The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-25, Page 11u to our a lot of criticism} atf oust the young: • people these days„ hitt in, .uclw we have a. lot of tanager$ irebe mud o€ • The hockey teams are keeping -the name of the hometown in the ae.ws e Lite often 4S they . gime • out an the winning side.: Last week two of our local' suideuts had major roles iii: . the doing .festival' Bela at the Blyth Theatre , for schools froth Norte a,�.tjyn�e�rloo.. Huron acrd:. Also there was a large ., number' furor the local Figure Skating Club that participated in— tin' kerClub. Competition in: ,Stratford .ori Sunday. A pat on deg back to each of -ow Young people for their dedication and for • 4,10b welt done: 'trace Oaramie i$ glad t > out of titer bospttal, arra is:presently sently recupetat.- iu : ax tits home of Corea and Keith:liayiniiond: Thele were six tables: of shoot- at the Drop; in • c'ehtre on Feb. 20 :h. lardy was. a,phettxi;a. • Carnerori, ' fail'bwed: by,. Anne krpziersin High: reran, .. was. Joe Courtney, with. Andy, Scott: i:o sectirEti, glace, Art Ernewen had thte rrBQstShOots.. e Fed.'steers and heifers soli higherr. .Cows., sold, h. $her. sold $a tower. Lambs, sold, on a strong acti,ve> trade. 0n Friday all weights .of stOckets. sold at.pfices, 2,.X S higher: There. ,s,Vote, 2,56 steers oia.offer. selling frrQrn 90.0Q' to,the high c?f 194,QQ, .There were 202 heifers,. on; Offer selling from 90.0Q to 95.00to the high of ,103 00. 'hcrtcrc 20•• cow* on,, offeer, selling, Froin, 3&00 • to. 6Q..00 4othe high: of 76.50. There- were, O; bulls" on• offer selling froth 69.00 ta,,t ae high of 72.00. There were, 170 veal on. offer. Belli ng from: beet 9000 to, ,14.k 00; Holstein 70.00 t $;5'00, plain. tiolatein ,55.00.tQ`70.OQ. h amber; under sQ tbs., 20000 ton 210400,.. 5Q 79 [75.00 to 215.00; 8t? -.94lbs.,,1:75.00. Shp . 32:40 to 1-31,19. (ioats:. 32,5049•1„311.5Q. 13'730. • extends tft t coinrn*n itt goes out to Ataxy Scott and. family, Ripley, on tide.. buss? Tack Se alt, Tack and Mary farmed fora~ oft me on do 1:0 Concession on the 1b ane r Cox cent farm. Mary was. mised hem !e are sorry to art Lillian Bushell lies been a • patient hr. Kincardine and District aospital. get well soon illi r, . 1 dbert and Nine e Bushell and Bessie Madan front here visited Whir Ccrxaelitts and I I.ya'tle Zonde rvan . iia . Lucknow. Also uisitiar with thenr \Vera Boat: and • Piane- Zcnilde an.. Kincardine. Many folks -will be get_ • .ting: caught up with their sleep after watching tib Olympic* fruni Japan in the early rnoiningliaurs. Congatulations to all of Canada's athletes for doing such a .remarkable job of entertaining uls... Whether they returned with a medal Or not they can be proud crt their achievements. Wet at home were. can't compete with thetas'• The Fresbyterian WMS Motet at the• ktoine 4f Bad' Bushell. on Wednesday 4fter04101I. SOOT there' is na agar ashecorrespegir•- dent did trot attend. The flit bug has been making. itself felt lately. Sete hope your can miss it or if not get well quickly. Edina and Sara Hakdenby Ostted Cornelius and Myrtle Zondervan eta Friday. afternoon to help Cornelius celebrate his. birthday. • w 1 An energize w. Atom 3 squad played in Hanover on Sat trday afternoon and wrsrkkng team hrourt home their first -win 4f the season,. iVlary 1 ou. . •Vari Meeteren Sepi.ed early in. lie fir;t. period followed by Scrttt.l fake. in the. seesrnd.' ]Eanover� responded withf two quiele in the sec: fann;a^Qale•v+y• close action had the farts- cheering the. l.aacknow . squab on for.the avrt •Tinto . ohn Kuik'sgoat • preyed to.be the .winner: •despite Haatio.ver's -attempt to :e tie the. g . after. • Iain tbearr tate, Scttirn& up the plays for th>4ir teammates ; were: Laura Stanley, • eclt.teJ: and Rachel Ackert; Doug Husk. nd Scott Make. Ort Sunday rtigfltt*• W kentn COO MOO to tarxrr. I~aat Mt hoacy had the team tied at the end of the second period. Walkerton applied the pressure and was able -to slip two past Luckhgw players while .the host:. team couldn't bey a goat at the other cried. • . Final score 4 to 2.. heir r walkortore COMPARE Tl E Valu SE YQU �AVi WITH ORD .HEVROLEf 'OY©TA 40141.A r•FAitjR"t:S 5iu)iii SE .1WALtEii .:ORQU.A'vE ,..IVIC tl:•G "f: `l�PIY Arc �o..Qtttoet:atg Nu nui+!r)80 230 inuu ievi s�V ai sr, 4*,04144 nt Uncal, v!thkIe.'':. 'gtqutsid. POWar Mirrors., Standards. Qp-Uonal - Qptionci Qptiandi' • Ret• " t4•Driver poor 1Ceples4. Entiy; YES- Qptiool • No Avaitobie. NoriNigt Available. 60/40 Rearr, Seek YE,S Nat Availabla> Qptianat " YES, Engine Diplacernant. 2„-Q Litre 4 cyl '12 Lora 4 cyi t B tihe' 4 Cyt 1, 6 tt re 4 Cyt, Trpa;4nissicn nugL 5*$pd Msinrka( a 5�d hktnuaL , 5.Spc M nual of c loo;? 48 `+ ADg4[iONI S?5( QtrtpUAtk W 0440404 2,0Lae , t6 VotVe 2eiac,Engine.TCcltrrmat i /40, i oe Sits,.. Powos.Marror= • Solae,.Tmied rrtkl+s ,Rpr Hage Oticts;• AMJFM Stared waih.faur revvium $peckers • Rg qty fhiJar (Seer tray}oss> Nry • Depuwergd Air i#ppi •:'4 j (pt r Rocidside sit,(#. 4$;fitd;�3411tj li Cot t. +t1 1fI I tMN,ti rs '. Ellice 4te h q i§Y stOMsrR:s«t aurStp�eA 4etara4,st dad4crtal.Rtitrrr4tur rri(/t( tunK,y,tiutn anytoa wesa acre+t t: w1AE#ua3N, vgge i v�;r+!ttttx#Qttf:y.trf49ma mgmat3 oy�Ffttyryorsi+lanjtrg itveyejbt.rd+rtdua-ta .!G of ro WFold,. Ot.0.0irhkgi[t•k3 16141Sotmkigttq,!tiR.00IO?rt-i!ilti441,t +k P10 PPr 1:r lift n 4k,fgt;Mt:df l Camp4'WofCar 4 mttaglkkis othleskerSp}Rtrfcund[tib**4*4rr+r({atatvicsti $pfPgio d4MJtoc 44kfin intlHa70.11.,$+l"PS<manyl+harsh nadr*t#HW1cif 0PI1 .savit it#?>t!if inn} nuf4itu ort,brtk'hutts.deal!r,%atnnstltf.C.ISc4. rsA kt rtyatttin M ituttft>xjt 9ilit445;t4►s dNfp+A'7t14 kd.d t.d rt04.4..+Yy1+tRbllatl$a O, , mW 4i4c.hkt 1M#. t mead tkne 0.4 de?I .for detills,,W�pon tl'a4p na... uF hit of 0.404 t **14. �VthM. l ,.ii2tdl/lt 004.<itdta+Ya 00)11).4 f 44*t11ys ,., •anikis4ir �rkatVtsiftr!t.rni l0tic%AoIt{on-4YCaraq Motor, r.;.*. ` Ctgtlkrbµgr Wf !>!,440ultciurir adrtt Pilid'7inarlantl+ryWiii C,04.04.v .'. aide•myyb+rr+ cod .... , .aiMc>4. 0 p :.. , 4 Q+lw at, . Har1Q:t61543,, iU7 �,t1,