The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-01, Page 14le 411e0o0k TURKEYS BRONZE from day old to 0 weeks old. Ready' to go. Baby Sale chickens. Phone 5204154. --26.32 g, For Sale' FOR SALE: ELEVEN re/eon- ditioned Bulk. rack kilns, Poveetl and Decloet. Phone Daytime 819.647.5420 evenings aftter.9pm 819- 647-5819:--26bc lif. Produce OAT PEtLErS High fibre, low cost, cereal based feed, no additives, available 'in bags or bulk. Nott Farms, Clinton, Phone 4822.7439..-15tfcc 50 ACRES standing mixed :hay. Phone 396.8146 after 5 p.m. --24-26x • l`i b« Services EQUIPMENT REPAIR On site repairs to farm and construction equipment and srrlatl, engines, Rob Campbell Mobile. Repair, 5-19.396.8806,• Servicing Bruce County.:-O6tfco CUSTOM COMBINING Wheat, beans, corn, 10% off. If booked. before June • 30, 1998..Telephone 519- 744:6343.-23-26c° 19-744-6343.-23-26cc GILCHRIST FARM $.IP- PLY New belts or repairs and lacing to all makes of balers, bale -throwers;• swathers and combine pick- ups. R.R. 5: Lucknow. Phone 619-396-2861. -24, 36xc 'CUSTOM BALING. 1476 Gehl, TDC•.-`4. x• 5 or smaller;batage or dry hay.:` Call Ross Pickard at 357- 1329.--24-26xc: 12. Reai Estate POINT CLARK. .,� 109 Deerhurst:pr...NeW 2 + 2. bedroon raised bungalow, . double Sarageioprrler lot; -:- -:"-T130,000. ; . 119 Onana'dagg a Place. New 3- + ;i bedroom raised bun - gait*, 1 + 1 112• garage. • Cul-de-sac lot. • $120,000. 7 year new home warranty. Clarke's Homes 395-5454, 26tfar 17. Apts. GROUND • FLOOR. 2 bed= • room:apartnent,.newly ren- ovat+d; two bedroom upper. apartment $250.,. both close -to downtown; Phone 528 2031. --42tfar 2, BEDROOM' *downstairs; heated ,apartment' with fridge and stove. Phone,' • 528.3723. Also ;bedsitting rtlbm furnished.;--17tfar . LARGE, BRIGHT 2 bed- room apartment in `Ripley:' Fridge and stove, targe yard, ample parking, avail able Aug: 1st. $375/month, Call 396-3623.-26-270c ►' ONE SEL ROOM heated apartment downstairs, close to downtoWn. Appliances available If needed. , Available June 1. Suitable for senior. Colt 528.2845.-- •QNe AND TWO bedroom. Main street. Appliances included. Available Immedi- ately. Phone 528-2146 after a p.m 24=26er ONE BEDROOM apartment for: rent on main street, Lucknow. ;Phone 528.3932, »-35tfar GLEN HAVEN Apartments in Lucknow has spacious ground floor 1 and 2^bed room apartments for rent, fridge and stove included, controle.d•entrance, Com-, mon room and: laundry roorit; Phone .5.283227 or , Gerrie or Jayne'at„ 1-519- 262.2029.-411far .. LU:CKNOIN - LARGE 2 be* room apartment; laundry room, mail delivery, private entrance. Phone 528-5600. --13tf ONE OR TWO 'BEDROOM apartment, private ground - entrance, park tike,, sur- rourlcfIng,, utility area, loon-• , dry• mat; mail delivery. O esthay.en. Apartments. •Phone 528:-3611. or 848- 2215 after 6 p.m: --03tfar FOR RENT - 3 bedroom 'apartment and store on Main street Lucknow. Phone Sue 367.1857 or Robert 3572119, --26-29x TWO BEDROOM apartment in Auburn, 2nd floor apart. ment is rbomy.With. a great view, haslaundry room, eat in kitchen, Targe Iivingroomt • lots of storage. $350 plus utilities; Available intmedi- ately. Cal .519.528-7355. -- 05tfce ONE BEDROOM apartment ' 540 Outram Street, Fridge, stove, new carpeting.- $250/month plias utilities. Available •itimediately • Call Paul 628-2411. -=22tfar • 111.: H'1ar1S s FOtift-SEDROOM" ho wise, avaitable;immediately. Close to:: htgtiway, . .between Auburn and Whitechurch.. Ca11519-52913733.--26tfcc 23■Commercial' STORE FO.R resit, main steeet frontage, Lucknow. • :Phone 5263932.--30tfar 25. Wanted to Butt' • WANTED' - OLD tube awl's/receivers• e.g _Scott, Fisher; Elco +etc; Please.ca 1, 832-2234 or 832-2147. 8ltfnxe .ANTIQUE FURNITURE,' °glassware.;' china; sewing machines, lamps,,leweliery, post cards, magazines. Paying 10 cents each for Crown fruit, jar&. Brian Butter, • 271 Burns St;, Strathroy. N7G 1G2. Phorte .245-3142. -23tfcc 2$rt 'ental to Buy BUYING - STAMP or .post. Card collections, sheet music. Sought for cash. Old locale advertising' Queens Busts ',Stamps. Post cards. 1236 Bruce Roed 1, 519- 395-3545.--24.29xo WANTED • ONE good;. used Gook stove. 9Qad.con- dition. Alvin Bauman, R,R. 3 'Ripley, On. NOG 2RQ. -26x 20.Help Wanted' -CLEANING PERSON required. May 1 to June 13, and Sept. 1 to Oct, 30 year- ly. early. Weekly check of sites for cleanliness and tosses at Girl Guide Camp, Keewaydin, (end of the 12th Conc. Ashfield Township) Reply to -Drawer #55, c/o The .Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lut:know, On, NOG 2H0. --24.26 , ANYONE 14YEARS of age ' or older interested in work- ing in the Lucknow Auxiliary to Winter Sports food booth during the Luoknow Minor Hockey School Aug. 101o, 21. please reply to Drawer #58, cio ,The Luoknow Sentinel, Box 400.,. Lucknow', Ont. NOG 2H0. By July 8.-�24.26ar • BC AND. YLJKON' COMMU: MTV NEWSPAPER A5SQ- 'CIATIO.N EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT The BCYCNA seeks wets -rounded profes- ,siottal to prornot'e our orga- nization. and provide st'high level of service to its mem- bers. Responsible for man- agement of the BCYCNA Office '• and staff .in Vancouver, $ucoessful can didate will have a back- ground in newspapers. or ;. related field, exceptional: communication and. organi- zational skills; Please 'send resume and covering .tetter by Juty.10,te: Frank Teskey, c/o The NOW.: Community, 7889 132nd Street, Surrey,' BC, V3W " Oa. Fax: (604)572-6438,-26bc Grouting Chrysler deaiersip requires a SALESPERSON' Person` willing to; spend the • time can make "Big • ,Commission" monthly! Company Senifits available. Contact; Dave or Harold: u1rl11ttllNtrllifnttlltiltAwriMlMY1 (519) 348-8481 6ri"rami QUALITY ,ANu FACTURE,D ammisopitemin EI ICTRUCAL: ORKER. Iriimediate?requirement for an individual experienced .in home construction electrical work. Sotne formai training required. 'Please applyin person atthe factory on Highway #6 south' of. Mt, Forest or fax resume to 519-323-3897. tteknow Sentinel, Wedn:esday, July L IOW- page 13 ►» f e1p Wait►tad' $ATTENTIQN STUDENT%$ Make a lot of money selling. chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance; Past deli- erg 1-800-3W-3589. --26bc • 2 . anted shalt: WANTED: PAIR Ambassador. If you are a community minded person aged 17 to 22 as of August 1, 1998, resides within 25 kilometers .from Dungannon and would like an opportuni- tyto represent Our. area as Ambassador of Dungannon Fair, pleased call Arletta 524-4563 or Michaela 529- 1031, --26,27cc 0. Rlus nese Opp. ONLINE CHRISTIAN NET - :WORK, Serve the Lord & your Community. Join grow- ing network of Christian Franchisees. Full training' & support. Protected territo- ries. 'Investmentrequired, significant -ROI. Call .1.800- 663.7326.--26bc COTTONELLE, 3 distribu tors 'needed ,in your. area. Launch brand new. product! Substantial $$/year poten- tial. Minimum investment. $6000 guaranteed. Free. audio/video package. 1 800-6002899.--26bc TRAVEL OPPORTUNITY OR THE MILLENNIUM, Discover why Travel Prgfesstonats International is the only way to, enter the, travel industry: Canadian company with legal registra tion expanding in; Ontario.. . Minimum I tnvestmt' nt $7500.00. Financing avail- ebts 1.-800-799-9910, tpi- one.@ tpi,ca--26bc 28. ousiness Opp ACCESS ' TO CASH ASSETS! RR$P, LIRA or LIF owners, you an turn your investments into cash :RIGHT NOW without paying. taxes. Deed beforea solict- tor. No deposit. Tel: 1.800- 399.7040.--.26bc SCORPION - Absolutely the best spray in truck box liner. Totally mobile, Protection for wood, concrete, fiber- glass. Low cost. Many Gat - ors, textures, Estabtshing dealers, $15,000 invest- ment, Huge earning,potene tial 403-498.1212,--26bo • 3.0. Erupt. Wanted NEED HELP - doing: farm work, yard werk, painting etc. Call 528-2007 and ask for`Jeff.--25.27xc. 31. Service • Directory DON THOMPSON T.V. arid . Appliance . Repair Refrigeration Service; 24. hour emergency service.. Call 395-3147 or 395.3393, R.R. 3, Ripley.--22.29cc ' AGNEW 'JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, jew ` ellery: Free estimates, Pickup and delivery can be arranged'. 698 Havelock. Street, across from Medical .Centre. Call 528.3632. or 526.8940:--lStfar 29. .Tenders 3'. Service Directory 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for rent. Economical sten, age, ideal for contractors, farmers and :home :owner. Phone 395-5167,--34tfcc SEW -TO -SUIT, will sew, alter or hemli , anything. Ca 895-4165,- 26 -mac R.41,, HAVENS EU CTR$C *Residential & Farm 'Commercial Electrical Contractors . t:ightfixtgres, tamps, bulbs, electrical supplies Dealer for; BRADFORD EXCHANGE Evening appointments pvaitabiq Rad Havens Lu0KNOW 528.2867 DENTURE CLINIC ISTVAN` VASARHELYI DD COMPLETE & PARTIAL DENTURES RELINES. & REPAIRS MONLdt TUES. Vitk,tl FRI SAt CAU' CAULNOCIunGECIAL 395-0930 1-900.1149.9934 R.M APPOIiirlIEtir FOR APPONtTMENW HOURS: MON. $.9AM-SPM 824 CAMPBELL ST; POINT CLARK "'""°ua -iwaeM•.wh.wY . >w iw Whet a,«yrtMyr i1040 3titiga ,++ CARL G. inhard &,mfrecr ..,�.•. GENERAL coNr AcT1,A.tG Box 209. Teeswater. Ont. NOG 2SO Residential' • Agricultural «' Corx mercial Supply And, or Erect l'r•e-Engineered Steel Building (519) 992=6.491' • Fax • (519) 392-S199 29. Tenders 'C WNSHHiP OF KINLQSS Sale .Of Lan .: . ublic• Tericler Municipal Tax Sales Art, R.S O 1990, CM 60 The Corporation: of the Township of Kinloss; Take• notice' that tenders, are invited for thepurchase of the land(s) described below and will be - eceived.until 3:00•p:m. local tune on Friday July 10, 1998 at -Kinloss • Township Municipal Office. The tenders wilt then be opened in public, on the same day at 3:30 Description of Laitd(s) PartLot 2&, Concession 4, Township.. • • Of Kinloss; County: of Bruce desenbed .as Parts. t, 2 and 3 on Reference_ Plan 31t-1549 as described in Tax Arrears Certificate; registeredat the Land `ttegistry Office tiiir:B,ruce.(No, 3) at .' Waikenon as instrument#326507' on Minimum Tender Amount (Set out the cancellation Price as,of the first day of advertising! 84,235.62 Tenders must be submitted in the` prescribed form and, must 'btie 'accompanied by deposit .in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a hank, trust eoinpany'or Province_OL_ Ontano Savinngc ffiice_.payabie to-the-manitipuiiiy (or board) and ' 'efiresetrling at ieast•'20per cent of the tender.amount. • •1'he municipality Mattes no representation regarding the title to or any, other matters reiuiing to the land to be Sold.f Responsibility for :.ascertaining these matters rest with ttie'potentiat purchasers, • This sale is governed by, the Mtopleilusl, iirx Soles At't,;R.S.0, 1990. CM.60 acid the'A?tuiieipn/ Tctx Sales` Roles made under the Act. The successful purchaser., will he.'required to pay the'aritount tendered plus 'accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax, For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prn'scrihed form of tender uontav$ . 'Mark Becket; Clerk -Treasurer Township of Kinloss • Hotyrood. inland NOG 2BO Phone: Sl9-395.3$7+ • • Fax:.119-395-4!)20•; 33■;Misc. IF YOU HAVE history or pictures for the kinioss or;. Ashfiald�hist ry'' oaks, please bring them tothe for- mer Sepoy Store,(where j reunion: registration is) on July 3; and 4th from 10 a.m. to 4.p,m.,--24-2Sxc 17R..THOMAS' ECLECTRIC. OIL' Est. 1854 now avail- able. Dealers! contact': Northrop Scott inc., 470 • 'Dundas _St. E., Bellevrlte,• Ont., K8N 1G1. Fax::613 96a -4523.-281)c 34. Persdnal ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT. Order the beat by mail & pay Iess. FREE catalogue,: FREE video offer: Discretion guaranteed. HMC Video 4840 Acorn, 201-C Montreal; Quebec. H4C 1 L6: -26bc LACK 'SELF-CONFI- DENCE? Then buy, goad.. and use "Diabetics" by L. Hon Hubbard, only $8.99 (pb)+GST.' Calc 1-800-581- 5808 today.--26bc