The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-05-06, Page 6Page'0 Zoo ow Sentinel, We estia', MAY 0, MO :MAY 8T0 CANADA FOOD SPECIAL Ik11 You can Eat" Incloges all the Salad, prinks and Desserts: 11:30 tun. 1:00 pan.. •.510.0'p.m. - 8*.00 p.nt !NAV,mY:jo,' CHINESE FOOD SMORGASBORD 'BORD 4:30 pan..., 8:00 pall. Every Grandmother and • Mother will receive a "FREE CARNATION" , wa.Kwii's. L+ucltoW 52.343:3 GOOEAICH 524 7811 .. FR$. - THURS. MAYS -14 . FRI. &'SAT, 7&.915RAA SUN. THURS. 8PM.. COMVILL ,HUNTING ENDS THiaFRSAAY OCEANS RISE- CITIES FALL. HOPE SURVIVES. DE.EPiIiV .CT LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800.265.3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW NOTICE RE: Friday Morning Pickup by P. , Bylaw No, 1:1997, Section 0 requires that trimmings should.be in boxes .or bags. Brush must be cuf into 3: foot lengths and tied in bundles not exceeding 50 lbs. weight. Otherwise, it will not be picked up. Yutir co-operation is requested., Village of Lucknow G.T. Austin Town Foreman Treat Her Like a Queen On Her Special Day 2 .PC. Co-ordinates 20%off Clearance SAVE Racks A% up to: Spring. &, Summer Fashions arriving daily CHARMAN LUCKNOW 528-201i, te.c1iurch Ily. Amy Neilauds woman working and rais- After over 70 years of log ; families, they just service to ;the community, don°t have the time to 'get the Whitechurch Women's Insatiate (WI) has disband- ed. I'm very worry we have to disband," saidlong-time member. Agnes Farrier. But with only eight active members left in the group., she said they •didn't have much. choice. "There'sjust' .no interest anymore.* She . also added that with many involved in such,groups. The first meeting of the Wi. was Meld on' Jan. 27, 1928.. Agnes went• to that meeting .with her mother: She was only eight-years- -010.a ight years-'oldat the'titne and became a full-time member curly IQ years later at 18. The history sif',the. Women's Institute dates back. ,to -18,97' when firland I'disbands.. Lee and his: wife arranged the first meeting in Stony Creek. About 1Q0 women •from thearea attended.and were persuaded to fonn an organization of their own -to.improve their skills in the art of homemaking and childcare. The WI. has. since Moine a worldwide organization. The motto for the WI was :".For Dottie and Country", said Agnes, She added that.this was a geed motto for the group that not only taught skills for the home but also partici- pated'in community work. "This. Was Very important." The different Communities had their UCWS and other church groups, she said, "the ladies needed some- thing else—that was .the dwrch, the WI is the com- manicy;'" Throughout .the years,. the Whitechurch WI spon- sored the local 4H dile* . canvassed for the Cancer Society, and packed boxes of foodand supplies for the_ iocaj: shut-ins ,and those over .80. During the war years, they knit socks' to send overseas and aiso participated in other nec- essary duties to help in the war effort.' "We had realty nice meetings 'said Agnes. "It's too bad it has.ended:" • "We hope that in the. future years we:Will meet the challenge as well as the .members of the:past have done and that we will continue ,to work for our cotntnunity,":,wrote Norma . _ , )�intaut for �� th4 Goth: Mernhsrs 01 the, Whitechurch Women's institute at their last meeting in- .'Rirtt°u1 ry of the W1 a February as they ,disbanded included, train the left: Marg Wahl, Mary tow years ago; The present Hahn,. May Johnson,' Norma .Rintoui, Mildred McClenaghan,. Jean Ross, held. their lastTneetin t Jean T";iffln, Catharine Wilson, Helen Currie, Agnes farrier, ;Evelyn Gibb. (photo submitted) rn February. Presbyterian moderator was speaker at ananwersar The. Ilrev; John D. Church on $unday,'to !'Congrarn, Mi derator of .mark the congregation's' the 123rd General '. • 125th. anniversary. ;. Assembly of the -•Rev. Congram, . was Presbyterr4n Church was elected'and installed as the the guest speaker at the .Modetatoron June 1,:1997 Lucknow Presbyterian •" in Ottawa. He has a..spe cia1 interest in -the church's ministry with 'children and youth: Be is Gancerned, also, that the church take,: more. seriouslythe, role of evangelism and outreach..' rau moderato, ^•Cworkhps for writers andRev. John D. ongam t year, ev. Cortgrar • has challenged the church : tttag.azine of the Rem Ciingraiin is a.. -with - these, and• other Presbyterian Church in- native of this area having - issues. Cana a. Throughout his been raised in. Wingham Since September 1998, ministry, he has been• an where he attended ,St. Rev, Congrdmhas served avid reader and storyteller:' Andrew's .Church. As a: P as e resbyditoterianr . cifRecord the, • He variety has wririttenfreli articlesgiousperifor � Jstudentohbat KnoxknoCollegewnto," • odicals. Recently, his:buok' n'became This"Presbyterian Church : many congregations„in the of Ours was published by area.'_ serving as guest, Wood Lake Books: preacher.. $TAG &.005 DACEPRIE$TAPASV IVICOtEA1AG. E$ P sat- mars, me ladnow Poor Bpm 1afli ' Age of Musk by Soundproof pinch ProvAleel • Far'tickets calf 528-3143 or 524.2500 gel ice For many years Rev... Congrain was involved in. Congregational ministries`' serving congregations in Toronto, -Sarnia, Haimilton and Biggar, Saskatchewan, :Be has "served on a variety of 'church committees and ministerial ,groups. He has conducted workshops 'an death and dying arid sto- ries and storytelling. Over the years has. also -led. Before becoming editor, he was a frequent contrib- utor and book reviewer for the Record whichis the G GG.W11.1{1E 'Vlrayne Grigg and the late Nancy crigg announce the, engagement of their daughter Karen Grigg of Waterloo to Darren Wilkie of Waterloo, son pf Mr. & Mrs: Dennis and Barb Wilkie, West' Montrose, Saturday, June 6 1998 at 2:00 PM at St. Jams..` Lutheran Church, Elmira