The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-15, Page 1'VOL.l US WIC, FaShtons witl a:` Qi'F ren0e-.w "thy, theme of t W MOW, �' Wo s it IIae, '; le i. Mk t !Axte0c. 40 ver 'U nnea Q4,0Q0.1" "Ruth' ,: BaI*y 4004- ass "Mar'th arrc ; ri Me#m; as .i artb 's sister An: evening of fun and tellervvship for nearly 80, wormen and girls of the church was sponsored by United church Women on April.?:, Lois Walden was conimentator and Ruth Ritchie provided .piarle a c.eornpaniment for "Fashions; With A. Difference"' as several Biblical`.' Wonted were- , highlighted. When `each. ...turn to page 3. WEDNESDAY; RI 's IS, i! The joint , recreation board aace;pted. a. tender • for repairs to the swi;rn Ming. pool when they met last week. * htree. tenders Were received, with Dar- lyn Pools, I 'ineardi'ne, coining irk the lowest. The board accepted; Dae.lyn..,'s tender that cattte. in just under $40,000. However, the approval : is subject to the four munici pailities passing:, it at their meetings. . The work on the pool is scheduled,' to start in Septertrber Sunwner ke The sports., c.omple.x will hevc icc dt i :ktwo: wee. period its At rrgist. A cornmittee rs. bringing. in a. suirrxrxrer hockey school running, two sessions. Aub. 10' to 14, and Aug; 1' . to. 24� , All costs associated: with operating: the arena during., that time Will. be- Covered by the rent charged. First a4.station' A letter from, an inter- ested citizen has .:the, faint recreation board, question.; ing,,whether the lirsi aid Delor'es.Soko1oslCit Souvenirs; 'When,Lucknow's l4Oth birthday renis around, there willbe thousandsof people :sporting,; the souvenir t - shirts, sweatshirts and hats. Ail souvenirs, including .mugsand coolers.•sport the reunion logo'." Make it Great in '982' along With picture of Lucknow's Cameos: Donald Dinni,e, a champion ath- lete., who performed, at the Caledonian; games, back, in the late 1800s. The t -shirt and sweatshirt are going really well, A, number of 1oGa1 businesses, have opted to. wear these items as promotion during their dress. down Fridays. an effort to raise funds, for the:renovation of the local pont. Sizes and colors,are limited both, for adultsand chil- dren, SO hil-dren,'SO if you're interested in.buying, you'd better, do it satin,. For those who, like thein big, there's- still `some xNtlurge t-shirts,and ,,large, sweats, There's, still plenty of mugs,,,; coolers; and hats tile, however. ` If you c rdn't% read last, week's colurrrn, the reunion; color,s,'are.'fushia,,,purple and white. Ciothingcolors, are . ash, (grey) l'usl►la,purple,;and white.Hats arc available in black, and purple, or cream and purple. Souvenirs are available at Bells. Variety and the Lucknow Co-op. A wordto the wise . r --• no more souvenirs will ordered. room at the sports com- piex is 'functional. Currently one roorn•is des- 'ignated. as the referees and first`aid room. A recent incident at the arena when a hockey play- er was injured and had to be:. removed from the ice brought, the matter up for discussion. Dave $laek facility. coordinator, told the board that each; team has to have a certified trainer. Each team is 'supplied with a kit with the necessary first aid supplies. If they use some. thing. they are expected to replace it. The first aid .room has all, the necessary, equipment required. owever; when he .incident in. question_ took place,: there was• such a lairgecrowd .in attendance the congestion made, it necessary to take the injured player to -a dress• Up0 660,mC3Dr G.; ing.roam. , . • Black also suggested:-. that at times when very large crowds are in atten- dance; it would be. wise •to . have morethan one person on staff. If the staffer~"is at the other end of the. arena 'getting ready Co .flood, there is nti way, he/she can, be of assistancewith. crowd contral., .Black, said under the risk rnnnagementprocess-' tide board is incorporating,:. they may need to change a, few thingss. The:: matter. was deterred; until the board does. its spring tour of the sports complex. -and swirrt- rtxing,pool rn May...At. that trine:members will 'look at passible: areas that could be utilized -as a tirst aide room that provides easier access la an emergency: The; board. received a copy of a letter •addressed. to the Preside nt.ef the Minor . Hockey Association coni.inenting on the type, of hockey played' by Six Nations dur- ing the OA playoffs with the Midget. alternate team. Black told the board the president had replied to the writer. Sumner programa; The bast night for regis- tration for'hardball, ree,. softball and: soccer tonight (Wednesday) 7' to 9 at the sports complex, Swimming pool:: The Lucknow and >dis- trio joint recreation beard has hired.Tasl u.rvl#Yer',,as,: head guard/instrtictor for the 1998 ,pool season, Other instructors and;• lifeguards hired are Adella Andrew,., Shelley Johnston,. April Nurnan, Cayley Moore and Margo Abbott.. by Pat Livingsto4;. or nine Years- ago, The sarne: thing could' ` ' It's. been about 15 years; since the' be done. again. but it is now is Liicknaw' Legion took:.on any trrajor ,ren 'the time to, do: the whole. -thing and do, it, LI:8c3riw° at Branch 3Q , That was. back; rn right, . 1983 when the Canteen was ,overhauled Quotes are being obtained :on replac- 'to the open"concept it has today, ins the floor; but tho project. will not.he "`Now in .1998, ,a committee: has boon, starting until the Legion believes. they are : struck" to; raise. funds to: replace the. t1041r in a good financial situation to do so, in the Jubilee, room, That's the; rootrt that. .nd whorl it does, start,. Cranston said it i$, used by the Legion °itself and rented will likely, be a .winter project out to the, public or used by many cow- Therefore, a fundraising. :bilitz is on. inanity .organizations, such as the Under coychairs. Joan ,Finlay' and :. . seniors,,Guiding Association, Phyllis, Helm, a cointnittec is 'youth dart players, and the ubit`zee : scratching their heads to c; rhe, .. Horticultural -Society iety, up with:sonic ideas to raise The building. that. is now fzOO " the needed money. They, have known as the`` Legion was set their sights high., actually moved' from- the /./,.�, " The first one;: they ,have Coinmonwcalth Air' Force r to err on is:..a lottery.which . Training Base;at Port. Albert .to, . e. 411' - • - appears.to have'appeal to many its, "present location on, Inglis:. people. Street after World War Ti. 4 was 'a For the. cost of$10.von'can pt►r- chase a ticket that will get you in err 19 club that was. organized: in 1937 and;;dis-: weekly draws far, $50. The final biggies '. banded in 1956:. to be drawn on Nov. 21 are for. $3,000; The.building, was later,aequired by�,the $ ,500 and S7�50.:TIte weekl• y draws ' village ai d was .th n leased to thc.L,egion;.. begin on .luly'11 and will;take. place. whor eventually. purchased it Xt,took, every Saturday at.,the B3rarrfihe for 18; many months. to rentvate,,.parnt_and.'. „equip *the facility. T , tgago weeks heteaf ter. khriPrs: wt r be ; announecd in tlic Sentinel. project of the Clansmen .Club, a serviceµ was "burned" in November 1954} While the Legion has:seen:many if all goes "according.to`Hoyle" the improvernernts, over, the years, mernbors, conmiittee; will raise $35,000 front: the have now, decided it is� tirne to rcplacc;the lottery, which, will be earmarked •for. entire: floor rn ttae lubilce'f2oorr►.•i replacing the 28' x 80'tloor. 13uilditi chairman l ob• Cranston, says, . Tickets arc available lunch any Legion the old-:loor,is. st tic•• to rotK;ogt.and 1. nemberor at the Canteen. Cash den, - was, done:"eight 'tions are welcome,