The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 3shion show C 141ekilow Senttiinel> Wednesday,, April ll ,,t99 $—rag on women of the Bible from page 1 • appearedher identity was guessed Laura Steffler read herstory fri m the Bible and 1,4110: Lee Cayloy gave a bit more background. Eve wearing her outfit~ of Knowledge of Good and Evil was representee by dessiea Steffler: She moved through. the Garden of Eden and tasted tate fateful apple.. Alice, Ritchie, ' as Mrs. Noah •.wore a yellow wet -look outfit as tete Garment of Faith complete with umbrella and rainbow boots and guidedtwo pairs of animals • Everyone sang Showers - of Blessings: Sarah said,' " God has brought me joy `and laughter. Everyone who hears about it will laugh with one." Etta Hackett wore 'her • Garment of Laughter, from the' • Speciality shop for senior Materni- ty ty wear. Give To Us Laughter was sung., As Leah; in her Gown of Rejections Lynn• Shepherd Adamson Modeled Elsie Houston's mother's wedding, gown with her face veiled.: She couldn't find favor with her husband Jacob- over her attractive sister Rachel,' even though she bore. him sik sons: The, group sang Pass Mc Not, 0 Gentle Saviour Mrs. .Lot, portrayed by frena 'Henderson, wore her: salt bag Dress of Compassion: She turned back to see her borne city of Sodom being; destroyed:. For this she was turned into a pillar of fait. Glenda Morrison and Lynn Shepherd- Adamson accompanied by 'Isobel Shepherd,` sang I Will Never Forget You My People. Linnea and Margaret Cameron were Ruth' and Naomi in their Garments of Loyalty. Ruth chose to accompany her mother: in -taw back to her home in.Eethlchem. She was able to find grain to feed them and in time a. husband to protect theme;: Everyone joined in singing Alert Be The Tie That Binds. Betty Done, as. Martha, wore her Dress • of Busyness as she cleaned and cooked for Jesus' visit: Barb Helm as her sister Mary, pre-,. paredto sit And listen . to Jesus' teaching. 0 Master Let Me Walk 'Oft-Tbee was sung.. Joan ,Black had everyone par- tieipate in a Fashion Get Together. For lunch time each person had to find her Noah's Ark .animal group. Left r Lynn. Shepherd Adamson as "Leah" in Elsie Houston's mothers wedding dress. (L,ivingston photos) Rob Bundy (left) and Floyd Herman provided a fun night ;at. Brookside Public School last week When the school hosted a Coffee theatre "Jest for Funds:" Bundy and Herman, switched hats throughout the perfor- mance erformance playing the parts of'many "wildand weird" radio personalties at•. CORNoto), as they broadcast a' live radio version of Barndance. (Livingston. Pb . . LUCIKNtW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE tvtiniir 1-1oekey Banquet 'Friday, April ,t7th Optimist Family Dance Friday, Aprii 24th OPIN DATES APRIL Sat. 18-25 CALL 528-3312 Everlasting Flowers Sc Gifts 9 a,m, - 5:30 p.tn. 1 IN IN IN II wriimnmin g Pool Renovations The Lucknovu District' Lions Club is, currently trying to :rsisee nine for the swiritrning pool renovations; and need your help, One of; our fund raising projects is RECYCLING POP :CANS We are asking you to donate your pop cans to this cause, Crop off places are: x,r ,“400 4 te• Contact any Lions member for pick-up. r Driver faces anothe� charge An Ashfield: Township main, 25-: turned himself into police for using _his`= brother's identification. when he was arrested in 'March for unpaired dri- ving, Police say the man. will now face imperson- ation charges as well as impaired driving; charges: Sftow us your moves! ; bOUnre climb ;)t;X, fly flow Ode kt .,.�. 'umo leoP pedpi Pitch pxapei ouch mill turn swing: toss it,m'bie twist walk O' et JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN ' orientation Registration, Parents/Guardians of children eligible to enter Early Years classes at Lucknow Central for. the 1998/999.: school year are asked to contact or visit the school as soOrl as possible. An Orientation/Registration meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at 7:00 p.m, in the Early Years Room, Additionally. Thelma Eisney, representing Montgomery Bus Lines will review safe transporation of bussed r students and answer your question. Registration packages are available in the school office Prier to April 1.5; «Children. must 4 or.. S years of age on or before. December S1,+ 1998 •Proof of Age is required. Please bring a Birth. Certificate. • •immunization Record is also required, > co ts out 0 We a are, Contracting Cotoired Beans: Dark Red Kidneys r .Light Red 'Kidneys Cranber $eaas Please call our local WGT Branch :..Ail -50 Craig. 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