The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-08, Page 2?age Z t c3o:ki4�a>z1 :3 nMu,oel, attic insiNTg.k` u WANTED *a44104, 1tX AtCRe - Kinlo aa. ram,. 2 nor Rtn1< tiu trriet, r teat ham r MOOR. gwatt, Sr • riatsart auntlalpty . $4rgl;11. 044,M% t>"s At;R.t$: - [ ttilrlln5 tel: tilott15M:,, 314 0411g - eatklIrit let, warlL•ticd. m ils $1. $15:020, RETiki?J,, snow— - Wath 2 000100m apartmtant. Z-XP011013t ccindlttorf $9$900. AUBURN -Thula betiropinaquae Woo arttr :loaf •wvgttt 24•^ X 30' Woo, Rattocati to S1i1, I.P.. 4un9aleteh 2 eesnn, new ItttChprt. 5141114 sA11.QVAt » With catputt, 3 bedraatns, oil, ltetatt. auoie* $t fiettaged to 554,BRQ. .tilhlS HOME - 5 boRtoam, 1.4' aura uounttlt Wt. $11Q;400.. OUTRAN Sr: - 3 bodrooms, tame tread tot. rumor lutcheh & faintly r• ram. 479',900. • 100 ACRES • Kinlrrsa brtok-. rtame. 40nti!rth t3,. bon P &tslte, 5515 holy, 15,: t?ci$tiUr4,. ' • 1R0 4gRe$ • Stone houSa, barn; ' sttoft: 65' Worlmebtq, 3 pends. , Ktnloss: NO, Z ACRES • 4 bedroom, horn% 2@' >ri 48' lute. 120' x ail' nein near faart OW. S.114,90.• 14,041,404, St: • Altgolvd hutne. pWan tloteleNese, ($RinS,Q00.. FE"litSPROO - . i ase, attoot j.N. : 3 boy gara0e. Bob St: S125,QQQ1. :30'x60` SHQP. wslh 14'04' dtPar, atttce Alva, 1/2 acre tot, rt•,9oQ. 1.6 AGRA4 • w9b 'creek • 3 trealreems, •t4' x 4' shed.. $69,9QQ. SR.CK k RU$l'T aRertrtent complex, 2 bedraorn .untie Sood fond term investtnent,. $235,0011 'awn QF Towne a- bac#raom house, 2 car heated garage/workshop. 76. x 022' tet Ma Stream 84p4)414.. $0,,90Q,' • $50004. . • i acre. let, 4 bedfocnt flute, edge 01.1,001m% 1t AR RRuivp HQME- an. Nine Mile Over*, 2 aatitoaate, wood[prapane; heat. M1 ioe workshop $$6x500 147 Afiti>ts. -'Soot WaW4nosh. remgdetetl,: 3 be.c}room kfrtgk, Ier98 beet barn, $19,QQQ, aQ &CRDs ea wafkatale, Sas1 Wawarta&b, • . -day, S y 8. 1998 LUCKNOW DISTRICT c Saturriay. )9l) 11 /muter i rtentiorti Ertt; Johnson OPEN, OATES JULY .. Fra. 10, 17-24,•31 CALL 5284312 Yerloatatg. Rowers tt.. Cutts 9. 4.tn. • 5;30 O.t1t. Iittrort County $ U v dqyarters 7Sma11/.41iisized.Cars U at Vans,.PkicUp Ism04 at ?Neill *40 ,1004 oni41 ti ilnstoance Reidtd$ E cat TRUCK RE T Oivt'siat► ?f Suticeast Pool 500 I tiron Rd:, Ooder7ich ni �I a feemewiffstsmentletmei RETIREENIT SALE 25IrvEszyTtanco • t4ia ptSco011111 tc,; Raya6 Ounitan Character lugs 44,0 Fine 'China 40.aFttrnifure 4k Qta .stvc re/Sitverzt,are 44? Nostalgia & Calf et t th1e CrisLi.ttr. Cttegtie only. [).falers Weal» nc. t rrytltirtg mut tr? SKS CTTE ANTIQUE C.Q1borrte Street,Goderich L9*524 8,250 ,.4 1 f~aR arlfarnldtirzn OR ail: av rtlabi,e. properties to Chollattj Rcaion •-• incIut1 tag .Port Party 13owtrtataville- Oshawa. Wfaiik?y au4! surroaocI U arca: Call, me today 1 will eQurit:r you_out a packet of all r'elevaot listings to ,ytfuc pnee, rango,apd.tava ' ' ASK ABOUT 4 5% FINAitCENG AVAILABLE THROUGH TD RANK • 5hirl9y:Qdwte $olas Representative - Mernbut tel 100°la "Glue, F:WL4 Tick:::# ' 4,4 SERVICE • THAT tylia. 1OV �GtQil+l1 24 HOUR,PA Seupoq/lt1;4 4�,m�VIc?aul�or dnpohdgnt. Awnod.'U purgid SHIRLEY CQW41, sales Representative 144 Aaeen Street,,PArt.Perry, phtano.L8L lA0, • ak:(905) 985 4427 Vfloti rS•t. Ni=; -,(905) 428.1332 (1J HORD 0OP s WM MOW n..s ww -.a NOW w.. - raw, at. .'?nk5 -YW O µ..n ,• SAFE' V :411411-mounI d re brake IightOn C4nudawas one of thcc,fiat . oaf flava cvnrri1tOted to a 151W-- cgutitrics in the World to.fe arra rhe,, 1 cent'redugtlon'inraur-end collisions sut'r,'industry to 'nowt aaytimg. slttq'd they becume tnaniioto6 to' running lilthts,. to tcduce head -un,. Cngadu In 11f{i5. rntrili vahiofe cot11si44. The Old Elgin Bail< Enjoying a- .gatne'•.of'. cairns at the Par=ty sponsored by the Kairshea Wi on Friday., •were (from tho lett). ,titin Errington,, Jean. Hodgiria, Marie M Kenzie=-arltc)- lsiie. Houston. (Livingston photo) veral, groups. ot• for- mer students at 141 an*. the old L.uc.know High School. took • advantage of the reunion weekend ttt have, their own little gattherings, These ladles were ciao • , mates in 19451. and some ' hadn't seen' each'' rattler years* From thelett;, back row Yvonne . (MacMillan) 'Keith of London, Hellen ,.. (Mowbray:) Strang of Chiltiwa , 0,0'4 Shirley (gulaert) Brooks '+at 14ucknow, Front row! : Veronica {Murray), McCarter c#,. Wallaceburg; Marian (Witham) Zinn of Lucknow; and Bertha (Stimson) Whitcroit of Lua#know:. Th W'e ttg t�ic�