The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-18, Page 14• Page" 1.4 LateknOW Sentinel, WiedneKin, Fe'Unita 20. Business OPP.. START YOUR OWN OW nesS or expand your Opera-. tion with ArmorThano •Coatings, Canada's #1 sprayed -on truck bed liner. •Exclusive dealership oppor- tunnies available now. Call 1-009.360-6100.-07bo 30. 'Omni. • Wanted 1%11.001(1NQ FO FI lawns 10 cut for the 1998 season ta start my own business. Please leave a mesaage with. Buddy Chamney at 520-3108. -07,08,09xc 31 ServiCe Directory AGNEW • JEWELLERY REPAIR ?watch, cloCk, jew- ellery. Free .estimates. Pickup and delivery can be • arfangeti, 698 Haveleck Street, across from Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 Or 5284940.-71 8ttar 45 STORAGE TRAILERS for rent. EConomical ster-. age, ideal for coatractors, farmers and home owners. Phone -395-6167, --34ticc • SEWING ' MACHINE. REPAIRS - 40 years expo'. ence email household mod els. Broken gears our spe- ciality. Weekly pick up and - delivery. Call Irene at From. Our Heart 520-2649 Of Wilma at Wilma's Corner Store, Ripley 395-2415 or HanoverSowing Machine Service 364-21.81. --07-1Car • TOO COOL Portable refrigerated boxes for 'rent; Crimes complete . With Keg attachments for epecial events or for cater- ing. Call Barry for informa- tion 529-7422. --07-09xc. HAVENS ELECTRIC • *Residential & Farm "Conamercial,Electrical Contractors Light fixtures, lamps, bulbs,. •-electrical sUpplieS • Dealer for: •• '• Eirad.ferd Exchange Evenlqg appolataients available • Rod Havens LUCKNOW 528-2867 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • 0FleplacernentWindoWs'8, ;Doors .1<itcheri Cabinets. Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum Roofing. Free,Estimates LUCI(N01/1/• 529-3164 ate A computerized water, conditioner which-descales and prevents timescale. o salt chetnicals or maintenance. '• Economical • . Call Kathy Rivett (519)39540366 , Fax (519)395-0473 il Free 1-888462-8108, 04» Personal 'A cost Will be Incurred EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answurs. Police use UO...Rated #1 in Canada. • Instant answers about love, money; career, lucky #s, relationships. Achieve Sae - 44801 $2,99finin„ .18+, 24 1-900-451-4055. -52- 1Oce ALONE ON VALENTINES AGAIN? Share this Valentine's day. With that special person using our solution. For compatibility matching join TOGETHER today with thousands of members and meet that • someone who is looking for you. Call 1-880-643-8437- ' 07bc • • WHAT BLOCKS YOU from •accomplishing, what you 'want in life?Find out with Dianetics1 Bey itl Read it! Use ill $8.99+G$T. Call 1- 800.561-5808 todayl--07bc *A cost will be Incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC' Answers. Find the oracle within. $2.99 min 18÷ 24 hrs. 1-909-451-3703, -07bc 35. Legal Notices • NOTICE, TOCREDITOFt$ All persons having cialrna. against the estate WILLIAM JAMES KERN farmer, lateef the Township of West INawanosh, in the County of Huron, Who died' orror about the 2nd day of November, .1997, • are required, to file the same with full particulars With ille undersigned by the 14th day of March, 1996, as after, that. date the assets of the estate :will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this ieth day, of February • PAESI AND EGENER, • , Barristers,,etc, 33 MontrealSkeet, GOE/ERICH, Ont. N7A 2G2. Solicitors for the estate. --07-, 09cc 36 Announceinents • DONATE YOUR CAR. HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Tax deductible. • Free tovving. Need not run. Free phone •bard., •Sponsored.by AADCO. 800- 463-5581.-O7bc WINNERS IN the Lucknow and ,District Lio . Sweetheart Draw were: JesePll Calkins, 3 nileute • shopping' spree ($500 max) at Lucknow Yigago Market; Juanita Shiels, 50 litres of gas at -Chisholm's; Shawn Dalton, $50 Luck Co-op voucher; Vane Gammie, $25 Mayfair voucher, Bruce • Weber, $25 Charman voucher; Russ iVia $25 Club's 1St 1998 131. Mortgage* kr. Mortgag* Mom AbselutelY No upfront Fees. AVOilatAft-10 1011.44• 6•50* Internet Personal Loans If you qualify, payments- AintDRF9. A4 Mr-aVaglat 4' 0;000 • • *41.66 , 410,000 • A.93,33- 15,000 4125.00 • Vonsolidate your debts all (519) 363.0111400410-10$2 :ASTRAL FUNDINGMC. 38. Auctions YOST - AUCTION SERVICE Farms Estates Household •Seilipg at our • Auction, Centre or • yoUr premises. • Robed Yost Auctioneer • 619-595-8756 519-528-3814 • CONSIGNMENT • AUCTION SALE Of '• home furnIshinga, antiques and vehicles will be, held at the Davidson Centre, • Kincardine • FRIDAY, FEB. 20 • AT.5:30 RM. •.Cnestertiolds;. Victorian ck,airs; rockers; drop leaf tat*); hanging tamps; set of borcheit• ashes; dishes, glassware and cooking utensils; dishwasher, fridge, stove; telephone; vertical blinds; desk lamp: colour • T.V.; VCR; CO player; pictures and picture frames; clarresitoYe; electric heater; Yak 2001 weight set; sander:* air compressor; two • .bicycles; 12 gauge shotgun; 22' rifle; pellet gun (PA.C.8 required'night of SEl)e);, large wooden tool chest • 1987 Cadillac Brougham FleetwOod car - .selling certified. 1988 Caravan LE •-• one ,owner, Florida car with 90000 km.,- selling certified; 1989 GMC Pickup Truck - •autio/ps/pb, AM/FM cassette - selling certified. 1995 Polaris. Indy Lite SnoWmobile - in excellent condition, ,approx. k200 ren.• ,Vehicles will pe offered for sale,af approx. 700 p.m. Many other interesting Items. Flan to attend. • Listing stibiect to change without notice,. TERMS: Cath/cheque with proper ID, night or sale, AUCTIONEERS: • GRANT IL McDONALD -Ripley-,• (519) 395-5353 WALLACE• BALLAGH Teeswater - (519)3924170 39.Educattional BE A SUCCESSFUL • WRITER... with our great honre-study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. Writing Sehool, 38 McArthur , Avenue, Pulte 2983; Pttawa, ON K1L 6Cl2.-- 07bc ,• • , COUNSELLOR TRAINING institute of Canada Offers on -campus and correspon- Clence Course°. toward Diploma in Counselling Practice to begin this 39.Educationat 1,,E.AR4 AUCIIONEfilHO. • Classes treld April 10-24, '90. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot at Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Qntario N4S 7V9. 1-688- 866-7355:-.074o • • 42. Obituadell • GORDON LEStIE RINTOUL Gordon Leslie Rintoya, passed away at Wingham and District Hospital, Wingham on Fridey, Feb. 13„ 1998, at the age of 84. Mr. eardon Leslie Rintout of Lucknow and formerly of Whitechurch..Loving bus. band of the late Dereen Purdon who predeceased him in 1990. Beloved father of Gayle allot. Brad Spoken of 13R, 3 BrusSelS, Leroy and Lila Rantoul of ,R.R: 2, Lucknow, and Brian Rintoul and Trudy Thomson of R,R. 3, Wingham. Also survived, by his 1:laUg hter-in-law Barbara Rintoul of R.R. Lucknow, his, sister Euphemia Cameron of Lucknow, 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. • Predeceased by his son Gary (1984), grandson Kevin (1994), sisters • Margaret, Luella, and .Freda, and brothers Jack and William. Visitation was held at .ths, NIclaurney. Funeral Home, VVingham on Sunday 'with funeral ser- vices on' Feb. 14 at the funeral home. 'Rev. JOhn. Neilson officiated. interment Winghamirt Cemetery, turnberry Township. Memorial donations' to Canadian Cancer Soeiety or the Heart -and Stroke Foindatlen of Ontario•wOuld be appreciated aS •eXpres- sions of sympathy. -07ar 43. -Births ENDRESEN Keith and Shawna-Raye, of, Edmonton, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Liam James, born • February 1, 1998 Weighing 9 lbs, 1.5 oz. Proud grand- parents are Earle and Helen • Endreien of White Rock, I3.C. and , Kathleen MacDonald'and her late husband, Captain 'James a , e n, N.B.,Watching over Liam frorn .heaven are great grandparents Raymond and. Patricia Dalton, and Peter and7Margaret Nlacponald...- 0 • KHAEMER (JOHNSTON) Jim and Michelle, and big brothers Dylan and Tyler are proud to introduce Shea Ali born on January 6, 1998 hing 7 !be., 13 oz. vsyteri.egtiord • General pital Proud grandpar- ents' are Brien, and Lindda rcha d a Johnston' hea is a Frances Kraerrier, S merati,.'Freo. Catalogue,caII new -gee at '••grandson for Lucknow Home Hardware 241irs,' 1•800.-5657044 Joyce Johnstone andr Moir .„ 1 400 • IMersorlors wst,Fitgo HAcart in loving memory of a dear father Wilfred'ileicl Hackett, who passed away febniary 19, 1995. You are never more than a thoughtaway Ouietly, remembered in every way, No need for words., except • to say, - We miss you dad everydaY- 4Im andCathy, -07x SHACkLETON • In memory Lind,ean WiHiam Shackleton who • passed away, Tuesday, February 23, 1971. ••'Beautify' memories. are alt We have left,. • Of him we love so dearly. His loVely smile and :happy face, • A broken link we can never , replace, • • The sadness of parting,. no one can tell, •$o suddenly „on earth the . sorrow fell, 'Memories we treasure no •• one can steal, Death leaves a heartache only God can heal. Lovingly remembered by Morn and Dad, Carol and AMn,.eeraid and Sheila, • Valerie and. Bill. --07 • . GREIG Itt loving memory of a hus- band,' father and grandfa- ther Qewayne who passed away, three years ago. February 24, 1995. ' His memory is our, keep- • sake With which we will never ;God has him in Hie keeping , We have hirrrin our heart. • Lovingiy remembered,• . never to be forgotten by . yearWite Marlene.--Q7ar. • GREIG •• 1 I ving mem* of:a father and "grand/ether De'wayne who pissed away, 3 years ago February:24, 1995. 1 sit and wonder and .ask why, • My dadwat taken : e blink of an oYa • . What wordsof advise '• lfhe knew weigeod bye. Iflhada pro ern • • I knew what Vida • I'd go to my dad To heir) think it through you plot Anci will never forget . • For yea did owe . The biggest debt The Wart stillfall To stop them I'Ve tried 01• had one wish , • , My Dad. wouldn't die, ' Loved and Missed always • Ryan, Debbie and Teresa and families, -Oar: artd Lyda ScirtrItz. --07x voucher. --07ar °7b(3' P B:LIC *tact 4Egtot4 .LLYER Put yekkies 10 thew 01",1 , • 40. In leniorlarro Dewar,: A:son who In loving memory ot sPhaa;ded a!Na yi• February 24, Your life with us was far,too 1995. • You still .had much te do. All those wishes, plana and dreams Were -such a part of you. You lived life for tomorrow But tomorrow never came So we hold onto yesterday Where sweet memories remain. • Lovingly remembered by mother, sisters Fern and Ralph and family, and Vyrl and Marvin: and family. ,07 47. Cards of Thank* • IRIAN •1 would like to thank every- • one for the visits and part foflowing my surgery in University Hospital arid' .since' coming hemoi -07x ' COURTNEY Joe and Teresa wiskto sin- • cerely tharik their tangly for the anniversary dinner and • birthday celebrations held at • J.J"s Fireside Cafe and the • surprise party at their home attended by relatives and friends. Many thanks for gifts, cards and food, espe- cially the John Deere "80" • cake, -07nxe CONLEY •• l'would like to thank all my, . farrely for the lovely surprise party and meal. To all my •• friends and relatives who came to make my day spe- cial, for all- the gifts I received it vvaS•all greatly appreciated. RUth..--07 48. Coming • Events • Columbus, every Thursday, Goderich":11°ighls of 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court; $4400, in prizes'," progresaiVe jack- pot $1000.; regular jackpot $1500 must 'go. Superstar Provincial game played • every Thursday night. .Lic. #157920. FIRST Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson' s Court, $500. Mini Jackpot, $1500 Jackpot. #T30110a815P6r._oiza7stia$r4700 CROKII/IOLE TOURNAMENT Huron County Museum, 110 • North st,, GOderich, • .• • SatUrday, March 7, 1 pm. • Fingers only. Registration 'of -$5 by March 1 to, Ivan Mcelymont, R.R."1 Varna, NOM 2130 ,or phone 233 3214. Entries limited. '--07cc • OLD FASHIONED • COUNTRY MEALS • Enjoy old fashion meals at the Kinloss Community Centre between 4 and 6 p.rn. On Feb: 22, Mar. 8, Mar. 22, and • April 5. Everyone arelcorrie,- -- 06,07c0