The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 16age IA Luclatew Sentinel, Wednesday, May20, 1908 qUeeZe look at t zenshi Ato b ,ode h • VIC •LiLickHOW *OM, soccertea.in trAvetia to ' Groderich on May 12to play the Restorers inthe firstgame of the season.. •-• Goderich led'off the Scoring but Lucknow's :Brittany Ackert,- •with, • from Ashton C,haniney, •responde4. • Lucknow had the opportn any t sr e on a. penalty " kick but was .not 'suceess- . • • -Goderich scored their second, only to have Birthday vishes to Ruby . • LUcknow receive a second . penalty kick with 11.1. St, Helen's Women's • Mayer makingit count. Institute held its citizen - With time running out, shipand legislation me inet- Buddy Chamney 'scored ing the hall last week. • the winning goal after , president " Muriel being setup by Ackert and Moffat. presided, Twelve Ashton Chamney. . members answered rollcall Final score Xoucknow 1 by bringing or wearing Goderich 2., ' -something patriotic, Good defensive play • Volunteers were asked' was exhibited by -Torben to make several items for • Neilson, Ben Knechtel and thea group display at the Brandon Bridges. •fair. Coaches this year aro Several ladies plan to Ian Hackett and Steve attend the district annual " ChantneY. on May 25 at Dungannon, Registration starts at 915: • St, Helen's is responsible Card .•.. for entertainntent Each member sasked •to take something for the craft . party table at the district annual. Happy anniversary was sung to Caroline. Menary winners and happy birthday to Kay IvIeCormick an& Edith Cooper. . Lillian, Appleby were pink • Janet MacPherson led card winners at the recent the topic ors citizenship St, Helen',s WI card part.y,. and Jegislation. She ROSS, Errington won OR die explained the meaning of white eard, While Lloyd these words and reminded APPlehY had three shoots Lirw' ho ow. ‘:.•[, • . . • by Mildred 1.1oree Miss Ruby Webb will be celebrating her 91st birthday on maY,24- The main street busi- • flosses have started decO4 rating thele prernises preparation for the reunion • to. be held in July • Former • teacher • visits 1* • iterharch , by jean Ross • John- McKinnon and Mildred McClenaghan were Sunday visitors with Percy an4 Sharon McClenaghan of Clinton. Also visiting there Were. the twin sons of Percy and Sharon; Scott and Michael, Sharon's mother .."Mrs..Courtney, and Ted and'Ver4 McClenaghan of -- Kitchener. This was a cel ebration of Mothers Day and a family get together • Which was brunch at a restaurant in Clinton. The family of Agnes, Gaunt held a birthday party for her on last Sunday,' as well as • Mother's Day with a get • together at the home of Jim and Evelyn Gaunt in • ,,Arva, . A 'caller on Friday, at • 'the home of Don and lean. Ross was a former teacher ' of S,S. No.. 1.0 Ktnieiss. • Ken McAllister of NanAinlo, B.C., formerly of Dungannon, was look ing up old school pupils. and friends•, Norma Rinteul, lean Ross, Mildred ,Purdon and Dora Neilson attended the supper and spring rally of the Maitland Prosbytpriai held in. Beinlore. • , • 9 anwoody ' • 4150 . .0--* WARDMALLETTE fte oaofiny- a i fufl mow-- ot arytHi oPCirmsOrKeint 4.CCaCcoK:tilirlina, tbrt8 iKei0 pow • olmit, income Nog planning; plus:goal Ailments pimiento, toTOPIKAT ARK AukAasKKAINS lervkisa; , .. WALKERTON ' KNOWER ' MOW( FOKEST Pont Eton BA ThOms00, FCA LH. V011011, CA KI... Drier, CA 101,s Bolton, OA ' R,..1. Millen, CA J,.), Huot, CA ''. ••84. Kib4or, CA Q.H. Munro, OA K. Oe.CA. • R.Q.• . 'Mgr, CA • . • 'Morons. CA - ., 8st-1211 . 344-37a0 323.2301 • ;32,2049 . EUROPE Everything On Sale! FREE H. Passport Photo when you boo tittlIIIERLISSELL KIIISTYPIDAUG • Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel -Exeter- 1-800-265-7022 or 235-2000 us if'we don't out to vote, donVeriticize. She teredit. ed the Lucknow Horticultural Society for adopting two roads. Between two and three truck loads of refuse were picked up lkfupbayePe vQhjurt:italso read 'About a Mother What would you do if your child committed a crime? Would you- defend them or not? An article on the'French immersion said those schools get twiceas rnuch money to s,pend as others. • • • Elaine Errington read 'A Timeless Role of Women'. Muriel Moffat read Were Getting Older bukBetter.' • • Thed f th procee s rom e April card parties, • amounting to $85, will be given to the Cancer •.Society of Wingham hos- I. . lielen,Tadd and Elaine, .erringtOn served lunch, • (submitted by Elaine,' Errington) • Verne Humphreys John Andrew, Jason Mettler and Anita EIfloIt-theBubbl� Gum BOB were season winner* on the Monday night bowling league, (Livingston photo), . . Roely Vanclerklippe, Dave Humphrey, Dinnie • Whitby and. Harold Elliott - the Pecans - won the playoff segment on the Monday night howl. 'ing league. (Livingston photo) RULES: 1, Re6istratic)n before July 4th is appreciated 2,sAildlete.ams pf horses must be accompaniedby a walker on each .., . . , 3, NO alcoholic I)evera9es are allowed. 4. Parade will start at 11 i00 a.m. sharp' Town will be.13It)cked off at 1 0():3a.rn. ' PlaOt Person: Ass; ease send forms to Jim nnigan, HA, it21 Lucknow NOG 2H0 or Phone ,Jim 5 104 - Tom 395-5190 Phone.'