer. Phone 5:24.45Q4• -» 27,32nate. • HARVEST4. GQLD 'aleGtrit' stove in excellent condition .$75. Please- call 52+6714' 6' alter 6p,m:--28-30nxe •WHY 14A,V Ai* • aiuctton?' Celt us. we buy' it ailf Antique, :lurniturer, coins, Tappiia ce etc, No fuss nc,• muss. Gash on the ,spot,' gall • 1-8.0,Q-387.1'932. _-• 25tfer• QUALITY MATTRe 6e ,- at warehouse prices, open.. Thurs., Fri:; .Sat,.: Highway X11:, souttr. 0..Qderiett: G & E :rrniture 5247234,<- 23tfCi Dee, 4U NSt • 1tiw avail;. ante at Holyreed General' Store:. Extended: -to Atrguet. T29ar WHAT:'S;HAPP NIN ',• AR GOND. THE AREA. The Sentinel hal. -the fot- lowing papers. available- in our office on Wednesday. Qodesict 'Signal Stat','' Ktncardlne' News;. News. Record':M.Ctintonitchefl. Advocate, Seaford) Huron Expositor-•-iettox; • 18.000 9TU Air conditioner... 220 volt, window model; 30 day warranty. $500, 16 ' cubit' foot, upright freezer, white, 30 day Warranty, "$20:0. • Phone 395-3968 Stiewfelt Appliance Serviice. =-28»30x • 6 5 .FT.. SCAFF0L13 frames, braces and dolly's.: . Reasonable: Phone 395- 4407. --29-31 xc DEHUMIDIFIERS, FACTO RY 'seconds from $169. Pollock Electric, Ripley 395-: 29.82,'--23tfer Ft11.4 SIZE beer fridge, • works .great $5R, 14 orbic 'toot, freezer works great., $100. Phone 528.2742. 29,39.4 • 'FLATS OF perennial: seedlings., excellent; for planting large areas or bor.; • Gera.. Varieties include. Delphinium, Sweet, William►;- ; Centranthus, Ascelpias, Aubreta_ and others. Calk' Grey's,. Perennials 881- 1522., --29c6 COMPLETE .'P,.ROFt S* SIONAL Disc'Jockey set-up including .complete 'lighting: system; and -.Van „for hauling ell equiprnent, Will; consider training if'; so required. per . further ii formation Please sag.524,2206; 30 INCH'',CRO.SLEY;•by, Moffat electric.. range, goad: condition,House- power MTD snowthrower., single stage, 20",cut, $1,100 Phone 35:7-3246.--28-34Xc' COME, GET Schtrett's. prices on genuine La -'Boy sofas. and chairs, Yamaha Pianos. Attractive bedroom suites, Soria mattresses. Schuett:s; deliver and set up free. in a w de•aiea, Phone 519-3§7'2398,, --29ar 'fw 1,991 •MERCURY TOPAZ 4 door, auto, mint condition, 101)000 inn., Phone. 395- 2434 or after; 6 p.m,. 396- 904x3.--27tfcc 19:9:1 CHt .VAQ1'ET Lumiuta, great car. Blue, auto, >. loaded. $6250. Call 887.' 2600.- 29-340xe 1.906 DUDES 0Q0' converts ible, $1000 as , iso Call evenings:528-3607; -21,29 Donate your .vehicle .and;; stipportthe ,Charity of. your Clieit;e.. .~res Vehicle. Pick up and tax ',reoeipt: issued. Cali 1.800.463-5681.--29bc •