The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 9Audit�r'S Repo To the ivientbers of council, inhabitants, and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Tillage of t,ucknow. We have audited the consQli'W4ted balance sheet of the Corporation of the Villager Qt L.ucknow as. at December Vit., t99Z arid the consolidated statement of operations for the year then ended. These financial statements are .the responsibility of the village's management. 'Our responsibility is 1tg express ;an opinion on these financial 6tAtentents based QO Q'i attdrt. We conducted our audit in, accordance with : generally accepted' auditing: stailyd * ds. Those, standards require that we plan and perform. an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are :free of material misstatement.* An audit includes, examining, testt basis, evidence supporting the arinorlrxts and dis.el:os;ure irk. the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing, the acccau.nting .principles used and significant estimates rnade by management, as Well as evaluating, the overall financial statement • presen totioni.. in Oa opinkrn, these consolidated financial ; statements ' resent :fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Corporation. of. the V l;lag+e o& Lucknow as at December 31, 1997 and the results. of its. operations for the year then ended in accordance with, the accounting • principles disc iesed in rete i to the finaki+al statements. • iodd..een, Render & $eebacri Chartered Accountants VILLAGE ,CKNO SWEATED BALANCE S HE DECEMBER 31, teST AiSTS Unrestricted ( •,. .1X receivable o• Ac:uurn;* Receivabie .Restrieteci.4'ash Clinoril:, Q tt riQ March 6, 199$ • • 54998 58,552- • 8,552• 89,729 312.E iii*t47 iiitie. $ Arc ymunts.;payablu anti atxrued flab Batiit tapas IAINORA1. 1V4 A`1 '114E -ENE) OF THE YEAR Tc., co be use i to .ollset•.t& xatiati ur uses charges (Note 6). nextaen(led .eei?i 4fiflaking (u. tlltrtattc;ed:•c:apitat outlay)(Note 6): Reserves (Note 7) Reserve Funds (Note 7) - 8,6;540 36,667' • 91,4i8 • 1,784 311435 11,14,147' 8661#,631: $.697,16Q' 1'.he acvonttiairyiog notes, gree au integral part of titis-fk anciat stateatent SOURCE*OF FIMNCiNO: Taxocakarid user charges i kesideatiai taxat on . . 16,#1'7` $514,304 Cumin rciat, industrial and b+lsin - Laxation ,' MVO" 22.3,8.14, 'Ia#iat►on ream Qther g+OYerninofk l 13, LQ 13.1.08; User charges 411,0 3 3,5 PreVine+ QlOntta io '10 4.1*. ,'. • 4ituer: i>nunictpaliti,•, Other Pepaitiesantkintcce,st.On taws , inner leu ittc94 25,2 0 *Iwo' 1runt , kkA wooctiQnc .*,8S! 8,t i?�IiF (IQn4iQ0 Deduct: Anpun s recON+ d of rocQivable . lqr warty anti schoo1,trds. (n e 2 c450,807:} 947,698 13,107 400,019$. Al PLi1i? TQ Current.Ope.rations. General aoveirnrncnt , 01,001 $78,405" $7$,292 PrQtectiortto. persons arta property. 75,400' 72,309; : 68,101 ', Ttansportetiaf service 134,600:` ' 14205 119,595• 14.11404.0fliglitAl serv&ce 0,972` 22$;414,l, • 160,7"55 Health serviCe -10;000 t2,674 1. 7 ... l creation n celtural services. 2552,336 • 218,424 2'8,891 Plaryning,and dcv4lopmont: , ' 1,000 607 22a,., M Ni! iPA,i fkli`lO Q.Af; &Es- B OINNIN,Q,,QF'YEA To Qa Qseti t..O s t 4axtatkQn: ar oar ch'axg$s,, U1e0p'xi.¢N41 (1400B4.T.(1. capital autla ) '1'OT4 HNAKCIN. , A`VAM}M L)LJR(i .I'i11'.'YF. 44P101 Sty- et rcgOtistructt r4 'cn con401401Q0 • N,cti,40P. opri t'Q4Stq•;tO rues MUNICIPAL Ft4N4,44ANCEs, EN) 4i~`Y (note 6) To be used 10 offset taxation or;siserchar)1. VtigxPended capital 1ina,r4llg;, (unfinattced capital outlay) 91,418,, 91,418. 20,014: $4405,14.1, i,,047,201