The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-15, Page 5for Funding from. the Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources will support several, area g. sass - roots aQthhitie r aanrtd 4t prOtqeting and enhancing the province's fish atn41,. wileilife species ,and their habitat. A total of 44 *trot unteer projects in •the counties of Huron', Perdu Brant. Wellington and the regional 'municipalities of Niagara, • kl`amiltun- Wentwoarth and: Waterloo will share the $92,2()0' funding.. The approved: projects in .Huron and Perth ittwcliicte: Maitland Valley .Anglers oups r eive and wildlife »°$1,(XtDtX to help build 4 fish passage: strtte;taire; i4fl the South Attitland River. and;$300 in support of the Port Albert Fish_way haatehery. • Bayfield Anglers $3il.)0 for Steatxt' tc:h,abili- tation and tree planting along the .Moore:, Drain near liensalfi. Pert h S.tt wardship; Network - $1,400 for habi- tat_.cestcrrattutt in and around the l~ullactun Pond and thi Neil Drain, • Huron Ste wardship Network - $2%300 for habi- tat enhancements andthe creation of veget4xive link- ages. ruling Huron Fringe Naturalists $5(O, for wood turtle population: D4114gt tnt;:nt. ooz14 pruttte;tiutx of nest sites. . Nine: Mile River Steetheaclera $4,.500 for fencing, and the hu. itditW of a cattle crossing as part of the: habitat rehabilita- tion along the Nine; Mile River • Blyth Optimist Club $.4,7V0 for stream habitat re$tota,tiun in the village of .Blyth. • fyron Perth Wild" Tinkey Association SSW in support. of the trap and transfer ofwilt turkey and $1,200 for habitat rebabili- Co-operative e oholds cost caf soccer fields to 8,000 The most recent ndeli» don td. spurts, tat ilio+ s itt. WS, Q011Up.4tritt w etas. Qnkc again a. cQ-01)eratiNe effort • . by mai* • • Xn view- of tho faert that soceer.leag ies are rQr k ing xit' leaps in bvtltie s, the Iu*k,ut?w 4.114 04 tr'tgt .. I ingrrioti, odor ehaiirtr on Rei 0t Mt4t`t4Q411, 4pe4r- ttQ 4Qd the addition. of Q • ear f 014 to, rnak tot# Of' dines now aivailalate fu . yuchtb, amy• Adults in our 4W4 tiU• o0,10. ' 'h@ teit.ill`. cQ$1 for t'xw . roup, fioWa will be •i'n t 7444,45. 9,1$2$,000., hOWtw..7. or this is ti far, cry 'free?, the $$0,000) It could have Gust it cQintnunity,. iilvctiventent liadri"t been'4 c,,,vitkrit 'tTh situ :of the'soccer ttelcls'con'4444vt gr4v'o1. 119191 #lacl Li bi, 'tt in(ve4 and re,plaed wzth top seri(; which is 4 Qost1y v;t more. l" 4>\vt ver,, -Eton' reiict loony 1-lcrgcrvctl'st Oftot`4ci,ti) do aii t XC,lta?atige ci±aail: with the, Kinsman. The 'tupsc it removed'' frumr the Roge Oorsts` new business Silt ':cvas traultllel;,'to the soueer fiettl. an4 grstvei Was taken book to toll' Coverall looaation the c'Q t of lobar, would aiso hove been ok.ltorl?attt if' our for tlio S trtsrtio ii tithQ wooded., their res with •I4khowtOIntitxtkOteaP 'L'1te th04, irrix.ael,:town- ships and tits village! pro-. ' ide4: necking etc ., for to ptojeet, • IPtber businossos:: than 'assisted by providing inotoriiits a►,t OSA c Q'tln d wt -,?(O' Simpson '`on %Ing, Davi etlbrookx: 1i t3rn17GU11, esinstroction, l intoss '$ahel ani Gravel, oriel. *1111,aoh _gtrxtos: lvitruy•kKlat,fartl er& alsci tro4ed topsQ11:for gritYa • While to ousf.t>'t thi3 pr j. ?4t e 'ueedea 01'64. figura , tho i insim n aHyl ,iblottwe.; aro very 4rithus0d.. ohoht -the ateiditiun ut tbo 4oeeer fields; • DQnntiorxs• hove muted cornixig irt' to assist th. 4lebs in pitying^off the debt;; Lions L rites. $5,009, 1 iustnen (nom only, nut Qrt 1r nlade.tip of XC,insrnetx), . balt;'teatrr •$1350, l oeknuw 'kit:kers, $154(1. tlto 1,40,004W' Chid X2w vift ltOokox tooth &.&.. QUUUQr Vers; zntatX; 044044ts• 'kbr kQl4Q4 X•1Qlyrocod ' 'rpjuns; a,tx ; l inlo.s, o w n's. bail • toots 4oz ted the pro-.. ects thy; had .in tbbir iie'i„QU11ts . Together with'tlae gen,. owns. 4utuutions ., the K•i'nstn n, h1kvg re4uc thtir deft, to $12000 after' ' applying S:utnin rfoSt •: Profits, The Kinsmen Would be :happy, tQ ai4:4ept .lily dona- tions„ lon'4 tiQAs, largo or sniclli, tit wards the *,0,Q x ti4lrl: pri;jext. cootau:t Wayne at • 529',33:13. ttgiun to :21,1;4W.wild turkey • winter food sow es. • l uplsins Creek Retia - " [flirtation. SLOW) for • streamside planting anal i,rusicrrt control along Hopkins • Creek • near - Uoctee'ich. * I. Madill Secondary School - •5.00 for stream-, sittt plantitrgs. Won tho Mi'atitlaind 'Rivet' in the 1 inghairnt area The funding .for: the • approved projects is., front the C'ointounity Fish Oita O� kill ft: htvotvomen t Program • arra supports pro- jects in NIN&'s Qw iph. District. Out Opp 4 County drat shows this. ` 144l100 core'ipQ lunrof cSdU`• ` colonis not t:ort:+,istOitt ati the sehOOls.3n by said at the boarr,l's'Juno 1:6. ine:eti 111;; uThOt"o's, a`stQilg OOID- 4itttlIOtkt• to tousic an arts,` but' s,pSttty fird, rata-. ming: ° Ce'wbOor why." Eby saitcl. `pr�xgr.ii ist ark: 4rO4loe1 by ittti¢itt, ,Qnto 4k►at potmaisic. tc4C11* Nat00u41 DVm ng and ' Oci:Nkt ,; t>ttai io, Tw;aftic•lnjt4ry 1 es0arcki > fond ticii i sttitiatesthw %:° aro 4,5 million impairer( driver's (in c,44444s. (WA' every month. Canada's typical. impaire=d. driver; A. rnalow ors back, into th reguiar 41ass.rovni:. That 1.1\9•41)&. tliUsrc is elropl7 ci .s d {fisc tinct: sut>j40t, •esr is taught, by' tht , r -t gu1ar 4tassroont. teat i'or, Eby's,. group NS/Ws. thea 4iuow,att bpa'4 w sot' guir)nintoa on th, hq irs, Ql itlsttnkittQn,',(or in ,ohQvl. tn4 ,',S ..programs:. 14-0- -440 pin y;-440. want the b arca to strut )6thattW: csr -itgt rho program is, Nina cl liv.o.t cl, bo'ttveoil the ages. PfS. and• 34, .wbia iikek: Clrittk$, laitg amounts of 41;001 r'ogu.ar[y or is a „sooial, 4lrit1k4w ". who occas QnatlY driP4 heavily.• Appr iniatety 4$' per' set of totally it:gyred dri- yore have neon dVlrlk111, , ' by , a ciu ilifi•cd rtiosiu, teat(rhOr. "We 411 hAvv a4 suit spot in ot!r hurts for trtti klt,;" ' said sro 4 .t{11atr, J't zinifor Xenssen,, "gip will tonitoaty:ui• to answers foie yeti as, soon as NO Need To Shoat '- ta$s feed ,ad will yet.. Austztr, Tea or 0 riemon Kin Maples S leered ,Caliper- Trees.. 0 motel'sv._: o • Heri%JtLRd s ffiiSt .,' tc>i>t reeclerti F'rie:e;cl te,'c:ie�r� Stork hours; /s4Q0,-Etki;' 815: ; SAt ,till .1a(j.Pn t • ku kna w Scniilr l,. Wes sdAy. July I5, 1993. Pat*a: 5 toespii,* •'I tlt: ..:. i11ttrAt�larx�to�K.:: 040 • WAR iVl1A 4-R k�htartt^ • .TE rtt : ,ra owatauutw alo, mpg* tail Omni t.: Atidaiingi mxc,Runtingi ttuaiiy�►4a Ow, W Gical►I* t4* pienflinV. tOtr14ttlttG fl twwwaiak Chi*nnitinfo. computer smok 4.r„ t,: • w>ll4150ti 'wtr HANQveR. iaXtwi FQt=t*ST Mkt ElQ04, ttwuitlOvlt i'Cla ret V(41431. 1.14 tct tlAtt.t,'A tvlti ti:10,0.t:A ri4 !VWF, OA; • J.J. 1I04.421; t+E tuftx. +S ti, Ntu tra. etz it t?Oi9010qi, t`A .P t hgt.1;A 1"R:0. Thkunt ,..C!l 5111,1211 4799; a ax x:rs.I - 1132.4a41. 25EvERyTrnwG ,IMz lxasi,orititrut."ti &njul 1, ouitort L 1i ar<ii ter ,'ti a - .k rine China ..Aa Ffirnituie .42 t, ttiobwoet5ai ertvlare .Aiotriigia 0, Ckilie tables • t:*.'r C7trtitn; ttniu. thakr+ SlIcitonir vr dhnwg moot g4! . GE ANTIQUES t Quo) un' e Street. tJoctiericti. $19, aZ44Z5Q jibned ummer' S rVices Schedule: Lucknow JOI Sun : 4uly 19th 'Scan.. July 2rzth Sun.. Aug. ttc1 • Bran ; a.t,,g,, ' ' Sun., Aga. lipih . Stan., 4% 23rd un:= Art.% 34th R StQral•Qa .. United, Looknow & South Kinio.s Praybyteriart Cbgrohes :UM ER ER VI $ All s rvi .at1opQAM. . ',$0uQr Kinto Pie.011440.410 Cttwactt ' SQUIttikinlpss Pre„vottrrriwt tray ft ' tAiidolow•4,lnwteat.Ch4rot? Qtwtx t $Pt3tilr 1;. Sandy Inplos t.two/ RQ w.1ntted• ChurQtt west $pt; Alww;r,. Rev tabert Cot* • • . LiNifi Ow. tintttifaChli,ren40 e41.SR04.0f �RQV. Alberl Marti . . I.JIQlwnaw•' Unrteci Church; Chuff lQQkrn9 aiter .the serous 8 k tQ feeiilar sswvl ti , duly:._ Peggy.Kinsrp ri` .. Yet uSt - Ake)* QQQk • 1' '..14.44 ATTETEN: L is?kO0 %It 40, .' Whitby, aria irOurier:yfftF aid arr Alai HYDROMPLOYEIS 0.4% Qui fl» kvaifo,1?1 Rrop mita in; Lh1rl7ltfi' tn,s4 40 ; Port Peiry+J 4.omovitae- Qitavwa, - sii vupdin8 at <t. a .Pait'ine. tortay . fpri roil!' "ey,,t a:,iigekeiot ait toloyaoro-,tisliaglsriuour, price 4; ASK Ak1OUT-) 3 FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH TO BANK . Stitlliy: CQ*0 F.M.4.01!,` zft►tw,ua P .- WS., eprasentatitta , Melniier 01 140%.01ut ; ... .: FWiE 't t via* , rMr v t. i• ��µ aQttlly., 1 ,r4„ c '• . snip 'wa9P,eseillRo,Q , , 14A QttO.eo. Street, 1?utt,Aap Clhak?t,o I.,i. tAti c►gn(9951$ $4427 ` tahgntrt tint ,, (s45) 42 1* 9: 1/ rrli, aputb of t;uoinQw. 5:197,54.9%107 sa,at1 y ?r PNpxrien e with l ydrp, npv s. '''vt ga!ot f l romg;1►r lt„, tow, Vewttrt L'tm ttt hip-yQU lXilw y.94 l'in4 4 gr4tre4l t ..49 i Cel IQ; .140 00.4 4(: oJit ' t llgt . gw<a txt;taftt 1004,1)04 i lt$lilo freta, Dgrlingrgw fprtytvR joii, igkt+a4, >"!t1Qy sinf ►fi gwnliviir twitl�,lry4,riry mitis.; C$ Ca 'rik $ �� 4101 "s. s RCp4, of 3 W» 8sk will ri turn your'ca11... or F -snail as, at PiSlcaRlOeolgk,k4 • Ke n Wan Rii~ld4tl' . patrickl avlt.;M�t l 4.09r?W 1�;Y r ' V11in9.0401"1?"1i Lovingly rememl P.red LovitiOly remornbarod by the. Rintpul, Faatmily ' by the•Magee fargiiy Membarsclt MPP Heger %Bruno 19 $ 7445, ?: 11