The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-15, Page 13CN O.b tuarios EfBERT GEERT"A:. f idert, Geertsma, ts9' JOHN AL.SERT Luoknow, passed away at SCHWsSER • the Wingharn and District John'""Albert Schlosser ,passed away July 3, 1998 at South Bruce Grey Health Centre, Walkerton, Ont. Mr. Schipsser waS bern• in puttees Township on June 1, 1912.. His parents were Miphaet Schlosser and Annie (Yack). He was a 'member pt :St: Anne's • Roman Catholic Church,, . •Riversdate.'Surviving are his brother Charles Schlosser,. Chepstow- and ' 'sister Irene, Lamont of Teeswater. Ales are one niece .and nephew flat and Joe .Milner of Walkerton With: wham- he lived. Several other nieces and nephews • and 'great: -niece and: nephews. He was 'prede- ceased by six brothers Clarence, Julius; Leander, • Tony, Mike and Joe and: two Sisters 'Loretta and Nora:. Visitation' was held from MacKenzie and McCreath,. MacPherson, Chapel, Teeswater on Sunday, July `, 1998 with funeral Mass from 'St. Annee's Roman Catholic Church, Riversdafe. with Father Omar Fagan officiating. Pallbearers were Tony • Carter, Ode. Milner. Rob Schlosser, John Weatherall, Rod Droefke, and . Mike. Schlosser; .Graveeside ser- vice er vice washeid=at St. Anne's Cemetery, Riversdale.--28 HAROL.ty GARDNER W. .. Harold Webster' Gardner, of Maple Breezes,: Lucknow; passed away at • the . Vingham and District, • Hospital on July 9, . 1:998, in his 80th •year. Mr. Gardner was; a member ot. the Lucknow United Church. He. '.: was. born in' . Ashfieid Towpshlp •nn' Aug. 18, 1909. ' • :Mr. Gardner iS• suntived by a sister, Beryl :•Hunter,, of Lucknow, and several. nieces and nephews,. He' was predeceased by his' parents Witlia.n T. and ., Susan Rebecca (Webster) Gardnari-e-brother-Sid-and" sister . Eva. , 'Freeman. - Visiitation was • at •the, MacKenzie a:nd; McCreath Funeral Home;:.Lucknow:; where 'the funeral, service was held on. July ,12 with Rev. Albert Coak officiating. Honorary p'alibearers were Stewart Lane,.: Ernest:' Williarrrs, Ken Laidlaw, Lane Gardner and Flora Jongeling.:: Active pallbearers were.Art :F'r'eeman,' Joe Freeman; Allan. Gardner, `'Brian. Gardner, .Larry Hunter and Roy: Keane. . Interment Greenhill Cemetery;. • • Lucknow.=Donations were to". the Lun• •gAssociation--2a8 A New Spirit of Giving k n,trw l oval, w!,,,wrMO, 0,00 ,Hospital,. on .Duey 3, 1998 He was .89 years old. Mr, Geertsma was a member of the Lucknow Christian Reformed Chttrch. He was born in Bluer, Germany, on Aug. ,.1 4, 1:912 to Oeds and. Harrnke (Koopman), Geertsma. Mr. Geertsma is survived by his. wife Grace •(Tiersma), of Lucknow, and. 10 children: Hank end. Harnrke. Dyk of Blyth,. Leo and Greta VanderLey el Orangeville,, Tina and: Jack $ytsma of. Caledonia, Peter and-Marj ,Geertsma of` Brunner, Oeds and Ruth .Geertsma -ot Lucknow, John and Linda Geertsma of ChesleY, .Jim and Marvel Geertsma et Fordwioh, Janet and Rodney Fitzsimmons. of ChesleY. Mary: and John Dykstra of SaublYe . Beadh., and Maureen' and: John Peet of . Goderich. M. Geertsma was grandpa. to 31 grand childrenand 12 great grand- children. He also leaves to mourn 'his passing step? brothers and sisters. Rosa van der Heide, •Backe. Geertsma and... Artdries Geertsma, .alt , of , the' Netherlands: Mr, Geertsma was 'predeceased by, two brothers, Jeen, and Geert. Visitation Was at.' the Mackenzie and. McCreath Fu neral Home, Lucknow, The junetat service was Conducted from the Luoknow." Christian' Reforrrted'Church: on July 11with•Stephen Taniming. offiolating.: Pallbearers: were. Peter. Geertsma; Oeds Geertsma, .John Geertsma, Jim Geertsma, Jack Sytsma, and.Leo VderLey.- 'Interment South •South l(inloss Cemetery.' Dtnations .were to -the Canadian; Cancer 9Qatety,- -28ar JOSEPH WALL... • Joseph. Lone Watl, ,• of, Clinton. end formerly..ott: Kinloss. Township, passed away. at the Winghan�,.;atitd bistrict Hospital on,July '7, 1991, in his 81st year, Born to Teeswater an..Feb , 1918, Mr. Wali was a son of the late • Jdseph 'and Jessie (Scott) Walt; He is survived • by his wife, Catherir+e 'McDonald et Braemar :Retirement Home, Wingharn; ; children, John and Jane 1Nail of Listowel area; Ftobo:rt and Debra: Wall of LrstoWet area, Irene. and. Jint Perrin of•Et.mira.. and JoeWalt et.Wheattey,, six grandehiidren; and a; kis= • teer, Amanda and her hus- • bead. Jim. Hamilton,. ;of, Exeter, Mr.' Wall was prede- ceased by a sister Elva Needham:.Visitation was at the: • MacKenzie' and McCreath Funeral Hone, Lucknow, were the funeral was' conducted by Rev`: Albert Cook on 'July 9. Interment Smith's 42 :Obituaries JENNIE PORTEGUS 4egthie. (Mary Janet t orteous,, of Pineorest Manor ' Nursing Horne, Lucknow, a retired home- maker and teacher, passed .away at the Honig on July. • 9, 1998. Mrs. Porteous was 97 years old. She was a daughter of the late Dan and - 'Sarah (Tiffin) MacDonald and, wag born in LuGknow on April 21, 1901. Mrs. Porteous is survived by: her daughter, Mary Louise Bell and her husband Robert, of Sarnia; a nephew Donald. MacDonald and family • of Nashville, Tennessee, a brother-in- law, rotherin- law, Rae Porteous of Chatham and, nephew, Kenneth • Portegus, of Edmonton. She was prede- ceased by her husband, ' William Porteous. Visitation was at the MacKenzie and -McCreath. Funeral Home, Lucknowi where the funeral' was conducted on July 18, Rev,'Peggy Kinsman,. of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, where Mrs, Porteous was a member, officiated, Honorary bearers were were Joe Agnew, Grant Fairish, Russell. Alton -and Donald MacKinnon.: Active .pallbearers were George Anderson, Doug . Clark, Herb Clark, Bob 'Campbell, Fred PeBoar and Torn Cheater. interment South Kinloss cemetery,, As expressions of sympathy. donations to the Lucknow Presbyterian Church would ' tae appreciated: -2ear 46 i11 11(i0111 tprialn : i LINOS • In loving memory of a dear *hus:and and, `dad who passed away July 14,1'994. • We always remeniber'the • . way y o Cemetery, Culross. Township. Donations were 'to the Heart and'Stroke Fissociation:r-28ar • ' The way you spoke .•and. . smiled The tittke'.things. you. said arid. did,' ` A e`witi us all"the 'while: But when. we're said' and lonely • And your..death seems so unfair We always hear, you •whis- per 'Touch your heart, my love is there" . Loved and sadly missed by your.wife Donne'"and your ...children - Travis, Ryan and ' Derek --28x; , LINDE' In loving: memory of our • son-in4faw Otto ;Linde who passed away 4opr,years ago July 14, 1.994. Always remembered by Harold. and Betty. Humphrey. --28x JEFFERSON in loving memory of.a loving son arid brother, Barry, July' 1 ,, 1.988 and Wesley, hus- band, father and grandfa:- ther,'July 31, 1988. Gone but Still loved Missed and never forgotten., Eilieen and farnily. --28 4 irrt Mtnllori it s PARRISH in loving memory of our dear granddaughter Ashley Dawn, who passed away July 19, 1984. She was. a flower to sweet. 'ter earth Sent here but for awhite God marked, her when he gave her birth And took cher home with a smile Sadly missed by grandma. and grandpa Henry. --28x 47. Garda of Thar** - Words cannot begin;to Gap••, tune the heartfelt apprecia- tion that we feel. towards our ramify, friends and neigh- bora. for the rides and offer„ of rides, to .ondon,, inquiries of Doug's health and many; many other acts of kindness, during. Doug's. illness, All of that generosity and thought- • .fulness was carried over in the passing of •Doug. •Through:gestures; such' as •. cards, flowers, food, dank-. tions both to Heart and Stroke and Cancer Society, 'and words of support we cannot thank you enough. A special thank you to the nurses.at Wingham hospital. for their compassionate• nursing care, 'Joan Pollard and MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral, Home: for their professia lism, Rev. •Peggy Kinsman far a mem- ' citable service, Blit;: Bev and 'Laura Hodgins for `the 'fiexi- bility In their ;schedule 'as well as well as mine which• enabled •tire to. spend extra precious : moments with Poug. To'the Pallbearers,.. Daniet MarkleTorn• Helm; • Patty Murray,:`paryn Barry, :Dick Richards. 'and Syd Caesar;Ftower';'Bearers Mac Conley, Walter, Scott;, Glenn 'Dimli>p.and Donny Brooks. Ail .0f What has boon touched on above will never' be forgotten and always' appreciated , t erreer'atndJudy, Lana_:ana k The P ddl Lucknow Scrttinel,.W dricsday, duty 15, 1998 --Page 13 47 Gelds 01 Thanks BROOKS We wish to express our sin- pere'thanka and appreota- torr. to relatives and friends for food, flowers and cards we received when our brother-in-law Roy Teeft passed away. Shirley and Gordon.• -28: , BAKKER/DRENNAN - Wo would like to thank everyone who supported us at our stag and doe and offered' congratulations and: best wishes. To the wed- ding ,arty, family arid: Mends that helped out, in numerous ways, your assis- tance is greatly appreciated. Thanks. everyone we had a really good time! Jen and.• Matt. - 28: • • ...MEURS . 1 have many people 1 have to thank for their hard Work in making our town look so. beautiful for the • 140th birth day'Getebrations. First el all to my very hard Working.. cgmmiftee_- Joan •Finlay,'. ,Blaine Steer, .Joan Slack, Tracey Simpson and Crystal Elliott. Secondly to my bow makers '--Janine Smyth', .Katy. Hackett, Cathy McGillivray, Ruth Alton and Bev! Bertram: Thanks -.also to the ,re. sidents: at River Valley- Apartments• for the pompom -bows:. A. huge thank you to Bryan- and: Vana Gammie for the use 91 their apartment to house the de.coratinns .andi•aur work bees, Thanks to Margie MacPherson for sewing'•the• flags for the lamp poets.. Thanks* the .Cain Guides for. handing' out balloons during the parade, 'Also; a . bid thank 'you to my. staff at • Evgrlastings. for' "keeping their heads :about them when• alt' abut 'them were losing:••theirs." Also thank you••_ to •everyone:'efse who helped: make. swags, cut. plastic; blow up balloons the, morning: of"the ,parade and anything else that needed to Barb, be-clone`ov r the .past.' Weeks', ud educkers 47. tido of Thank* PARADE COMMITTEE' Not forgotterr.,.fust missed. More thank yous to the fol'- towing for all their Bob-' Peck and Mandy, Mandy Mocienaghart, Ken Atkinson, Bob Campbell, Sharon Petteplaoe, Snobelen Mill, to :the Lions Club, Kinsmen, optimists, Lucknow Legion, C.O.C.' fvtacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home for sponsor- ing bands, and Lucknow Cut and Curl for sponsoring; a shriner group; Lucknow Farm. Supply, Lucknow Town Works, Fire Department-, Lenore' Glenn,. and the rest of the reunion •- com.mittee..Last but net least Paul and Lynn for alt their help, A thank you to, everyone who helped in anyWay. Tom and dim, --26x. Now that I have had time to relax, I.'d like to express my thanks to .alt those who. helped make my weekend; a lot easier. Thanks to John Bremner, Lynn and Paul Zinn,. , Grace: and Jim - Finnigan, Carol Anne and. Herold. Winery, :Margie . MacPherson„ my sister Tilly, and alt who helped in the Tourism. Centre, Also a: spa. ctal ttianks.to the' Belt's Variety- and Lucknow. & 'District Co-op who made space available, and -look ,time to: sail the sauuentrs during 'the year and a :halt •prior to the reunion Th'anke also: to Deb and Connie who had to::put'up with me,' and ... ,helped run errands during the preparation .of"'the ‘...reunion and, net ,once did they. . •cotnplainft Unfortunately we. were...-. unable•,°10 sell all •souvenirs, and; therefore Paul"Zinn 'still . has all.:his hair. Onef nal thanks . goes "out• to all who • .purchased th.e'souvenirs, that's.. what "Made 11 Great In '98." '. ;Souve'nir ' dew G;ha�.p`rs►� lelarass_- , Sokoloski. !..413•, .. ' Steve, :.Derek, Krista; and =Taylor,µ-28xc • PINECREST MANOR, -' Thanks to all wt5:o helped. make our reunion celobra-- tidn' and pig roast a huge .success • Stu Rsevie;for the use of his ftaat: • Jim. 'Boyle ter 'the.' sound system;, Kinettes tor,running the bar, Ken Irwin for setting it up. The special -entertainers - greet job and enjoyed by all. McDonald's Restaurant for. donating' the juice. To the staff who; donated their time, bean pots and roils, and, as usual 'to all our volunteers, families and friends who. came out to help and sup port us. Also a huge thank . youto everyone who helped'. With our float on.Sat,, and' also to take residents dawn to see the parade, Once again. "Our Community. Spirit" was very much in eve dence at "Make 11 Great in . '98." Residents, staff and management 'ot 'Pinberest Manor. --28ar for counting and: sorting bal- loons '. end ' Heroriia of Godertc'h, Smyth.,Welding and Willits Tire ,for, the., hell - Urn., Leetly thanks to my husband Jack ler putting up ,wlth.rne..not being. around the, last little while and no, Garrett:Motnmy doesn't have' to snake any more bows, .' Tracy Meurs,, Decorations:.-28ar SCHOOL REUNION COMMITTEE':. Thank you to Gloria •litchie, for her help, alongwithttie ' Lucknow` .Central Staff, ' Bruce Hamilton, Sandrae. McCallum, Ruth Bell, Gord Gayley, the Parent: Committee, (delicious short cake), John Scoff and Mark Forrest :(barbecue' man power) tor. their work in . snaking the school reunion a success µ-28x • Afentteivian BelI, -28, r• • MCINTOSH. - Sincere thanks:.. to .everyone for cards; flowers and gifts; sent•tom me during my rodent-:. ho'spitailization':And since . coming'. hone. Your thou•ghtfulness .an.d'kind- ness was idea very ;much appre dated, Kay --28x • . PORTEOUS We wish to thank' Pinecrest Manor' for mothers ; care,; over the last few years: For • good. friends 'and neighbors • Who dld so much for moth- - et,' For those who sent ftoW ars,5 gave donations, and: came to visit at the funeral home, the ladies at the Lucknow • Presbyterian • church for the lovely lunch following, to Rev. l(insmao for her cumforting words and many visits,' and staff at 'MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home. Your kind- ness will never be forgotten. Mary Louise Arid Robert