The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-15, Page 7Mpirguret .rt* f tgtow Terra Courtney • School days were re- lived as approximately 20 fotn e ptapil:s of S.S. #10, Ashfield .rade on the #10 float in the Make it Caret. in '98 Lucknowreunion parade on July 4. Same former papils were brought together tar '.the first. tithe in many }rears while •erthe;rs are Married and .live together as; Iran and wife. - The oide:at lady, Hilda .. •Lane, acting as teacher,: ` rang: the :school bell and threatened to.•give the eIdesf lad, John Howard: ate strap for carving his full .name on the side eat the, schdtdal, ••• -School yells' and singiing school days were enjoyed as. well as a bag' lunch and apples ..fer the f being used as a repair and' teacher. S.S. #W strange close-. ' in June 149.01 with student 'bused to the newly eon,: • stritcted North Ashfield Sebool in September, The wheel was purchased by John Howard and is still Work. shop. Many former students Pried `,bookie" .. as they watched the :7' paras e: • Cyril and Mary 1$ey1c hada busy week coining up to4nne•20, .•• - Son Michael' .an4, his wife. Sharon' and. grandson Patrick and !Brenda arrived • Weeixtesday • trvm Calgary, • Alberta Daughter Marie.:. and husband Tien Reitman '.„ and ..grandson Cunno,t:' S AVM GrOSSu oi9Die Frames• Miebigan. • Daughter Doctor Anne and Doctor Steve, Lloyd and. grand- children Katie and Liam - arrived from riarn►i1un; They al.t anived Par JPO $oyle's wedding to Beth "Sweeeney, daughter of Jerome and Carmel` Sweeney of Zurich. They were monied at St. Peter's C"hit€ch. Qederichvtt June h . by Father C. 5, • Quinlan, a good friend of birth fam ilia s.. -Congraiulat ons to. the happy couplet who wild reside in Sotithd;tntt Pines; Cirap4• Berm, . • • • • July 11. Celebrations con,. titzued..at the Maitland.. Country Club, Coderich, •Congratulations to • Aube Sinnott, sots of Jint and •Yvonne t Vassellal Sinnett and Tan a Marie Ott, .daughter of Peter and Irene Ott who who were mar- ried on .litly 11 under a big tent on the Sinnett proper- ty on the shores of Lake ,. Huron, This wasfollowed by dinner and reception with nusi6 supplied by DJ. The happy couple- :1,4g ouple.w It make their new home its Chilliwack, Briusin: Columbia. • Sherry and: Tanya ',Hodges have returned homeafter attending a 10 month course in Canterb try `Christ Church . Colle,e, England, reeeiv-• Mg -there Primary SehoOI teachers eerttficate. • Relatives of the; Black(! rrin ton famtilies were saddened to receive" word of the sudden, detitli o•f. .34 .year old : Bruce. Black, in a.,ntotoreyele truck mishap in Toronto, • font lt .. Parents,. Dr, Wilfred• Black and Annabelle of Aurora, wife Benita, three.. nnal1:, daughters. marl sister, Heather raeurn his; death, A serviceof., rannerra- brance tonic-place:at Lithe 'Trinity Anglican church, Toronto On:June 20. A::pretty 'wedding, ansa. Yed dptian under the big Aileen Trommer visited last Tuesday in St. Mary's and attended her sister Marie and brother-in-law $army Cade's- 40:thwed- ding anniversary. Oen Thursday she visited with eottsins ti.aehael and Dennis'. Braniff of Water! o, • Joye,e•,Moran is: home front • University cnspital; London. We wish ;her a speedy recovery • . Eldon and Mary' Austin visited this: past Weekend -at; .Miller, • Lake. and Toaberi ioryy Congratulatidns •ta Mary •Anit•e O'Neill, 'daughter of the late John. goer Mary tS.lae:rrd4.atn) Nit] and. 'T#rpaa Wei. nor, son cif Herbert azid Karen: Werner, who were united in marriage in, St. Joseph's IkOintan catholic; Court n, Kingsbridge by .ties uncle Father Kevin Sheridan' on. top, took place at then home ofthe bride and groom, Brend"a Haggitt • and Scott- Allison, On Joseph St. on. July 11. Wedding attendants were .the brides' sisters Darlene and groom's;. brother Mark. A motor trip to western Canada is on the agenda, a visit with her sister Sharon in Albert, Alberta being, ane et the first` stops. • The t omntmity wel- comes .a new family to the village. Tim .and. Winnie Crown _ have purchased the .borne on. Joseph Street, previously owned ' by lnhili# Yraung. Their faint- ly consist,; of three (laugh- stirs' Sara, • Amber, - Stephanie and son Jesse. . • Winners:at Dungatnion. Senior citizens euchre=, carel parties the past -two weeks have been Marie. Park, Luis "Chtirnney, Lois Cunningham, Creorgina• Reynolds Tom Young, Dave Sproul, Leonard Ooed'anid Tbm Culbert; • A•ppreeiation. : • is, expressed to. Rose Reber, Pave Sproul and Torn: Young for draping the<new `Canadian. Fl.a an-:thtr inner wall and to Olive. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 15, :19913: - Page 7 ow parade Chisholm for the goat of Paint, extolling the.letter•- ing en the soother extort - (Armen of the centre. Visiting, Jint and. Margaret Errington on Tuesday was bet sister Mary Ann and husband Sheldon Martin,New Hiunburg, one week prior to Mary turn's scheduled knee scirge>y. Congrntulatitins to Rtrth' Anne Durnitn and i id, hard. Askes, whose marriage was, - sotemat ed' tat Lucknow Christian Reformed church on. Ante . The newly weds, are taking up residence in Vans:buyer; • British Columbia, Jessica Logtenberg cel ebrtated her 12th birthday. June 29, by attending the' Stratford Pork Congress, also and "hour and half concert featuring the "Faeroe t.1at.? titer" Peggy Bodges was home from Montreal to celebrate her mother Beth • Hodges SOth birthday June - t egge s daughter Rosalind: is: employed. 4k. an inset -Alice agency in -- Landon and sun Ryan is . attending trade school an Montreal Sunday, Jniy S. wershigtr service at Dungannon United churchwaS; in charge of the Su tray School, • . Special musicwas pram vidod by' Marry Uarriock, • guitars by Sunday School superintendent Ken Logtenberg, a solo by Jennifer Logtenber'f,and, action songs aA uwpanied by taped music. Teachersand assistants involved during the fiscal: year: were Dorothy ]dere, •C air tach, . Debbie Patterson, N:ield Edwards, Anita 'Costa • Woods, Melinda Smith, Oath Mansfield, B.J. Tideswell, Catherine Wilkins • andd Stacey V11itson, • Refreshments f011owed a very impressive service, For the month of Julye Rev: Willy Ziegler df Bayfield will be offieiat- ing for the open service a Dungannon and Donnybr"ouk, with Trinity' and` Niles. of the four point charge closed. Vasifipg Leona Boyle and family Were her broth- er and •wife Louis and Meanie KW), ).:: • • ? f ...il#409Af0a9eettatioeftsaedei/o8t®ttoo.Qs,.416, C:cin ratulatiotrs. " Maf ha arrell why pat•tico iPatt dl its the .SpOcial 11.y pr s Sb,eM :.. Ay.04: bronze medals 64 t e t.) -t ,1n? ire,: a. salver Medal in the high ,rump .and a„gokt rinedal in 1010'100 Metre. ,. , It is tore e`to•.see Bonnie Boy ie home' from St. Kitts for some holidays -with .her;. family, - S.anclra and son Douglas •Forster .and• • Christina Farrell returned from a trip to Winnipeg 'where they visited. with Donna' Jean Forster as well as friends to Alberta. It Was nice, tO see the Lion's $eef:Barb.eque so welt attended, and".such a g�4; `meal. See you all at the firemans breakfast .on Saturday. Sympathy isn extended tothe families. def the:. lute Norval. Pollock and -Albert Rellands, : Carmen Farrell enjoytrtl souse trate ai the.Silaver. Lake Camp last week.' Jamie, • attended a 4-i camp in Borden. Vaailey. Nancy-and',Pant spont last week at Camp'. 'Kattyuah at Magtietawatt, •Sharon_. .anc1 vf�le r artin • attended ' the' Canadian- :Veternntary Mecjieal Association convention'in Toronto..last'. week. The Martin boys' had, a great.::visit with ,their grandparents, in Oliphant. 'The institute•`itreetin:g on Wednesday. was well attended. Everyone enjoyed the 'Muffins and: coffee and; especially. the -scavenger hunt."' Marilyn and Don, Kira: and l arty, the El kiosk family and Kay 1ylc6jrtrliek of Winghatn Celebrated Bradley 1Reid`s third birthday at Jo •and Brian Reid's • Marilyn andon and. Besse Maulden-e ' yed iunchj nt Betty' arid_n. Bushell s oe Sunday, Myrtle. and Corhelius landervan visited with her brother Harvey and Wilda Thompson. Get: well .wishes, are " sent out Toe Em nersen and $ill Jeiiiisan • w;ho are •in the Kin.eardine Hospital: • It was, nice .10 sed tlt % ,friends and ;neighbors of Mandy Farrell ' at her shower on Satt►rday. Visiting with June and Earl` Elliott ware Janice and, Stephen Elliott" ot-. ,Blind River arid Nancy,. Paul and John . p41.0` G1.t enwaod of Clover E onations to e Lucknow $Wiinring' Pool 'Renovation Fun -°414.(10,4 • "I.00 'Per Nreei i?e persp We appreciate 116w Well received this promotion was by all the.•businesses, and their employees. • . (x4) Participants can register' at Lucknow Semi el