The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 13• • • 1.997198..Novice Lucknow Panthers From the left„ back row: Larry Johnston, assistant coach; • Ken MacLean, trainer; Brian. Van Osch, coach entre row: Justin Davidson, Irwin, Tucker Dorscht, Brandon MacPherson, Laura BoWley, Brent Schneider. front row: Margaret Vincent, Peter Van Osch, Stuart Eitithell, Sam Johnston, Matthew Van Osch, Lucas Shepherd, Alex Van Osch. Absent Bob Shepherd„ train- er. (Livingston photo Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 15,1998 -Page 23 • 1997198 Novice B0 • Thunder: From the left, back row: Greg Andress, trainer; jim Van Osch, coach; Shawn Dalton, manager, Centre row: ,Cameron Alton, Justin. Van Dyke, Jon Godfrey, Tom Van: Osch, Oen Sloetjes, John Dalton, Greg Curran. Front roW: Rechelle Londry, Shawn Van Osch, ,Derek Sanderson, Chris Andress, Brent Martin, Kayla HoWald. Absent: Jesse Milia4 (Livingston photo), • 1997/98 Senior Tykes Little Devils Back roint:Steve MacPherson•assistant coach; Bonnie Kuilorainer; Skig Meriam, coach; Steve Alton , assistant coach. Centre -row: Brent Alton, Ben Dorscht,' Travis. MacPherson, Cody Shepherd, Sheila Kuik, Rosa Meriarn, Cody Kemp, :Evan Rivett. Front row: Adam Hogan -Cann, A.J. Beasley, Andrew Hogan -Cann, Darcy Quinlan, Michael Dalton, Mitch Martyn. (Donna Meriam photo) • • ' • . • - , • • • . . • , A special thank you to these community -minded • (519)528-2734 FAX: (519)528-3348 Lucknotii Stati3 " DIC44113+Computer Forms, Pl, • • A, Cheque's, ias, Muww ' invoiee..Sets, Fumes • @mot . 9osin7rIn?ific.tsl. ,our !..,,csktr;o0pw -41.1/1441" +other promotional • SINCE 1981,, COWAN Printing & Advertising FINLAY,DouriciplikToRs • l-lerne Decorating Centre ' • Vinyl Floor Covering &,Carpeting CIL paints et'VVallcoverings • Draco Window Treatments • 'Hardwood Flooring & Beam Centrallfacs • •LUCKNOW ..,.,...... • KER•• ' , . • , . :" • • • : •' •• • . . • EQUIPMENT L1D LuckN�w :5294993 • , • MIKE SNOBELEN FARMS LTD. Canning St. LUCKNOW • 528-092, 11 11111- Chishoirn Fuels ••, LUCKNOW• • A (uite S29-/524 or 524-7681 •• • 396-8212 357-2820 'Furnace Installations-.. . trEAT v' . ,•tFurnaces • turner Serviee'Propaste tilling Station :•• • ' • PRobtitTsfott. FA1110;11010E -8z1NDUSTit, 'HamiltOn Fuels • Lucktiow *Gasolinfrelleating Fuel's • *kerosene •011s *Greases. • .Sporting Goods 'Snacks 528-3006 . usinesses who made these pages possible. •, THOMF'SON INVESTMENTS bon and Bev Thompson • Lucknow , 528-2213 `‘The Sllop Video & Variety , Luokriow • 528-2714 GORDON T. • MONTGOMERY LTI). School and Chartered Buses Call Thelma • LUCKNOW •, • 528-2813, Home hardware HODGINS HOME HARDVIARE "More than a hardware store" LUCKNOW 528-3008 LUCKNOW • LEGION Branch 309 • woogow 1 j.hi ..)41 r 1 r BRIAN & KATHY XiNtECHTEL & STAFF 528-3026