The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-03, Page 11MOto.il'cyc ots AttiiitH rn tcrCycie, . FZR 1000" custom paint Hindle exhaust, ,let kit, excellent ccaciditten, $4,a0Q' o:t1.o. as is'524-+#45. -ie. 23nx 7g Rec.. 26' TRAVEL TRAIL R -,4 burner Stove With oven, refrigerator, .separate treek, or. water heaiter. furnace, bathreorrt has sine* tub and showoff steeps § (4 corn- fortahly)..very clean. Call. 519-5:22-1459•-,19.24n o 2QHO.JSE TRAILER, ta• rt» dem axle, Combination, fridge stove, 'furnace, bath-,. ream with shower. Also an awning; Ev,erytthing works and in port condition. Asking. $223Q:• Phoma, 528- 3525. -21-23 7'I'tt„!e atifiPeR, Stoops f3;. furnace. Stover toilet, and sink. $300, :Phone 5263232 or atter 6 pan. $29.71$6. -- 22 OMPutew* 1. QOM Rl TER FACTORY Spacial 1 year no payment and tree scanner. Pentium. 20o MMX, tQaded,internot printer, seftwarea and Mian. $16/wk (QAC) 1.6QR'S1'6- 45<free doilu.ery.:22,,26a0 AdeptoP.t 5T,"O 4 •. n$ VerY obedient pretty pure-; bred' Australian Shepherd' female. spaytedf 5 years Qlct, Celt Alfie 395+4468 "aifter $ p,m.nlyt, here and female; carman ShepnerdJQotlir3 ,hogs pup', dropPed'off, ready now Witl>' ba me ium:Size, Call Aldo. 395.4468 after $R,rn; gniy, year, otd.fernare, . t Olden Ftetriever/Husky,:'orosS,.' rnedikiiii size, likkeer, kids. Dalt: Tammy, 395-5009 or 396,. 344:2- Oallhatien/C%oilie crQ5e: female, spayed,vwith ghats,, 4 yoara old, moving, Ptlfflr s. needs S now horrl:e, Oatl • Lori 392-6693. 4 kittens, 3 black and whit , 1 orange and White, Ready{ soon, Cao'athyl 526,2141:, Terrier $pita,fem, tei;3 Years: old and C $rman Shepherd croa5. female, 2, years noada run,; Without. horses. Call Y.'v.'pnne 3.9 4524:. 4' RPtt&oiio,r cross pupae'; reales and females hand; ,ahead. faa4fy now. Galt Caeene, 52642794. Fgniale i + tiw$ilor grgsS, . to 2 years QkQ, targe, geed natttrg." 8o@n In POtind - rncrathf Must v4. cot Etat #r 526-3;525. Sgaklti-ful "adPit at. C?irQx > xcaiignt: fn,.91401. ,and peat control Qail Katht 58. $Q45. • Ai7tly40 Xtutig agrkrui. Margguf ift 525'x;., • T. piaci Yo4!( 41.0m* h@re batt: Raiiph xrl4tt lark 9 -- 04.0,44g4 -- at 52 tog Qr icatbt "t2r►ts • WANTED: STANDINa NY. Ptaase catf 0964669. -2/- 23cc ONE THREE:.. year.:. old ptencte aatl}iu n gelding, partially broke; two yearling'. sorrel 8eiglum`s. One Jersey, claw; one three year raid brown- Swiss Jersey ,heifer. Phone 395.4624: 29-23xc THRee, .. nevi aid; Sirrimentat bull. Can sear previous calves off boli': Phone: 525;-7545: Otter x �.rrt.•2t.22x TvRKEys::t3RQNZ.E from day ot.d to 3 vtiaoks pfd. Ready to go. AiSO styrofoam incubator. Phone 82t3.2t54. ' «21'•46 F£EE PIECE Qlw mind thAt yeu..have bought the, right buil IS included in the pricer of Stile Qak. Farms Chorale's Bulls, Polled and horned yearling bulls for sane. Priced tQ get to your QQWS. Please? phone Sou 395.5556 er 395,5955 or Rett 895.254Q -21,22ar o4.F�F�k Sale IR 37" . WO, very go . con- .: dition $594. Irl 4660 vtbrea shank, :P41tivafer QA% tta- rows, 27ft., like new, IH 7 5 furrow plQier., Phoney 529, . , 7234 •.21423 QLE:AN OAQE$ and young. dere tar, sale. tzhgne• 395- 2733. 22 44xO NEW I4EA`hay cendttiori$c' Aflied: •automatic bate stQek, or witha hp 8rtggs and, .$ttattRn mQtt)r, Qoad. octncli- .tion, Always 7stored • ins,;de. Phone 529.1412 -22 24Xo QA11).E.t,t ,ETA Migi, intra, 1pw coat, ceresin. "based food, no additives,; evailaf?lo•'.in bags- or bulk; Nott Farms; Qirnion. Phone - 484-44a$,,-.15tto , F 4 e en . 2t scree Qt mixed hay!: 41ahn Osiere 89,4s, 10 foot swiather,• Phgrro: X28 258& --21,22x 4`x 5 RQJN1? , Al. S. Sec- ond o ec-ondo t hay,_ 4x:5. round wheat straw, a all agoaraa 4atiKa first out h4; ail,stored inside, no rain. Atter 6 529,701,71-2,23,x0 'ii ihk. rcviies' QV$TQM RQL NP tan 40hri 1eere hard sole set- ter, variable l ,hone - Carew Bleck .:W9,;7661. 25<- P4itf.PrN5NT. REInkla n .site repro, fr N., • c9natructiQtk ertUiptllgnt.'artti amen ertgini a, Rots Qarnpl?e 1. Mobile -Repent; 519r3.g�Rer..vidirig 51,00 ?tfntyE'-Q6tt C 01,1TQNt PML!rk .auailab.lo- Witt , rnicl.S,.i4O large atlularEi• 041ar Qahil 665 455.gn 1»' 2e�GQ FQR SALE, SS acres of pnm: agricultural tarrd i.n the Serrmitler area. ailt 519.5x44 -tea. --auo 361. LA t : ROLLER, all hydraulic, Cali (519) 523x 42e0. -24.23• HALLOW VALLEY RESORT IN COFISET. Wet have two year round Model Vacation Hames Left. Were $e4,9Qo. nevi,. $.4 .9cltt. Must Make rogim for new models., ;CALL .1-681 1-666-639- 1664,-220o o t R�+ LUCKNQW -1,4ARruga teem apartment, laundry rpm, rnaut delivery„ private entrance,. Phone 6?„.44600. " 43 ONe BR TWO aeOFICQM apertmenL.private ground entrance, park Bite our- •rqundtnq',. 4ttiltty area, Iaun. "dry 'mat rrtail delivery. Cre,stkraverrt Apartments. Phone 5213-36:11 or S46. 2215 atter 8 p.m�,--Q3tfar. TWO SEQRQQM apartment in Auburn. and ftctar apart ment is roomy with a great viawit, Inas laundry room eat in kik-hem-large livingf oorn. tots of storage. $3511 plus ' utilities. Avai.tatala:,.imtnedi7 *Qty. Cart 519.526-7355. v RStico 12. Root Estado ut w uJ x. x w • REMAX REMAX c O "POR UNZTTYE NOCK -N 4;F Bakery/Deli restauz'a»t' ase to QA$ Q# our best a es, :Seaxotkal or year roust r l� 1o1 xa &out AR chattelo k> ct d edg Very reawoable terns', :$7,7Q0�. ►>f�f, Poitat+'31yk ,REMAX 0,04 Realty, .rel: • 768 guoe w filOe dioe A1ktiOtost rtes.3:$64$11 ' •RFMAX •PEMAX rn rn m t 11% 1, 1 1 li \' k R rh. Ni,t CO ILO KeR D ,:T91,010ANR Q a u . TR1F ghlpy the pm.yeriiepowt4t town v�jrh a ca Cray vi 1 . 0.001Q0s at, a • 4,44.1C00.01' vOlt.1 ep�C�pus, irvit� morn, 4 pc,. a.11, 2 p' brays,. sunto,oro, deee.ie.o4re e',,4Qma • new window* $.14,0 . t.O9QA." eto wird ne ad4ftio PQaf coriogo loct451a* tar►Utr tgo!rts kot1,QQ. dU1 'i•,5 Q ar8Oeolceo-, ledng re.04 5. O04.00,1?*� 4 po•...batti; ytr " vv4ih, gttiit,(ri n a peak sot ail Shen, ti.99.40.TAr. 'Q190. to. ydkno C 1( iia torte el/0,4 N 1?y...40.11104111•114' ache rt Kar 4: err 110,9*110,9*t, ; tin4 dr .yieol end 44tut04,• tti cts> oaf . $ u Nin-41144041.0ir, t*tli i 0.0. &N a-aC;4.&/ %0?Q tgli hip t 4 :4000f0t4e9 b t10.4t. Diet ,il 111-ra sit4,vyi i a Nitw Bei a tp,`sn4fi�h!ht�4Y. fir 7.6 fi edxcaw a€t• apamoitetto {(%ntaiil; 1t km. north of Gtzdarictt.''Fridye and starer included. Air' care= dititarrad:"C4Aiet. $52.511 er ma.nth plus 4t111tiaa. l#eteranass.. f Keane ;x29 ONE aEPRQQMiit: apartment 540 Outrarrt .Street. i -riot ; Stove. rteW carpeting. S2541morith plus utilities. Availebte inarinediately. Qalt Paul,. 52t? -2411. -afar" FOR RENT in Lucknaw; 3 bedruarrr apartment," stave, fridge, Washer. dryer hook up, front, roar. access. deck, heated. /Waidable July. Call R tul_at &28-2411.-223 .ar QNi" �SEOROQM heated apartment downstairr,'clase to downtown. Avaiiabte. .dunes 1., Suitable€ for senior.' • Calix 528,,2845.--19tfr 1.ARQ't~..8Rt H3° 2 beet- roQrn apartment in .Ripley. Fridge anct stove, large ' yarct,, •arnpti parking. A:vaitatala At t .t,.1. 63.76 per month Calk 39603+123.-A. 22 2.4icc A'>iTg1k 11Q'N°.,...TTUel EATS attending University at Windsor. Tw tleCf iOPlirrtr3r 0104er ndd, tura par b ,. roam. $275 per mantkt aactt pl►.is Fainintaii hydra to sphZ month tease=, fairnished, secured entrance, washer, dryer, dishwasher, fridge., stove. non-smoking, short walk to school, photos await able. Study! oriented ate- • slants only calla 5244454. „22iiG ' Q.NE ANS TWO bedroom. Mem street. Appliances nciudect, Available immodi- a,tclly, Phone 628-2145 after 6' p.m. -21 �23ar L�RQUN1 FLQQ'R' 2 t ed morn apartment, newly rer ovated;.two-+badroo ripper apartment $250. both Q1Qse. to downtown. Phgne 528 2031, ,-42tfar 2 SEQRQQM; downstairs heated apartment with fristge:.and:: stove. Ph. ane 528-33723. A1Soa bedsutttirig:, roam furnished 17ifar QNE6EQt QOM. apartment,. for rent en main street,, L,ucknew, ..Phoney 52849$2. -3.1.fr f4Z.I.bial estate, I'i9NTEE a r, �c•Lv o PtUne ,Wingharn 3.574, U KNO best', room tzriQk -bungs iovit carr dczu.ble, treed iqt, pay+, dt'iuerar . • 1I ale Re is .' . ithyf Henrdrikss M-1.10 C,Yr it N acTa shi ..81t$ ?4 ,;. Attit n3te4 .Qhtii,:rci , i. ,uakrtaw, toll' horn y ,fo.f towto sl'g.rt� , n, , t QQmpteteeiY done oyr, oak .kitpherf, .ca tdrt sia'trests�f $Oni Qn 11v^ 19. .rQQfl bect`aa 1S:• $114„909: v 1 4,. Ata 4:N 14er } `S ri kr 114.1p Chas n ea, epxe$elooy . • :0**o : we, ltayeA Seri rad;tcr seal 11a ge, holditt$: oi: agriculture i 1444100p -et parcg1's. ranging in size rroni 1 Q0 aor'es'1ct a 4;. 2047 a4ro block; Alt•afFcrS:.0( inquiries; f'rorTt i.nte.rc.St d parties. shalt b tltke,o lt,Philip chaiaot or tcernatdStnckgr, • Wii5 ARe $$QW. ACG 1'IN; ;t l: op:`tti P.03 olMltr. 1114ii~ r *frkpitiivray 'IWp:; i . fico `; 047'A4res Rsngiti& dial "Nay' tt�rpF 31»A rc$, • , s '�5tartt ,y�fwp;,- Ri r" 354 Acres i'?cskiilcl:`ltvp. r G'0 Acres, vixokk bre Also•4 gotlf stRr$,f' + 4k: •4.164 •c,is.: �JA"