The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-15, Page 2Page 2 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Ally' IS, 1998 Dryconditions werea. contributing factor in Monday afternoon fire at the property of Mike Humphrey, on i airshea. Road, Kinloss Township. Garbage was being burned in the bush and the fire got out of control making it necessary For the Lucknow Fire Department to be called to the scene.. 3 )l,e5,1MM. Birthday Club. ,Kelsie Beasley July 15, 1989 9 Years Old Brandon Soak duly 1$, 1992. 6 Years Old. • Kayla Murray July 15, 1996 2 Years Old • Cassandra Drennan ,luly'17, 1991 7 Years Old: Amanda Farrish July 17, 1992.. • 6 Years Old ' Davin Chamney July 19, 1988 10 Years Old Tristan Sinnott' • Miltenburg July 19, 1993 ..- 5YearsO10 Eifion Maitland Simpson July 20.,1988 10 Years Old • Benjamin Maclennan: July21, 1989. 9Year's Old Let's Fitch -In and Clean Up our Town! www pitch-in.Ca Wesley Young, of ;Lueknoiv, was. feted .on. Saturday at Open house in, honor of his 90th birthday: Mr. Young: was :born on -•July 8, 1908 ,On -the seventh ,concession of Kinloss. Township. He farmed ail his.life On. .the .fifth. concession, and retired to Lucknow In 1970. (Livingston photo). 1CW.: . sites • from page 1 equipment and people to get InfoBruce; up and running. Funding has come from all :levels of government 'and the community.. Through CAP, the federal'; government alias to help•establish'up to 11X000 access sites in remote, rural and urban settings' by' the end of 2000, Sites that benefit from I:ttfoBnice-.include-, Port " Flgiti_, S.outhampt•on., Kincardine, L'iidknow, 'Tiverton and Paisley.. JElel Welding sold A large Lucknow ago - manufacturing business has been sold. The shares of Helm Welding (1983) .Ltd. are being purchased by a numbered Ontario compa- ny. The shareholders of this holding company are Jim Cranston, Kevin Clark, Jet Geddes, Jeff Gammie, and Grant Helm. All of the shareholders are present employees of Helm Welding. Art Helm. will retrain as president of Helm Welding (1983) Ltd. for the foreseeable future. In a news release dated Tuesday morning, Art Helm saysthat during the past 30 years he and: his wife Barb have'enjoyed working with the many employees and customers but felt it was time tobe relieved of some of the responsibility associated with running a -business such as this." Helm said there have, 'been several offersto pur chase the business's prod- uct tine, but all of those would have seen the man- tifacturing of the LUCK/NOW products moved elsewhere. "The purchase of Helm Welding (1983) Ltd, shares by this group of employeees vuiU ensure that this manufacturing facility stays in Lttcknow for•the future. Although the own- ers are different the com- pany will remain the same and should operatemuch the same as in :the inst," Helm said. This year the bu,. celebrates its "? It 4r since Moving to it: ',ant location, on Huron County Road 1, just south of Lucknow. ' When the business moved there in 1968 it was known as Art Helm Welding and Machine, At this time its main products were snowblowers, gravi- ty boxes and wagons, along. with general repair services. In 1974, the blisness was incorporated into a limited ceinpany and Helm Welding Ltd was established; the sante products still being 'manu- factured but adding bulk feed storage tanks, The late '7Os and early '80s saw. a Large plant expansion and the intro- duction of mixer feeders. In 1983,: Helm Welding Ltd. was changed'to Htlm Welding (1983) Ltd. and. although the name changed it was still owned by the sante printals - Art and Barb Helm. The bulk feed storage tank line was sold tonn • Ji MacKenzie of 12th Line Welding in 1995. Helm Welding (1983) Ltd`. today inarkets LUCK/NOW products - snowblowers, mixer feeti- 'ers ana grain buggies across Canada and the United .States with sales in Mexico, Europe arid South America, as well• as manu- facturing mixer feeders for Contrnue rnvestiga>Ltio into A'fa-Laval Ai. T celebrate 30 years in business, . an open house • r� n , will be held' on Aug. 28, fatal hi{{-- l� and run ode- ie Helm say's everygne"is welcome to droop in for a plant tour and enjoy a bar- er walking southboundondamage to record the •: beet the highway on his way licence plate and call the . - honne.' The evening of the ' pollee with as .much detail aecidcnt was. •overcast, passible The police are Parents want dark with 'reduced visibilt- asking anyone who does ty: The passing lighting Gar repairs orbody work ITIlyS1C program storm lit up the skies. do notify theta of any. Investigators. have fol- vehicles With front, end guidelines a n A .group' Of Grrey County parents wants the Bluewater District Board of Education to set out written guidelines for music programs in the school. ' .Spokeswoman Ani Eby said the board claims to`, have a Strong conitn,itt- meat toarts programming, but that doesn't translate.„--- ,- in o' at '"'consistent program across Grey County'' schools. "Ths steadyere's trenda • inlow .Grebuty • turnto page'g The investigation con - times into the fatal "hit and run motor vehicle colli•. . sion whic1 claimed the life of : Shane' Derek Worsen, 30, of Bluewater "Beach in Goderich Township. " • • 'The accident occurred at about 2:30 a.m. on Friday, June 26, • an Highway 21 just south of Goderich. ' 'Shane was a well. known ;popular individual who enjoyedvarious sports and was an avid jogger. 1e was a supply teacher with the • Avon Maitland School Board who was admired by- his students 'for his enthustas tic' apprOaclala,teachhig Shane also worked.at'the 13enmiller Inn for several years having spent all' his life in the_ Goderich area. Shane was 'struck down by .a vehicle while jogging vehicle with front end lowed . up on .a: number of damage. tips received' rom the gee-. Can yet help'? eral public. They await the . results from the., Centre of The Worsen family and Forensic Sciences in .: the police are pleading,for Toronto on exhibits sent;., the .public's•.assistance in which may lead. to; the' ''solving' this accident. They identity. of the sought encourage.anyone:with vehicle:The investigators information :to contact have, been in personal pony their local police service tact with'over 200 individ- or to call, 'the Huron uals and businesses in .; Detachtitent of the OPP'at their search for the vehicle ' ' S i 9.524 831 f-torn- and..person-responsible::.*:ay Moii to Friday, :8:30. '� Thevehicle being a.m:.to �4:30 p.m. or:: any - sought will have, damage . .. tinie by contacting the ''to • the front.' end and•the ` Mount " Forest police areenco'ura•ging ` .'Communications Centre at anyone who otserv.es a 1-888-, • SHOULD YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR POSTAL SERVICE. Canada Post has always strived to achieve high standards of delivery and service With- an on going dedication to customer satisfaction, We recognize; however, that there may be times when a problem does arise: you have a question • or concern with your postal service, contact your;local' postal outlet. If you feel your needs'haven't been met, Please fol low this simple procedure; Contact CustoiWe' Service 2701 RIVERSIDE DR OTTAWA ON K1A 081 Tel.: 1- 800-2R,117.7 . -You-mayaIso i*efeer your concerns to the Postal Service Customer Cauricil in your area, Tel.: 1.800.204.418? • If you have not heen`satisfied yet, contat: Otxaudsman► 855 BROOKEIEL0 Rt1 SUITE C00,81'. D1TAWAON K1V1J6 Tel.:1=:800.204 = 4198