The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-03, Page 3Education director tire une Atielt The education director of the AVOIrt •bitaittautl District School. Board unexpectedly announced his retirenimt at the May 24th board- -tneetutrg;.in:` • Stratford. Paul Carrollsaid his retirement is effective June l99S. Carroll made no com- ment regarding his de4i- Sion .to retire and follow- ing. the meeting told reporters, he had. never - betore said, 4tio com- ment." in . reply to a ques- tion from. the media, bu( ' this was a. time when he ).vould. ' A Carrollbecame • M SB,'s , first education director when the 4,11144.- mated malgamated board ..officially . • took over .responsibilities ` for pftblie school • eduea- .' don in l arta Arta Pette ' coenti last Januar..,.. s career in eat titigr ' spanned over 3p years. September 19+ia, he entered the education, field as u taaoher at Victoria public; school int Qoderielt. • Carroll Neat= vie-pr'in- Pipet of Sea'o' ,1 public" school. in 1973, and apgointedt principal -there itr t 977'"f: In January 1984,. the became was:.appointed superintendent of educa..". tion, for the * CQu Uty beard Qt ediicRationt Berme has appointment as diced tier :of ecluQat on for, the board in k 93> his superin, tendert portfolios ianeincled spectaix e•d a,titi and business and Qper tions. The hoard is eitpe+eteCi tQ..anlettnett an: interim:. t pineetnent•ut their June; 9. tit treating its Clittatt.. from .pee like we'd lust been slapped in the face. • s,nNgwt• the reason' that; we aro hero, is we're tial. here to ask, Of trustees but to demand action from;' trustees that we gQ. down to Queen's l ori. We have. • to "find' out wltoac been lzat g all.these stogies;.„ k • N94414'419.01 councils: Consist; Qf:volunteers and iii the; e4Se of "itis: council • ' mostly .rural parents; Murray said he bras. asking, • for the. support of trustees and board atinwiitistratioin . addix ,his eourtci1 h feet . ,: it' has iu t h:ad that-suppd?iit:. in tht. past year, c,tttti shOrt timelines_ for ' h c�UndAil input ag onexdtit= p1©. HO asked why this UTiS: eohununity, when it was partic,ipat ny: • in neeisioe proce,sc, "W,as, not told it .might; tial- •be•eiigibte for'" the EL () grant. Coneecling the issue was:. conflts,ing sod •c1ift;tcult , education, director; Fath; Carrell s,id,,tho • brand hail, proceeded its, good, faith: with ,the irhplorhentation; of the i.() program ,Cauolf said hc' w„as cokt;a ficlent that, the its fontr►atron, the board t'acetved.tluot g ; normal," ever)cdlay, rotttitw chanrnel in, its: dcaltstg svit;h ixttnistxy prsonna1; was nasal inforntaii n "We kitov theist- first -slam basis anal we • have ":tie reason'to thistle; they would =give us t.44 information,''arrsrll $stat c, ev :r, if thy;, lee -a1, tvi'F office is,. (kealiti,g with differ nwt officials, they wiii< got cliffereut answers. "Whi0i is. indicative of : the piiohlein.we're tithing in tt'lol t f areas,," upte4 (:arson, atltl:ing, ."not the. Wag 'of the ftinLI- ilii; question, • • pricast ft�*tt e'Illi.itit yte nt`w or w rt Pinyt Alumtnutrr.'"t $Eaowa :M. M t+t lrli ra elty . et this . years* torm*6 vera 5het11 . Johnston� and Traver SOW.. May moo, cttotwr+ duri h. "Mown** tho Moontigbt. evening On May ZS. (photo courtesy at the Ad;� T1tnes . �. sets of figures, relating.te. the same question, a,te being: prgseutodi to the board. "We 104 can't' CIO: busii- 1106$ ili L' v iy, . Carroll s.aid tl'tt, 6,)1 tet'ns raised by Murray and his fellow delegates tis: aft iridis oatiau' that the poltey. tut` tssul_11 cltfter ng frgur s had IQ -40* • "A sclt4?,ok boatt4. sb04tl4 t nohe,ex c;l=tecto'proce�t with a pragt.4hto, QV p+ro-. troth options,, such. as JK or the early leat*tng;,gr'ant, d_ S it, did. so in this G asp, dbrpssw the entire'schctor system aro the Political • bounds. of Perth, Co my and: ther4:•be put: in this: ennbarrass�i;ng aud'� despita ble situatidtt," Delp te; ' the board,'s 'eApo4ta�tions.. cif fuudtin ineligibility, Jamie Woodend, special ;a$sts>attt tU Bert Johnon, sato they doer is trot: $put-on attg, "This ha$. ktn4i•of coYane, Gott. of left_ field,"' Waocletrd $Aril;: The suggestions al irielir gibility as coming ,front, MET's, London regional office, said Woodend, not. i,ng then support is derived front: technical,: papers which Pound t ,early • cy drafts. Be said: rt is. usual for to tlicti papers: to chaunt e sovexa -t i b S.re bring. As :.',411 example, Woodetad' skid; early kg*. c'tdietis: were that a: boaird; . would uQ1 be able to: offer; ,both, fl 'arid, the l LQ: pro- gram, • rioting • that had. ehanged�: Nevertheless, sa:id., Woodeitd,. a. ,weeting 1ta; been- schettttted •with; the Amoss: for Peart week' to- address the' issue- of ``•t'AOts (Johrison�) very tenet supjtorts the parents. deelslt n: to opt, far• t.hc Parini 140.01014. Pr-ogi�a, ,, $IN a4}UAfl5 4 Ye vs and Cillags pt jct tmpancia ! a . s ` rsx. nase, ijh(` :.tet C4 it i0r E rer4 zumaillt nan Shrub d - • It ;.a.rose_$ aztd suer 4 your the%re:of ferret (Curry irr-sates•fitntter(ta 00404 hatter 'Wpm. garfiae,Scttfptlt 1110 largest; tksed . Malik sale i-n...k hrOn? Courtt�! returns to :Blyth Metxtpeial- a l via,.Sattird"kyr Jutze •6, Ano th:�is. year`s_ event. is • eXpe too` to be .bigger asci utter tlxa t aver.. The sale, ruusyuin"t frog:-9.a,rn, toA, A,spccial treat; for book levers at ibis.. yoax'.s; sale. will be at readirw. by l :yzila Ma,sori Qz'eei , editor ok Staudi.i t a•ked 'In The: dings, 'lho popular bOQk whr eh gi b&; a tiro; glitnpsP into the backstage anaworld of Cdian p+<rfornners: Ttie reiding,. ,will" take, place at t pail in tit, Bainter Galtrya , Adrhission, is;ek fr . . If you, have items to clo_natev they, can;• be :ckoppod off .a,t the 81yttt $.e stival• office hotween..9.; and .Itrnct 1 to •5. Per more tttformati0n" ca1I 5194'... ` •i/2. !Ai. South of t,ttCknaW Mon. -Sal $4 •:at. Notice la h ebjt} 9twtQn tt- ark the Ando& M utt af: fbw: Win hur►, and ?iairlo: Hoafita1. C rparaiian wilt �e, ha id atitha,l'AtInfinain Rollie $chQat2Auditprittrth031 4otini.St, Wtnghatni Q ilca'tn•or ThtttsdaYi.4unQ.,i$i,:1e$8• at the hour, of eight•, o'cloek; pm.), fifr :the, eleotiort of cauetr+ats:, for thQ, appaintfnariL Of A4dltdrs, apd> for the trans"sof ore, of at,Al ,,Other= thing&• o: may, properly corns,before alio irieetiia �. CopiOa,::ot the Annttif;l R'8port and; ptorgltat' Financial: Stat ntot►te' may bo attained, at, the: fronts cloak of the Wingham and Qiatrtgt 'HQ pital e. a tive .funs 11, i sst3 . and atrthe At,n. uat:Meatittg.; :Memberehip' grantt:ng, ,votrn9, privrlogga, rrtay. ba pureh sed�-at tire. front deals of the; hoatzitp.i far, five" dollara.• ($5‘00Y prior,: to files ,o'eloek; .t rra;, Wednesday,, :lune- 3r 1998, No momkterahiF soil;.after•.tbat..time wilt.. entitla tha purohaaerto: a vole* Date d:at VV. inghars?, ntariQ,,tats 29tb`day,ottAprtt,199 By, ardor of the Board of Co erhOrs,, L, Kurt'►,; Secretary,.. gsite 'ispiyA1,e, 'ine.t �:•','.)IJ''f U itt�i: 1t fits {r u'llwt•_r,,' •'. , t a • lois: . Ti "' of RI a F.E. 10,441 H dant ' n interface` fee tt.' o . n, cheque froom Lucknow optimtd ist Pit fnt Warren ,0;0047'4 small for r the, profit front the; telly dance Opti. scrod by the Qptimiats, i:n April,, a,twhich ntertaeo *.tapplied the tirtm* �,J net sal th+ 'Alluding to the .funtling r?Ptri 11 •� ,i It PC •ib-atil htni4t, 1ucast yn, h said diffencc gram- at- Mad dig: Q.,ivtngst(ot►• photo,` k 1iAMMQCKS. stns uanrtdwEAS �sH!49E•HQ11$0< Tradi!iop »yopyht1IYn '.