The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 17!i. • SOittliet Weibilemt*t 4$14.1.4 Me R THIIKtN OF Boma- eASECt SSQ4 4ii l: inmate awaits Fsee. Phone 8 1. clriRtiftin Jean the Warird'a le) Online' Chrlstiarn Pr'ainchtse.. F_xllusive territories yrieltiing en'eplionat flQl: Fun trains inch & support For free info - calf 1-804 63, y -t Zlnc LAWN ROWlite equipm> suited for :large lawns, reap eart4121e rates.:P.hone S'a 1 '+-ts` „,,t REPAIR - watch., clock jew- ellery. Fred estimates, 'Pickup and zieitvery Q'40 lie• arranged. 69$ Hevela;ak. Stmt, across. gram Mede egintre, Call 5.ZS-354 ar• g8 -94q. �tStt; REQUEST FOR OPOS► Far the SN Q1 Materiats and Application to Control N`oxIo: s Weeds. mo County of Hurts heretty, reques4 prgpaf is. kr IN supply and application of chemical herbicidissandalt labour and equipment used for the QQntrot of noxious weeds an properties within' the Qouni of Hurn for the 19,98 Season, hiformakiQn- toy •ftddere and Proposal Forme may lie obtained in. person horn the Clerk -Administrator's OfftQe,' located in the Huren County Court Heuse,, GQcteri Qpe+a $;34),am. ttz 4.aQ1• p;rtt:, Qtnia thr.Qugtr. Friday PRQP4 meet ke revived at the Offioe• of the Q1er)r• Administrator. by 4QQ p m,R: Friday MeYttX,1990.Mn TQWfuSHIP QF wesT WAWANQ$ 4 TENDERS' cht(itat(on for, ttppIy .and apply: ilggk Qa tclunt Qhtorl5h4 for the 199$ Peaeeft TeadOM 0 ,,At 44f,,kQct u.Rt'tf'4 OQ p'M}:; Mobday,;. April:24th,. t1391t, Twi , Qt Weet (shout( desk) liliane NOEtn;, Qierk-Treas4.(0( 2 TQWH$111P QF 10ti6$a^ Te4det 1 ha Tovansflip Qf. kink4 4 0.0 04 • tQr tin is« tot Q0.414,90$1,4( the Whitech>aroh 4att Rack,; Blease %tate type, PO of mg:wer, .salt hgyfly, rate*p0040., T ndere wit(= reQ@tvest et the Clerk : QttiCe Moiyrpgd, t 111., 4 $4 pn►,'Qm April 2Q; 19$8 Low,es(or atlytBkid_et n* ne0e0$4r100epted , M.L.arkieklce.r, A' M QT... t lerkTreoorer. H ftQQQ, Qntark tats QR. a19 325 3575 1 wnship'ot: West W wanq h; da!ling.; for'Tender for , NEN' Off'LANNt P4rcet of, fano( is lQG>ated Orr the- f)(prth Half Of filo- $auto Halt Diane..4.4t H&lf. of Lot; ?4; ctr►oessiu! 14 In the, Tsvvnshir s?f Wast". WalkanCrsh. 1WrtAina1ety 8 acres, 1..e.00.4.*'9ts eA at` 4;90 pm. Tu clays April fit, 19913. l sweet-. ander pat' rnevessriily acepted., 110,14, ,DireCtOt 4-5!-aTQRActe TRAILERS f,Qr rent•. l QonQtniQa,1 star« age, ideatl for contractors, tarry *, arri+t rK nI4te tart zo, 'Phone 335-$1Q7 44tf4 that i4WAY EAt„lis Make, up. to, QQQ/day plus: W,e supply. 0411413t4 PPRLY4. ing equipment and training, Q+ry, Mart. up QQt Qnty 1,we+k, QAQ ar cash. CAi1N �tcit;41k4:availa4 , l.ugk W •enol axed FARM.SRS WAi1 are playing too much tax orr not using alk the tax loreaka ava:ifatttte.. Phone Perm So inois Qairteutting Inc, (LQ.nWat) tv i e1r' t -a 1- 2-t4q--tSttc *ReolacetrinettNin 'Owe •ltitcttarr Cabinets *Vanities "Carpet atind lineieurrr +l agfin iReet tirrtatee wr U.K;KNQW, 6211411 'Woke conditioner RtrYour ;F1RIltrresiltrnayrw ammtpA@Yerom 4pwareementWly,friienxifyi,tor, chem caJ net required, 'Act •41Y0&411.1hitOeeefita et Petr water s enercgy. kilts„ s8Y@$. aixtttar 'Water rernawn ddrtisOlet ,Mumkincier= tt?. shin.; hair and Iatanl4, ' Maineeratacar°irvw 44fokgoo htn118gg. </nlu•cgsta $104ye@r.tq rut +absolutely t newt ct toorrft •a^tv�Y9a�rtet>KtA7'+�atrdr►ta( ,lee day "Wztuibttls ' money; FCliviktRAIZINFORMATIQP4i. ANV QR ORIN(QQNTAQT. 1741 tin'tf nd If t4hiya Rivett: R.Rki,1', Kingttlrt li $1 W t Z e Q* AQV H'RI '.1.Nt 5ia1� Companionshiptt marriage, Ages to -a. • $iroff,. widoved4varcia4 State age. a 11' a 'Qsa C.an4,0 k .4. Sox tS, Chase, 841, VQE 1'MQ. Free inforrrrat a Ii•. t-aeQ[, enc. -4444. www. ttcweb- si aomise rviceatAgtngrau, e-44ga �ArQ >!tr t1 t, '.I.ttgitrred.. VA4t,Y-FRA,Y Psychic. Af)4Were,: Rectos us*• ue-...Rigeir it 1: in:. Canadair instafnt'atl4n0rs ab(Alt love, fr0ZnetYt career, tuQkY #4). relatiantips., A4hietke Q 4@ 111 SZqW0lirt, 10+',, ,24 h.re.,— 140.$$, �TrtU- 4.ce to LiZ4i R PHQN =y. 8044, malate, (4t0:Gal1 eakly• tQ;i 9Ql�. Rligne Q29y7QQ3 atter 6 yt;rri:• Q( 1gav@ ines';, chem SAW*. 'Free pick up4 $4 etivery.' 140'ntiat 'ea0 `c*T1 1(,F rial,Et trica1, • QontractUCS:. Light fixtures lanij1 R• eieptricat, snippites: (?eater coli;. ORA:WORD, 5(QHAI',io kv ping 4Pi iefrP4nr avail#Ple, ' 1;.19d ktgkVg Ot 40giclic W 528'?8 7 Wriuld the family that:want,' Oct> a g,Qcic}f sQQQn ' income gt-tp4rtu04 pleeae Celt, Jutta 4 50" ,'4ft9,--1,Sr14Sq. l':Al-S I M RQT Q car' rested .and' pratvented'.. Decllne'.a;' s.Qoiated With age,. ►rietl+,oation . st trgery, c iahetes,: init#rY: gall b4 Qver- gcitne. • • Free i1yf4rrn;u;ti.on/advice: PgrforrnAnger hIgciicat Ltd., $Q& $92 . VernQn,.n,. $Q V,1 -T Q10,4.3�Q1gt. 1;��• �At q t Ht+t'l 1tpc4tt t cl; t lVS QAN,AQ:IAN, PSY-• GHIQS. 1:1. Qat ansWera;ta' all Our qusst.k ns. Dye rn interpretation. love,. money, ti.iture 1-9.Q0,*1-20Q5,, 2.4 hrs,. 1 Rw; $ P9/,ruin --i $I (i a Q 64 . (5) 4)• 3W-01 910 1S YEAR CLC' 1p¢Krng; for lannttts, to cut:1 haX my QWrlr 14\011109,10f • Q411mart, rOPQo+ 15er C ' ktfAIL i4ulttitial omrruerQiali ,s els t bt, And.cc erect Ptv. gr>y ,0,/q awsi, 5t+ 4i 1auiKliP t NNi .'G ` WI't'4 SI= 144 ,6tiet. wedwide & mtai t peapie frartx around the globe. FretrIPAIR.la'eisonals,« Collectors, Vacation Exchange Travel• into , fatteineseOpp rtunitiee morel Y-S�Itt- z1 Igo 3Qarn1 aPrrr PET. --16b0 *A r tnFit bs n urs HAVE YQU QNSIL REAL CLAII OYAN S and mecitwne before? Then, pan cliecomtthe unt xplia4 4bie ' everfisn • . ctt KakrctnQnna zt..nrne,t• (Inc), ZS years' axperiencee, very gracilea..$fiet can describe 'end giu.. ; yctu vows 'sign:. team creat:. her other well'; Known, meeliurrns and dais. veyante. TQ find gut your future, QALi, 1'-9114 451- 9 % ta4., $,9.$ir in,, r4 hreZ7datye;--1 */i 9Qitt 1Atttt Iia truer'( . 11 1$' lift TQ YQt,I, everatl; hue•s 1- psy•ohl for • you ta' talk w th'. Rel•atiQne#,.ikts love(, money, ft itpret• Advice gait new, g4hr..e t 9QQ 45t. 780, 1l• $00/111101.:.-1-54 WitensIW rSVC- t iia &mum, Caifr4 Roidinipit 'advi§eP,,QRAltProbiesn*. Qttfg,.1,4Y.ek Maitnai9e,;' tne&s; Health Travel::, * Free. tie4tiQn 1 Sooner ,, she an half you. : 01448.4494 Avviltaie'fOr; PattIOSz L alp NOt1C its NQTIQ>E.Tt qRE1 TQ:RS AVQ''Q''rHER$; • 10'tt gatat*Qf CaQR0Q1.43 E LJE;; • RNNTQtf4 Late Of. the,. Village of fyucicnavu; in''the gunt:14 of prom. All persons, having- c{alma$ against'Jhe Estate. of ?WOO: Les11e: F intouL; the above narnedd' deceased=. .who disci Qn.or about, the ,1'3,th stay -uf February, 1 J• are hereby, notifie4 to ertcf to• the- undersigned cin. Mgr,, before, 241h"cia of: April; AX,,•;• 199a thgir i1004 .400- ft1,lt, pa{oculars gf (noir claims; Itnmsdiately aiftcr the. .p410 ate (110.- 0§0.14,0411 bo 44,1,00,40* h4vin%re lard- Qrrly ..to,- the .c_iaimia "bf, wttii�h= nPtic4 had 4gOn. re.0.yed:. pato** Mfinghant, Qr,+tario; this: �34th, 04y,.of Moroh-s 19.!5t tAWFQ>�t rel,• Rarr+&te?rs8h SA,licitors:• 14r? 1Q4 Iltli00*Conk N.QQ 400911,00;1110,'S,teSii, rtasti ,•0514. ONATa . YQUR CAR HI11TA 14 Imo "I t IN "); 'd 4.4.4 awe.: Free towing Need not nut Frae Wm* c`arct • �rtkhy,AAR'CQ. TOWNSHIP QFK1Nl;D NOTICE F►1'eage dike Mt*. fhat attaotiveAloit F that ciao acksorn. the CAW iituiltling' Qftl ial. of the; Township of • irFinioee, awtilt rewrite itis nofirmi Thtars 1 y moxrrin ogle. tgurs:1'fewtlt b> tilr1t1gt QQrkaa (Mk* flora' 9 QQ' WA tot' 1 Z MUM. fear alit' ye.w' it iXi4rG, atrxf chitin f?ermit alggicattotn ni).aci% Other. . than th04.0. tQ .trs, hangs bxnntiratte t".tae reactteai at 51t1.-419 Markttw tiarj AALCT. Mark-Treiasurer HQ1.YRQQQ,. Ontario.: NQ gOE f Abagluieiy�iWpt Fs AKdllattl•4^a 14W+? . 640* Inter/0 Rommel Carte, it yo4 qualify.,, parymente- ef+nitryryfy� 1/194, Aa1144 kQ' AL. t' `�,YNY'. '1Q,O11Q: " 4i.3e '161090 • ''s Alt; t:;ansulkfata your dept.: Qttl1(;�1i tiQAl1+3R7 f9s7 ASTRAk l9)FuNfl NiC itic. to at; 1.11C$NQW cQMiI Hirt wo.gsFARPOK MOM" l ARU ZT Per eta than infcrrhatia n' eall .. =MINK, eteugat' met azaqua atm. Met 82%797a RMS ylfgEONESDAY AT (519) 52a-321re W4140/00E• .. REMINDER NQTIGE of: AUCTION SALE fry(; (Th+a EStatlt of Milia NANO) Mlti}'North'oi 2t tSungtaA�rOarTir4nor 10110 AM Shop, s1Satx/ apmJpin . vehicle* 4, aqulpment . plus, Pug, assortment; of mii3& iteJn atltf; aafiquatre for parts,, ME. PAPE t;C1f lI:1, USTUNc T4RlilSt Qa f Qr• appJnved aheque wittr.ptQRer 1,R.. day:. f s"aJe, AU flQN N>; aRI,NQL,EI+ AU,'irlQN} SIRViC>Tt„ Ct{ Nva ANMiQNk QNT; aa�oaydy+n•r�,.�,. , VERY OR MAQHMEHQRAUCTIOK QP mAcHtNesttopectutprogor WQQR IIORKIN ' IR - WOWING' ING'" EqUIRMENT,,1 EH1 t ,, ETC. AT $RINDIAY AtigTION YARD' }�'''�^�!'[WAX o Nf�QANNQN�ra►�:�Qa 01*. (�(�' �t i��,.i.':. aA# UAPRJL. +.K .9Q`.' 9i,QQ:. $H4R "' MACHIN,E' tl:Qt"P- EQQlP: Herrispr►.'.11"' lathe" witness; Mql vu9s11 Anil r}a; lathe, w/tra,Gor, "Arcfldada: uortiriatl, reiil!> tarter & coolant;-%2.e00.4g0 horiZeofat miAl lAarnes'.dnil pre. No: ,3 taper H.Q.; drill pre fs- itne.shafttypeg. (3) sttafQrs Amer press- . m0..'6QR (FamgV); brake •'Sareui•type;•cut•offrsa w, 71/2 HIS 1$1', cap, Wiltia,ovi,horizoratail milt+tiJ;t1 4.4 tapQr.; (3), Pewsey 0444174ws;. (?) cherry pipkets; ernyrngesstat3d H1?.; (2);diQsoi,errgines.271•&, 471; winder pe4Rest0 ,1 t1'i Com,, Welder Linde= 244 •AIyIPS. M$C°. $vr TIO; L-Tea•Ply ta<.machine; aukamafic;fifer VRQ°verti4tit spill," handsaw,- vertieat,' 14: vai'ra»lo: feed• & welder; 'gerieret' set` 371 diesel vidlder mpri , 711401i0ty: level; VCIE 434.CNP•,` lathe (at;;H B M,; $hop);. Qatkspn t1Qij Qntal• mtgr cortort vsrhr,al: split &,fit? trecer;. saw, - hgnx2nteL$Mr blade $r,aggtart, dritt;pre ' CPn9x 4 drilhpreas.-.dg44tq, d.rilf press`". Single.- floor. grinder pectastet Q V grinsier psde$tail•, • S1 QV; ,gninder - b nah cprolg6oapn (2) .2,4 HR. 15. H1?; wetq(er . MlG .Ro)as(; weldeC,'- a.tick - Ideal. Ao; wpf clin.9, rod, .$c; oven; rotary, tables trydnautlflii power unit (2) hydraulic"; preaa;, genera; set', Q.AT '4t, 41,1019? 112,KVA;.forkditYale 6QQ21ba;.O,Jiinorarios,714aQn&1/ tOfl carry°packer (floo( MQ.00t.0.6%.wheats);;work§tQtigrn 1)400,4).;', ° dr4ilpreg4;sio9l4, a(f, teed), wite;Straillhtpgar & out, 'oft, trogoino dr)I("$b4cpener.. 1:10.vglkt}n04a0ittg:rop)iir?6; hardness to&fpr:' . - •yI(QQptIttQR.Kt.NG Aq tt M ! T Th100.94* 44n0er;(Ir4.42!: Gat;'): 0..aner do,4ble;. - e; 34; cap,.c tablesaw, 494.olo,, rotary: headaw, stroke sa(der43); dq+,^00d1i11: n nine, (0,0* srtindles); cppy, {. !the= (r40414a -4a ' cap);„SI?ovel hWci14, maghinp :;; igintar:?2s caQ; per tl ' cop' (p4rtaGiR) ` 'u)Kti1,44 7.:.194 F-q•rd 1 ton, rolltolf' will(aluh' 10101),bed, 'A(ttpGbt n 16'•t011, W,2irt.tril4 . ',410c L,ANg S:z Hyd .$po0414w) 419#444041y; pedal cart `(5); h1t 1 ono-airycyltra Per$ hy00.00.0010,40lectricmgt.pra (uJ to 2 , M1P),, lar9. cteptity. of:stew,, &, uaeol;- to $ ;: drills; ra4rnQ'rs;, vis*arhar; #renQh press; air tst4t; power tGgls benghesr,`„ • prAaterun team, ,laco4 GhuGks . lathe dq9; 4rir~dinv di4gs;, end. Mii b@2irin tome(:°& g44ggs cuttifn$ tools; W.rertGkes; piieYs Q Girlmps;,; giraular Gutters;; to41 kite: etq.' As&Qrtnente of sta:ei. &, ShsaLrt. 'TEHMSr; g,a§h r r, appro a ch4440 wifthp0404, 1.1? : d4y of.saie, 1(IS'rAIIN0;-,thursrtlay & Friday, Apni,2,14 4 A0,QTIrt 4N, N,OANN(> s Q'N 'ARIQ'. (iS), 0 1 l• is (§10). RW 7Q •.