The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-22, Page 4ww TIT iss mitt r Q 19�IF h";R / ^ aT won�' : '� . '1�`Cwiltte#s��y� ,�►pr#��, li ehangts of address, orders for subsetipttons, and undeliverable cooks lr;ehon pnstage oarenteedl'are to be sttitt4'Ihe:f uclgeoe Sentinel at the address indicated hem M'ldi ertistngis accepted ott the condition that in the event Oa typogaphical error, the por- tion of the advertising space occupied by the morons item cher with a. reasonable *veneerer sioature, wiil,not he'chamged - for, but the balance of the adve rise nent will hoptd at the applicable rates: 9 . A owes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St„ trucknow.. •Ontario P.O. Box 440, Lucknow, Qntarto,Nt'1G 2H0 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (819 528-$529• $444* F.stn.blisiied 1878 - Tom ThoMpson ion r Pat Livingston Phyllis Matthews Helm —.Office Adminitifoiter Joan Cgtirtney TYPesetter subs iiptipn Rates advance; Regular Orts.06 (incl, postage andG,S.T.I . Senior $23.52 and. postage and 0.9 .71 ' Regintratton No. Foi+e>gr.t & USA � $8tlt�; l'ui�lications, XV1ai1 .. 07656 , held at,00derkle. Qnta io. Published 52 .times a year: e-rna�fl; tuekseat'.hurontet.un.e •Internet address: t ttp.l/www•6owesnet eomittici nowt` J.iiventioi*. goo Beard about 'a new • inventionlast weekend. It's a great invention, but I was surprised that it was a man/hat came up with the idea, Wel:l,. maybe I shouldn't have. been. Wait . a minute guys, don't go getting all hot and bothered before I finish. ' The new. invention is called. a "•Gaff Caddy."' If the last word • didn't iden- tify who this thing will. be valuable to, NI tell • you a golfer! . However, it would' also be valuable. to the. person who. does the laundry in a golfer's home. So that's why. I really shouldn't be sur- prised, because perhaps • this inventor, from. Victoria B.C. dries his own laundry. This Cuff Cadcly'is. wrapped around your leg and covers the pant leg. It closes with velcro and there you have a placeto wipe your golf club clean and a pant cuff saver all , in one, I really de' wonder if this inventor views, the pant cuff saver "as the secondary feature of the Cuff Caddy; He is, an avid golfer and 'talked about not holding 'up play by walking back to your bag. to wipe the club off, or hiving one of those dirty, little towels hanging out of your back twoo 'Nrrn 4 re1ationship pocket. So, I'd bet the• primary' reason for his invention was to do. with ;golfing not laundry, So, I'm on a search to findone of these little lease, don't ta: Dear editor: M Threeolder brothers, Organ : Donor Chris, Tom and Mike have Awareness Week will :be- struggled and learned the happening. throughout , lesson of -giving h giving. North America .this: week. Mom and Dad plus Gram L a donor recipient one - to Kelsey for more than year ago,; know only too her share of the .time; wellthe preciousness of ' . because she needs them: that gift of life to me.. Kelsey's picture is here But this snot about q with me now she lives in me:. my town -.and her picture This is about my little ' was there amongst those friend named Kelsey.' She of my grandchildren on is two. She is gorgeous the wall of my room in the witha wonderful shy little Transplant wardof grin. London, Ontario's And she may need a tin versity,Hospital: Liver transplant;: Kelsey We'have .both. passed has Biliary Atresia, through',another year; for Devoted parents, . me one of building Jeanne and Andrew plus a strength, testing limits live, in Gram, Carol pro- and returning' to,:a normal vide endless care and love. ^ and useful life (also of beauties. There's a cer- tain person.,n my, life who ruins pants on the golf course. 'You know, there's those damp morn- ings where' the pant. appears to draw niud and grass stains., And then some golfers just don't know about treating a stain before it sets in. He now has his work pants,;. golf pants and good pants. But I really do feel. quite fortunate, for after • -telling my golfer about this invention he shared a little story with me. Qne about a certain *guy who intentionally wipes his. golf club on his pant leg! Pikes, I'm glad he's not 'mine. Now, all. I havee to• do is, obtain one of these lit- tle beauties and wait. until it becomes fashion- able to wear them. 1: doubt whether my golfer 'would want to be the first • one on his course with such a ~thing wrapped around his ,leg. Sort of reminds me, of those old fashioned• bands that were worn by bikers .to. prevent their pantlegs from becoming tangled. in the bike chain. Doesn't look too good, but serves a very good purpose, that being that our relation- ship will not be in the sand trap as often :during: golfing season..• Letter Policy The Luclt;now' Sentinel welcomes readers' views and opinions.. All letters must be signed and; include the author's address arid tele- phone .number for verification purpos- es. Letters should be topical and arerou- tinely edited for length, style and ,clarity. Brief letters. which make a point have more, impact. and stand .a better chance of inclusion. Personal attacks, consurp,er com- plaints and po:ten-. tially.libelous letters: will be rejected: :e your organs to heavy falling in love which is a whale other beautiful story)..;: ,,for Kelsey a year of growing --and • preparing for -the future 'the uncertain future •A, future that maybe • dependent upon you ;or. someene:right around;you. Presentl), the rateof organ donation. inNorth America !s shameful, Tlie success achieved in trans- plant programs throughout. the continent is very impressive. Economics: is the issue...you know, .sup- piy and demand. The demand side, Kelsey and all the others, are there Waiting' as patiently as they can. You .are the sup- 1 • Can ,jou say • No to,, Kelsey" Iiave:yott signed your Orgad" Donor card? Do your family know'of,your wishes? My challenge to you is that you print ten copies of this and share it withoth-- ers -- challenge them to sign, their' cards - and tell their families; My prayer:. is that. Kelsey's need remains a far off possible' need. But, right now there's Barry, gI1tir1a 4 10 years ago April 20,11988 eirodynarmics lesson The students of Grade One at '. Brookside school got a lesson in: aerodynamics as the schools in 'the county celebrated the start of Education Week with a giant balloon release. Each bal- loon contained. a message along with the pupil's name and.address. It is hoped a ;number Of the• spheres will be returned. Science fair winners - at St: Joseph's School, Kingsbridge: Damien 'Martin, Rachel Brophy, Amy. Olson,' Jane' B1'ophy, Aaron Hackett, Heidi Martin, '',Erin Hickey, Joseph Erophy. 20 years ago April 19, 1978 tore closesThe St. Augustine store' is holding a agoing out of business sale' and the'.owners, Glenn and Margaret 11IcConnell, have mixed • feelings about closing the business they. have operated for the past five years. After 10 years of serving farm- ers from. their locatiok near Lucknow,,Langside Distriputors have'. chosen t� move to • a more central location near; Guelph. Photo `- Todd • Ritchie of Lucknow was spotted on the main street on his skateboard. The warmer weather found , children: getting into the summer sports. and Janet,and Melissa„and Frankie.,. Keir McManus,: &Grateful Organ Recipient. email r kin37@sympatco ca NE, OntariO residents can obtain a donor Gard by. calling 1-800-263-2833: Don't take your organs.` to heaven - heaven knows we need them here Please sign your donor. card and tell your family .you did or hidsf 19 22.' 23 . 20 ;, .-21 Start Here =1> `t,t , 1. oo0 cp 1=1 209 141► .015' 16 17 Id 3 a .11,