The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-08, Page 1VOL.125 K. 14 by rat Livingston History repeated. itself for this week's edition. when ` the Lucknow Midgets captured the all Ontario' "C" championship honors on. Friday night here. Last week, ' the Juveniles brought the same victory to their home town. The `Midgets • were paired with Ayr in the best out of 'five series. Lucknow won the first. two games4-to 4, with Ayr taking a 3 ,to 2 :victory rn game three. The arena Was packed for the fourth 'and,what proved too be the final. game on Friday night in Lucknow. The local •squad - proved, to be the better as they -downed. Ayr 4 to • 1:t .with "two goals ` from' Dennis Lubbers, and sin- gles • from Shane Petteplace and Jon' MacKinnon, Craig Moffat and MacKinnon assisted on the four goals. Dave MacKinnon; 'a somewhat balder coach, talked to the Sentinel•edi- t:tor on Ivionday.Morning. Dave's head matched. those ...of his players. It has. become tradition for all. Ontario champs to shave their heads. These hairless young men noW joiin, their Juvenile buddies, who are sporting the same fashion.. "Ayr had a lot of hustle and, didn't give up." said MacKinnon. "Their goal- tending was excellent, that's what held them in;" MacKinnon :said he couldn't :have asked for. anything 'better from his team. "They finished the year with a record of 44 wins, one tie and- three losses. They came out and did what had to be clone,',,., The coach spoke highly - of his disciplined team. "A lot of these guys play 100. games a year between high, school, Midget, Midget :alternate and Juvenile," . said OMHA champs - the Midget team of 1997/98 - ,Mackinnon:,• coach. Centre', 1row:.Shane MacKinnon. ''They`re in from the left, back row: John Mckenzie, trainer, '. Pettepiace,: Ch"tis. Wainwright, Conor good shape,' We played Dale Courtney, Johrl Hoof,, coach, :Richard Mcoonagh. Front row; -Adam Cameron, Dennis: •. pretty -good .it a Wilke,, Troy McKenzie, 'Daryl Aitchison, Jordan 'Lubbers) Craig Moffat, Greg. Courtney, Cam eemed to, be during' the . Andrew, Taylor mall, -Jon MacKinnon, Dave Moffat,Ean'Moffat, Sean Lougheed. WEDNESDAY, APRIL L 8,1998 6$' INCLUDES G.S.", international Silver Stick tournament that we got it. all: together and: the team` seemed to catch tire." The 'team won. the Silver'Sttick m January with a 21'... goals for and cure against record. MacKinnon credits • part.ieularly .during the goalies Adam Cameron: Chesiey series (finals in and Sean- Lougheed for WOAAl.V` super work. "We' alternator. Chesley' was a, power' ed the goalies each gome .house. in MacKinnon`s during the season.and' in opinion. 'That series Could playoffs. They held us in: have gone the other- way," 0 4 e Said. MacKinnc)n. "They _. Are a very talented team" . . It was a h?anner year for -the .local Mi,dge.t team; . MacKinnon said about two-thirds of the players will move up to Juvenile. rt oke. it rear in r 9 e it great in '9$ Vicon corner by .oan Chamney.. Entertainment-. Yep.,that's .the nacre, of the• band playing for the Saturday; night dance during Celebrate in '981, Tickets are being sold April 11, 11 arn to,5 pin..; at the tourisrn oftice for this and other events, Don't be 'disappointed, get your tickets now, but remember only 10 per person. Get. your family together` for the.tarnily three pitch, tournarnent.You don't have to prove your, bloodlines, Nit we encourage tantily participation, Registration forms will be available duringithe.ticket•sales, ... ---- 'Local service; clubs are very involved in the enter- ..tainment part of the reunion. The Ag'ictilturai Society kicks things off with' their ;new.•play; the Lions, are having a beef barbecue and the Scouts, Presbyterian Church and' Legion are holding breakfasts.. The Optimists arc hosting the kiddie .andteen •dances and the Kinettes'arc bringing:in it tragic show. The Kairshea Wofnen will . hold word party, and the Girl:* •Guides ate helping:. with,ehair.:set up for Souncisatiini Pinecrest is adding. a pith and pig roast -to the 'event. the Library. a tea party, and the, school Will hot; a: reunion. Russ`Mackichas an enthusiastic group of folks who are orgat)i/.Ing•a classic car show. It prt noses to be a:weekend. full of adt}cities for all ages, trot we still.necd,help. We are once againlork- ing foxy rides and games of chance, and we need lots 'of bodies to help make the events successful, • The entertainment committee Meets' again at 0O p m. at the Tourism Office on, April 16, Cr,, call Steve, and Joan Charnneey at -528,-3108. 4shfield objects: �o Kinit�ss.;rezon At, the March 1.7 .meet- ing ofAshfield Township. council, discussion took.. place on correspondence from the. County of Bruce Planning .Department:" It .was ,a request for corn, rents .on applications 'for Consent and rezoning on • Lot 75, Conc. 1, Kinloss -township. Council will 'file objec- [ions to the planning appli cation as it would place a restriction on the use of property located at west . half of Lot 8, Conc. 14, E>L). Ashfield. Helen Rintoul, Ashfield's representative on the Winghain ` and District Hospital Board, attendedthe;rrteetinz• to update,: council on the board's;. operations: She reported Oh various issues such as the new clinic - ecpansion and the on- going, search for new physicians. Council discussed.fur- ther . the Ministry . • of Environment requ'ire;xrents tors the operation ofthe Courtney Subdivision Waterworks. Linda Andrew, clerk, r-epotted.on • a meeting with Huron. Township regardictg•Lhc possible extension of the Huron. Water` System to ., service the- ..Csaatr•ttey, Subdivision: - A request will be made from Huron Township to confirm their specific cap- ital and.: operational 1inan- c'ial requirements so Ashfield can proceed with completi"ng a cost analy- sis. Joe- Kerr Ltd. was atvarded the contract; for • -1: the crushing, and trucking of "A" ,gravel at $2.42` per: tonne plus taxes. Five;ten- ders were received. Da -Lee's tender for, application of about. 305 tons of calcium at a price. of .' 209.11 per ton include ing taxes was accepted, Two tenders were received. - West Wawarosh Court case to- contljdue after' Easter. The cotrrt.� case :between Bev' and PeLer Grierson, plaintiffs'and the Township of. West Wawanosh will continue the. week after Faster. The:_ trial that °petted 'in provincial court ,in: Kitchener on March:; 23 is taking longer than the one week originally set. aside for it. The parties will he back in court on April 14. The Sentinel is closed: Friday