The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-18, Page 1540 toil Evtl COME AND GO SOCIAL EVENING for Shea Van Den Hagen, and Treavor Van Sickle Feb, 20, 9 p.m, r 1 a.m. at Ripley Legion, '-07,00XC REFLECTIE1N? GLASS STUDI Original glass designs by. Brigitte Wolf. Gifts and Com- rnissions, Stained Glass supplies. Spring .weekend workshop for beginners.. Cart 529-7007 for Inform - lion. Book early. „06-Q0xc PANCAKE SOFF ER Tuesday, Feb, 24 at the Anglican Parish hall.; Lucknow 5. 7 p.m Adults $4, children under 10 $2. -- 07AR .EUCHRE CARD PARTY Dome out and. have some goodfun at Brookside, Public School, Feb. 24, 8 rn, Prizes and lunch pro- ad. Sponsored by Grade students.--Q7xc BRANCH 309.. - GENERAL. MEE11NG Tuesday, Feb, 24, S,p,ni. members welcome. Coma see what's happening at your Legion, --07ar • • STAG. AND DOE for Jett Tolton 'and Sandra Girard Saturday, Feb. 20, at Betinore ' Community Centra. Music by D.J. Age of Majority.. $5 per person. Lunch. provided. --07,Q8 . ComIng :vnts SINGLES DANDE Brussels Legion,. Sunday, Feb. 22, 7 ,- 11 p.m. Music by Wildwoods. Admission $a. per person. Call .087- 0562. -07co EUCHRE TQuRNAMENT 'atDungannon Hall; Friday, Feb: 20; Registration 7:30 0 p.m. Cards at a p.m. Lunch provided. $5 per per- son. --Q7+ _ . SINGLES DANCE Saturday Feb, 21 at the Kin Station, Victoria St-, Listowel Dancing from 8 - 12. Music by Ken Scott. -- 0700. :Tots Can Make a Difference' stuntingtan's:oit.+w ?' HP is an inherited brain: disea,e, 01-0:1 causes uncontrollable movements, abnormal gait, slurred. sraae h, mental deterioratign and/or marked personality changes, g , Symptoms usually begin to appear betwee„ 30:and4t5i, over its fo to 25 year goerse, HD teach tototal incapacitation and eventual death. 'each chikLofan:affectedpareit, hes a 50/50 dance at inheriting '. . HD. * HD affects the lives of 1 in 1000 ,qt present there is no cure for HD and na a fe5hie roaiment.. Owlubligigiogratiqn K1461040.11,1i Luokuow c..'rizzhys lead Wilma Elliott 236, 407; Bill Dow 209, 324. 150+ games: Bill Dow 209, Jim Megillvary 158, 165, Al Ross 157, Ed Fink 155, Wilma Elliott 171, 236, Marion Robb .202, Muriel Dow 168, 192, Joan MacLeod 178, Shirley. • Adams .154, Eunice ;esnmerton 174, Helen McCreath 158, 'Evelyn, Bradley 1.85, Helen McGregor 161, Donnie Pollard 177, Lorna: Guay 175, 161.. Standings; . Swallows 30, Orioles 28, Bluebirds' 28, Robins 22, Goldfinches 21, Cardinal's 15. TAW/ay, - l`IS and HT Bea Griffin 213, Ron Machan 273, Lea -Anne Haldenby 582, Bard Engoi 683, 200+ gashes: Ron Machan 273, 207, 201, Ron Elliott 237, 212, 210; Gerald Rhody. 236, Brad Enge1234, 230, 219, Ken Chaput 226, D41, Haldenby 222, Erie Jaldenby 215, 200, Bea Griffin 213, Jack Barr 212, Brian. Wilson 211, Wayne rhody 209, Dili Cooper 207, Lea -Anne Haldenby 200. Standings: Grizzleys. 51, Big Dawgs 46.5, Turkeys 44.5, Rhinos 42.5, Tigers 415, Bears 38, TTw» and Cotintiy 4 HS and HD Kathy Gibson 224, Art Ernewein 226•., Kathy Gibson 435, George. Taylor, 366. 150+ scores: Art Ernea+vein 226,.George Taylor 175, 191, Harold Errington 153, Harold 'Elliott 173,. 162, Lloyd Buckingham 156, f63, Kathy Gibson 211, 224, Shirley Brooks 206, 185, Doris •Culbert 154, Fern MacDonald 166, Anne Anderson 153, Dorothy Hamilton 182. Standings:' Tulips 38 Snowdrops 29,, Hyacinths 28,5 Pansies 27.5 Daffodils -24.S, Crocuses 22,5. .11:jpiey HS and HD.,' YBc ; Goodluck to all. our 4 -step to Stardom win- ners on Feb, 22. Smurfs: Trisha Wall, 79, Nicole Beyersbergen 90. Pee Woes; Sean Berry 120, 116. Bantams; Jessica Small 145, 148, 125, Danielle Small. 163, 185, Vicki King, 164, Anson Ritchie 183, Amber Ritchie 196, Willie Savage 130, Juniors; Whitney Taylor '162; Aaron Ritchie 187, 152, Jody Machan 220, 169, Samantha Dyk '158, '177, 155,.,Matthew tlttlrtel, Wednesday, February 118,1098 - Page 15;., e Rae Stewart 246, Michael Hofer 199,Richard .Elliott 154, 270, 178, Angela Gillespie 165, Tyler Nicbalsfsn 163, :156, 153. Seniors: Marlene Johnston 183, 204, 187, 188, ''Paula Taylor 183:, Friday - H3 and TIT - :Joyce Woods' 260, Erie Ta�yior 266, . Beir Beyersbergen 380, Eric Taylor 737. 200+ .scores. Joyce Woods 260, Ron Gillespie 204, Ron Elliott 218, Bev Beyersbergen 239,,Betty Small 220, Eric Taylor 266, 248, 223. Standings; To -Shows 48, Toonies 45, Duektales 34, No -Way 31. Monday - HS and W1 Laura Sterner 282, Dave Humphrey 290, Anita Elliott 563, Dave Hiimplirey 737. 200+ scores; Dave Humphrey 290, 260, Harold Elliott 262, Eric Taylor 200,, 220, 238, Gerry Vanderklippe 203, Laura Steffler 282, , ,Amita Elliott 243, John Andrew 229, John Van Diepen. 220, Grace Finnigan 219, Rob .Beirncs 232, RosS:Lewis 213, 251 Standings: Bubble 'Guru Balls 50, Flintstones 49, 'Barnuts 44, Lion Kings 41, Looney Tunes . 41, Pecans_40. CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Ali. CONTRAC11N0 t c. , • Wingham, 357.2310,' Chisholm Fuels CUCKNOW t>CANOINI v Phone 529=7524 or 524-7681 °LNC Furnace Installations ' essoculioti Wood, Oil Combination Furnaces Burner Service Propane, Filling Station PRODUCTS FOR FARM, HOME, & INDUSTRY, Huntj,hieAla CARPENTRY rte : Stan& ta, 7L4 21134 RH.' $2 Lucklnow, Ont, NOG 2H0 Doors and Windows *Texturecl,Ceilings' *cabinets*Floorings *Drywall *Decks ontgomery Motors Body; Slop Repairs to all (hakes aha` models Complete, collision damage: repairs id Ufetlme reiinlsh-warranty e - • Wedge Cla'n,'iti frarnl rc' iair'systerri All, iverk guaranteed ,phone 52'8.2813 or 1-804-567' 2012 Towing •' Fax 1.519528.2017 • FORD Luckeow,• Ont YOUR TOTAL T'RAHSPORTA`iION DEALEIFtS1001P CONSTRUCTION BUI1DING SUPPUES CONTRAaING FREE ES11MATES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL 440 Campbell Street (on Hwy86) lucknowNOG 2H0 • Bliesewater Carpet a Tile 299 13tayfield tRd.GOderich 1-519-524-6141 Luckttow& Area Toll Free 1-800-5,34-2834 PLUMBING:.& HYDRON1C,HEAtING e Residential' & Commercial Sales & Service Call SCOTT CAMPBELL 519-528-2884. • }Your BaiferSpecialist Sirue.1977 westo ✓° and heife0 were, seUir 00s 8tso+ ., steady market alt::. Bsse1s last week Cows .soid $2 to $3 bl et, beCt veal sold stay `with Holstein Veal sell-: ing $2 to $4 lower` Lambs sold on u. fully market. All classes of 4tooker ;old en a goad: .strong active trade Item were 303 steers on offer selling .from 85.00 te'90.'00 to the high of 98.25. There : , were 145' heifers heifers an. offer selling •from 85.00 to:90to the fdgh of 94,5(3, `hone wvoro 271 cows on offer Selling from 3500 to56.001Qelle tl lgti t� Ca9 00. Tkero here 383 ,Sob and leer; 0 real on offer selling t4'? we build the best and repair the rest lf/elcG�r�- 01 �dc£iKc,S'kcptd, R.R.#2 AUBURN 529.7212" FAX. s29-3277 "Sexviucy iJou. Sauce 1979" W�atei Systems/softeners Ilir.Cunditlanar. s_/Air quality/IIHU ruffians/Heat Pumps/Fireplaces w N Plulrinlbing i% OM Cliff MecllrnicaiLtd. &Heating 528-3913. r Sian. DKCA. ._ 14, DIM CALENDARS (519) 528-2730: Fax: (519)528.3348 swci test Lucknow Computer Forms, & Cheques, Invoice Sets, Business Cards printedin our Lucknow shop. + other promotional Items; I 1 Cowan Printing & Advertising NILE GARAGE EXHAUST Etilt lino et mutileri , Custom pipe bending up to 3",'.' Pipe & Fittings 11/2"-5" Dtipless t.)ndercaating oil. changes, tires & inalntenance, 529-7355 for altyour building' HENDERSON l onieti ssteuxatiereans 782 Havelock St,,,'' Ltcltnaw (519) 528-31.8 fax' (519) 528-2814