The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-02-04, Page 6rage 6 Y , LueknOW Ste atineL Wednesday, February 4, 1998 • atcpayers Show us your moues! bounce climb Iles fly .flow c lice lump. tenp:;cedat f?iith propel: bush ►olt. run swine ,lis tumble twill+IR t.'UCKNC W KINSMEN'S .. Vm ANNUAL. MUSH ALL TOURNAMENT.. and • DANCE '..Saturday. February i.41h,1 8 • at,the Lucknow • Community Centre - 12•30 p.m. (sharp) 5:v0.p,m. NEW GAMEand •possible Qther even#s weather.permitting ALL TEAMS .MUST hIAVE• 5 MEN & 5'1NOMEN- EntryFee:•$5.QO•-per - • person, dance irlcitaded: DANCE. Lucknow, Community centre -9. p.m. - 1am. Music by: D.JP Dance. $5.00 per person non -players No minors,admitted to dance. Age..of Majority` only • All proceeds to Coimmunity Projects. • - CONTACT: Wayne McDonagh If•you haire, a tean>t as soon as possible. pose Oxce8sive assessments on drain work The issue of: excessive the three ;ratepayers` costs, Engineering Services to to the palragraph five ,of assessments for maitre- • . were substantial due to the prepare a. new' report for the preamble ,nance completed last fall large benefit assessment the VanDiepenbeekd rairl, Notice of Mil support on the VanDiepenbeek allotted to their properties **** will be forwarded tl to the drain carne up for discus- ' in the 1964 '. Connell appropriate• ministers, sion at Ashfield report and IN ' bastrcce.19 1, Premier Mille ##orris and from the ****' ,?ell. Township of G Alt Township's council meet- that • these ing on Jan, 20, when Peter assessments, Van. Diepenbeek, John ' could not•be !Calk and Mike Courtney 'changed with- were ith re orcin elf were in attendance. out a..new report beingg to the South Loekn'o p p concern. with the constant- Waterworks has been Deputy Reeve Art done. nation .of 1akeshore waters tabled pending council Simpson chaired this pox The option of obtaining by e -coli bacteria, and obtaining written consent don of.the meeting as a new engineers report requesting the province to from thte village of Reeve. Ben Van. was discussed and it was carry4 gout a -thorough Lucknow in accordance '` Diepenbeek declared a explained that the cost of investigation of the matter, with the waterworks .pecuniary interest with. the new report would be as well as emvidinf initi.a- agreement between the respect to the drain spread over the 'entire tives to efffective y tlea•l+ two rnuficipalities, ,cleanout regarding Peter, watershed wtth''�o grant ,with the issue. ****' ' cies reSollitiorl "igloo Johns, I ureal pap? Co fl o r tli.e re4 ons request to — have his residence added •C ouncil, gave. support to the nese prion with. the= melt. In the end, a motion was „ session to discuss Legal ' Cou. tnmii ,explained that Farmed to request Maitland dd't' flak h tic Systems being. added.. Van Piepenbeek's assess -available. •h l council mei in 'closed a i ran o es qte see- • and personnel issues. x 1 pay $55,000 in patronage Lucknow District Co- • of over $450,000, , Winghar, Steve Andrew rural people with fuel, fer- operative Incorporated Additionally, , GROW- of Lticknow, James $, , tiiizer, consumer products, will pay $55,000 in MARK, Inc., a regional Farrell of Ripley.and flank feed, and crop protection patronage payments to' supply coop owned by Koskamp of Ripley, products and servicess, members in February. Lucknow Co-op and other , Earlier this 111o11th, the ,Lucknow Co-op is a, mem- "Member support has co-ops in Ontario, Illinois, board of directors :elected ber of the GROWMARK always been a great asset Iowa and Wisconsin, Brian Yon, 'Osch 'af System of co-operatives. to our Co-op, and to show issued the co-op a patron- Luckngw aspresident to , - their appteciation, the age return of over replace Orant•Gilchrist DID ouKNOW" board' of directors voted, $100,000. .who retired from the this year to pay a patron- Each member's rebate board 1 ev McNay sofOntario March of Dimes is age," said Grant Gilchrist,. ' will be based on his or het; Lucknow and Terry, Zinn a charitable not-for-profit retiring president; in his total purchases at the,Co- of'I.ucknow were also organization, founded in report to members' at last: op in its' 19,97 business elected vice. president and `19 1 ie. tonne research to month's annual meeting. year, says General secretary, respectively halt the: spread of. The total sales of the Manager Aalan Scott. This` •Also on the board are mel llo S� Mothers co-operative exceeded;' is'the first time a cash Ritchie and"Fred Phillips fearing for thea childrei's. $7,2 million, an increase patronage has been both of Lucknow health marched in comma- declared'to our members Lucknow Co-op was nines for dimes. Their in many years, says'scott. formed in 1944 and is navy nitles,,helped.fund the Members also.electgd owned by 845 members. , researca;of Dr. Jonas Salk• four directors for three -From locations in resea he of of year terms. Newly,elected Lucknow and,• Ripley, it the Salk vacvino: are Neil Vincent of provides area farmers arid e Attend a Royal Mutual • Funds Seminar and make sure your RSP investment strategy, is On:track. Feb. 11%9$ Governor's Inn, Kincardine 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 12/98 Ripley -Huron Community Centre - 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.: Speaker: Rhonda Macpherson - Royal Mutual Funds Inc.. RSVP: 396-3481 •. 395-3101 r► Y, ROYAL MUTUAL il"I;1tVDS. Member of Royai.'Bank' Financial Group• Royal Mutest Funds are sold by Royal Metusi Funds lnc,, a member of Royal Bank Financial Group, lmportant'infurmstian *tial the mutuel funds is contained in the fimptified pro$paptus, copes of which are available at any branch of Royal Sank Or Royal Trust andwhich should be read ' carefully before investing. Iona values end investment returns wilt fluctuate. • The Corporation Of The Township ofAshfield NOTICE OF, THE PROPOSED, STOPPiN:G UP, CLOSING AND SELLiNG OF MUNICIPAL ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 28 AND. 29, FRONT CONCESSION, NTP, TOWNSHIP OF ASHFiELD. , NOTICE ishereby givenpursuant; to Section 300(1) of the. MunicipalAct, RSO 1990, Chapter M45, that the Township of Ashfield,in the County of, Huron, proposes to pass`a by-law to stop up, close and sell a road allowance'. between Lots 28 and 29, Front Concession,' NTP, referred to as. Parts 1 and`;2 on Reference -Plan 22R-4165: deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry DiviSion of; Huron The;.parcels inquestion are` approximately 8.4 acres and 2.5 acres. The proposed Plan, .By -taw and Description ;showing the lands affected' may be viewed at the, M'unicipal Office, County. Road 20, Lot 5, Concession 9 E.D. Ashfield: Township.. On Tuesday, February 17t1, 1998 at 7.30 p m in the Council Municipal Building, County' Road 20, Lot 5, Concession .9 ED., Council' of the Corporation of the ,Township of Ashfield ;.will hear in.person,•.or by counsel:, solicitor or agent, any person+ -who claimshisor her land will be prejudiciallyaffected by the. said By-law and who applies' to be heard. Any personwho wishes to be heard should,' as soon as possible, make application to: Lindell Andrew; 'A.M C,T, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Ashfield R.R. .e7 Lucknow,'Ontario NOG 21110 (519) 529--7383,. ,e,rtne,1 Birthday Club John;Elphick February 4, 1989 9Years Old Laura McNaughton ' February 4, 1987 11 Years Old: Quinten Shiels February 6; 1992 6Years Old Ashton Charnney February 7, 1987 ' 11 Years Old'- " ' Angela Sonde . February 7. 1989 9 Years Old Kara Hendriks February 70994 , 4Years Old • ,loceiyn • Huber February 7, 1989 9 Year$ Old' Ainslee Hackett February 3, 1989 9Years Old • Matthew Greer February 8, 1992 6 Years Old' Nathan, Farrish February 1p,1993 5• Years Old