The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-03, Page 2rage 2' -. Lu ow Sentin We ds3"a coming up petunia . Green thumb hortlouitttristaa John end Alice Lernourau c were busy lawn week. planting tiorticuittirst Society' flower boxes that bti uti. ty other hareas, mein street and *`as cois$ ofareas, Fevr thing' coming up petunias': iHitir. photo) er a e res ructuring ,Te nniterr Vandermeer Bruce Township coun- cil is making a second attempt at stopping the, I3tuc:e County 1m:structur- ing press. " The township has begun procedures to appeal a January 4aurt decision denying its appli- eation to halt the comity's plan to restructure from 3i to eight rnunicipsiities. Reeve HQWardalbey said the, panel .of three judges' 'that heard. the -cease. must have .seen, sorire merit in the townships argument, "or we wouldn't have been given. leave." The tew reship's solici- tors olici-tors have begun appeal procedures and are con- • tacting the paartii:a need in the case to find out their opinion on staying the restructuring proceddure, which would stop they process until a decision is given lay the courts. Roger Moyes*, aa. munic..i- 'pal advisor with- the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and }lousing said a stay would essentially be a stop work order pending the outcome of a hearing. A date has not yet been .set for the hearing, tut the township- is asking .tor an expedited date. "Alt's Our intentjortto ask for a a a: date fairly soon," said ttibey, • • Stuart lieavie; chair of the county restructuring to stop .cou rtioe owns otrranittee, had TM. . irdbr- mattion can the county's, position as of Monday. "tiasrcFalty, alt we know right now is • that .the Township of Eruee has been granted an mal to the 'previous deecsinn. What the county's position' tree, plans are. we don't know yeti" said Reaavie, "W4'11 be meeting with our legal advisors ou Tuesday (yesterday) to make some decisions? The county r•estructut.. ng plan. is supposed to take effect January t.. 1999. Moyer said seven of khe: eight transition boards in the county are currently meeting and working, toward the target date. Only the hoard for Hi:i•atre and Kincardine Townships and the Town of. Kincardine has not been. meeting Moyer 'believes the boards can keep working together but should he cautieus about wch* dee i siona they. amu. the township wins. its case at the appeal hear. ingA the restructuring order could be quashed and restructuring not take place." said. oyer, If the order .isquashed by the courts, anything done in preparation fe!. restructuring would have, tub undone. SCboOI board to fund 'early learnhig by Rink; Kew With the pessibitity ,c7fl • being ineligible for fund=. ing from the Ministry of Education for the early- learning oppcarteinities pro- gram, rogram, the Avon. Maitland district school board has decided to fund the pro- gram itself, as moth gas possible, from exrsting• funds and to lobby Huron and Perth County, MPPs for 'access; let gov+ecnnaaezit funding. Less than a niaath ago, the boars'asked schools in Perth County . to choose • _A. • �eatu� Telt the 140,KNQW .$EN:TLNel whist}; kooks you've aninyed, readlnci• this summer, Students 'in, grade.. 8 and undor may send us hook roviews ftat:prablicatien, ' Write s review: aheut the book: you reeernmend in 100 words. Qr Iesa, including the title and the •author: ,trielude your. name, ,age, home, address, phone, $shoal, grade and date' et the top telt earner of the page. Writers should include small eo.tor ptbotos of themselves, with names written on .the back. Sony, neither entries nor phgtss cart' her. returned. Adults may wrote ohildren"s. Ecol Q;rat raspOn'00$°when .ane --essety; s: many el the reviews.,wilt kopoiistio4 as pn$sabte< Reviews wilt ko i +a ttshud Juno, Julys & Augusf • Send reviews tQ;, SUMMER•R AD N .FREu1EW •anon**ioin! PAT�yLIV1NQSTQN 1UQKNQW h�'ENTINE‘ .. P.,0; 130X j� Lucknow •Ont;A NOG:0i° y ,.A /9 either .a junior. kinder - gluten program or an • early • learning npportunities (ELO) program, The E1.Q°, program. was to provide programs to aid Students from senior kindergarten, •to Oradea,. White only IWo schools ,in the board's , district those the.EW program:— tipper rogram -Ttipper Thames. -elementary school (UTES) in West, Perth acgd lv0[11 Eaatliope', public sehobt in Perth,,. ast--the board viewed their dhcriee aas'ean.e c : Ient way. to compare the 'benefits. of EU) with 3k,. - However; last Tuesday rtiorning, the drafts of. cher LMS: school Council'. received Word. from his school's, principal that AMOSE, schools would not be eligibte.for funding. from MFT for the lfi. to' parade 3. Newton, • ' Although not on: the agenda,:: Chair Qavid,. Murray addressed- the hoard,* its regular meet-* • log that everlinfi He, sttidhis first call, after hearing abut the iteetigibitiky, waas,•to. Perth MPP Eert . Johnson's., •nffice> where an assistant told.' him hull -dries would made. He heard back from Johnson's office .and' was told that ,the assistanat , had spoken with an affi, eiaat in the office of Davi Jnhnsani Ivlinister' uf, Education; and to son te- one involved with .policy. cteveioprnent la the •: Ministry. cif Education, neither of whom could understand why anyone would say that• ANIDS11,. . schools would not be • gibte for %,,O"furtdin ; "Something is. wrong.' someplace,said NilteleY,,, Continuing,. he said,'' "'We (UTES) have really taken abig steps to go nth) . this (EL0), We've put a, Int of effort into this. and 1 thinkwe've risked our- :.. selves by ohac>;osxng 10 ga with. ttta E.l.:O grant as::.. 'oppose to junior tcinder gaxxenA. , "°Aril: yesterdays it+ felt ',turn to.page ' ' it was: the total K nettes biggest biker a»thou on. Saturdays as 611children. some ace pa adults, took to. the Streets to raise:mo l for knot community projects. Grade .6., statute. Marls Alton aild,Riley Aitchison waren two of -those ttikers4 Each youngsttor: received a park and was treated to Lunch .att the end of, the our , (ivingston to