The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-03-18, Page 71w her th ma by Gregor Campbell e unseasonably baimy weather . ` we've been having in. the middle of this win- ter may play havoc: with this spring's maple syrup crop around• here. "Some of the sap is already gone, we've lost ,, some. of it,says,, .Harb Storey of R.I. 1 Seaforth, "who adds sales of last year's syrup are booming because people are afraid this year's crop won't be y havoc cro anything to write home ;about, The devastating ice storm Quebec experi. enced recently may also be affecting this season's Llernand here. That province, was the number one 'maple syrup producer in the world, but it may take ' i 2. to 12 years to replace the trees that were damaged with the ice there and bring thein back on line' for maple• syrup piro- duction For Your1998 Planting Needi.: •SEED CORN - Novartis Seeds MAX 23 - 2975 H.U. ,MAX 86 - 2800 H.U. MAX 357 - 2875 H:U. ° N303OBT _. 2850 N2555 PBT 2700-H.U. . G4064 -.2700• H.U., .•SEED SQYBEA.NS • Secani -.OAC Bayfield - 2725 H U. First One: - Beck - 2050 Hi/. -AC gravor- 2700 H.U., -`QAC Exeter ;2,80004 Secord - 2850 Spitfire Remember; Quality is • Not Expensive, It's Priceless! Barb and. Storey tap about 900, trees in McKillop. Township. The quality of this year's .crop remains a question mark. They have their fingers c;.rossed', and their eyes on the forecast. "Thee gallon of sap the Storeys tested recently hada sugar content of four and -one-half per cent, which they say is okay, "The higher the better," Barb says. They haven't. fired up the shackandstarteci•ni `make syrup yet, and hope to get at it: as usual. by the end. of this month: You need warm' sunny days and frosty nights for the best .quality crop, ethe Storeys say, . It takes about 40 gai- Ians of sap to produce one gallon of syrup,. (Helm photo) !tri: p`rog resx 9 aga l5A CP oa 0 0 +.t us tt! 0 dii 4x 0. fft 0 c 0 No Sill S es or Gimmicks: Low Overhead Country Pricing a Windshield! 1996 PONTIAC GRANO AM SE - 4 dr.., vs, t $4.Ay9c{t, loaded; swigs,' Ted; only 38000 km.Bai,of fac. war, Rede to 1996CHEV.LUMiNA.LS -4 dr,ng •ft 8keyless entry, townerspotess.white,Onty71000km; 1y 1996 CHEV LUMINA - 4 dr., V6, aut0, air, chaise, tilt; 13 950 cassette; red, 8200Qkm Reduced to 1994.PONTIAC GRAND AM SE -.4 dr., v6, pew, sit ,950 p„0.1., air, cruise, tilt, cars„ spotless white, 111000 km. 3 available, 1994 OLDS 834 DOOR SEDAN -tuuy loaded, 54')G •spotless white, wiblue interior, remota keyless entry. 1 �7Q 1994 OLDS 88 LSS -.Felty loaded, 4 dr., luxury Spon' mint condition, remote keyless,; complete with leather. Sand. Clea metallicOnly 06000 km Luxury one owner. 1994° OLDS, CUTLASS SUP:REME-immaculate $14) 9SQ. cord„ 4 dr., 6; auto., air, spotless red,: 108000 km. Reduced ,10 s . . 1994,PONTiAC' GRAND AM $E-,4 V6Yuuy'.'s.�.�:. 0 loaded, spotless white,102000 km„ like new cond. Reduced to • `y. 1994 PONTIACGRAND AM •SE-edr, v6; auto., $ air, silver grey 105,0.00 km„ like: new coed. • Reducied to 6,950 1993BUICK CENTURY .CUSTOM, fuliyloaded,. $4 2.950 V6,1 owner,. send met., only 77,000 km. 1993: CHEV LUMINk EURO - fully loaded, v6, . s{ {.5i 4 dr„ mea. grey met•,105004 km tike new con : Reduced to 1 t s'+J�i 1992' MERCURY SABLE LS - Absolute mint ed g eek eve , folk olkload d,.p seats* keyless entry sA 3cn • y 1992 BLACK SKYLARK;. fully loaded, 4 dc, s immaculate, mid, siieluxury spofesssitver,.V6,119,000 km`.: 9950 1990'DO0GESHADOW-4dr:, • s Acyl., automatic; air, enly154,000 kp1s; grey, fuel efficient. y 5 1989 MADA 626'LX 4 cyf„ auto, air; cruise, cass.,,p w p,d.l., spalless beige met, only 140000 km $5.750 like new condition., All certified Cara & trucks include a• minimum of 6 ,trionthsf10000 km. warranty;, • Olds bile U sA, ■ I Y I` ' o Downtown BRU'SSELS•...':88 48,950 1989 OLDS 98 REGENCY BROUGHAM • 4 d,., SC tatty loaded, 36 V6, mintcond, modltan.motal ice vy95. 1997 F150 XL, Otte owner, Box lin% Chrome.molaing, spotless burgundy, 1/64uto, friss, cab stepboards, • $,{ C styled'wheels, only 7,100 kms. Factory warranty, $1 • 9: 350 1995 ASTRO CS - 8 pass,,.lolly loaded, V6, pwt_pd $. n cruse, tit, cass., spotless grey mot. OOnlyyr7.3000km, Reduced t ,, #1' 1995 LUMINA APV -only ss,oaotan;,, 4 �50 absolute mint conditionoa WOW 1993 CHEV ASTIR EXT.-fullyio..adedtaclei}. NaV6, 4 950 • Dutch Doors, moulded boards. only 97,000 tem, y 1994 CHEV CHEYENNE., s • V8, auto., air, cruise* tit case,. spotless, silver, on 115Q00 km. 1 � 950. t41: 1998 CHEZ/ CHE FENNE EXT CAB 4. X 4 ^, 350 auto, post,; trailer tow, Wap, 70,00,0 km, _ 171350 1 / a Q 1993 CHEM CHEYENNE -vs, auto,:green, s . n excellent conation, cloth seal,120000km. Reduced to ' .1 �Qti 1992 F-150 XL,T - fully loaded#, v8, autos air, cruise, tits; cassette, p.w, ,d:l:, tutone, gray & burgundy, $ like new condi, only 1231400 kms: , �{s. 1992 CHEV ASTRO. VAN 4X4 $Air 7'pass,,ex ;eiiarnt SiAndi condition, spotless, burgundy, custom visor 101000 km.Redlicedto :1992 GMC SAFARI SLX-V6„air, cruise, tilt, ped:t., S9n spotless aqua. green, 7 pass., only 135000 km • ,95 V:. 1991 AEROSTAR XLT. ; fatty toaded,7 pass., a Ac/y: mint MOON. red,151000 km.Reduced to Qy7;J1 .1991SUBURBAN'SLE-tuIlytoaded, 350 V8, auto, 54 9a tUi tonacharrcoal $ silver,• 169000. km, . 1991 SUBURBAN SL,X -Full sizee.4 dr .350, VO auto:, $4 c{� sixpass. NoCFC•free:air, bluetgrey,93000 krrr., exceilont condition y urn0. 1990 CHEVVASTRO VAN'-v6,auto, air, 9Q ssen 1990 AEROSTAR XL.AWD 4X4-Fultytoaded, Sg• Agit . 7 pass., p w•, pat air, cruise, tilt mtntcond red Reduxxei to. 1 1989 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE: -V6, air, St: nci ', cmiee 7 pass., kiue/grey, excellent cond. ; 1988 GMC SIERRA SL - 3005, VS, auto., 149600 km. $ACA Ronin ng boards Like now tondiuion.1.1. bi ie 1988ASTRQ ' 1Ullyloaded, V6, 7 pass., AC, PWIPD4, . 1 950 silver, excellent coria, looks & drives like new; •s r iF you oON T KNOW THE• CAR t. t YOU SHOULD KNOW, THE DEALER! a . rr-,' r �rw•rrwrM rw,r-.rrr'r rrr � . WE,HAVE SEVER`AL GOOD r ; WINTER• BEATERS, SOLD AS TRADED. COLLISION .& BODY SHOP SERVICE "t co a 0 r0 0 r0 Cit 0 ctt co 0 c0 cit Or (D 1 (0 rn (0 SO. 0 LC, tQ CHEYKOLg-E Honest People, Hone Prices Since 1949- Honest People, Honest Prices Since 1949