The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 76e 20A Pl'egress "9 WKr MEW" MIN US C !UMW a+ tick entre re te Oso tuaPvingki McCort Electric oto AIRPORTRtt:, G.tO.ERICH 3VS04E8% 524.4379 FAX 524 1400463094 44 MirocoA0 IX &6 t p rfR,k.Onrar9 N7A 41 494 (tS) $24,,e846f RAs: ($10 6g404/111 SPRING VIN6S 'PONY » 16 TILLING WIDTH WILT TO EAST FQREVER. LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY , THE IIEST IN THE BUSINESS" NOW $119 ao 010 the Rat Visit your Ion" tl TAT 40iit dealer today. IXI HURON 1r3 'tot' i.awn EgUi . sew t • ELY 1 H i 19.523 3244 • E. XE: "TE: Fl >19-23b-1115 'i'HAMESFOFIL) 519-285 3845 roundwork laid far biodiversity pof action gticulture and Agri -Pool Caniada's response to the challenge of pro. tecting agricultural biodiversity Canada was released .inFebruary.. Biodiversity inApiculture, Agriculture anti Agri -food Canada's AA) Actin Man, seta, the foundation or promoting sustainability in ago). ttcosystems while respecting.natural natural ecosystems. The strategy dined at. increasing awareness 4n4 odetstanding of biodiversity in agriculture. Uiodiversnty is the wide range of chinrac- tcristitts of all living organisms and their veological settings, The use of sustainable agricultural practices, already adopted by. thousands of Canada farmers, is example of practices that on con&crvtt and enhance biodiversity. Thu Swoo y will self up 4. process tO conscrVe and facilitate a ss: to gertettct INISQUMA impt)rtantw eta hgricuitunt and will alio* for the sharing,tif sknowledge, expertise end, technologies between gov- ernment and industry to enhance biodi- versity conservation. • The AA departmental. -document was'dovoioped from the Cenvenntietn on• . ialtagicrtl Diversity which was signed by mare • than lOg countries, including, Canada, in Ric de latiehe in dune t 2; -Following the convention, Cauadn'sfed* oral, provincial and territorial govt • aurins, thraug t consultation wide-industt . the scientific community. conservation , groups, research institutions anitttc public. developed tha Canadian Biediversity� Strategy (CBS).. The doormat is QC's: msponse to the CBS, and sets in motion a plan wheby governments would, among other things. work. to maintain the agrictnl- xrual resource brise through research, poi - ° ley and program terrain and economic incentives, • two additional documents,. entitled Hrodivcrsity atrnitiaitivcs, ° Agriculture 'and Agri4k, d •Canada and Biodiversity city Initiatives. Canadian AOcultural Producers, outline daunt AAFC tmd pt - d000r initiativesto protect .biodiversity: The Canadian: a$001tural piodurcers document, which was created in c Q. per. anion withlhe National Agriculture and ••, Environment Ceitmnnitteo and. the Canadian Cattl`ernen'a Association, sh€tw how Canada's agricultural sectur" is malts. aging grasslands . to maximize both wildlife habitat and forage pciaclutition, lit addition, the document gives- examples of how woodlot habitats are btiing.entranced and hew.the irndustry is actively monitor. ins: and -responding to the impact at n} 6- cuttural sotivities on water resources, . AAPV's Work toward biodiversity preservation,. itn'elttdes., thio" cttzpartaletnt`s. initratiVes in the 4'I04S of ecosystems; wllt, flora and fat* and genetic resour Eno. - tedtinn. :iw ecru d fight..cance Enjoy. a big glass. Of milk with your steak. You onu1d ,b$ fighting.Dancer, Milk and Meat at i outain a moque bitty acid called •. Qekiesated linohiQ acid (MA) that may have anticaer pt'Qpvr�:. ties. • lased s?rrwoxdC with sheep: and goats, eXpoxirents are Qu ntly underway at Agriculture and .Agri -Pooch Canada's Lethbridge Research Cents in Alberta eta increase the CLA cantent;in beef to preclude a rralun-adtod product for. h'ealtii.conaolous cQnnumers, Previous research with sttuop- and goats "has shQwn increasing cunt CIS, QQotoot of ;boat and milk by WO, to 300 per Cit is pgssible with.OK addition.. of safflower or Q411214 Qi# tQ anintai diets, Contact: Dr, Z.ahi.r Mit, Lethbridge ReSt arch Centre. Agtionitnre and Ag.iri ' octd Cain#ada, Letltbn dg+e,Atbcrta;-(4 3) 3# 7--22 9 TELEUNICAT1ONS OPERA UNITED hook IQrite4,gniyea, nn et u incard1