The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-27, Page 4a 4~" I uckaaw Se ltina#e1 Wedge Y, Ala 37, I908 t haw sofaddtes~i,ordersfoxsuboorlpt#ons. and undeliverait3eweirs.lreWropowguararrteerllaretobescat WI* Inclaitf sentinelat tilea indicated hem fid+ c ng is.ameatedota tl»condittonWi ;#tithe tve4QCaov-attl al won the per tion of theadxert#sing space occupied bit tile =snows #temp toerloth a reasortableatlowanoo for suture, will riot bo charged for, but ilio italance Ilio advertisement soitbe paid at tho applicable rates. . eo P+:eblislhers Canty I'tevzspaper 61$: Cowl iii t,. iia, e1 u w. Ontario WI V4 laws ow, Ontario NOG 2H0 phone (5191 148-2422, (t •(8j9) 528-3529 • XstablIshera 18 Tom `thomPsQn ^� A % aittiitr ag Fat I4vhn rt - Cowl/ #g I'1iyU% Matthewa Helm Joan. Cottee Typetlt,Q1.t r`. $ubseiption States advance; Regular J $6r,Ik'tcl, postage and O:*':) . acorn $2352 fiend. pis ,e and Q.$:r::1 • Foreign: &USA - %KW Publications Mail, Registration No, Q7 • held aft Oederich, Ontario, Published 52times a year. • . ingl sentotiurdnte ,emen- taixcmet ;address; ting;ll► r!.b ',stink a outliucknaw/ : eeping p with reunion news Dear Phyllis. Just 'a short note -to • let you know that l have been enjoying the web page since we last spoke. A1thQUgh,.rerhoved some miles. from the scene, I have felt involved: not: only, because I earread. ardent the preparations for the reunion, but also about ocher events and the .pea:• pk its theeommtality, les .great *read about thelor tunes of thehockey teams •and the machinations of the palrtical bodies, Good . Stuff!! See you:. in lune or Roy Button, British Columbia, Utnil the other clay, 'I thought perhaps' 11 was the only one• in town wllo 7 didn't know 'that if yea, sire using 4 dordteas phone, or even a cell phone; your conversa— tions oats by heard by those who have -scanners. Wben. 1, heard about this a few months ag% almost freaked. It did the. same to another person intown when she found out 'about this, $he was very angry andpsindig-. mint, Theesuiggestion was made that perhaps there... are malty out. there who don't know that yctur pr vaey gin be regally.. 'invaded. Via a cordless phone am . spanner.: To me it is an invasion of privacy, even tt1o00b on checking with: the police,. I found out -that .no offence is created lay eavesdropping by use of at scanner, It does become illegal, however, if that person uses information. derived. from :'eavesdrop»� 'ping' by use of.tltseanner. So •'now,. I use my e.ordi.ess very little: It doesn't. matter if I am. talking about iticonse-. quetitialthings' or not, the thought of ,someone `eavesdropping' makes stay blood boll Now thathave .`Your attention,' are yea think- mg about all the things you've said over a oord-, list ring. I used to use my cord- less to do, my telephone bankin.' It *made life a Tot easier to sit at the table with my banking. records and the cordless. k 1'4ow, I ,use .what is called a'hard line' even though I come close to chokin&nyself with the stretched •to-thel'imit. cord. . It really is no body's business' bttt. mine how r1(tt1c . I' have in my. chocking -and: savings accounts,' I`ll no longer whisper sweet nothings. in Mr. Rialit'sear' via, the cord- less.' Yes', tecth.nology is less? Things* you. would- n't want repeated? A:-lit4 • tle, embarrassed?` Youshouldn't be. The embarrassed One should. be:. the person doing the Dear editor As part of ` the delegation- .that approached council requesting A11 -Way, Stop Signs tri. the vicinity of the park. on . klaveloc:k. Street, I am amazed at the inaccurate; reporting of the meeting held at Town Council on May ° 12, . Printed.. M.TQ Regulatory Sections dis- 'tril+uted by Andy Brtrgess clearly noted thatAll-way Stop Signs should not ;be used as a speed control device tar a means 'el -deterring the movement of traffic in a residential- area, • . This does not mean:- not permitted - and a lengthy discusslott was held noting that roost municipalities in .Nort.h ' Atncrica use A11. -Way Stop Signs. for this purpose as a, means of controlling traffic around "parks, schools, hospitals, heavy traffic, and'prrblem; areas. • It wasalso brought•to Andy's. attention that incidences..have been reported' of ' serious, speeding traffic violations. one of -which, resulted in a, police chase. The delegation -emphatreally refused to, take pictures .aidveitise, monitor traf• fic, or snitch, . We did agree to report.. qtly incidences such as, high spend; runs oil the street, as any other resident would. The delegation agreed to return= to dounciI•in approximately six weeks to 'reasses;s their• Concerns, 'This was to allow the: village time to post traffic. signs, 'place advertisements, or taotic+es in the, paper, and at; the suggestion by Andy. Burgess that an Qi P radar car monitor the area: It: was stressed by the delegation that it 'was. not .our intention to harass or point fingers but. merely a: means, of 'making drivers aware of current situations: that may cause: accidents that could possihly involve children. or pedestrians; ,tie At11- 'Way Step Signs seemed the. roost• logical way of controlling the traftic, ;, This has been a., confirming coneern and has been 'rejected. by punch on two other. occasions. With, an increase :of younger children, in. the *area, use• of :the park and tennis courts,=ha_ndicapped chit,. 1.4 sz sten mare people walking, traffic 'flow from, `the soccer fields - the odds' of an accident have''i'ncr'eased,' The street is long and, it is not hard tri speedwithout;. realizing rt. . Presently we have: sower loeais who .speed. and others4 who subject: us to , high, sped rusts. during weekends and boli .days. The high speed, runs are,: usually drivers, who are 'unpaired -or. under the influence 'of drugs ` and sometimes accompanied with bottle tossing or drir ving over private'prope ty. This is. occa- sional but stitl,enough to concern the res - • id ents. • Most•sumrneis• my; wife and ttay"self Witness. at leash. three incidences of sod- dler& on the ,street that;; have had as stop- traffic toptraffic andremove them: before they were,. hit, How often does uthis•happen Witki Other residents? It has ,already happened once this. spring rand it makes you wonder • why couneil- wouldeven question the request•,, . . • Brian Johnston, Dear editor; • As chair of the Inspired by, N,attrre Campaign (a,campaign to 'raise funds.; t the, Outdoor, Education Centre at, Oliphant} ,1. would like to, congratulate the. Bluewater `District Scht79l., card. frit .. proclaiirririg May24. to. May, `29 as '"-nvironinental Education Week,'" To' ',those' Of. :us* from 8riiee° and Counties:, who have volunteered t ..raise funds for: the Centre' (new Called the Institute:; for• Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies), thiimportant.: step- ley the; Board underscore the key place.that our natural-. arid historical lien itage has in the curriculum of our'studen: ,t's-forinal education program. In addition, the Board's action, verifies the need, to, raise iipney to ensurethat our, 4` entre° eontinuesto provide first rate educational, opportunities for. the, conning " generations of student's., and.; adultswho attend out unique site, Now that students fromour two conn, ties will :share • the wonderful experienceotattending the Centre it is crucial that up to date.,iaboratory facilitieswith cons* outer and other study °facilities be made av,aiiable. so that no, opportunity'to enhance cur,students':.education-is lost. Long a .favorite of Bruce County stu- dents, the Centre will .leave "a lasting, pos- itive impression` with all who attend in the future. `etre;` Board's, proclamation speaks to its priority to provide valuable env?irofirtcntal education to our students and easttres,that the Centro will remain a central part of ;,hese studies. • In addition, 'would =like to thank:a11 of our tnunicipal,leaderswho have :endorsed Bttvironmental: Educatror,;::Wee•k with theirs owin resolutions and letters of sups• port: This expression "of support along witha`the: Board's.•proctamatioir has pro- vided the fundraisiing, vplunteers..with a tremendous boost` and underscores Just bow critical it is for our campaign to:sur-• cessfully provide'the' funds,to renewour Centre far the new millunniurn: Since May` 24 to May -29 is Environmental Educators Week, as chair of the. campaign', 1 would urge •all. who want to "help renew the Centreand pro vide' a unique legacy to future;genera- great, but :sometimes you need to know a. tittle bit more about it before you. start using these new. things, We'vecome a lona way since Alexander Graham'B'ell' invented the phone; But now, thanks to cordless phones and scanners; We have regressed in one way. Remember those days when: everyone had. party : lines and there w.as usu- ally an .eavesdropper oar` Mk line, . There is:.sonic. W,ay, you eatr•'scramble your calls dors cordless or cell. but .you'll have to check that out with some. technical type. 401A0X1411.g, fart ea 00t Dear editor: Goderich District Collegiate, Institute will celebrate aa All Years Reunion• over th'e July 1 weekend in the year 200a, We • would, like to hear from anyone who: :attended; or was: a •,staff ineinber GDCI; so we can tell them ail about our celebrations. • eM ° We'd like to know your name, (includ-' ing maiden name whereapplicable); address, postal code and attendance .• years. Psoase write us at . GD, mn' 2004,260 South St,, (oder chC1, QnAlu;N7Ai 3M5 Fax us. at 519-524-1710 (Attention: Reunion. 2000); or ifyou want to E -Mail us, check our web site at wwvr.avonmait- land.on.ea1GDCIf and., click. on "Alumni,,,: Reunion • Doug, Bun,. )a0 Committeedy,. • Goderk h tior+s, to contact our campaign`office to , pledge your personnal, financial or vol- • unteer support. Please call us at 363-2414 .tor toll free at 1- 00-, 61-:7509) during business 'hours; fax us at 363-3448 or. Write to us at: inspired: by Nature, 351 1st Avenue; North, PO: Box 190, 'Chesley, On. NO0 11_,4: ` •. Thank you to all • who have already :helpt^d,u's tc-pe°w: h Centre and its. prcCioresus.rve resources andtane 'advance"thank' you" to those who, will in join us. providing a- focal point for environmental :arid heritage education in our two counties; Murray. Elston Campaign Chair;.