The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-04-01, Page 16• Page *0 Lae 20 IHNOpWairst04 • XPER1EN O SERVER'S, :coals at Cottage ,citchen Fiesta trent, 1951. ;,.ate Range Rd,, Ont lark..Bring resumes. — 13- 15cc 48 OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE NEEDED to lose, weight and aarn extra ini%omo. 17000-. '?,.11-0744 www,hbn. oom. Access code 5858 squired: --13.40. ATTEN'i 1QN STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling: Phocalate bars, NOW prod- acts available. Nothing, to pay in advance, Pest daily- , ary I {S8DQ44589, —11b' c MAINTENANCE/10E0I1AM:: IAL rnairttainer ler food 'processing -plant, Applicant. Should have 3 - 5 years experience. working in a afant 'atmosphere with mini- ,.malsupervision, Experience electrical. and .millwright-'. +n0 required.. Excellent ben- efit •package. Please send resumes to, Pine River Cheese, R.R, 4, Ripley, Ont, NOG ?RQ. --1300 , LARGE FINANCIAL SEA?, Vi.CES Company accepting applicants from honest, tnotiir eted individuals with entrepreneurial spirit. Alt training available, Send; resurne to Exeter Post.. office, • Box 83, NOM 1$6 -.- 13,14cb w Sentinel,. Wednesday;, 1%prti:.lx 1998- 7^ULL TIME PERSON need- ed, for a. large. farrow -Wean .operation with main focus )n farrowing area,•if•you ora s team player, leader" with the ability to succeed ! can offer you an attractive work- ng environment -arid 'com-. pensati'on. Calf Ron Burgsma 529-7697. --13r t5cc TIRE INSTALLATION and Servicing, Will train - no experience ';necessary Clean driving record a must. Apply in person at Willits Tire Service, 456. Ross $t, Li cknow.--13,14ar FULL TIME HELP .required for grain elevator' and cash crop farm in Ripley. area. Experiencein agriculture necessary. Please call Snobelen Farms Ltd. 395- 5167. --13ar GENERAL LABORER required for pre -bast bon - crate company,, all outdoor, physical -work' involved' and required. Phone 528-3537. - • 13 FULL. TIME POS'ITION. available as herdsman on swine. seedstock operation in the'. Goderiph area; The ability to be self starter and to work with limited supervi- sion,and have very- good communication skills areof importance, 'Experience WORK FRAM home call fox free Info: Toll free 1, a1-6782 13.1 HOP "MIMED TheAMEWERSsociETY Of Huron County currently haas•openings on their BOARD or DIRECTORS-.. Interested incliviclyals ,,all tta request an application fern),. TOLL FREE 1-8OO'561-5O12 BuSiriesi e Opp. START YOUR. OWN.husi- ness. or'expand your opera7 1 tion with Armor'Thane. Coatings, : Canada's, .#1' sprayed -on truck bed liner; Exclusive dealership oppor tunities available now. Calf 1'8QQ-363-6100.--t3bc WORN: FROM HOMER We, urgently need;bright, ever. "getic homeworkers for excellent payplus. commis- dons: Free details send S.A,S,E. L,R:$., BOX 3022, Mission, SC V2V 4,3.3.,-13bc ENTREPRENEURS' get positioned NOW Bitfion $ . MLM co.. launches" new div1A sion.. A+ systems & training. Earn bre ; $ now!: ,Deregulation. &a service industries 1.809-922-2645 (24 hours).-713bc 30. igelpI.. .. Wanted EXCELLENT CAREGIVER available to take care of :. your child. References available, Phone 529-7423, --12.14x0.• • Dl I*AWN ROLI fltlG equipment suited for largolawns, rea- sonable. rates. Phone 529# 1182.--13.1& ' " AGNEW ',f EWaLERY. REPAIR *watch, chick, Jew- ellery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery- can be arranged. 698 • Havelock Street, across from Medicaaal Centre, Call 5207,3532 or 528-3940 —18tter, 45` STORAGE TRAILiRS tor rent, economical stor- age, ideal for contractors, farmers and home. owners Phone 39575167.-3400c CARL. SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations #Repiacsmnet WindoWS 8i, Doors "kitchen :•Cabinets 'Vanities "Carpet and Linoleum *Roofing *f=ree Estimates R.R, #7 • LUCKNOW 5294164 A computerized water conditioner whish descales and Prevents Iimescale,No salt chemicals or maintenance, • Economical Call Kathy Rivett(519) 395.0366 Fax (519) 395.0473 Toll Free 1.850.462.8105 15 YEAR OLD' Looking for lawns to cut, t have my own lawnmower.-" Cali Dan McDonagh 528.3406. --13- 15ar• , 31. Service Directory STRUGGLING • WiTH debts? Pressured by credi= tors/garnishees? Need' help meeting all monthly expens- es? Call Roy at Debtsolve in Hanover. (519), 364.0.140. Confidential, 16 years'credit experience.--11-13cc DRIVEWAY SEALING:-$$$• Make up to'$1000/dayplus* We supply: •complete 'spray ing equiprrient and training: Low start up cost only $16/week. OAC or cash.' Phone 519-369-6530, -12- 15 • LAWN, ROLLING, available in Lucknovv, 'and area. Reasonable "rates CaUU early tri book Phone•, 529.7003 after '6 p.m. or. leave`r»es- may be an asset, but not age, --1'3-16x; essential, A positive attitude NSA* HAVENS. ELECTRIC. *Residential & Farnt• *Commercial Eleptrlcal • Contractors Light fixtures, lamps, bulbs,:'. electrical st.ipplies Oealei for BRADFORP EXPHANGE: Evening appolnimerlts availabip `Rod Havens. • • LtlCKNCIW 520-2867 DENTURE CLINIC ISTVAN, VASARHELYI DD. CQMPI,.BTE & PARTIAL DENTURES • RELINES & REPAIRS' Mori. & TUES;:WED.,ThUB,.JHI,i$Ar, .CALL` cuuteCIWiGEsiAl. 395-0930 1.000-848.0934 fOR APPOINTMENT:.: fOR APPOINTMENT HOURS, , • MON.9 AM r 9 PMTUES,9 AM;- 5 PIA • 824 CAMPBELL'S1 POINT CLARK • 32, Babysitting BABYSITTER REQUIRED for Wednesday, cvenirgs for WOULD LIKE TO are for infant, pre -s hooiler in my home. Monday - Friday. Non-smoker. Sensitive to parents wishes. 1 0th, Concession Ashfield near Belfast Gloria Hackett 529- • 771O. —11,13x0 • IABY$ITTER REQUIRED far aunimer 90 for 2 chin dren, in our :home. Located in the Kinlou9ha'Kinloss. area. Please send resume to R. McArthur, 'R,R 4 •, Kincardine, Ont. 13,-14 34. .Personal *A coat will ba 'natured. EVANLY- RAY$ Psychic Answers. • Police use. ..us....Raterl #1 In Canada. , instant •answers about love, money, career, lucky #s; relationships, Achieve sue- cesellt $2,99/rein., 18+,,24 hrs,,, 1.900.451-4055 .10 2490 ARE YOU experiencing '• the aftermath of an abortion/emotions Yoh 'can't explain? Most post-abortal Women experience trauma in their• lives, Calf our 24 • hour hotline collect (519) 3234751 for confidential support, -Bar *i4 cost Will be 1ncun ed.: HAVE YOU. CONSULTED: REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and. mediums: before?. Then come discover the unexpiic able experiences. of Karonohna:. ZammOrt (Inc.), 28 years experience; very precise.She can describe and give you year sign. Learn from` her other well known• mediums and clair- voyants, To find, Cut; your 'future, CALL .,1 900-451- 9602. 18+, $4.99/min., 24 hrsl7days.--13bc' "A cost will; be inourred:. IT IS UP TO YOU. `;Several live 1-1 psychics for you, to talk. with, Relationships, love,. money, future, advice, Call now 24hrs .1-900-451 7865, 18+ $3,98/min.--13bc LACK SELFCONFt •DENCE? Teen buy, read' and tSe: ' Dianetics" by L. Ren Hubbard, only $6.99 (pb)+GST. Cali 1-800-561 5806 .today:,13bc MALE IMPOTENCE cor, rected and prevented, Decline associated with age; hiadmatt ons,brgery; one, 2 year otd child. For:'. the:,;: next tWo months Carlow/Nile' area. Non- smoker. Must have .CPR'; and, own transportation, Calf 524.7430. Requested refer- ences :--12.14x0 31. Service Directory and a,keen desire to tearn will alsobe given serious consideration for those that may be lacking: experience; Interested , individuals should submit a resume to 'Naturally Pigs, R',R, 6 Goderiah, Ont. NM 3Y3 o. ' 4ax 519.-529-3052,--13.16ar ..—•. ' CARL ;G. :• Reinhardt Limited •�••,•- GEi, ERAL 'CONTRAC`T�1/�daf:�`r C ox,.2b9,': beswatar. Cant. NOG 280 (519) 392-6491 Fax : (519) 392-6199 - Ft eidentiat . - Agricutturat Gornrnpr Supply Arid or *roGt PrO-Enginuotord Steet't3uitdinn'. cia'l. diabetes,, can be over cone. ;v ,Free,, inforrriation/advice:; Performance Medical Ltd., Box 892,. Vernon, BC, V IT 6640. 1-000-663-0121,-- labs -$QO-663-0121.-1$b ,,. CONNECT,, WITH;. OVER 144 cities Worldwide & meet,, People from around the. g{oiie;. Penpals, Persenals,, Collectors, Vacation: Exchanges, Travel Irlfa., Business Opportunities & more!: 1-800.563.:1199,' 8:30a"rrl=5ptn PST.--13bc *gal to NOTICE TO CREDJTOR6' AND OTHERS Alt Clalt'rl again* the estate • • CWFFORD HOWARD.- , REtRNES - late of. the Village' of Lucknpw, County of Bruce who passed away on or about March 8, 1995 are toy be made to the undersigned , by April 30. 1998:•thereafter the Executor of the. estate: having' regard only to the claims of, which the under- signed then has notice, Dated:, March23, 1998. c/o WILLIAM BEIRNES, Box 292. LUCKNQW, Ont. . NOG 2H0.-4271.4 36.Aftlotiaiemotlts TRYING TO LOCATE the • 1ottgwing students gfthe Grade 8 class of 197748 of LCPS (reunion), Rejeev Mohan, Tami ,Griffiths;, Bonnie i?t,rves, John Eames, Michele VanBovert:. ' Cali; Connie ($tantey). Howard 525.3338, Anita. Guay Elliott, 528-3437 or Liz. (Black) Brown' 524.1734,.. 13,1:4x LUCKNOW HORTiCt1L- TUBAL SOCIETY has. changed the time of. their April meeting to 7;30 in the evening: on Wednesday.. April 8.: It was changed to accommodate rn'einbero •who work in the daytirrie and, to create more: interest, Marg Hill of •Teeswater will be °•shoving slides ; of Ireland. We, will also be finalizingplans for, our District 8: rannuat meeting at the Legion on Saturday, April 28 when ()Vet 150 are. expected to attend from Bruce, Grey and Huron, We will also be discussing the • Giant Seed Cgrnpetitiori,' Adopt a Highway program 'and;plans for our new flower bed at Waterworks, Park., Everyone �weicome.--13ar EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS WEB SITES, .$25/Year. Personal $16, including your own URF_ for business• cards, brochures, advortis- it1g, search; engines. 1-10 page, ready-made designs. -. Cliange design, contents anytime No. cosh, Easy, _investigate. Explore others', siteswww riakymcnioun tan,com--13bc . DONATE YOUR CARR:, HERITAGE, ,FOR THE BLIND. Tax deductible'. Free towing. Neeri: rio• t run. Free phone card, Sponsored by AAPCQ 80pr, 463.5681 37., Mortgages 1" 8r 2"°, Mortgage' Money AbsomelyNo typiront Ease Available as low as 6,50% fnteree,t • Personal,Loans ' rt you qualify. paytitonts Atilt Aoprov M,9• Payment 5.000 ' 41:96 '10,000; • '`83,03, 16',000 4125.00 Consolidate your debts • Calf.(519) 363.021114005$7.1932 ASTRAL:FUNDING INC. 314. AtttJ'. e YCST AUCTION SERVICE FARM$ E "1'AATE$ HOUSEHOLD Selling at our • Auction Centre or . your °Premises FRobert. Yost Auctioneer 519,595-8756 519.528.3814 AUCTION REGISTER 1. CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE APRIL 11198 If you helve something. to see* *0 us a ce;it. 'GRANT AA.0DQNAI„ , • 395-5353.:.. WAU..ACE BALI,AGM: 392.6170 Auctioneers .., AUCTION SALE. of • Farm, Machinery and • miscellanous will be. held for :. ponalt Elizabeth Stobo R.R', 2,. Teesrrlrater Lot 18, Concession 3 Culross Twp., 2. corners . 8. ''of Teeswaater, #4 Hwy, 1/2, mile west. Mon., April 13198, 10:30 AM.. • AUCTiONEErei • BRIAN RINTt7UUL (619).3572349 Auction.. Sale. Saturday April 4 .; Betty Dale • . . RR #2, Seaforth Farm Machinery & Household Effects Wednesday April ,James E, Farrell Huron Township,' fR #.1, Kincardine Farm Machinery Friday. April 10 Tom Stull Alma Township • Farm Machinery & `Household Effects Monday -April 13 Dan & Elizabeth Stobo Culross Township. ; • Farm Machinery .& HeUsehold Effects. Wednesday, April,15 E Lt4 $8tS.LivestQck. Saturday April 18 Stanley- Ecidipment RR;#4, Kincardine: ConSignnients &Farre :Maghinery Saturday; April 20. Fred & Jean Kuehn ,M; Wellesley.Townthip Fenn Machinery Tues. & Thurs. KW, Stockyards Fridays. Brusseis' Liivestock, AUCTIONEER: Brian Rirttoul. 357.23.49