The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-08, Page 13Q11045.41.1331110 Bluewater District School. Board (Brace County schools only) invite tepdera far grass cutting and the Bruce - Grey Catholic District' 'School Board invite submissions of rates ;t for lawn maintenance at their respective • schools within the Bruce amid Qrey • counties (excluding the Outdoor Education Centre, Wiarton; W F: Thompson. Public School, Kincardine; and Amabel: Sauble Community. School), Forms from the` • respective •$cards are. available at their local schools or the address:.. ea' below, Lowest or any tender nott neces- sarily accepted. The information provided is governed by. the Preedorrt,Pf Information and Protection of privacy Act.. Sealed_ tenders will be received until April'17,1998. For information ,contaet; Mainten l#ce Department BXuewater District', • School Board 351.1st Avexiue.:. North: Chesley, Ontario NOG 1LO• 519=363-2014,' Ext. 261 Maintenance Department • °: Bruce -Grey Catholic District School Board ' 799 16th Avenue Hanover, Ontaari tr N4N'3AI. 519.364-5820 30. EtmpI. Wanted EXCELLENT CAREGIVER available to take care of your child, References available. Phone 529.7423. --12-14xc 15 YEAR OLD looking for lawns to cut 1 have my own lawnmower. Cali Dan. McDonagh 528-3406. --13- 15ar ..• 31. Service Directory 11.A.' HAVENS; ELECTRIC' `Residential .& Farm :`Commercial. Electrical Contractors Light fixtures, lamps, bulbs, • electrical supplies Dealer for: BRADFORD EXCHANGE Evening appolnf nonts avalfabfe Rad Havens "LUCKNOW528-2861 > to taw SeHtlael, Wednesda; ($19) 392.6491 art : (519) 392-a199 7ffflrlrE?Ipr X19! +, GENERAL, OONTRACT1NIC ' Sox .2.9. Te.eawater: Ont. NOG 2S0, Ridsidi3xttiat * Agricuiturat * CgmnnercisaI • Supply And or Erect; P:re,.Ensaineerecl Steel Building LAWN ROLLING equipment • •.suited for targe lawns, real-. sonable rates. Phone 520- 1182. -13.15 AGNEW *JEWELLERY. REPAIR - watch, clock, jew- ellery. free' estimates. Pickup and delivery, can be arranged. 698 Havelock 'Street, .across from Medical Centre.: Call 62$-3x32 or 525 3.940.--18tfar 45' STORAGE TRAILERS tor rent. Economical stor- age, ideal for contradtorS, farmers and home owners. Phone 395-5167.--34tfco ORIVEWAY SEALING -$$$, Make up to $4000/day plus We supply complete. •spray!. ing equipMent and training. , Low start up cost only S16/week. QAC or cash. Phone 519-369,6530„ —12- 15 LAWN ROLLING available in- Lucknow and area.. Reasonable rates:Catl early to book. Phone 529-7003 after 6 p.m. or leave mos sage.-43-16it FARMERS WANTECI .who are paying too much tax or not using- ail the tax breaks available. Pheine .Farrn Business' Consulting inc. "(London)today.;at 1.800; 265-1002.--14bc • .A Computerized water conditioner which descales and prevents iimescaie.No salt chemicals or maintenance. • Economical. Call Kathy Rivett (519).395;0366' Fax (519)395-0473. Toll Free 1.883-462-8108. CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations •Replacemnet Windows & 'Doors •Kitchen;Cabinets •Vanities • •Carpet and Linoleum •Roofing'•Free Estimates R.R. 47 ' .' LUCKNOW • 529-3164 Lawn Rolling Lucknow and surrounding area Call Ross, Henderson 528=2247 Jim Boyle $28-2040 HACKETT Small Engines Now Open For . Repairs Lawnmowers Chain Saws t=ree pick tip & delivery 529-3232 2 .Babysitting BABYSITTER' REQUIRED for summer 08 for .2 chil- dren, in our home. Located in the. KIntoughtt<intoss area Please send resume to R. .McArthur, R.R. '4, Kincardine.' Ont. N2Z 2X0.- 13-14' POrscinai, *A cost 'wil be Incurred, 'EVAN LY -RAY'S Psychic Answers. Police use u R t d#1 *rt Ca ada Instant answers about'tove, money, career, Lucky #s', relationships. Achieve suc-. cesslit'.$2,99/rein.., 18+, 24 hrs., 1-9O0 451k4055. =-10- 24.cc 'HAVING A' t tiUNKiNGf PROBLEM??' AA can. help.. Phone Goderich 5246001 or Walkerton 881.3635.. -- 14er ARE YOU experiencing. the .'aftermath of an abortion/emotions you can't explain? Most post -aborta' women exporiencel trauma, in their .fiver.. Call our 24 hr. hotlineaoltect(519) 323- 375.1 for confidential sup- port.--1:4ar "A omit will be:Incurred. HAVE YO,U CONSULTED REAL'GLAIRVOYANTS and. Mediums", befiyre?, Then conte distover.the unexpfic- able experiences of, Karononna Zanmort• (Int.); 28 years .experience; very precise..She can describe and give you your sign. .Learn from her other well known mediums and clair .voyants. To find Cut your future,: CALL 1-900-.451 9602. 18+, : $4.99/min,, 24 hrs/7days: -14bc. *A cost will be incurred. IT IS UP TO YOU. Several live' 1-1 psychics for you to tank with. 'Relationships, love, 'money, future, advice, Call now 24hrs 1-900-451- 7865, 18+ $3 99/min.--14bc 1 am not responsible. for the .actions" of my ex-husband, Bill• Soak. apologize for the incdrlveflience it has Caused < . Sandy (Boak),McNeil *****.•***,k********* *'K,A"TUERtNE'S *• PSYCHIC -. * Palm & 'Tarot Card Yteadtngs • advises on all problems. * *' ' 01 Life, Love, Marriage, • Business, Health, Travel. • * Free Question - Sea her * • * she can help you : 5192184404 `. * - ,Available for Parties * *****•*******•******• MALE IMPOTENCE cot» rooted and prevented. Decline associated 'with' age, medications, surgery, diabetes, injury an be aver- oome. Free information. /advise; Performance 'Medical •Lid.,. Box :592, Vernon, BC, VII 6M8. 1-800.663-01.21,-- 14bc ASHG•RQVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companionship/ marriage, Ages 18-85. Single, widowe4,divorced. State age. Ali across Canada. P.Q. 803t" 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1MO. Free Information. t,250- 6734543, www.btweb- •sites;corn/$ervices/Ashgrov e--14bc WE DINGS Petioiramlef a wldo Oor reo cation oror*door rt sepal (nohdanominatkmal). For brochure • telt iev- At Faiths. •PesttrratCentre, ,524-5724 35, Legal• Notices' NOTnce TO Ct EpITORS AND oTliERS :. in the estate Rf GORDON LESLIE • RINTOUL. Late of the Village of Lucknow, in the Ca fnty.01 Bruce, All:persons having. Claims against the Estate. of ;Gordon Leslie Rantoul; the above named deceased .who tiled on or about the 13th day of February,.A.D.,. " 1998, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before 24th day f April, A.D ,'1998 their names.°and full particulars of their claims:. Immediately after the•sald 'daate the estate will be distributed having regard only to, the ,claims of which notice has been received; Dated of Wingham, Ontario •this 3:Oth day of March, 1,998 CRAWFORD; MILL & ' DAVIES Barristers & .Solicitors Box 1028, WINGHAM, Ont NOG2WO Solicitors for the Estate Trustee.-44-16ar, :. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANID OTHERS All claims against the estate • .of ,CLIFFORD HOWARD BEiRNEs • . late of the Village of Lucknow, County of Bruce' who passed away on or. about March 8, 1998 are to be Made, to the undersigned by April 30, 1998; thereafter the.Executar of the estate having regard only to the claims of •which the under, signed than has notice. Dated, March 23, 1998., c%o WILLIAM BEIRNES, - Box 292,'LUCKNOW, Ont:. NOG 2H6 -.12-14 OS* /1-01100114010014S MNMMMAItMIrfMIIIMt1II�wIAMAI►' DONATE YOUR CAR. HERITAGE FOR THE BUND. Tax. deductible. Free towing, Need not runt. Free phone, card:. . Sponsored by AADOO. 800- 463»5681.•-14bo' TRYING TO LOCATE the following students of the Grade 8 class of 1977.78 of (.CPS (reunion)..Rejeev Me.han, Tami Griffiths, Bonnie . Purves, John Eames, Michele VanBoven. Caii; Connie (Stanley) Howald 528-3338, Anita Quay Elliott 528-3437 or Liz (Bieck) Brown 524-1734. -- 13,14.x 3'. Morgages, 1., 4-2"° Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Availabte as tow as • 6,50'' Intetreat. Personal Leans if you: quality, payments rt0Appro . Md1 sayment 6 '10,000 • ' ' 83;33 '16,000 • '125.00 Consolidate your debts C.11(51%3.63.02111-000.107-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING :INC. lr" ` A New Spirit of Giving I\ \(d"I. 36. Auctions Auction Sale Friday April 1Q Torry Stull Aima Township' .. •Farm Machinery & HousehcldSf(acts' .Monday April 13 Don & Elizabeth Stoba Cytrass Township Firm Machinery & Housetiofd•Effebts Wednesday, April :1a Brussels Livestock' Saturday April 1'8 Stanley Equipment RR #4,, Kincardine consignments & Farm Machinery • Saturday, April 25 Fred & Jean Kuehn Wellesley Township Fan Machinery:,,;; Saturday May ::2 Peter & Evelyn Cook Property & Household Effects Lucknow Saturday. May 9 Robert''Maybury'Farm RR #2 Wngham Saturday May 16.x; Kulrovvski Zygttiunt • Household items & `tools Brusseis Saturday May 23 Dave Dennis W_ etding, Automottve. & Toole West of Lucknow; Hwy. 486 Sault day May 30 Estate George Joynt Lucknow Tues. & Thurs. K.W. Stockyards Fridays Brussels Livestock AUCTIONEER. Brian Rintoul 3572349 April 8,1558 -Pa 38. Auction* 3 YT AUCTION SERVICE FARMS ;ESTATES HQVSEHOLP Belling at our Auction Centre or your premises Robert Yost Auctioneer • EIS - 695 -875e - 2838 4 CONSIGNMENT AUCTION. SAE to be hew ait Brindley $ales Yard Dungannon ' Mo- nda9:y30 A►,, AgM.ri! 201.98, CONSISTING OF: over 109 tractors-.approtc„200 pts, of •equipment - Cnisc. items etc ,'etc.RACTORS. • :TMF 165 •.& loader; JD 1840 4WD &r loader; MF 231 (new); MFD. ;259 &, loader; .MF 245: MF 265; MF 275 & loader MF 35 &soveral. 8 loader;& (2) 94 FordsFord; 3000'McKees; 480; Case 475 cable machine; JD 420 dozertw 'blade; JD 25.10; JO 720; JD 3020;. JD 4430; 114 434; MF 290; Coakshutt 185.0; Ford 555 backhoe; Ford 34QA; MF 1130, JP 4850 4WD; MF 165 & Loader AC = CA; Betaurus 620 4WD; Cockshutt 1365. 4WD &'loader;: Case 6000 backhoe; Case 500K 4WD &: backhoe;' 114 3850, 4WD backhoe; Case 530•badkhoe; N -H 7740 `4WD tractor'(new); Case 830; (2) Ford 5000; Ford 3000; (3) IH cubs; JD 710; MF 65 & loader; AG. WD45; White 1365; Troxatl paytoader; (2) Jubilee Porde; (2) MH _Panys; Oliver '880; Unr' Mupkiw feed rnlrrer Ford 670Q & loader; MF 290; Mr' 235; JD 3020 & loader; • VEHKC,LE$r"1:989 Dodge "4X4 pickup; '1990 kup; 1.98,2 Toyota Supra ' EQUIPMENT.' Over 200: .pieces): 00). haybines; (20)' seta .of wheel. disc;;, (20) cultivators; (30) sets of plows manure loaders, - Vybox •& wagons manure spreaders, etc.,, etc., etc. (Consignments welcome) ' PLEASE NOTE: Tractors selling at 1:30 P,M. TERMS:.Cash or Cheque. with `proper 1.D,"itweaan.yok. SalesTax and •7%'G,.T where at,ptabie.oorauctioneer notresonsible;for accidents or.li?ss f purchase dy a fsanyannoncentetsof sale, take preOddehce over written advertising. • .AUCTIONEER: ' GQRDON H: BRiNDLE'Y (519) 529-7970 Res. 529-7625 Bus.