The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-03, Page 7Luchnow Sentinel, VirednesdaY,4une 3, 199$ - rage 7 The gardens; are ing and people are busy in Orove Lots of people coming and going this past week. The gardens are getting lots of attention and are looking very nice and col- orful. The Sunday wont- ing storm left all of us without electricity for some time and as of' Monday morning some were still roughing it including Deanna and Morley Scott and Marilyn and Don Reid. Fortunately no one was injured with all the down trees, and fly- ing objects. Maureen Collins spent the weekend with her daughters Jennifer and Angela in London. . June and Earl Elliott spent Saturday night with their granddaughters Teresa, Tobi and Jenny Farrell and •their friends David Becker and John Graham, On Sunday, June and Earl visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Stanley from Kinloss. Celebrations were held Sunday at the Kinlough Presbyterian Church for its 135th -anniversary with Rev. Robert Shaw, a for - met minister in Kinlough. Gary Moulton attended Scout Camp at Paisley this past weekend. Glen Farrell and friends Tyson Pollock, John MacKa# and Jordon Bali • spent Saturday night • camping. They were still iu their tent when the storm hit and they sur- vived a camping event' they won't forget for some • time to could. The Hungry Hippos held a meeting Wednesday night at the Community Centre. The meeting age - da included maldng pastry and rolling pies. The'Oarden Club held their meeting Saturday morning at the. Comniunity Centre. The club consisting of about 15 members is now offi- cially. called "Growing in the Grove." ' Bette MacLeod attend- ed Marilyn Matins wed- ding shower in Lueknow on the weekend, held at the Alton residence. Tins weekend, Harvey and Wilda Thompson vis- ited with Ray .and Linda Thompson of Mississauga, Tammy Cunliffe of Etobicoke and Nel and Richard Murphy of Mississauga. Harvey and Wilda arrived home Sunday evening to find a house without hydro and were, still off. Monday. morning. Ort. friday, Anne MeCosh, and Mary Anne Kukoly visited with JoYce and John Farrell and Joyce aid Jim McEwan of Kincardine who were ebb at the Farrell- residence. Gladys Arnold, Anne and Dick McCosh and Mary Anne Kukoly attended the .Grr faMily .retiniOn this: past. 'weekend held near Arthur. • ran., Farrell, .Sandra Forster, Janet Nixon, Janet • Rhody, Anne NicCosh and Mary . Anne Kukoly attended the isI Bruce District Annual Convention in Elmwood last Thursday. It was good to see friends from around the country.- Newshound for June iS Sharon at 395-4132. IIBDO Alto MALtETTE "0 Dunwoody Chartered Accountants •ottotio9 o to *Igo ot tondos; Auditing, swoon**, birstrorus plow Wog, income x phoning. porsortNI 0000041 panning, cOmPtAni Amd. trtartogrunant triolcue. WALKgRTON- HANOVER Aroma FOOEST PORTON OA Domino, FCA U4. Volkttl, VA Kt» Or*. CA M.S ftekon. PA ' Rkrtrillon, OA 44 Hunt. OA• . 0.K.Attnr9.VA K OotrenitinpLOA • ft Thor. cA Thomas, OA. iS14211 re torttrorrir60.._ -**14.110100:-_____..lir • titritoorfor ppp * 1011.414**0****11***41**.414 .11A 1511 lerre******10 iterirtirriroirr THEATRE • KINCARDINE + • 3964250 4 t 44000t10.01114000.41111,0**tiOttltilitt014414ttittt041 JUNE 5 & 6 at 7 & 9:15 p.m.. JUNE 7 TO 11 AT 8 P.M. These young Sparks will be known as Brownies next year as they advance in the Guiding Association.. Back row: illierian.Raynard, leader, Jolene Van Meeteren, Krista Sanderson, Nicole Willits'BecCa King, Becity.Guay. Front row:, Emmallackett_, Alexis Moran, Hilary McDonagh, Nicole Vans Dyke.. (Livingston photo) ALL SEATS '4..25 TUESDAYS • GOOERIDN 524 Mt DEEP MC/ACT ENDS T URSD Y "ONE ar 11 -it IST ILOOVIReYLVP.- ti t. S E. VV 1.11SPFAV : thrlittp.,•whi,pvivr nt • . . FRI. - THorts- 7:30 PM mrELY- JUNE 5 - It siarivroi LONG DISTANCE? CAU. 1-800-265-3438 FOR 'IOU FREE MO IE INFO Don't Be 1 of the 1865 People Who Couldn't Get Dry Wood This Year! 13•1.1Y NOW 'FOR NEXT Y Pictured With their leader0 are Brownies who will advance to Guides this fall: from the left, back row: Betty Small, Sue Gillespie, Lori Blake, Susan Guay,- Wilma Blake. Third row: Larissa Bridges, Melissa Van Diepenbeek, Angie Sande, Jessica Sinai!, Jamie Van Dyke. • Second row: Rachelle Lotidry, Rachael Elliott, Jocyln Huber, Kelsie Beasley, Kelsie Cox. Front row: Amanda King, Jenne Knechtel, April Austin, Elise Matthews. Absent: Anne Guay (leader), Alicia Murray, Allison Vanderveen. (Livingston photo) Lacey Murray (left) and Whitney Taylor (right) • are two Guides who will move up to Pathfinders in the fall. Leader for this year was Mae Raynard. (Livingston photo) - • •'Make -it -Great -In "98' Home Decorating Contest Registration not necessary Judging! Monday, June 29/98 Reunion colours are fuschia & purple Prizes: Winners announced at the, . opening verempriles July 2at arena We're thankful... and we're sorry • The SAlvation Artily thanks you for supponing the recent financial cantpaign, We • apologize if you received duplicate mailings. But don't give up on us, The problem is 'being fixed:Telephone us (free Of charge) at (477-882-3300 if • you Wish OS tO Change Ou• r records. " ,PS. We really do need your support, • LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE QPEN DATES JUNE • Fri, 5, i2y19, 211 Sat 13 • CALL 528-331 Everlasting Flowers & Qifts 9 a.m. n, 530 p,rm fkit cu. yd. fie Load Deliveted*thin 20 miles,• ' N ileage Cherje beyond that — . IG HARDWOODS LTD. •AUBURN, bNTARIO .• 51 9.526.122a' • in concert Mark Lafortn arid the For*rild • Ticklite:" $20.50 In adv. saa.00 at door Einielev's (1993 Ltd) - WOO= $ Gadmirkpfadelie °ION(); SO General St0e0- CO)ditCilni Otgletig..1440465a29 . MAN OF T E LAND Tau