The Signal, 1935-8-29, Page 5Is, :. r �g�-, s.,,,.y' a ry; �^„",..�`•�"- �. +;� �.."••�, cell''z`•Jl�eiuws_rIY.&�''�,�-� tail P 41 till, ..4,),al&h a' d+ ♦ ! a ee • a f , '. _ ` GOD�RICH 0 4 ' THE SIGNAL — t Thursday, Aus,rw :9th, 196!4 elf i �, •� � WrAor 9' tJIlrAw. . -11r1/»:, - _->/ar•7■'7•^•.wwCr r. V.. r.•►-•. u. • _ atter lid ed u .The BAPTIST CHUB ayes �W111RCr W E D DA NGS for [ea as the qusl Roil. S. X. Kedtamo, xiwstor flow skit th• arrangeuwist was of ---SUNDAY, 8>ri'TEMgEf; �&abon AIiIlU�ttttttt VVer a vtr 1[If standard. lu the !ivies! TSON, HATS � t ' Ist, 19'35 \ DANCS]_11�ib1,,(1N rogla there were nine entrants with ` 1 1 4.8Ls'aTRA DIGNITY OF LABOR^ the prise going to arra. Wm. Ham- At Bloor usenet Gaited �hureb, To. �111G `0 Canada Ham - not so many Tourists This Year-.- 11ton, 2nd concession, and to tb Ain- �Ri�uIIItDR i�•r11C, F rAlltq oo Eiatsardal. AuNst by 1 ; pmts by "THR BIN OF CAPIT Building Operations in the teen. Charles A. verKu�,o Ing table bouquet with t Miss, ea. y A�„ father of tries tar winner war Jd1es titltal !tier• What did Village the bride, Maty F:thet F',•rdumofl of tlu. A splendid full-b,[etbor frolic The J. Stetson Ila CO ah may? d was married N \1'11 t p _ i adel _ _._e... __. ... ort _ PW "DI�'.�! Oihson o IiO mrclg- , re Ile is•OFafY Y t �Ie 8t'L.'olDpladdition- - r• la --� . season Is tiparing a ,tu.v. Oeveral of Iowa. 1I `� _ mit Ctur _1j�. b and in i{t,� -..--_.. .. • ....,_'. VYy ..?... -ivx�iarfar iimiA.uoutm_�:�Itift•. _...._ Rea, TRII'.�.... __ •'r �.�-�•� �•�,_` ..ray__ _ i'f�E 11115 Hack li and otlrrra are ptauuin[ DO lett r• flu . ^ o0d n(wne r>` sex $. A Is b 1buda1. Labor t quiet dip; %%am plrweised tnf,rle De There hive Isar' TSON HATS Rev. H. A. Marfan, Pedes of tiro i saes herr for the tlral ilm.�&ad they turday mornGg at the rtsidence (, r AS([ �= Ins \ lion, bort, I v. Harold WWaMP14Vul Ave/�yw • Islas, y sabbath &•hoof a plica •. when are local In thvjir presrrs ul lilyl\rld �s Y � he London, when Celesta Vic -its liar era "where IdIIHard - a a• a clean, health ds in' which to • I're+u king service 7 boa In ter f Mr. ani Goo AI�D;� ]t[acE�Y v -m. ¢'» #il •pend all ru}uya�ls6�da 9 rte Wimha float and t L. OUR F NATO ARE NOW �� 'L' re were trove, Oar ad In[lram, tutted i . It. M at ILA! business L . w '!p ale r isslllrta toes w UTO CALL AND Wrmun subJes•t, iiept. 1.-�rj'Le tO�-"• 1 8+adfly this velar AMIr report It to Borman !!lieu iYilkut u undt�. returulh[ _ = v.. 1st 11 nes• t ah to"r taus [aoekilpw, son of lit. and )les. J: w n [• was, a wp AHF: s( A Trend ..f lien Since CreageR» SQ 7 be 7" "•ef+_�•�-, tloulag P M tie tae tar, r w the lsoo,' of Lucksow. There werIo Au titer, a Iteadants. After the erre M ��' �h lir cC?otL •teas ami clewed the nates. Mrs. Wilaoa IjaLt tai r=ut>K;{u ii. • Dr • , , fAM the thowwuds who caro( uo to GL o Ran'Fall few r I'eaee IN flat •a static thingTo troralter At* Tear oto, Buffalo •tad Tin W j1 �ialpsd leader to [eta /Cep at the q eb, • • . ' �dham�- -.Son ruaiutaln leave U Its dynamic is its ebprch sett tl y dAw and others who, having pare new DR their return y will mid -� ` rr•,{ulremut, As U the Conduct of of Rev. d: iK. I, ou,!carp, dlQ_iN�._�r�•,��ta t Luckaow. , ' PHONE 6'l,' Square GOD)QIO$k _ war "- Ber1,eK fioore - ' T who will t,rPac b :ted tested themselves ta!!g[ abort trtaw - svesis Dr. H w been YOUNG +opt a rstreet ,e , - - [• t I Building operatbassbav not ba•• fter It _ - — ur quite _gpkrhk this ,assn 1s this sec-is elegy dingtntwa olea - seat editke w res rs tion. s!�{ew garages have be -.it put to D lit will and A , • w a o. and may n,enttve atte er J i y !. up soli some additives pat to (•ottages. i8eta, daagbtMr. tad Milliner, ,Ratios ase is �wn ls4 jp A new nrttaac is rr,a - ut Samuel Young, of+ion W s year r d T SPEC'hear Elm age Il. I lurectiou fur lira til }(a Wilton, i \Olfwenoab, txs•arnrid� n e iprn'1 the day wlti6 r. r on the lot she sou some time sal S. Iteld, son of Mr. and )trs�r ew• the' I m;l'FIT Seth to tiEPT6lIRgR ftM-- who will the ass from Mrs. A Ito r new d, o[ concemsiou `Arh6el it + Our 11 all bought from Hurssl Count reefs rind st reef church Fe Cuttige•s are below, a fol >{f tgertos ICla[rabridge Tile eapmouy rr Ile 1 us at o Wmmt...ttuy tsamagr••wa p oro aOd hoes y y • t�' alt,. nteor) at I t . iYalrh. Thesyr, uCttrer mites formne.l by Iter. T. IiL,QLrner. n1 Uu New Fall ( B - anoth, formerly' v� lir E 11.1 ganuofl The brhleiva+ la.omin[I r ping for I . Emir- eP,^(; LIMB - 1,1110 Ir 4 (,.t • v \ Poa{iac fmonus• is now uwaed r. Sodgenst of gQw'ned in *bite milk pile. with h1 ❑ stat! >" a a with lircgse •smM•r mer%j Kitchener. w•ho plans extensive Improv- lat't hat aaA;Jrtilte ae. esr.,r ire a s'x `' Price Wi 13e ,.,,, numl(r 81421) Wit, ■a ...•...... !fie in all the newest modes rdwk'11 ments at this Ideal spot. were no at ante and 1litesl t try R e• Fsdrt�y - Crneh & 12iie i, on Y ay night. a fro Other improvements in Raytield this after life ceremony lir. sad lir her It "••• • • • • • • • • tot )tl Rt. and shade[ perky or TI...+ Ilwon. summer that may h• mentioned were left . on a motor trip to Owen Seel. ,' t ext a• may ' VeAI - - ` e h Y Ing Iuforauuua to rb„ the painting i( various premirea: and northern partake. The a oO•„ lit rs and (`box ilio • ♦ y a ■► --�1e invite you to eall- of the ma.bt� r. a. ¢rt Uoorgr ElliottY stun. Mrs. 3eed'ltltravelling co+tume was a nary bine nl, I, r(uey Boil ll! Should 4r ranch with P ptal 1'. hotel, f. A. F4r*ardii mtoro. lir. WIcht- crepe ensemble. Among the (*rel pr a kit .- iYMb H ldeak.....l2ii! Sneak ,.i,,.,.. Mr(1•y, aulrrirM man's cottage; the Interior. painting Rifts which the bride, receive,l, was pri mage• ' Torose os fir your thresl itis Mpate, li'e can ! find decorating ot� Trinity Anglican handsome cheat of silverware. the ft It sof restlj peso .1 lbkMv.. please you. r //,� /��/ I - I - lu o r l _ Jed t -a: Ter !Se YI At & St McKinnon �eamh, etc. These lmprovepehts show of the brtdegn,om. On their tr n Ela )1rmNDAv, 4FI1rrNfBER •--•• ` �ti ,•�I DE that @ropte take an interest in keeping Mr. and airs. Reid will re4idr near �' t Uts Pat fITAE BOB DAY .; Phsae lbs Ttie 6tfllere D/..r A their homtw in neat and tidy appear- Kingsbridge .i, "1 THOS. LE G soca_ We ezp•et that se=t season • • • wf� flu P1HtDl1'£ H.VVILTION BT r apart• WE DELIVER tliOt/ll�-IIEL.11 Itttee � .- CIaANiy mere mor« wort of this nature will r, loeulwl 4 be done. A quiet but Interesting wedding took la[; Ihr N1 pd the --- , Q�� >C yO'wM'a"r wHt Lot spring, the property long a[p dace at high noon on ilatuMsy, when des'• al Afte3 W. Qj ass known am trap ltiar7kw- bone, and for Ada Jatkaon yolnul dauRtter o! Mrs. lo•°� `\ 1 » wrmtd, 'a"a!''""'•- two"" - _ maul year& QVID$* by, ]kiss •;�ri'Tsr- 91 A0hIW4 and the lah Jebn sr m i tea �ua, where shy conducted a board- .UdW was nutted In marrlrgt erCl��CadeWy ��e � •F SP `Id hoose, was fold to Mr. Quarry of 1•rissa Woods, son of XV. and Rev. ., - IlRrmdoa He has made [teat changes Rpjiasos Woods. of 1!L Helens. Rev. �`'_�. Ol1R'A$IO I(L . Ute Plgnal'+ Advrr s a d iisl hod men ree►oe1r11InR the W.'J. Yatton omdated tt the srrckp, i.Ms�anO rs tt slid fam• �Ig V � ;• days at Yr. (; �t'H(NI(. tt'ITltf All YDF,Ah a� �1 haemo, painting, trio ming trees, which took place at the home of Mr. or - CHAR V AT era. ROWS' ate•• #ad has thus mad! great Ira- t haws. The VI WATIONAL ]EDUCATION _ rod Mere ]ohII Gardner. A+hfleld. the t8tott's bo i ! ptgvlrmrets. latter a gimlet of the bride Willie fa"Y At111 •� ` F:chtbttlos f 1{i0IA1, EDI'('ATiON Boys ffio UK t%" ttm, rn arney. t Aadveesary l3enkea the wetjAiaR wuglo was plapwl by lies. In TeRonIO 7�adV I In shorthand, Typing, Ra,k I���{{a 8 to 14 At _........_.•..•._...... - .... JMe Graban I Tq# sueveilsful anniversary services Gardner, the wedding party t.«rk their arrittitilR ' � � Busfoe Calculation and agnea allied c i rc lel y y+ subject i� 1 r --rte Royal Biosma her! 00 Koad- were. held to ML Aadrew's Called places hewatb an errhwa} iu flu• Ilv- - • _ cloths 81sea s. k !oars. chnnh un Sueday last, there txlrag a la[ room`wliich was i,enkesl with Hou- anxious hr enrol! a students lrhaaa who At .... _............... _. ,-..+s» .......Sk large attendance at both morning and quets of gladioli and etafdragons. have nR tori High School work etpThere have for the pat'twelrr, h t lttalnw r • Matr anon standin Ij�, Roye' Long Tweed Peat•, is J J. Fa arch's evusLag service.. Rev. George Qti- � Bouquets of the game Gowers war.• also �.. ]ohnston, ' , Qea 4talitied 1`a R' re are vw of OR Springs, who with his fam- about the ng,ms am well as-treamers ltio grey or brown. lh/ey tt+INis. graduates. (�Qp� Sista -B Ib 15_ a IVY is bolidayieg at his Summer home of pink and dlver. Only immedlatp RAMLTON $TRT J GIN MONDAY, JLC _.� 8rt__diatnum--fro L here, ..Was -ttw -membeia-of -the famtlies-ef-tirr-bride _OP -- � Boys' and Young liusIN Mesa lases I mpecial preacher and his diactsurses and bridegroom witmeseed the core- rdiug feis Hud terms, etc, may he had D Long Pants. Blue or black were most Interest! ebd thou thoughtful. mons. The belga, who- •rs yes to with orlon writing Bot 8f1e{, OoWerich. y and r stripes. Sties 28 to 96. Priced -AND-- ar (Formerly ! at _ 1.75 h aK aile la the. morning be spoke on "The marriage by her brother -in law, John Beauty Shopper s DONALD MaaLEOD, r toy IIP'��, Building of the Temple" e ' asap. • As - d- 1'Itl{lY('IPAI. He Yalta this Blore four bead—: 221. sad tee ttar--eta[-l�ra� ea rr a pink akms,rrr weer e„ w . were quarters for Boys' Wear Sanoco slam lt:tl- Tu W °arwlly m s • death, Dat to be spiritually mindrei Ia I Johanna HIII rosea aael teen.• -s breath.. i„ _ _ K A male quartette t Her only attendant. )lbs Irene Woods, Ring SU2(OOQ_�•8B Jlit_aad Iran_•" •.�iuretmtlst + M ROBINS arras !lain stroef church, Fa The' gave `and Krf n chi deRr -,tired. M. C`� w� veral excellent cumbers. Thp chub t and green chlRnn wtrack and carriedH) It the k !r'ee Crank Case m the .ornitag. "Lead Me to the a bouquet of yellow Johanna Hill l tntlty -Agent for Tn Tallors- I g• "Now- the � romps. Helmuth Schlenker, of Bridge. ,t the T� p and r the ernnln Phous,3ft Kingston Street t y Is Over." •A number of !hole!' port. was gnnomsman Ihirinfr the gas selections were ghYn by the slgalnR of the register. Mtge_ W. J. t _ aalst, OOL Mtss Sys sae. Bev. lir. Patton sang "Bet s,, ' At the cos- � n IES Its has recently returned from. plasl(tu of the cen•ur••l. dinner case T4 to the Old Country. took part served, shortly after which Mr. and '�ly� r tea ,aortico. He greatly enjoyed I Mrs. Woods left on n m.,tor trip. For se Wi !eels ranch lly -d la travelling the bride 1%we o xmae Britt to. seD Monday ucening Rev. W. coral silk tasele +nit. with, brawn ac- i■ ,gently Get In Steof CenteanJa church, Lon- camaorles. their n•nrrn they pill E harp Automatic 91 )� `ilio -$cheater- ie R: at the tell all with dramatic selec- reside on the hrlelecr• m's term neer I PENCILS 'W Fountain Pan Reu- dingy• monologues, rharac- k- Helena- 39C the Ti is mketebes, ons (Guaranteed) sand The Bayeeld Fair E NGS$RIDGE d' bow The time for fall fairs i.+ now on fad the --.--:T d very soon the far-famed Bo'ytield KIN49hRirx.R. Aug 28. --Dr. and "` --- -- ------------ . --- tad the tr will take the attention of many. Mrs. J. A. Kasper and children tee• -I ,uxtneas The 20th Century Liberal Club are already bruey prepuring turned to Detrolt Srtndty after000a r FREE COUPON PRRE hibitm The committee• ap{s,inted after a three weeki vurstion here. he de - The that pnrpuse have secured for the Mr. and Sirs. AWKixrian sad tasr - Good for 1 live►opnt .tiCrll�ier or l manly pning-m entertainment a splendid _ • always � try, Mr. and arra,-Ray i�OZ. a4y(a _ -- _ tcl[eBt;vi• uok with pehaaev of -Suentlsl my managed by Mrs. hutch of God. Dennis, mrd Sir. Win. teddy, sr., of .._ i The mention of this name Is Wawanosh, ■punt Sunday at the M. J- rth of ,,Sp School Supplies. poor to DANCE Hh ough to snoop* all that there will I (!Connor home. poor man. y nu disappointment. Remember the' Mes. Agnea A lef1lor os Mreage _ Farr Band t�� � � • �" .------�•--•----_•.�._..--- __� _ . pion � ` _.�._. To the rhythm of Toni . ,;,�°(rr auedsd.y and Thnraday, 9e�D ob Monday with •bet drnghter. -Wise _ r _ _ - -- -- --- -_ --_ -� - Nr. sed Yrs avid Dewar of Toros- Y►awtle -" t _ c --.�Z•.-r- i �,—.�� _ �. Mrs. (i. Freyne apeut'kst .n _eta _ In addition ti �°` - *"'-'�' • • aCL are spending's few bolidalrs at the Detroit. �1j a COUPON PRICE M�ken [] Ira Cold ora! M Mr. Dewar'! parents Mr. sad Mrs. H. P. Hcps H 3aod for 1 ten -cent Et• asked it lt' The on FREE BOribbler l Mr. W. (:rlerson. Mlssh Fisher over visited KIn on s e ■ is or Farce- I ow, witha', Waterloo, and �i�• WIi- !amt. ) #oak with purchase e,f jl.11O lir slow lend it 5 ' Friday,S -inb& ��� Mrwin, of KI •waw Rrresta Mr. and Sirs. F.d. Klrrt soli loss 'r "ter` re �3c{tool Supplies. IiPg. I a low. No s f Mr. and Mrs. s on Teeswater visited Sir. B, Martin' , COUPONS I P 1 )a. funday. Va NS 1 f t The Scotch - last Sunday. may,_-,_ 1 , icoslsiderahle USUAL AD1�ffiIOU � ^,jk Mlss Whitaker iI- ,. Miss Marie Hogan of Hamilton � " �t �---------------- 4 _ Soared relief r trig here the td- � ••IldaflnR At her h414 �r. P i` nor. iloRn n'm. �+. • -- a s.' of bAa • t - stterwerds Our Val AreatMr. and ]Its. Alb1n i rltfin of Exception sae i Nes• % troll vigitr4 their' -friends here on gas' pri liquor turfed lame • this ween!, " Yr. J;aymond R d Mr. day. lire Whitmore and isnot). �,• mer o "'sem! a e,l�� NCM JyMlwrsevl, Ington, sof n,.s.er and*S(r Whltmorp's r 240-papsmooth paper, cornet this 1q�ifMr , t mother. tlrv. (1'xptrT iklMia, spent or ruled Ezarois� , 1 s one ruled Exercise Boon. n _ of weeks' to • p. Mrs, a few dayssamonR fieir friends herr remains for e l wev,k.. qq � a"r ar! {rro`Pet- i' cola week. and 1� Dote 1� 25C� _ Mlwt iierrnmelp Foley ig at ptesant Mammoth ugh r BOQIts at: _ -- itae'e gree ier of S,, s DERICH SHIP enrstng In Alrcnndh hospital, Qoder- paper.1; ehim that Itch: also Miss te,rptta Myers. rsd been re - Ladles' $ raw Table oder s wi x Tadlnii Ald of Zion church. Tay. -' � Books � and 1%. to show the -AN9'.t Corner, wit! meet at the hu a of � _ • s. vie -year of the ,f1011.• Geld!@- Newton on 4We rnp°dalt PAt$AY(ARAMOUN IN Th ' � Beck Exercise $ook[�t �1s.. w ...... , . and liable espusl• C- D Blptawrrlrpt _ _ , .1G 1oC Hamilton spent the• week -ofd 'wltill l 1 '{ : : ..Ahad increased • , ' . ZilRs>ltAB $Aj�1yPIO1�C Herb. Fn.ign. a : ' , d seer by •. t 9`?'s r visa Rae MocnionaM IS visiting Renu, et Alti&t Psi o `bi o= ear by 1133: Cr Inliar•ar Patk ter• *Itb friends 'in illetriot. . t of Paint[ 2.St ,;r had shows ` s- mw Ptgpnr Miss aretto ('ampl,ell,. Ieucknow. I Crarai�ls allld p�JIN/ Be, 1en ' Pen Holders Sc5'' Ahod thirty members of a F7uroks eras a week end i tsltor w ItIk Mr. and v, is the us on, ` j A rmaaa ds aria atreet ted rh• Mrs: John Jnmle'rrn Fen Ni�. Lead +bd ,•Qttlera le V m the asoma• Aad ,fall + ar,d tie! mlllea fpndm PnJOy Mr. a. It. Patters from Walker 1 ` t some rats ,t r ' c eannal sole {trilxrr Psrk A ton and Mr. Win. Ivah„n from iii,,' • at ,' the dtrrea t oy of Stock Itrmrn•h. Toront,� u'Prw at 11 All Pabl�c School Text Bo chool Supplies dettned av+mr 1 Ihpr ',I sort n MI Wm. Martin's on YohJ.�v nftprnono • retr.t In chs Kit "I ups Jeat Mr, 11vivin Greer. Lu --know, has s�Te r r �r m prM11Lve h r. 'hursd�y Se Ade Matter read,► aesldpr pro been ftbloglintr the 1':minlmrnf wiiml regime, 11 r. II enough art warm. Mr. ami Nad�h'+a' Mnr•rllll war.• 0/ Ppl►� stain Pe 5 u Ing• wvraP h1 �t a p'• e tvrute.ta r gas follows: ra•eslt vi,.'tot. with )i• and Mrs i the asseal t it P. r :ti(rse Web ropey Notch, Gorge (b•ll Kinlos, tt fmrmPr hall t• • r lamlesuh spurting i !kelt a, s�rprml item. is re R Wilson, ti fes, s(r, fits lilrtaa ;* Awpmedna rnsleet. rs. (I.. 1•R new car. hP y • Store rap had wn►R Ir - A IfATIV Ot'HVAON CO ftammering spew- M», A sol,• M afferuonn avis •prof In -t" Camp ,w that Nr Ir- Q•I) I a bnttlp nnfrat lir - R Tr►r,da1, fkp Ntonwn rt llall when -I but. ba/" ton had gnotM. i CANADA'S tj the wl ,I tier•-.iritrmonoont it.il'.W.n A broth- a �Rp 4) tea- In[ ponfpet \lase R. (irK>A. pnfrrfnlnM the Ka1r.lson IwdiM. ThP' Phone 9n tpmd �Af��i'iC:1 ,as •r • t r tE, A et wrrsml,lr sail cmndy first hell ws. ut,rly deo itcd for the er flat is ( 1 8TA'L'Sl[SX J ' d n ed ant fhp afternoon nleoly he cawiorrt A aplpndld pmgrsm was put 1 ♦ s aswoi,�eas.awtras..la+hl.d:1 t ! ..suppw!-+ria. - R! • _ ,.. _ ..nom • ...,.n.... .....__.,,�.. .w _�. ,. :«. .�� ,I '�' A� :{,.a`(" •1"� _ a�' -w�7mR�f;,�i yayi�l4�• �-..smi•�-1 �'•`� + '. tie yea