The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-18, Page 4rage 4 LAOkaaw Sent414> ednei d , Feh>rutary 18,11998' iChanges Sentinel of !headdress s r ers for subscriptions. (tore. tio�rs idp tsdeliverabte copes (return postage guaranteed). are to be sent to The i uGknow of address, orders fPr'subsCriptiat4s, and u: eceepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error. the por- tion. of the advertising space coupled by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance i'or signature, will not be charged for, but the baianee•ot•the advertisement will be paidat the applicable rates. .• di< owes•Publisbers,Conuanntty Newspaper 6IS Canapben $L i uek,now. JOritarto P.O. Box 400, Ludo -low, Qntatio NW 2H0 phone: 1519) 528-2822 fax: t5.191.528-$529 0 established. is Tom Thompson A.0ertis%' cr . Pat Livingston – General Manager Editor 101,10 ."'" Phyllis Matthews Helm,– O#lce MininIstrat>~ar Joan Courtney .w '1<"1►pei etE+c ubseription• Rates'.. advance; Regular 0L66 (iltCl, postage and' Q.S T) : Senior LJ $23.62 (ind< postage and 04T.) Foreign eg LJSA $98.00.. Publications Mail Registration No: 0765•_ held at Ooderich. Ontario, Published 52 times a year , • Interne( addreasa help:// A•wtW.boweinet.cornikacknow/ -matt: letrkyent@buror:te}.ori.ca 'Elmer' and Rambler same age The headline states the Pact, but really 'Elmer'is a few days older then this scribe. The Elmer I refer to is Elinor the Safety Elephant who, since his 'birth', hasbecome a much-lovedsymbol of safety for all ourschool children. If you're trying to figure out how old we are, here's some clues: we were bora.' two years prior to Newfoundland joining Confederation; we weree born in, the year Canadian food rationing ended, and Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose flew for the first ,and last time, And that's all Fm 'telling you!' Elmei's friends say he "shows no sign of developing a mid-life crisis, Im°not giving my friends the opportunity to comment on this point. And he's busier today than when he was developed' by Toronto Police inspector Vern Page. Page was responding to community concerns over the increase. in. traffic accidents involving children. Ebner became a household nanne with the sponsor- You asked.... After reviewing 'the replies to our recent read- ership survey, I thought 1, .would use a little space each; week.to explain some of the ins and outs of ,this business. .One of. the ;most com- mon comments ;was the smallness of the Sentinel, as in the number cif pages in each issue. The Sentinelis a busi- ness with overhead costs, etc„ the same as any other business. The a .mount of news available in any -One week does'.not. determine the; number of pages we can run in the, Sentinel. "Th& detertnining<': factor is the amount • of advertising each week. Therefore, if advertising is heavier, the Sentinel will •have more pages It is' quite common -in weekly newspapers; dui ing the months of January, and yes; .•sometirnes February; to •have • fewer Pages. • ' We dislikeit as much' as you do, however, as I started out with..,. we are:: -a business. • • • ship of the old Tivonto Telegram news- paper. Elmer.is actually modeled after a similar program, in•Detroit. But he's not a 'clone; The OSL, says that after the firs year of ` the program in Toronto — way back when -- "The accident toll: among Toronto school children decreased 44 per cent while .motor vehicle registration in. the city .increased, As word of the successful program spread, other Ontario communities want- ed to participate, The Ontario Safety league was authorized -to run the pro- gram in areas outside of Toronto, Elmer became sofamous that other provinces also wanted a.• piece of the • helpfullittle elephant. ` In 1998, Elmer is _still going- strong.. His seven rules are translated. into .seven languages and: he is kept busy making personal appearances all over the province. . . . • • Front me to ' you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELMER!. XOXOX. 'The Rambler. Just rewards - Many will be shocked to find When the day of judgement nears- -' That there's,, a special -place in Heaven. . .•Set aside for volunteers. • • Furnished with big recliners, Satin couches: -and footstools; Where there's no committee chairman, . No group leaders or car pools; • No eager team that needs, a coach, No bazaar andno bake sale, There will be nothing thereto staple, -Not one thing to fold or mail; • Telephpne lists will be outlawed'; But a'frnger.snap will bring Cdol drinks and•gourinet•dinners, and rare treats' fit for a king, ff You ask, who'll 'serve these privileged few and work for all they're worth? Why, all•thosewho reaped the benefits • and NOT ONCE voltinteered on earth.. (author rinknown): These junior students at LOPS advanced from - classroom level to the gym to presbnt their speeches last week. Front row students, Stephanie Morrison,' Shea Hamilton, and Hamish Black, placed first; second and third' respectively. Stephanie and Shea win give their: speeches on Feb, 20 at the Legion.°Other stu- dents were; centre row:. Brittany Ackert,Julie Hamilton, Melissa Taylor and Angie Bell; back. row: Darius Mali, James Mann, and Lacey Murray. (Livingston photo) Connect the dots .6a.,: • S6 s%tart ss .' as •`' •Here • . ,ice .4. . •. 7: 'it 10. 17 14 1M 16; , r. 63'. X32 300 ..;• .28.,• . .6 27�. . • ie 24 .20 ir 50 years ago .Feb.1.9- 194g ast cut hydro consumption • Village;and rural hydro users under the Luck.now ..Hydro. Electric system, must curtail the prem' sent consury,ption of ;hydro by about 30 per cent.. There •seems little likelihood that this saving can be voluntarily accomplished and • It . wouldseeim ifevitable°that the village and rural users locally will l subject to periodic daily hydro interrut tions . ; p. The situation's stated to be;due to'a lack of rain in Quebec;'last fall, thatrs now forcng two Quebec Bower companies, to cut their delivery of power tinder the. contracts by a fotal of $ million kilowatt hours per week, ; Apity ,license Rivers. ale Hotel has applied for a license for men's and women's bev • 0 yeairsago' Feb.117;.1988 . ounclf news :- Village landowners were:.hav - rng trouble .controlling : the f ltiw• of .snowmo- oilers across their' land.• Somethings .never chane - it was. just this wrnter that .villag' e 1 ndowners complained to .council about n p the sa• erage rooms. The hotel has not been operated as such for several years 20 years. ago Feb18, 1978 rrr�rval `The;::Lucknow Figure Skating. Club divas preparing for "Yee Review". Some of the `junior star skaters were Julie Nicholson as the • big bad wolfe,in."The Three Little Pigs"; Michael Barger as Mickey. Molise, and Jim Wright as Tigger in "Winnie the Pooh .Literary winners - Winners: of :the. Royal Canadian.Leg ion Zone Essay and Poem contest were' ,'Elizabeth Black of Lucknow+ Central Public School second prize for essay,. and Judy 'Ward, of L,ucknow • Central, second prize for poem. me problem '1(a •T5h:eacv" t s, -ogfe was e . x rc*s)ng its: option tao purehas e: CNRland -:with i dividu is" with art interest welcome to purchaSe various portions.: The reunion committee; for Celebrate rn 118_00 some tun at the • mushball'tournam"ent. Clothed iri white long jOhns with hand -lettering, the "athletes procla ' led:loud and clear that tun: things were about: to happen at the reunion:"