The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-03, Page 16ragetB — Lneknow.Sentinci, Wednesday, 'use 3,1
J...adiesattend 1
WI distrix
by Mildred .Lo
The lack of electricity
this past weekend has
'shown us how helpless we
are without it and how
:Mich we have come to
depend on it.
The Bruce County
District Women's Institute
was held at Elmwood on
May 28, This is the amal-
gamation of four districts
in. Bruce County. The
theme this year was New
Representatives from
Kinloss r- Kairshea. were
Donna McBride,. Alice
Ritchie, , Marion
Maciinnon, Dna
Matthews. and Elsie
Houston and Lucknow
W.Z. was represented by
Jean Whitby. The .total
attendance was 138.
Birthday wishes go out
this week to Beatrice
MacPherson who will be
celebrating her Ord birth-
day onJune 8.
The men conducted the
service in the Lueknow
UnitedChurch on—Sunday
morning under the leader-
ship of Rod McDonagh.
Special speaker was Brian.
Ireland telling about the
Queen's Bush Rural.
Ministries. The Young
Women's Club treated
everyone to lunch follow-
ing the service.
The sacrament of cont-
munion was celebrated in
the Lucknow Presbyterian
church and George and.
Pat Gibson were wel-
comed as new members
by transfer of certificate.
Funeral services were
conducted on Friday>,at
MacKenzie and McCreath
for Jack McFarlan and on
Saturday . morning at
Kingsbridge Roman
Catholic Church for Tonni
Miltenburg. Sympathy is
extended to these families.
The Sparks, B'row.nies,,-
Guides and Pathfinders
finished' up their year with
a banquet at the Legion on
Thursday night.. The
Guiding movement in
.Lucknow is certainly
active and the leaders are
to be commended for all
their time and effort to
help these young girls.
Bryce and Wendy
Ritchie and family have
moved into the home for-
merly owned by Mr. and
Mrs, Peter Cook.
Pa ecrest fQl s
erg, j o many event s .
'Birthday parties, garage
sales and a barbecue kept
the residents at Pinecrest
busy, this month.
On top ofthat they
enjoyed a monthly conti-
nental breakfast on May
1.0 and the Mennonite
Gospel group: supplied
; Matt Sherrie
Aftermore than, 30
years of military service
Donald W. Drennan, ' a
Warrant Officer in. the
Canadian Fbrces, was be
recognized with the Order
of Military Merit on May
29 in Ottawa. -
Drennan's parents Bill
and .Donna couldn't be
happier of their son's,
"It leaves .us with
something to beproud of,"
explained, Drenn,an's
father,. "a 30 -year veteran
of the military himself,
"we couldn't be anything
else (but proud)."
In June, 1967, Drennan
was enrolled in basic
training, in St. Jean finish-
ing itt the top 10 .per. cent
of the course..
Stops' at CFS Inuvik, -
CFB Borden, CPB Baden,
OP Scotch in 1awanda
and Op . Airbridge. in
Sarejevowhere his. crew
Came under anti-aircraft
fire several :tinrles,_
special.tnusie for Mother's
Day. In, keepingwith the
Legion's theme day, resi-
dents attended the seniors
meal with their crazy hats
and hada great time..:
Residents .travelled to
Braemar in Wingham for'
tea and a visit with their
Winners at the Drop in
Centre last week. were
Lois Cunn'ngharta, Enna
Crich, Art Ernewein and
John Harris. Muriel
Moffat had the' most
Wnners at thin
Brookside school euchre
party were Detoris
Culbert, Lillian Irwin,
7om Young and Grace
Finnigan. Fred Kuras had:
the most shoots.
Birthday. ,0m+
Shane "Logtenberg
June 5, 1997
1 Year Old,
Hilary McDonagh
June 6,1 091.
7 Years old
Bradley Van Osch -
June 8,1991
7 Years Old
Grandson Luke Douglas
June 7,199$
Loveand best wishes
from Oma R.
I hope to see you
soon on June 10th
Month, of June
2nd - Picnic lunch-Belmore
7:00 Ray Richards
3rd, - Legion Meal
7 p,xn: Thumbs Up
10th- Farmers' Breakfast
& outing to, Sates;
' Barn
11th - Shopping Trip to
1401 - Continental
13th -20th - Long Term.
Care Facility
15th - Dessert Euchre
16th 7 p.m. Jan's Dance
17th - Cards Dungannon •
19th - 11 a.m. Community
BBQ' & Open
House in support of
our local Alzhetmers
group. '
2:30 p:m. Happy
Hour - .Lucknow
23rd - 2-4 p.m. Select
7 p;m; Ray Richards;
25th - Strawberry Soda!
26th - 2 p,m .Birthday
Party. Gord's Ode
Tytne Music'
Four • large poplar trees, at the home owned by
:.Gary •McInnes: in West Wawanosh,,came tum-
'Wing over during the peak of last_Frldaymorn
' tng's storm; One'•ianded'partlally•on: the roof of
the house, and one on the deck. The power
lines at•the back of the home Were pulled down
The home is rented by Ken and June :Webster.._
Mrs. Vliebater•said' (t" sounded like an earth.
quak',e' (Livingston photo)
friends. •
ent for farmer resdet
From. September 1983
until January 1997,
Drennan acted as Security.
Officer for three Prime
Minsters' (Pierre Trudeau,
Brian Mulroney and Jean
Chretien), the Governor
;General and several
Commonwealth Heads of
His security .duties
include the Pope and' .sev-
eral "members of the Royal
.family, the most notewor-
thy being Her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth I1.
"I think it's (the merit)
something nice and ,"some-
thing he's 'deserved,"
Drennan's mother
explained: "He , was
always -well -liked by' phis
bosses. • We weren't
expecting it arid'I don't
kndw if he was or not."
From August 1990 to
August 1993, Drennan
served as the Detachment
Commander for 'the
Military Security Guard
Unit in Jlavana4 Cuba,'
In a press release
Drennan was praised for
his work over' the 'years.
. "Hisextensive knowl-
edge, leadership and com-
passion for his subordi-
nates is second to none,"
the release explained, "he'.
displays a loyalty to both
superiors and subordinates
which has earned him the
respect of all with whom
he deals."
Currently : Drennan,; 49,
is keeping tabs on Prime
Minister,Chretien as he
visits;England and parts of
Although his parents
couldn't make the trip to
Ottawa due to health rea-
sons,. they watched the
event unfold on television.
Darlene Aitchison received her ' Canada Cord
last week from leaders Jean Montgomery (left)
and Joanne Atkinson (right), •Dianne
Henkenhaf, from' Barb-Fisher`a„constituenoy •.;
office was also in attendance to present a •cer-
ca e v ngs n p o a) •
Lucknow Reunion
Reunion, tickets are
available at McDonagh
Insurance; Crysta's'
Studio or Tourism Office
for the following events.
Detour- Friday .night arena $10.00
(Age of. majority) .
Carpet .Frog - Saturday at Arena - $10.00
(Ageof majority) '
Legacy —Saturday at Community Centre
($10.00 Age of ;Majority) ,
h.. ••
Shriner's' Fish Fry -'Saturdaynr Evening
$10.00 adults .-, $5,00 children
Lions Beef Barbecue - Sunday evening
;:$9:00 adults - $4.00 children -
Pinecrest Pig Roast - Friday. Evening
$8.00 adults - $5.00 children
$oundsation - ;Sunday Afternoon
$12.00 all seats
Tourrisrn ,office "Open
Fri: 2 - 7 pm, Sat, 10 2 pm,. Sun. 3 - „ pm