The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-08, Page 3Brookside school hosts coffee ?theatre 'Jest for Funds Yes folks,' it's radio station CORN,, here for your listening pleasure! The "Jest for Bunds" Coffee Theatre will be presented on Thursday night, April 9 at S p.m. at Brookside. School. This is an adult evening that promises .to. be a laugh from start to finish. "Well-known radio host" Floyd Herman and his ".technician" Rob Bundy will arrive at, Brookside to broadcast a radio version of Barndance. live frotn the school. What happens next would be - telling,. but suffice it to say that things don't always turn out the way the radio host is eXpecttngl Of course no radio show is .complete without a supporting .cast, and -CORN is. no exceptiOn..Nola Bridges, Alison. Simpson, Erin MacKenzie, Chantelle Fraser, and Tess Qibbings lend their voic- es to the air, with. leap Nickel, Jennifer Barnett, Ken de Boer, and Tami Berry singing the station call letters (How CORNY can: you. ,get!) Ws rumoured that local actors Ross. Errington and Ian Clarke may be involved, and the studio audience may also see singer Betty ,links and the Ken' Scott Trio.. Atmosphere will be provided by the coffee. house setting, with table group- ings, coffee, and t. he world's most tempt- ing desserts available in the "studio", ;It's anevening of fun, surprises, music, .and getting together with friends and. neigh- bours. "rickets are $6 in advance, avail- able from Brookside School, Call 529-- 7900 29=7900 for information and booking. This is Radio, Station CORN... April is caiacex awareness .. naohth; panvassexs at wark: The month of .Aprilis years we ran short by the set on ori Saturday, Also designated' each year as middle of Friday after- Cancer Awareness.month.. . noon so this.year we bad No one is immune to the four boxes instead of three ravages of this disease and • necessitating continued fewfamilies are not . selling on Saturday. " touched by someone they Thanks te the Mayfair are related to or know that Restaurant for allowing has suffered from the; the use .• of the former.. effects of cancer.` Margie's Speciality Your .donation .ttai the Shoppe on. Friday and to ' Canadian Cancer Society "the "Lucknow Village fends the Most promising :. Market for allowing us to cancer researchr across. ,Canada, prevention' and early' deteetiQn programs and .supportservices for:. cancer patients, their farni- ls.'and caregivers living .in yoiircommunity, To kick off the cam- paign each year daffodils are sold not only as -a fund. raise but also as a 'sign of hope. for the many people, that enjoy these bright: Spring:flowers. . "Loeallyt° Nancy Brown is responsible for organiz- ing the. Daffodil sales and with the help of volunteers' this.was :another success fill sale For tbe"last few' thanks to the • willing workers that went up and down the street Friday afternoon selling. these beautiful flowers:; Canvassers will be call- ing on you during the month of April and your donation will bring usone. step closer to finding a cure'. for cancer. This is your opportunity to help. Members .of the •focal Cancer Society conduct- ed the annual daffodil sale 'last week. Betty Stanley (left) is shown purchasing- her flowers from Lola Farrish; Shirley Kennedy and Jane Treleaven., (Helm photo) Stay Alert Step" well back If ,:stranger stops to ask, for directions. «llliRl{ IS 1111 Brat P1. U 1. I() i 1KF. 111016\G cot R5r. 17115 Si'Ri\G? ACTH GODEAICH POWER &. SAIL SQUADRON GPS NAVIGATION BOAT PRO March 31 -Agri! 7;d, 14, April 1 & 8 For information call Rod Wraith Wingham 3574586 Joe Essery Clinton 482401010 VHF RADIO ° COURSE April 22 & 29; May G & 13 ' For Information call Fulton Charlton 5242578 A, Lovely Selection o Hydrangeas Easter Lilies Floral Arrangements Fresh Flowers' and More 576 Campbef Street (519) 528-3312 Mon, -Sat 9:00-5:30 els Cr401t,40siterfli 1,rtcknow SenttneL Wednesdazr April 8;1989,— Fag $ :LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN! 52.82411 1.5 ACRES - i uiiding fat; Kinloss, WAREHOUSE . 35' .x £0' with: office area On ifoubla 10.- 569,900. 314ACRE - building lot, serviced, Irvin SL 635,000, RETAiL, STORE With 2': bedroom. apartment. Excellent 0000itio0. $99,909. 114 ACRE$ - New bungalow, 2 hog dams, sited, 84 'workable, Cuiross Township. ‘209,000. 50 ACRES - Newer bun Wow,. qqu�onset hog barn, 35 workabia, lGniosa Twp. $199,000; AUBURN - Three berlroorn house plus extra lot With 24' X. 30' shop. Reduced to $61,900. NEAR Wi,NGHAM' brick bungalow, 2 barns, new kitchen. 6127,900. BUNGALOW With carport, 3 bedrooms, all heat, Havelock :St 557,400 acre country K Hama, 510 000 ' 1.4 50 ACRE Surds retreat, 2 bedroom cottage. $99,900. HAVELOCK ST. • Attachett, home with double garage,. 505,000. ASHFIELD 4 bedroom brick, 4.6 acres, parklike setting. 61 ACRES . Dutross Twp, W frame cabin,54 acres, 10 year old pine, , 5 acres hardwood. 670,900. 0 . BEDROOM - house, attached 3 bayy garage. Bob St.' • 6125,000. ,ASHFIEI:D -' 3 bedroom house 1lth conc., over' acre lot $52;500: . 1.5• ACRES with creek a bedrooms, 10" x 24' shed, 669.900. BRICK 0 UNIT apartment complex; 2 bedroom units.. Good long; term investment. 6246,000. 100 ACRES •. Ashfleid 92 workable, 'new barns, 4 bedroom house, 6290,000.• CLOSE TO TOWN - t• acre lot with stream;, pond, 3 bedroom 'hoerse•and"workshop $97,300. WAWANOSii 153 acres, S bedroom brick.home, 98.. workable,18 pasture, YEAR ROUND HOME - on. Nlie Mile river,, ,2 bedrooms, wood/propane heat. Nie workshop• ;86,500. •- - LISTINGS WANTED .0 KN W CENTRAL .PUBLIC HQOL. School- Cox"nnitunity Council* in accordance with the Ministry of iRducation1Perhrat e' Memorandum 122, It is the policy of The Stuewater District' School $Q8rd. that all schools within its lurisdieation h21Ve: a Sohoot.Communtty Council (SCC). The School -Community Council wilt act in an advisory capacity. to enhance the quality of education, p r Nomination farms for 600 are available at the school's office. nomineesmust have a mover and seconder. The term of office for WO etectad reRresentatives wilt be 2 years. Nine members of the SCC ere ;to elected., 'Nominees mast have a child enrolled #n the school for whldh they are •eligible. Parents of children. Presently hot attending ecknow Central Public- School but will be ctiattenariding in. the 1995.99 school year aro: elIgibta to stand for ele, . . Norrrinationa close on Monday Apra 20,•19913. The list of nominees will be posted et the school by Monday April RI, 1998. Elections will take gad: et LC.RS gni Monday, May 4 • .9314 a.efe. - 3:30 p.m, Et', 600 tf,h'k 418:00 wog Tuesday, May 5 -9;00 a.fm. - 3,30 pm. Voting by secret ballot must take place In. pigeon et the school. NOTICE' TO THS. RESIDENTS • OF THE COUNTY OF HURON O.P.P. PollcingConsultation Interviews The f ounoii of .the Corporation of the County of Huron has submitted a resolution to the Ministry of the .Solicitor General and Correctional Services, requesting the Ontario Provincial Police WT.) provide a costing proposal tor the provision of police services within Huron County. . • As part of; the ;process to determine the level ot•services Huron County requires. members 0 the Cr,P.P..witl be • conducting consultation meetings with any interested resident Of the County. tntarviews wilt be held during hours of 1 pm. to 4:30. pm and 7 pm to 9 pm on the following dates and locations: • Tuesday, Aprit 14,1998 Ranch House leataurant mann, 414 Main Street South,. Exeter ' Wednesdey, •April' 15,1998 Sit eevale Community Hsu 13 Clyde Street, Bluavate', Thursday, Apri)16,.1998. Ontario Street United Church 105 O,xterlo Street, Clinton An appolnfrnent fp reserve an interview time Is requir a 11 you are .interested in providing input on: policing,:Services, please call Barb Leaman at the. Huron County Clerk- Administrator's office (519-524,8394);. to arrange. en appointment. Interviews aro approximately. 30. 'Oblides long, t�antl will be conducted `lop rivate., teen lntearsltione VISIT US ON THE WEB f1; httr awwww burrantei.an cn1' jlco 'Sltlia jico(inttoatei.ore.ca The most powerful computer on the planet tiger Peahen 11-Preeassor • 32MB;DRAM *sus (LA Chipset) Moihr tboird6 tiTX Mid -Tower Case Waterr•Dlsita14.9 Oi l%rd Drive Hercitca Thriller 8MI3,-PCL 31'1 Atxwtarstor • , Cieititve i.Abi seem) Mauer AWE (14 Messer DVVD.ROM'rhfve • IiOSSHDM-225 Speaker system ' Skaaarreek 15! Waiter • V.S; RoboticsS61f X2 Voice/Farr/Modem .' ' Microsoft Mouse & Pad :.•• Mercier* t Windows'95` . PH 233Mhz 52949.99' P1126444 '33139.99 P7130014* $3419.99' . 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