The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-13, Page 8Page 8 . ll tic auow $entinell, Wednesday, Mary 13.1998 Unit 1 Unit r of Lucknow .UCW met . at lvtapie Breezes on.May wit44 members and four of the residents.. The opening hynn "Inst as 1 ant. witha.`ut one plea" was sung with Elsie Houston,.the pianist. Bernice Johnstone had an . opening thought, '"Children are hire banks." The theme of the meet- ing was "Uprooted Phyllis. read an interest- ing article "Humanity is on the move," naming the Vietnamese boat people in 1970. and the displaced fishermen in, Newfoundland : when many fisheries were closed. Bernice read scriptures from Exodus pertaining to Moses'.when• he was dis-- ' placed inthe wilderness and he encounters Godin the Burning Bush. Mary, Joseph and Jesus were forced to .flee to Egypt as generations; of Jews haddone previously. Phyllis. read „The Greatest Gift," and ,a story ftbm the "Coffee Shop." Prayer was given by Bernice., Phyllis' read ."Blessed Are,'" and Bernice gave the Benediction. Lois presided for the meeting, Ilien Lemoine and Lois. Walden served fruit bread and .'beverage. and a social time was noted People' enjoyed (submitted by Aliene Bradley.) Veit On, : May. $, Unit 2 of Lucknow UCW met at .the. Sepoy Apartments. Jean McLeod and Carolyn Menary were in charge of the program. Jean opened the meeting with a poem ""ATribute to Mother.'" The themeof the meet- ing was ' the .family. Carolyn read the scripture from Luke, and Jean read the devotions on the fami- • iy,' giving some important facts •for .raising ._a Christian family. They need to help around -the home and learn to :be responsible, then these attributes will help 'them establish good Christian homes, She offered. prayer. Margaret Cameron read Celebration's. of Spring and Laura Steffler sang a sola Just as'I alis; Jean ,read a poem Mother's are Wonderful identifying mothers as the unifying, influenceof the home as they go about from day to day snaking. 'everything work smoothly. Carolyn read "Springtime - • Beauty," When Mothers of Salem Was sting. and Jean closed with prayer. Laura Stonier, the unit leader. conducted the busi- ness.. Fourteen ladies answered ' the rollcail by passing around an earlyv picture of themselves. Shirley Bolt 'gave the treasurers report, Grace Gibson:: had a birthday and happy birth- day was sung. The offer- ings were .received and the prayer of the least coin was repeated, The lunch committee of 'Jean Conley, Tina. Gardner assisted by Jean and Mary Loth served lunch and a sociat .tuner followed. (submitted by Anna May Hunter.) , Unit 3 The Lucknow United Church Women Unit. 3 met on May S . in 'the, church parlor.. The worship service was taken from our study of "Uprooted. People." The committee' oft Jane Treleaven, Beth Aitchison: and Joyce Adamson took parkin the worship service with readings' and scrip' tures focusing on des•. 'placed people, past and. present. = . Allmembers shared. in. "breaking of bread" to symbolize the food ration of refugees, the uneni- ployed• and the hungry around the world. Mary Lou Irwin opened the. business meeting with a poem .called "Machines." Bollcall was answered with a household hint. For instance .did you know that olive oil and salt will remove water stains from • furniture? Or that putting bay leaves in your :cup boards helps to ward off bugs? Barb Helm told of her experiences on a recent trip to Pinkerton and Marlene Struthers gave a report on the executive meeting, where it. was decided that during the reunion there will be an • open house at the church on July 4 from: 2 to 4 p.m. This will include displays by the Many committees and tours of the church. and manse. Mugs graced with a picture of our church will also be for sale. Remember the next meeting is. June , 23 at Thompson's cottage Where a, pot luck slipper will be . . enjoyed, . Mary Lou Irwin closed the meeting with the: Benedictionfollowed by 4unch and a time of 'fel- lowship. (sebinitted by Kathy. Nicholson). Use the ,classified advertising coiurnnns_.. of the Lucknow Sentinel to sed( thAose I thins ou :don"t need or en o anymore.:We have customers viii ng to pay GOOD MONEY. for" those things of yours that yopu nno longer wart Read For P rofit Ise Fob' Results Hans Kuyvenhoven, of Goderich, was one of many grandparents and grandfriends who attended Grandfriends Day at the Lucknow District Christian School last week. He is shown with granddaughters lontue (left), a Grade 5 student, and Rachel, a Grade 3 student during a" visit to the classrooms.. The special guests were treated to a program and refreshments. (Livingston photo) Recently, the ' Huron Bruce Swingers held their ;graduation night coin= inencing with 'a beef din- ner served by the St. Helen's Institute ' ladies at St. Helen's" hall. Then the �clttb,returned to their cus- tomary - dancing site Brookside school. Badges and certificates were presented to seven graduates" - five from one. family 'nainei'y - John,' Doris, "Wayne;" Kim and Donna Fielder, and Helen and Rea Riehl. The • H'owicic: Country Squares and several ;from, and on July 3 will enter- the Milverton Club tain •;the residents at Pinecrest. arrtx ved and retrieved their banner and •Egberts skirt, and then took off ° with Neva's (the: Swinger's caller) crinoline., June l"1 is the date set for the club`s organization meeting starting with aot, luck at the'home of Allan and Karen Webster with the new, president Donald and;Gloria Doe in charge. The .:'Swingers are giv- ing a demonstration dance at'the' Lucknow Reunion, Shoot winners Seven tables of shoot were in play at the; Drop in Centre last, week.` when' Elaine'Errington and Joe Courtney were high win- ners. Edna Young and Art • :Frnewein followed in see - and spot. Isobel Kilpatrick had "the 'most shoots