The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-08, Page 15COC sponsors the 3;tt annual town Wide garage 404, Saturday. May B. Bright arta early ruin or ehinw to part ot the map for your utmost t %Om* your ag. .iiJloa > . f!or a tun` AO Zit Fria inctudotx You 4014 ktt, bolt's on now, masts availebirity one week prior to event, mart di`@f utiqrr,, � in local Qut-ot-towners4 410C4,*taireaa. Perkir410t. WOrirriolien and registration: calf Margie MacPherson. eventca orc#inato r 0Z0' X.--1'•.4.16ar IMMORE MAKE 'SYRUP MOM,. Apt* 3u9;.30arra,toZ:P Atoit 11. 10 atm. to 7.puto, At the, ponealtes and maple syrup you can eat with , •• sausage' and:arppl uce.. t,arye: craft show,, binges • and entertainment, Veal prat t4 $Zchildren 0 11.years $4,• children, $ Ord Urex aC' free: 't4 Syistematic 'training for effective Pate*Ig, of' t>,a Offer* * Practical .way to meet the o. ot veer- iirrg teenagers today- A BFIt rretcusaatart t that helps develop improved . earent-tylntu relationships,. more tee� ' teenage ge behavior in home, schook +pgg� and a mm` it , and • teetxage Belt -esteem and d selt-reliancit. BrCaksithe School. F.'.l x . tueloiew, Toeorlay eetnn n 14: to Juno :2,„ 7 - * p.rrrr'est Snpartarri, *leper- eau*, Ste i avas aisle it re !d, $pKtrtSerett by Women Today ot Hum for .mote information, or to register- please call. 024h M at' 1-80114479-071e, 71e, — OSTER Tummy Dootoi At l.Wan's Restatnartt Thurrs.dayr, April 9 front 1410 tot paten* $•n Yrr. to slaty includes saint, ttev.- ecage. all the trtmmitl you con eat; Phone, T2s,: --t4xu &quot0': to t'4. tT to 24. Ages a 4nd 44 41rft houm Profession* art foga in5#ctcligrt RISTM 044 able: t ocknow Sprats Complex,. Hamiltons Foal,=, true'* f" g• Bar 'Novotny xoder ioh' .' aluewater Carpet aced Tile. Ripley - Ut F Restaurant pt. Kincardine - Scoreboard s Bony deadline . May -� MAKE SY UP featuring Wires ices f s tune n ., .5atuc y. Aprt"ft, rit.-t ant $,VSB p pe semi. Age of Majority,, lielmore Arena Ft or; CPP inspected Four tic to calf $34-1 or 3,4Z42 -.V Mr 13,t4 ADVANCE TiGt . Far Luaknow's :Reunion. eluents„ SO display art i this week's issue tar tint details. 7.43.t4ret.:. • �w1�Mrl��F�ta�n. iirateri °t4 -44x, •T and, Ile, eelexirar xan of I i f eltener vis ed txrr Sunday, with Mated McClerrit&han and Sohn McKinnon, In the atter- %Wb: dte tiles, attended babyshower in CCdz4h. for Leithton Shepherd di* Baa of Shelly and Liao Shepherd and great grand- son of Ted randSonofTed MeCiena4ran. The men viaited With Don Saunders for the afternoon • puirt len ca t Stratbroy spent a few days with' Angus anal.. Vara Falcone,. Fau,1. Laidlaw of i ores ester vist•ted.,w rh, his' Lather Elroy Laidlaw on ep wtiteok, ie loss, .. Vera: Falconer and 'File Moffat attended tom Eases thrankof£exrn4 at South Kinlos$ church Oa Wedrxasday: evcttitr . Shirley. • MV c.Ca;.lt the If.ineardlne Presbyterial president was the speaker- tiCW The WhitechurehOCkv ladies held their April: inettir4 Can: Wedgies lay..' at • tate house oC•Jaxnerr'Cook #tz' Luekn iw: . The topic..vAta,s. Christian. Stewardship and Swam The leader.waEvelyn MIA/ and Fvlinet Adams.. Thoi•Atil to ‘vot.ship. was. .k his t. •• the day 'tile Lord Iters. gib* read the. seriptutee. Tine ladies reviewed a film of a I'aruii'y .from Bosnia, is wh moved to Manitoba; to take up their. roots. Titin•. was one of three: families, that ,a 'church ixA Canada:. uproot,- ed prootecu; from ) ctsrrta to give a: better, house ineCanada • . Mrs- Adams 'wave the prayers and 1vf:iItired IVIcCleniighan read a' pveat caned ".To, tired to Way". toll's, Cook served' refresh - meats. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS ist: LUCKNQW •Phon 529.752 or 524-7431' , urac,e nstallat ons WoOd, O+1; CQmbitlt+on Furnaols. , • Burner' vk+ Propane Frnint$totOjo PROWCTS FOR FARr4;,1H, E,, & INDUSTRY' . :. RJL. 2144$1 4. Q1*, NO3; 2 - ) • boots, ands Windows * Textured ti 'i/ingg *Cabinets *Ftporings *Drywall *000s sho R. rs oall •Raod.mc IC1 1,40 400- 0.010 Ste• **ranty Aroc Ctamplrame• rt dl. Yt@Its ' Aai work guaranty Phone52B-281.3. oK 1.0",40. 2Qt2 1otiMing Fa>t 1519.528- Q17 Luckt►n 1' Qnt 1tOUH TOT 1t, TRAlSPURTA71011(UAM9Rtt • WM WPM ANG 11 AORKti 440 Campikell ittho. ton Hwy 8)- i'upko¢w Noo 131 �. Flgsidetihai & rnmeroial: les $k.. EVI0a- TT 0 Ti Far van QP•cqte-tgq44* c Ncw,CQ et u4uati i . I eedt .Menta S!ot u!Q, 5 1& • weftttild %%bas , and'r•epair the rest: ed ,$Z: 1 . FAX, 529re2.77' 0X; (6 -19t §124Q4*.,. 44004Y4 Q4.1Pputur For ns • . & 'Cheques,: flAtgiva=SOK, auanesscara printed•in;'' our Lucke Qw, St)4p?, rprcrnutionai itsi is. Cowart Printing & Advertising NILE G, RA ] XUAAS . Fill), line Qin rn uiitti`s, t�a,$tArl piPeberrding ' upto3" irrupt eis4.11h<let svat,ini#, pii;chap}� Stares • i�sirri eriace r73 QX all your building needs.... velocic fit; (551;i 52xi8 .. Fax (513) 5, 8-Z$14;