The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 78Page
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qoncerris made a national prithity
ha federal ,government recognizes that even in an development. T .
age. of international a rimmerce and Internet 4Qgw Fair 199&49. $S million of clic: CRP money will he
it difficailt for: many, ntral`residents used to support a. Strries ofi; dant projects designed to
to take Advantage of conveniences most urbanites- :take build rural networks mid increase grasssrc* s parti spa-
flax granted. tion in development. The projects are expea;tefrto;
But that's the reality of rural lite in Canada. A reality respond to the aced for better access to investment
thealovc mment of Canada- made a national'• funds,. healthcare and the need forbetter,
priority in the summer of 1996: when it . 0' 1111 delivery.of services in ntral: issues.
.save Agriculture and Agri-•uoi1; Qwad 's A small non-government • advisory
OA) Minister die additional responsi-
bility of rural affairs, and Ai 's Rural
$ecarctariat.thc task Of tinging together
federal departments to focus: on solutions tri
the challenges fted by rural Canadians.
"` 4:roup well be established to guide the
t selection: process far *jeer's.. `
The Rural Se4'retariat also administers
the. acral. Partnerships Initiative (RPI)
which was, established in 1996. The RPI
Thi ehallimps &o far beyond bumpy set aside. Million over twe years to sup -
roads and
up-roadsand party -line phones. Declines in the 4141;1441,414 to port seminars. 'conferences and projects
Atlantic fisheryelogging industry invest*
r cont; the fa nilyy, farm and ether areas haver had. t*emen>
dons ia.. ?et on rural ooOnoltiies, 1 sQm re tips:1OC,al
newspa -vera rural physi'mans are becoming a radty
and seg., *closing as numbers of students dwindle.
it weans -are also looking for opportunities to •
itri r
kiro&ram Oita SerOicer delivery, Their pal, is to
mote a more coherent federal approach, to matt issues,
by fostering partnerships, with other levels- of govern
meat, community a ssociat ons•andruaraal; esti s,
The 1994 Federal l utdget set aside G million nk
fanding ova the .neat four years for the Canadian Rural:
Partnerships (CAP) initiative which will help aeeom-
phshr. these goals. put, funding will be used to support .
communitydevelopmentof neo "approaches- to rural
involving partnerships among various
stoups to identify issues and, taller economic develop
moat to local needs .:.
:example; the R,PI provided. $10;r1 toward the.
Critical Change. in Rural Ontario Conference held 14
October of 1997:'
Tlie QovernMent (4 Canada' is also moving, toward
aitdressing the c, oncerns:'ofrur tk'residents in the day -to-
cla►y., lmsieess of poliecy, formation. it recently annouuced.
All new federal prograinay. policies' and initiatives wilt
now be. considered through a aural lens. .
What. this 419ea11s is that policy, will have to satisfy
•questions al/Q11,prppowd federal projects like, how wilt :..
this affect rural. residents? and wilt these services be
a erosible in m ?
Rik, 1
14.1''4. ,'t 1.3.1 U
(2 0-4 )L'
Mil south of Kiria:rdine
on Mighwy. 21
1994 MEV t1 'lir ; `lbw G** E .
$9 Q k t€zn lctade ." y4Qt
1+andetl. 35Q,
a,tQQ .kin
*Makem of .f`a, t"Ccktea; ;Srico 1 -'
e: t4tjo.Jrorrirarganto milk
heddars •a Ch es Curds fat ble Qu a
lay ured Chee�i"e.,S R,' Mozzarella* imported4Oheese
c1a#ty .trot )leas.
CHE,E$e: TRAYS. *4kF'T SO* .
lntere ed. in Fundraisrrng...;' 01414* i gait!
SUMMER HQitH$ May. to October31QRr t fi.D Y rA tM :
,MondaY'7hur&dal? 9 • 40.rn, Frnday aril ,9 pm
Saturday Q arri4. pro ancir nddy 1tarrt-fapm;
WJK oto iiQVRSa Nove ber:1 tq April p
Aa9 am- pr * Sunday CLQSED .
RroRi $04iis tnc
Mt a4..C/ it. rtOt 1NQ
-;gEt7I Ie t .
�� iUR 1tt1?titt . .
;'P TtlitgMiX rtuREs
-ae, WQO 4t ol, v
•.CustQr !nixes available at
me extras usage; •
For,All Your Forage •
'.Requirements Ptease .Qati
=�nait vanstaet�tceonaa `
1isEt+ E1e*icianr
440U TRtAl (.
Fr 841/00. Emevency,