The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-20, Page 4e 4-.Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 20, 199? Changesot ess, orders for subscriptions,: and undeliverable copies (return postage guaratnteedj are t be sent tn't'he t+uc'tusow • Sentinel atthe address indicated her e:,Adverttstngigaccepted on the eendltian hatin the event o( pcateo the poi- tion of the advertising spade occupied by the erroneousttem together walla reasonable allowance for signature, will not hetarged:: tor; but tare. baiantee otthe advettisenent wtftbe paid at the applicably rates. Ala()) f'nbltshera ommuntty Newspaper .6 to Campbell St.. t u i nes . Ontario P Q Box 40Q, Lucknow. Ontario NOG 2110 pptoane; 15191 528-2822 fax: (519) 5284529 Sstablishcd 187$ - TOtn Thompson - Advertloing iikaneger Pat Livingston - mel Mmiegii f EMU* .i y'lhs Matthews Helm -.0trinn MiaatinintratOr Joan C,otte itSubacri Subscription. Rates advance: � $28.6 postage and .�,S.T.t •Senior • $23:42 Hirci; postage and Q.S.T.) . Foreign ex USA .., $90,00. Publications Malt Regtstratton No. 0/656' ;held at Godertch. D:rntark,. Published 52 times a year. -urate: hicI enttbu enteL.on:c tnternetaiidresst hap: /v.tw.bovrc .net,.cemltuelotowl it!s small, bitshe's l'rrr always impressed 'bb the ingenuity of people who invent something, M you will see; it d'eesn't take • big things to impress me. . This, week's ramblings are arsincere thank you to 'the person that came up with tided of a magnifying glass. • Now up until recent years, 1 never had much uso for ono of these things. But...as one gets a little older, various parts of. the body start to erode or break down orweaken. ; Case in point is my baby blues. 1 remember I. used tolaugh at My mother when Z had to•thread a needle for ter: I'm not laughing anymore. Even with one of the needle threaders, threading a needle tries my patience to the limit. ,Once 1 could seethat hole in, a needle and didn't need a threader. Once° i could see that little loop on the end of a needle threader. 1,10 - anymore! o•anymorel'• Now I have .ta' use a Magnifying glass to find the little loop to getthe thread through. Then 1 have to use the magnifying glass to find thehole in the needle to get the threaderthroughl By now,' you may be wondering why 1 don't get ple with poor sight, But lE think the best use 1 have found for the magni- fying glass was as an assistant in administering first aide Phyllis recently jammed a sliver up under her nail. It imbedded itself in the nail. bed. We knew wehad to • glasses. Well, I have glass- es, but they are for reading or working at the *commit- cr. They don't work for anything else. Back to .the magnify- ing glass - lt.aiso.conies in useful whop you have to pluck your eyebrows. At work, 1 ant forced touse it if Phyllis hasn't changed the date on the postage machine. The .per- son. who invented this. machine and designed the - area for the date certainly wasn't thinking . about `peo • S clime( Ne -t oiC5. Lucknow Concert Band played scores frpin dwa • 10: years'ago May 18,19.88" great• dead" of damage las leen • Ono in: the area over .the past week due to the gale force /winds. The storm .Sunday • night :caused.. the huge pine tree' to come .erashing;Omagh the.front door of the house owned by A, :J. "Wilson in Lueknovv. it 'took 'a. chainsaw to ••••remove the offending •,tree front the front" room of , the :.home: The - pugheed residence 'next door. also :sustained • damaged "'windows during the storm. Last week; a near tornado • in Dungannon played havoc• with Sheds, shingles .and. :banns. The shed •on :,the Downey farm, Couldn't Stand the pressure and tumbled down. As well, a. funnel -cloud was sighted near Belgrave on Monday, although "there have been rto"reports of any serious. damage.. Pedestrians"" in Lucknow will soa►n have 950 more feet of sidewalk at ";their disposal 'following the . accep- Lance .by the Village Council ;of the • Work ,quotes presented by Claude" -Quay. - " 20 years ago May 17, 1978 • bouquet this week .is; thrown to the , Lucknow, Concert Band, the Lucknow Junior Concert Band and their director, Gord Their evening of music at the Lueknow arena on Saturday was not only enjoyable, because those were our children playing" the instruments; but, because their musicianship'was. excellent: . They played difficult, advanced arrangements of Broadway musicals, movie scores,' country and western, hymns; popular songs, rand :the, elan sits. Yet, there was hardaTwx-ong<:- .note or 'a musicien off key. Their obvious` pleasure in creating their, music was*Only outdone ' by the enjoyment of the audience who was' stirred to foot tapping,. Band clapping and singing along. 50 years ago . May 20, 1948 embers .of the Lucknow`` Legion, the Agricultural Society; and the Village Council conferred last week' at, the Caledonian Park, where the Legion • plans to install 'floodlighting for night • softball. Singular honor has- been accorded' Dr. W.V. Johnston who was elected president-elect of, the • Ontario Medical' Association at the annual Meeting of the council held in; Toronto last week, The appointment has to be ratified.; at the general meet-.` ing; in lune when the president-elect assumes .his office: the %nventor get 'it out before it started to fester. Phyllis is the first aider in our office; but seeing as She was the injured, I got to play, nurse. . She could see the sliver, but 1 couldn't. First I put my glasses on, and with a. needle in hand began to dig. For'. being such as whimp Phyllis fealty, was a trooper seeing: as 1 couldn't 'see the sliver and was dig- ging blind.. . • Lightning hit my grey matter and 1 ran to get my trusty magnifying glass. ltnns, there it is. The first problem was trying to hold the magnifying glass -in one hand, use .a. couple of fingers to pull back the Beall around her thumb and rnaneuver the needle. The other problem was that through the magnify tns glass,: her finger and the needle looked•much larg- er and unfortunately I'kind of dug, that sharp instru- ment in a little too" far. ' Between the two of u. si.:her with good eyes and myself with the magnifying, glass, . s e think we got that tiny piece of wood out. ` Sol really 'ami thankful for the person who invent • - ed. this handy lord. As the years slip by, 1 have no doubt lE:will find Many .other uses for it, Writer co :Dear Wingham high school'area Citizens;. This is a letter of coin niendation for the "Broadway .RRevue, pre-.: sented at F B. Madill $.S: this past •week: The ' . teenagers displayed their commitment; enthusiasrrt, and talents to provide first class. entertainment for the comtnunity. Thanks also . to'the direcand'all ethers" who cotors ntributed in any way. ; , . The only disappointing 'part of "the evenings :was .the lack: of :attendance by - members of 'the: comrnuni- ty;- The students deserve a big applaud for: their atti- tude as; well; as for their talent, Their hearts and souls were `clearly..inthe mmen + performance ' 'even i ' gallery, seats and, many,' many others were empty. 'Did you attend any one of the evenings, or did you • let opportunity pass: you by? It was ainoppnrtdnity to. enjoy . an 'evening of entertainment of cxtraordi- irary- quality: It .was an opportunity to encourage and support our youth, the; `future:leaders of Our cam= miunity, It was an opportu- • nity .to' see; locally, high- lights from musicals that aditl many :of us. would not be -able .to attend : in the . larger centers for various rea• - sons. We all have oppoirtuni ties every. day as we go through life: Sortie, we let slip, through our 'fingers, • and then find it is too late. I challenge you to, make :the mtgst of every day, to .be aware of the' present and what is ,going on '. around you, and to ,give of yourself'in':whatever way you can. Again, congratuhations and a big thank you to all who made the eVeniiigs of • the performances at 'our local'. high school :•a suc 'cessf Mabel Wheeler (a youth supporter). Kathy and .Brian "Knechtei:`had some work done On the hill) at ,Lucknow Village Market last week. Huron Landscaping workers were In to clean up the hill, and plant "a: number Of trees and shrubs, sonic of'which will flower, and, add some color to the hill.