The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 11CLASSIRED 5284822 OI., Artit;les. for .Salle 02. Yani Salo 03, Garage Salo 04. • Antiques 04ar Aris & Crafis 05. Cars for Salo Ort. Trucks for $al' SPQ$1 ' tA, Fvr satg i icaeraI TO; Wanto4 ttzt-04Y 7c.. .Waittedta tient- 7e. Mororcycics' 7t Snowr[whiles 7g; Vohiotos 7ft, Beals, M.atQfis':otc. 7k Swimming Pools 08:' Computers: Pets 1.0a HafisQs . 1AARMM S!U I T 1t4, . Qeaortti tl,b, WAntet/ Kt 64. i to, Wanted to Niro. .11 d Fmgl, Won t .od 1.1$ . 4ivestpek 1 If, Farm Picchio 1.1g, Bquipmient 11 h, Services 113. Farm Land I,1k; Real Estate l I. Wanted to gent 1 fan, For Rept• •12, Real Estate 1;3. Mobile tiotries. 14. Vacaiious, 16. 'Fol;12ettt 17; Aparilrients l$. Houses for Rent 19a. Bcd 8t.13reakfasi "20: . Rbotn 4 Board 23. Cor inertial 24. ' Wanred`toRent. 25, Wanted to "Buy 26,- Help -Wanted 27 . Wanted Getter rl 28,Business Opp ?.Tenders 3t Empl. Wanted; 3,1, Service Directory. 32; Babysitting. 33, Miscellaneous, 34, Personal' 35: , Legal Nlotiess st,, • Anneuneetnent.S. 37: Mortgages Auction. 39. f dtt4,ational 40. • loac 4 Found- 41: To Givc tiway, 42. Ohitu tries, 43; Bines 44. Entagcinents 45. Marriages 46, ln:Nlcniortain 47. Card of Thanks 48. Coming Events.. ;.N 3 week*, or nutr!-$3,27 aatth week extra words at .14 each . .,GardsotThan -,$4.,25-fox25 wordy "extra. words at:.00 each In Memoriam - $.4:28 + .$8•for each sine averse lr irtlx• Announcement - 1.o.QR flat tee; 4+3i•ads 411150 Pm -paid for 2,5words • extra words at.16 eiaclr ThurcriaY Specla! ,, $$.26 for 25 words, Must be placed' and pais* on Thursday Save a> $4OO billing; char prefraying ;. G.S.-1 l Incluf : in. eine:40ms ' $82 C. Thg 1;i�pifnowSTSerlfinet d 0onf deentie casted typing for Customers; resurne , lot- tem etc. Wevicen Offeryou a number of different print types anCaizee on high quality pater, . Call Our Qf fide Or drop• in' :tot mo"r,•e details RARBECVES," NATURA gasand propane, no bri' quettes..and life tithe war, 'rarity. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlour and. Gallery lnc. 368-5274.--; 19tfcc STEEL BUIL IGt PiON.EER, MAN.UFAo, TU.REO steel buildings. The : brands you-; can trust "We .., wont squeeze ,you. into just; any building, Prici'ng.'that can accarrirnodate any_ bud- get; ;Call 1-800.669-5422.x- 204' SAWMILL $4895•, 'SAW. , LOGS., INTO. BOARDS., planks, beams. Large::. capacity. Best sawrrtill value anywhore, Free inftrmatian ,1.800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills. R.R; 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE.;100 -20bc .CUS1TOM FAXING Need: to send orreceive a fax,?- The Sentinel does• cus- tom faxing. for• customers, - Drop, in Or call. 526-2822 .for dela ls. -41161x, 1VITURE Of8S LREHQUSE We take trades, furniture. etc, Open li>Itty. 215.' Thurs., FA., Sat,, ' 524.1 Goderlch,•, 4-7 "251-' ATTENTt`e N. WOOD WORKERS, Owna; band sow?' It Witt: t1ltke. Rn~,e new, lite with. the works' only low- tension milted, Swedish sili- con; steel tfandsew Wedge - Call 1-848.994013 lades.Call1888-994-283 24 Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any.; 'of. the • following Lucknow busitrosses:. Bookers Milk, Bell`s. Discount, Lucknow,Villago Market,: Rx „ Gentraf,. L,ucknow, • HJ . used Cars and Annie's: Sas. Sar, ' and.. Hamilton Fuels, , -52t1• TWO BOYS 12 s fsae+tikea in pod condition. Sized for S to 12 years. Asking $6(f and. $40. .Sharon Petteplaci 526-2918 atter 5• p.rn; -184 2Qxc QATC* ki,P or4.THE NEWS,.. The Sentinel: is available at the following: locations;, Holyrgod. General Store; Ripley Superior Merkel; Dawson's, n's, Store,' • cungannon iliiac,Nay's,- Srtre, Amberley; TrianOle gisutun ,: Goderich; Smart s, VAN -Mart,. Wingham McPhee IEA, Wing.ham, Hart Food Mart, Teeswater, . ` MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General, More, ,and Keith's Repair Servide; • Whitechurch, —9tfnx ASPARAGUS READY - large or small quantities available at MacKenzie Farms 395-5140.'-17-19- 20-21xc. OR SALE spirt, trued . hardwood, We will deliver to tucknow and area, Phone . 52.9.7878. --18; 2.Oxc GRAY'S PERENNIALS A sight worth' Seeing!': Over.. 200 varieties= tit huge,' sec- and • year perennial- Plants,: growing inLho' field - We ,diig,, them' as you. choose therm-. Columbines, iris and Poppies: are .now in bloom. Bring us a:sketch of your flower bed aind we will help you design a show piece; at no extra charge. Buy' the Plants that: have already wintered in., Bruce, County • ahrt.like itt . l ctedtigrt: 5 km. west ` at Walkerton on Kincardir High,.Hoursi after, 1 p hr. an w6ekdaYs-alt day on weekends Phone. -1522, --20cc HUMMINGBIRD LCR 4 x.. 6 fish and:;c(epih:finder. Good condition: with all hardware; $150. ,Phone 528-2946. -- War' AUENTiON SALMON fish- erman. Super, spring. sale on ciownriggers,', fishtinders• it? trioq. radiot r. QcP.S, Lake Huron•Ro*Gun and:Marine.' Open 7 days 51:9.368.7182, --18-23cc'! SEE W HAT'S HAPPENING AllQUND THE,,AREA she: , Sentinel had the. fol- lowingpapers. available in• our office on. Wednesday; Goderich Signet Star, Kincardine News, Clinton ' News Record,:' Mitchell4 Advocsite, Seaford), Huron. Expositor,:-w-t6tfnx H i. KELLY r TiRES (�G••:t)CAL0,/AAt a14uruwii %illlutlx dis taro.0,itarsuittti .> (or�I UGkinahcl' 1t. fi�Ctxcafit)` "IonKaty. 5efttliCE IH51 DIFFPOICE TO PSOIL, SAN.,; gravel, ground. work, septic sys .tems, and trucking and machinery. We,.Will not be knowingly underpricedl Septic tanks are currently: produced in Orangeville,. "doom to bey produced .by us;. for your:conienience and, savintls`.;"For service. and free estims call 3,95-5478• or 832-8023.ate--15-24 POR SALE -.approximately 15•square.of;9' by 32" snin- gle siding o,b.:o, Call ,,524- 2776' after 7:'p.rn". --,17- 22nxe TOPPER WITH. clamps,;; and padding for.,smail pick up- truck. $$00 or best offer. Phone ,524.4604: 19- 21 nxer. SC HUE?T'S 'C3:F Mildmay offer' this; week double.; width mattresss..and box spring seise; $249 • 8899, queen$999 sire sela:$34 . Schu'`a deliver free in wide areetta. 519-367-2308. -- 20ar Flowers., 'Potting ell, Tornataes,, Peppers, , Bedding, !a3rits available. 'Cod Store X5002 20. Yard Sale MUL.T(FAMILY yard sale. at SI 7: ' Flatret:OCR Street,. 1.:1,icknpw On May.30,,,p a.m. to • 1 .p:m, weather permit, tinge Lots of,children's stuff.- ' -20,21xe , MU I'l •FAM4LY yard: sale Mayr 22, 4 to, 7 p..tL; May, 23, 7 to 11 a.m: t(irtitail . Qorner of Highway 86. plc- n!c area. Baby: stuff, hottse- hold,. small farm :articles,. Tracy: and:,Olndy Simpson, Betty Mcl onagfr-19,2Oar. �. Ca 1986 BLACK SQMi"RSI- 6 cylindersrune well, recent :iy certified,. $800 as iso>b Calf 482.136Q after (or .leave message), -t 19 . 22nXe - 7ote,reycler 1987 YAMAHA motorcycle, EZR 1000, custom paint, Hindle exhaust, Jet kit,: excellent condition, $4,200` 0.0.0. as is. 524.-4805. =-18 23nxe. .1981 90b -GS CUS.;TOM Honda motorcycle, ,460000: kms 10 gears, with high and :.:low range • - low range for city or town- driving, excel. lent condition, ready to:''.. drive:: $1500. CaII 523,9866. --19,20cc 1994 JAYCO hard top tent .: trailer, 8, ft., with awning, sleeps. 6, excellent condi- tion. $4,000 firm.. Phone` 519-528.2282, --18.21x_' 261 TRAVEL TRAILER'- 4 burner stove witli oven, refrigerator, separate freez- er, water ,heater, furnace, bathroom has small; tub and; .shower,,sleeps 6 (4',com fortably), very:, clean.; Call 519.522.1459.--19-24nxe 41iC�I1'tlts fi V AR Cit C uarter horse:. mare, registered, painted,; chestnut with 4 white`socks and blaze. 4 year old, legis- tered,:dune Quarter horse, soaring and,; arena: avail- able..2 horse trailer.. Phone 524-1405, •-19,20cc